Title: Seize the Night
Author: Inell
Email: Inell13@webtv.net
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Usual Suspects
Rating: R
Pairing: W/S/A
Feedback: Will keep me writing. I have the entire day so if you want
fic, send feedback. :)
To anyone who is still reading. :)


Darla looked around the house, taking in every detail. She liked it. A
lot. She heard a giggle and knew that Angel and Willow must be finding
their own fun. Those two made her very happy. It had been a week since
their mating. A week since Angel had talked to them both, allowing his
past to finally leave him. He no longer felt the constant guilt that he
had. For that, she had to thank Willow.

They had moved into the house three days before. Angel's small apartment
was not big enough for them. She knew they needed more space. So, she
had managed to aquire a lovely ten bedroom mansion on the outskirts of
town. The sewers ran directly under the house allowing them access to
most of Sunnydale without having to be right in town. She loved the
place. Willow had immediately begun to make the mansion a home for them.
Darla smiled as she thought about her son and daughter. Together, they
were so strong. She was very lucky to have them both on her side and not
against her.

"Mum..." Willow called out as she walked into the elegant living room.
She saw Darla turn and look at her, "I've finished with the guest rooms.
You needed two?"

"Yes Lovey. And you did make one up beside your and Angel's room?"

Willow nodded, still not sure why her sire had made that unusual
request. "Yes. It connects with a door. I left it unlocked as you

"Good." Darla saw the confusion on Willow's face and smiled, "You'll
understand soon enough, Lovey. Company is coming."

Willow nodded, "I know. I can't wait to meet your friends. They are
going to help us defeat the master?"

"You betcha Red. The master is toast" a cocky voice said from the

Willow looked over and froze. A man that could be Angel's equal in
stunning looks stood there. His blue eyes smiled at Darla before moving
to rake over her body. She noticed a brunette standing beside him, her
lovely face smiling also at Darla. She couldn't drag her eyes away from
the man. She felt a pull to them both and suddenly realized who they

"Grandmother!" the woman came forward, holding Darla tightly.

The man smirked, tearing his heated gaze from Willow and went to Darla,
"How are you old woman?"

"Spike! I am so glad you could make it" Darla said, hugging her favorite
grandchilde tight. "Come. Meet your Mum."

Spike's brow lifted as he again looked at the beautiful redhead. He
caught the scent and knew that Angelus had claimed her. Smiling
slightly, he took her hand and kissed it, "It's a pleasure, Mum."

"You're our Mummy?" the woman asked, stepping forward and looking at her
curiously. She suddenly smiled, "Yes, you're our Mummy."

Willow felt herself pulled into the woman's embrace. Drusilla. Her
niece. She caught flashing blue eyes and suddenly understood why Darla
had set the room up next door to her and Angel. Spike. Angel's
lover...friend...favorite childe. She felt something close to jealousy
pull at her but she ignored it. She was Angel's mate. She wasn't scared
of something mischievious blonde....even if he did look at her like his
sire did. She pulled back and smiled at Drusilla, "I guess I am your

Angel stood in the doorway, his eyes taking in the scene. He should have
known who Darla would call. He had probably tried to ignore it, hoping
he would be wrong. His eyes raked over Spike, desire twisting in his
heart. The only other person who could ever affect him. He looked at
Willow then back at Spike. His two greatest loves in one room. This
should be interesting, he thought ruefully as he stepped inside and went
to Willow's side. He had seen the desire in Spike's eyes as he looked at
the redhead. Time to remind his son that she was his.

"Angel." Willow said softly, kissing him. He moved behind her, his arm
going around her waist.

"Dru. You look beautiful Princess" Angel said smiling at the girl he had
broken and driven insane. He did love her though. "Spike. It's been a
long time."

Spike steeled himself, looking into his sire's eyes. "Eighty years,
three months and five days. Give or take. Nice to see you not so guilt
ridden, Peaches."

Angel saw the betrayal and distrust in his childe's eyes and cursed
softly. So much had happened between the two of them back then. So many
things left unsaid. He tightened his arm around Willow, "Did you meet my

Spike smiled as he heard the slight warning. Ooh..daddy had his panties
in a wad. He let his eyes rake over his mum and smirked, "We met.
Though, I'm sure we have loads to discuss. Don't we Mum?"

Willow watched him carefully. She knew the history between the two men
and had no desire to get in the middle of their problems. They would
have to argue that one out without her. Thoughts of getting in the
middle of them suddenly made her blood heat up. She shook those naughty
thoughts from her mind, knowing she was as insatiable as Angel often
teased her to being. "Actually, William. I think you and Angel need to

"Fuck that" he said, lighting a cigarette.

"If we are to fight the master, we can't have some stupid disagreement
between the two of you hindering our team." Willow said sharply. She
looked at Angel, "Take him upstairs and get this worked out...however you
need to. Don't come downstairs until you two are as close as you used to

Angel heard the tone of her voice and knew not to argue. He saw Spike
smirk as he went to the stairs. Let the boy realize who he was dealing
with. As it were, Willow was absolutely right. They couldn't be a team
with this between them.

Willow looked at Spike and saw the refusal in his eyes. She moved close
to him, letting her hand drift down his chest. She saw arousal flare in
those lovely blue eyes and smiled. "If you get things worked out with
him....maybe we can all play together sometime...." She saw his nostril
flare and laughed huskily as she caressed his crotch. She squeezed
suddenly, making him curse, "Get that cute pale ass upstairs and take
care of your little issues. I don't want to be bored with them again.
Got it?"

Spike nodded, his cock throbbing from her display. He smiled slightly,
"Got it."

"Good. Now go...don't want to keep Daddy waiting...he becomes a growly
bear" she said, kissing his cheek. "Remember what I said..." she
whispered in his ear as she let her fingers again trace his cock. She
heard Darla laugh as she took Drusilla to sit down. Her sire was use to
her by now.

He moved to the staircase, "What a woman." He said softly, laughing as
he took the stairs two at a time to find his sire.
