Title: Quality Time
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill <http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill> Anyone
else, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angel; Spike/Xander
Feedback is like oxygen, I need it to survive
For Saber and Kylia because they made the darn challenge :)


"Will, talk to me" Xander said, his dark eyes begging. She had been ignoring
him for the past few hours. Ever since he had brought Angel's name up. He
sighed, looking at Spike. "She's ignoring me."

"I can see that, luv" Spike said, amusement flashing in his eyes. "Do I want
to know what you said to her?"

Willow stiffened, glaring at them but remaining silent. She couldn't believe
Xander had wanted her to discuss Angel. She was trying to forget the handsome
vampire. Why would she talk about him with her best friends if she were
trying to forget? And he had said it said so nonchalantly, as if it were no
huge deal. Her eyes narrowed as she wondered what exactly he knew about her
and Angel and how he had found it out. She knew for sure Angel hadn't said a
word. He'd run back to LA as soon as he had the chance. She glowered even
more darkly as her mood became worse.

"I told her I knew about her and the Poof" Xander said, sighing sadly.

"Bloody hell, babe" Spike said, groaning. "That was right stupid."

"I know that now" Xander said, rolling his eyes. He glanced at Willow and saw
her lips quirk slightly. She was doing her best to ignore them but he could
tell she was listening. He felt bad for ruining the mood, having no idea
mentioning Angel would cause her to become so upset. "Where were you when I
stuck my foot in my mouth?"

"Your foot wouldn't even fill your mouth," Willow said darkly, glowering at
him so he knew she was mad.

"OW" Xander said, grabbing his chest and moaning. "That one hurt Willow. But,
at least you're speaking to me again."

"Am not" Willow said, her lower lip thrusting out as she looked away from

"I understand, luv" Spike said sadly. "Thinking of Peaches makes me ill too.
Can't believe the moron would even speak about him."

"Not ill not to shag him....repeatedly" Xander reminded sweetly.

"Bloody fucking hell. That was eighty years ago" Spike said, growling. "Don't
see me constantly bringing up the bitch slayer or that ex-demon. At least
Peaches was better than either of them."

"I agree. I'd do him" Xander said, winking at Spike who sighed loudly.

"Excuse me!" Willow said, rolling her eyes. "I thought this was about me, not
you. Who cares if you'd do him. I did do him! It wasn't something I'd write
home about."

Spike raised an eyebrow, "Aw, pet. You're fibbing. I've been there. Peaches
might be a broody arrogant bastard but he was one of the best lovers I've
ever had. Always so eager to please. Tender caresses and lustful looks."

Willow felt heat spreading over her at his words, remembering that weekend
with Angel. She stood, flustered. "I better go. You two are driving me crazy."

"Not yet" Xander yelped, glancing at Spike with worry. It wasn't time for her
to leave yet. "I'm sorry Willow. We were crude asses for bringing up that
brooding bastard. Please stay?"

"Whatever" Willow relented, knowing she would just be going home to an empty
apartment. She sat back down, turning her attention to the television.

Another hour past as Spike laid against Xander, nestled between the human's
legs as they laid on the couch. He felt Xander's warm fingers on his collar
bone, soothing him as they lay watching cartoons. He sniffed the air,
smelling the familiar scent. He nudged Xander, letting the youth know that it
was time. Xander chuckled softly, the sound causing his cock to harden as he
remembered where he usually heard the noise. He glared at his lover as he
adjusted his position, waiting for the inevitable. Finally, there was a knock
on the door. He looked at Willow who was staring at it with curiosity. "Red,
would you get that? I'm rather comfortable here."

"Who the hell could it be?" Willow grumbled, walking barefoot to the outside
door. She opened it, freezing as she stood looking at the surprised man,
knowing that she must have a similar look on her own face. "Angel?"
