Title: Que Sera Sera
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill <http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill> Anyone
else that has permission, take. Otherwise, just ask.
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angel


"What's up?" Faith asked as she entered the sitting room, a large grin on her
pretty face. She flopped on the couch, her feet going up on top of the table.

"Where have you been?" Cordelia asked, snuggling closer to Xander on the love
seat and looking at the slayer with a pointed look.

"Um, yes, well, we had a slight problem arise in the retrieval of that book,"
Wesley said as he sat down in the arm chair. He glanced at Faith and winked
at her, watching as she smiled.

"For almost two days?" Xander asked, glancing between the watcher and slayer
and slowly smiling. "Uh oh, someone got lucky!"

"Xander!" Faith shrieked, laughing despite the slight blush crossing her
cheeks. She cursed her light skin, knowing that her embarassment must be
obvious. It was rather difficult to act cool and mature while blushing. "We
were on official council business, tracking a rare and antique book."

"Did you find it?" Cordelia asked, smiling as she saw the two glancing at
each other with familiar tender glances.

"Yes," Wesley said, snorting as he rolled his eyes. "It appears that the
entire thing was devised as a test of sorts from the council."

"There was never any book," Faith said, groaning. "I mean, there was a book,
but it was never missing. We spent so many hours tracking something that was
at the council's office the entire time. Just some stupid test to see how
well we worked together and all this shit. They even hired some vamps for us
to have to fight. Stupid ass pricks."

"Well, there was something good that came from it all," Wesley said with a
small smile as he took Faith's hand and squeezed it.

"Oh yeah, see! I knew there was some sparkage there," Xander gloated
receiving a hit from Cordelia. "Sorry, baby."

"So, what did you two wild and crazy kids get up to while we were on our wild
goose chase?" Faith asked, pulling Wesley onto the couch beside her. She
settled against him, pulling her feet up underneath her.

"Nothing much. Had dinner, went sightseeing, got engaged, went dancing,"
Cordelia said loftily, smiling as Faith screamed.


"Yep, she's finally making an honest man out of me," Xander said, beaming.

"Guess we aren't the only lucky ones," Wesley said, reacing over to shake
Xander's hand. "Congratulations, Harris. Cordelia."

"So, where's Red?" Faith asked, looking around with a scowl.

"I'm not really sure," Cordelia said, shrugging. "She and Angel left a few
days ago to give us some privacy, to enjoy the engagement glow."

"She and Angel huh?" Faith said, wriggling her eyebrows and giving them a
leer. "Wonder if Vampie got lucky too."

"From the way they've been heating up the room lately? I'd put my money on
yes," Cordelia said chuckling.

The group continued to talk for another hour, catching up on most of the
events over the past few days. Cordelia answered several questions concerning
the wedding while Faith answered questions about the council's hunt. They had
just decided to eat when they heard the door open and voices talking loudly,
laughing as they entered the room.

Willow smiled as she entered the room, Angel behind her with his arm moving
around her waist in a possessively hold. She looked at her friends, seeing
the casual embraces and her smile grew wider. She cocked her head slightly,
the mark on her neck clear for all to see, as she winked at Faith and
Cordelia, saying, "Hey guys. We're back."
