Title: Que Sera, Sera
               Author: Inell
               Email: Inell@a...
               Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
               Distribution: Kiss or Kill <http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill> Anyone
               that has permission, take. Otherwise, just ask
               Rating: R
               Feedback would help me feel missed.....:)

               QUE SERA, SERA (12/?)

               "I can't believe you did that," Wesley mumbled again, shaking his head.

               "What?" Faith said, her tone defensive. "Don't even think about blaming me
               for this."

               "Who else would you have me blame?" Wesley asked, rubbing his temples.

               "That asshole Bridges," Faith said, spitting out his name.

               "No, I am thinking that this one was you," Wesley said, rolling his eyes.

               "Oh, just shut up," she said, not wanting to admit that it was her fault.

               "I can't believe you did that," he said again.

               "You've already said that," she said through clenched teeth, glaring at him.

               "Well, I can't," he said, having to ask, "Why?"

               "He asked!" she said, stopping in the street and glaring full force at her
               watcher. To think she had considered this prissy little prick attractive just
               that morning.

               "It was meant as a joke," Wesley said, leaning against the building. "Did you
               not understand that?"

               "Fuck you," she said, smiling as he closed his eyes briefly.

               "Faith, when the head of the watcher council asks an entire room full of
               watchers and slayers if anyone is ready to leave yet, you are not, I repeat
               NOT supposed to raise your hand and tell him that 'he is the most boring
               person you've ever met and his monotone whining is putting you to sleep'. I
               mean, did you not think for a moment that maybe, just maybe, he would not
               find that a compliment?" Wesley asked, trying not to smile as he remembered
               the expression on Mr. Bridges face at Faith's lazily spoken words.

               "He shouldn't have asked if he didn't want the truth," Faith said, shifting
               uncomfortably under Wesley's gaze. "I was just being honest."

               "Dear child, there are times for honesty. This was not one of them," Wesley
               said, sighing.

               "Well, at least I stayed! I mean, your precious Buffy is on a plane right now
               headed back to Sunnydale and I don't hear you whining about that!" Faith said.

               "Jamie had to get home. I knew that Buffy had no interest in being here so I
               was not upset with her behavior," Wesley explained.

               "Yeah, right. Whatever. And the Princess gets away with something else,"
               Faith said.

               "Let's just find this book store, get this manuscript for Bridges and forget
               about today," Wesley said, glancing at the scrap of paper he had been handed
               as Bridges had announced to the entire council that Wesley and his slayer had
               just volunteered to retrieve some needed documents for him. They had been
               sent away at that moment. Wesley would never admit it, but he was thrilled to
               not have to sit those boring lectures anymore. He understood why Giles had
               stayed home. This was worse than he had feared. After his experiences with
               Sunnydale, everything he was hearing was bullshit, to put it bluntly. But,
               now he was stuck trying to get this book for Bridges before he slowly eased
               his and Faith's presence away from the council, the sooner the better.

               "Fine," she said, glancing at the street. She hated to admit that she was
               thrilled to not be sitting there listening to that boring Bridges anymore.
               Walking around Rome with Wesley..well, there could be worse things. Of
               course, he was ticked at her. She had been trying so hard to be nice to all
               his associates. And then she had ruined it by speaking up when she should
               have just shut up and gone to sleep. Oh well, it was done. They could find
               this book and maybe Wesley wouldn't make her go back. She could hope.
