Title: Seize the Night
                Author: Inell
                Email: Inell13@w...
                Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
                Distribution: Usual Suspects
                Rating: R
                Feedback: Is my addiction
                Notes: Something new. Like I need a new one. Snicker. Something
                different too. Let me know if it is going ok.
                Notes2: Season 1. Early Season 1. My own verse sort of...you'll see.

                SEIZE THE NIGHT (1/?)

                Willow placed the flowers on the tombstone. She couldn't believe that
                Jesse was gone. Well, not really gone. He was a vampire. She sighed,
                resting her head on the cold surface of the marker. Not two weeks ago,
                she hadn't believed in vampires. The only ones she knew of were the
                hollywood version. The ones she had seen the last week had definitely
                not been attractive male stars in make up. They had been very real and
                very deadly.

                Her life had changed when she had met Buffy Summers. The beautiful
                blonde that had already stolen her best friend Xander's heart. The girl
                that actually wanted to be friends with her, Willow Rosenberg, queen of
                the geeks. Buffy had even given up a chance to befriend Cordelia to hang
                with them. The losers. Of course, Buffy wasn't the normal girl. She was
                a vampire slayer.

                Buffy had saved her from the same fate that had befallen Jesse. Poor
                Jesse. Become a vampire and then poof, dust. He really was gone now. Her
                childhood was over. She stirred, noticing the sun was beginning to set.
                It wouldn't do to be caught in the cemetary after dark. Not after what
                she had seen. She stood, dusting the dirt off her knees.

                Walking slowly, she became lost in her thoughts. She wasn't sure what
                was going to happen. Buffy had changed everything in her comfortable
                world. She knew nothing would ever be the same. She heard a noise behind
                her and turned, curiosity in her pretty green eyes.

                "Hello" a soft voice said.

                "Hi" Willow said, smiling. She didn't recognize this girl, but she
                seemed friendly enough.

                "I was wondering if you could help me find my father's grave."

                Willow glanced at the setting sun and then back at the girl. "Sure. It's
                going to be dark soon though. You don't want to be out here after dark."

                "Really? I love the night. It's the time I can live." The girl answered,
                a frown on her face.

                "Not around here....no living." Willow said, not wanting to say too
                much. "What's your Father's name?" She asked, moving underneath the tree
                closer to the girl.

                "Not really sure..." the girl said, a smile crossing her lips.

                "What? You don't know his name?" Willow said, feeling apprehensive.

                "I just call him Master" the blonde girl said, smiling as she grabbed
                Willow tightly.

                "Let me go!" Willow screamed, trying to pull free. The woman was strong.

                "Nuh uh" she said, smiling as her fangs elongated. "I like you...I can
                sense your power...."


                "Shh....it will be over soon...Then, you'll love the night too. We can
                hunt together and play together....the Master is going to love you.
                Seize the night, my Red. Oh, I've so wanted a daughter...."

                "Who are you?" Willow asked, her voice shaky. She hoped Buffy would come
                to patrol. Maybe she could keep this woman talking until the slayer
                saved her.

                "The name is Darla...but you can call me Mum" Darla said, sinking her
                teeth into the girl's neck. She drank steadily until the girl's
                heartbeat began to die. She slit her wrist, forcing her blood into the
                girl's open mouth. When she was sure it was time, she pulled away. She
                knelt, taking the girl into her arms. She smiled, brushing the red hair
                from the girl's pretty face.

                The girl intrigued her. She had been watching her since she had first
                come to town to meet her Master. Watching and waiting. Now, it was time
                to claim what was hers. She was bored and wanted a companion. This girl
                would be her equal if not stronger. She could see it in her eyes. So
                much untapped strength. A formidable match for the slayer. Darla kissed
                the girl's forehead as she waited for her to awaken. Sunnydale was
                already looking better. She finally had a daughter.
