Title: Seize the Night
Author: Inell
Email: Inell13@webtv.net
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: If you want, just ask
Rating: R
Pairing: W/S/A
Feedback = More Fic


"Darla?" Giles said, thinking of what he had read.

Darla smiled at the handsome older man. Watchers had definitely
improved, she noted. She could see his mind working and found herself
intrigued with him. Shaking her head, she glanced at Angelus. "Did you
tell them anything?"

Angel shook his head, "No. I just told them about me...about the curse."

Darla moved beside him, her hand on his shoulder. She knew how difficult
it was for him to speak of it. She squeezed him affectionately as she
looked at the humans around the table. "I'm Darla. May I ask your

Buffy found herself answering the woman immediately, "I'm Buffy...the
slayer." She saw the way Darla was touching Angel and was reminded of
her own mother. She had never imagined that vampires could care about
each other. She'd always just thought that they were evil and wanted to
kill everyone. Now, she found herself doubting her beliefs. This woman
seemed to care about Angel. She was confused.

"Xander" "Amy" "Cordelia"

Darla smiled pleasantly at the children. She found herself looking at
the watcher. He seemed baffled. "And you?"

"Rupert Giles. I must say that I don't recall a Darla listed in the

Darla laughed, "My dear boy" she saw him grimace as she called him a boy
and her smile deepened, "I change my name often. I'm sure I'm listed as
several different people in your silly journals. Can't have everyone
knowing my secrets can I?"

Giles found himself nodding in agreement at her statement, "Yes..I'm
sure it would make survival difficult. May I ask for some of those

Darla just smiled, "If you're a good boy, I might give you one...."

Giles found himself blushing from her suggestive tone and the look of
blantant attraction in her eyes. He stuttered, "Uh well...uh..."

Darla laughed, turning to Angel, "I like these humans. They amuse me.
Shall we discuss my proposition?"

"Proposition?' Buffy asked, slightly wigged that a girl that looked her
age had just flirted openly with her watcher. She glanced at the others
then back at Darla, "What's the 411?"

Darla sat down, glancing behind her at the library doors. She frowned,
"I wonder what is keeping Spike and Lovey."

Angel smiled, "She's probably giving him a tour of the school."

Darla chuckled, "Yes well...as long as they don't lose any more

Xander's mouth dropped open slightly, "You mean they're uh having sex in
the school?"

Darla shook her head, "Probably not. They just like to play. Angel isn't
around so the sex would have to wait."

"O.k...I'm confused." Cordelia said. "He has to what? Watch or

Angel smiled, "Sometimes. But, what she means is that Lovey is my mate.
Spike wouldn't play without my consent which he has not received for the
evening. They are just playing around giving us time to talk to you
before coming in."

"I am so glad I'm not a vampire" Amy said, making a face.

"I dunno. It's rather fun in ways" Willow said, walking into the library
and sitting beside Darla. She ignored the gasps from her friends who
believed her dead as she kissed Darla's cheek. "Felt you worry, Mum, so
I came straight here."
