Title: Quality Time
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill <http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill> Anyone
else, just ask
Rating: PG 13 <language etc.>
Pairing: Willow/Angel; Spike/Xander
Feedback would be very nice.
This is because two of my favorite people requested the same thing within
hours from each other. Guess it was fate? I'm sure it will be awful and the
only time I ever attempt this pairing. You can blame them Giggle
Set summer after Season 4.
To Kylia and Saber. Sorry this sucks..... :/ but hey, I tried. :)


Willow watched Xander and Spike and smiled. Watching them had become a rather
entertaining past time over the last few months. Ever since they had called
her over and confessed their relationship to her that night more than three
months before. Buffy was still in an oblivious cloud, not seeing or not
wanting to see that one of her best friends was fucking her old enemy. Willow
was actually envious of them. She wasn't sure if they were in love. In fact,
she doubted if they even knew. For now, they were content hanging out and
having sex. She couldn't really complain. They always included her in their
nights out, knowing she was always home alone. It usually wasn't that bad,
but seeing her friends in their happy relationship just stressed to her how
alone she truly was. They got to go home together while she got to go home to
an empty house. A house she had moved back into after Buffy had moved into an
off campus apartment with Riley after school was let out.

"What?" Xander demanded, seeing the small smile on his best friend's mouth.
He glanced at Spike, still shocked that he was involved with Spike, of all
people. He couldn't even explain it himself. But, he cared about Spike and
knew the vampire cared about him too. For now, that was enough. "Do I have
something on my face?"

Spike shrugged, "Don't see anything, pet. Maybe she's daft?"

"Hey, Blondie. Watch it" she said, throwing the pillow at him.

"Nope, she's alive" he said, grinning at the redhead. Out of the entire
group, she was the only one besides Xander that he liked. He had been
watching her the last few weeks. She seemed so melancholy...almost brooding.
That's what had given him the idea. If it didn't work, she was going to kill
him. He glanced at his lover and smiled. Them, he amended. Xander was in on
this plan too.

"I was just thinking that you two match, as odd as it seems." Willow said,
smiling. "I'm also a bit jealous, if I'm honest with myself."

"Jealous? Of us?" Xander laughed. He winked at Spike,"Sure thing Wills. Every
growing human on the Hellmouth needs their own vampire cuddle bunny."

"Every growing human?" Willow said, laughing at that mental image.

"Cuddle bunny?" Spike repeated dryly. He raised an eyebrow at Xander, "Is
that all I am to you?"

"Spike" Xander started, seeing the humor in Spike's eyes. "Yep. My own
personal cuddle bunny. Sorry, Will. I don't share."

"That's ok. I don't know if I'd know what to do with a cuddle bunny anyway"
Willow said, sighing.

"Honey, if you had your own vampire, he'd be sure to show you what to do"
Spike said, winking at the pretty girl.

"You're incorrigible" she said, laughing.

"And you love me anyway" Spike said, getting up and kissing her cheek on his
way into the kitchen. "Want a soda, hon?"

"Sure" Xander called to him. "Willow?"

"Sounds great, hon" Willow said, laughing as Xander rolled his eyes.

"Will" Xander leaned forward and whispered, "Am I nuts?"

"You're asking me?" she said, giggling.

"I'm serious" he hissed. "I think I might be in love with Spike. That makes
me weird, doesn't it?"

"No. Forget about everyone else and what you think they'll say. This is your
life" Willow said, squeezing his hand. "Does this mean I get to be best man?"

"Oh, you" Xander said, laughing as she broke the tense moment. In all
honestly, he didn't know if it was love. He had just wanted to make sure that
Willow would be ok with it if it did turn out to be serious. He should have
known better. She'd stand by them no matter. "You know, you should take your
own advice."

"What?" she asked, looking curious.

"I know about you and Angel" he said softly, watching her face whiten.

"Drop it" she said, looking at the television and ignoring him.

He looked up as Spike came back into the room, his mug of blood in one hand
and the two cans of soda in the other. He glanced at Willow, who had turned
her shoulder on Xander and looked questioningly at his lover. "Got frosty in

"Shh" Xander said, knowing he had pushed his best friend. She wasn't ready to
talk yet. Who was he to force the issue? Spike sat down, setting Willow's
soda on the table beside her. He leaned back, his arm going on the sofa
around Xander's shoulders. He could hear to the racing of Willow's heart. He
sighed, watching the television as things remained quiet, his fingers
brushing through Xander's thick dark hair.
