Title: Quality Time
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill <http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill> Anyone
else, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angel; Xander/Spike
Feedback is like oxygen, I need it to survive
For Saber and Kylia for challenging me. Sigh....it's finished. :)


"Willow?" Angel said softly, memories of the redhead flashing vividly through
his mind.

"I'm going to kill them!" She said, turning to glare at two rather triumphant
looking men sitting on the sofa. "You miserable bastards." She pushed past a
stunned Angel, running barefoot into the night.

"Fuck" Xander cursed, running a hand through his hair.

Spike looked at his sire, wondering why he had ever once considered the man
intelligent. "Well, go after her you idiot!"

"What?" Angel asked, coming out of his mental fog. He saw the irritation on
his childe's face and frowned, "Why are you interferring?"

"Why do I get stuck with the morons?" Spike asked the air, glaring at Xander
as his lover hit him. "Do you love her, Peaches?"

"I.." Angel shook his head. "I can't love her."

"Can't or won't?" Xander demanded, beginning to wonder if this was a mistake.

"Spike" Angel growled, "Keep a leash on your pet."

Spike snorted, "Not bloody likely. He's almost as stubborn as Red. Red who is
currently running in the dark streets alone with no shoes on, a perfect meal
for whichever vampire happens to wander by....."

"That was very good" Xander said, looking at the now empty doorway. He
sighed, watching Scooby Doo. "You think he loves her?"

"He's here isn't he?" Spike asked, frowning at the cartoon. "This is so
bloody stupid. Why wouldn't they wonder why their damn dog could talk if
they're so busy investigating these dumb mysteries?"

"It's a cartoon, hon" Xander said patiently, knowing it was going to be a
long night as Spike continued to analyze the cartoon.


"Willow! God damn it, wait up!" Angel demanded, running to catch up with the

"Why?" Willow asked, turning to glare at him. "So you can run back to LA and
leave me again?"

"I..." he paused, not sure what he could say.

"What?" she asked, her eyes spitting fire. She felt her lips quivering as she
faced him. It had been two months since he had returned to Sunnydale, picking
up a book from Giles. She had run into him, spending the evening talking with
him. They had so much in common and it was the first time they had really
spoken. She had ended the night in his bed, spending the rest of the weekend
with him, thanking the spell she had used for restoring his soul because it
lacked the happiness clause. She had woken late Sunday night with the bed
empty. Not hearing from him until she saw him that night. "You didn't even
say good bye."

"I couldn't" he said softly. He looked into her eyes, "I was scared."

"Yeah right" she laughed harshly. "I really inspire fear in men."

"You do. Everytime you looked at me with those big green eyes, so full of
love and trust....I just wanted to hold you and not let go. I'm so wrong for
you Willow. I had to walk away."

"What gives you the right?" she asked, moving towards him and hitting him
hard. "What if I want what's bad for me? Huh, mister?"

He saw the same look in her eyes that had been there that night. He felt hope
building in him as he brushed a lock of hair from her face. "Guess I couldn't
stop you, could I?"

"Nope" she said, shaking her head, bringing her hand to lay on top of his.
She saw his eyes darken as she licked her lips, standing up to brush her lips
against his. She felt his hand move behind her as he pulled her into him,
deepening the kiss as she moved into his arms. She was finally where she
belonged, she realized, feeling his tongue claim her mouth. She'd have to
thank Xander and Spike....after she killed them of course. She smiled,
snuggling closer against Angel as they continued to kiss tenderly.

*********THE END***************
