Title: Seize the Night
Author: Inell
Email: Inell13@webtv.net
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Usual Suspects
Rating: R
Pairing: WA/S
Feedback: Will keep me writing. I have the entire day so if you want
fic, send feedback. :)
Notes: Season one. My own verse. Yes, I will be changing some history of
the show to match my own little world. :)
To Kylia who is already missed.


Angel smiled seductively as he moved forward. He had seen a brief flash
of uncertainty in her green eyes. He had forgotten for a moment that she
was a virgin. She had chosen him as her first. His cock throbbed even
more at that knowledge. He would teach her everything she needed to know
about passion, pleasure and pain. He let his hand move to her shirt, his
fingers brushing against her breasts, still covered by the material. He
saw her watching him curiously, her eyes not leaving his hands.

He unbuttoned the first button, her pale flesh coming into view. He
allowed his finger to brush against her bare skin and was rewarded with
a soft moan. Smiling, he went to the next button and then the next.
Soon, her graceful neck was bared to him. He leaned over, his lips
brushing against the skin he was baring. He heard her draw in an
unnecessary breath and almost chuckled. He was getting to her all right.
He continued unbuttoning her shirt, his lips blazing a heated trail
across her stomach and chest. He stood, pushing the shirt from her

Her breasts were bound in a beige lacey bra. Deciding not to do what she
expected, he moved his fingers to her jeans. Her eyes widened as her
nipples hardened even more. He unzipped the jeans, the sound the only
thing that broke the silence of the room. He slid the jeans down her
long legs and threw them behind her. Standing back, he looked at her.
Beautiful. Slim and graceful. Her breasts were not big, but the perfect
fit for his hand...or his mouth. Her flat stomach quivered slightly as
he took his time with his appraisal. He could smell her arousal, the
aroma permeating the room. He knelt in front of her, his mouth moving to
the juncture between her thighs. He enhaled deeply, the scent sweet and

Willow was amazed at how sensual he had turned in the simple act of
removing her clothes. She was still wearing her bra and panties but he
had looked at her as if she was nude. She felt her breasts ache as he
moved his face closer to her wet passage. She felt his silky brush
against her stomach and whimpered. She wanted him. She felt his fingers
brush against her skin as he began to leisurly slide her panties down
her legs. She was barely able to stand, her knees weak from his
caresses. She suddenly gasped as she felt his tongue swipe across her
clit. Her hands went to his head to steady herself, entwining themselves
in his dark hair. She murmered incoherantly as he began to feast on her
juices. The tension inside her snapped as she came with a shout, her
body thrusting against his face.

Angel had never tasted anything so intoxicating. He continued to lick
her, not wanting to move from this position. He felt her grip tighten on
his hair as she began to groan from his tongue and his finger's
activities. With each sound she made, his cock throbbed even more. He
was the first person to make her feel like this. It delighted him in a
way that should have frightened him. His past was gone with the curse
yet she made him feel more like a true vampire than he had in decades.
He loved her for that.

He stood, his face covered in her juices. He saw her eyes half closed,
passion fogging them as they focused on him. He kissed her, pulling her
against his nude body. Her breasts strained against the bra, the
material rubbing against his chest. He ripped the offensive material
away, enjoying the feel of her cold breasts pressed against his chest.
Their tongues danced as he moved her to the bed. It was time to take
what was his. He had taken back control of the game.
