Title: Seize the Night
Author: Inell
Email: Inell13@webtv.net
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Usual Suspects
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angel Willow/Spike
Feedback: Is the bestest...is that even a word? Snicker.
To anyone who is reading this still.


Willow couldn't believe that she'd ever found Angel attractive. He was a
loud jerk. So suave and charming it was nauseating. Just like those boys
back in school that had ignored her. She detested him because she knew
that Darla loved him and had for over two hundred years. He never missed
a chance at rubbing her nose in their shared past. To think she had
almost wanted him.

Angel glared at Willow. He had found out her name two days after they
had moved in with him. He had also learned that, while alive, she had
been friends with Buffy and Xander. That had surprised him. There was a
lot about her that surprised him. She nothing like any fledge he'd ever
seen. Her maturity was that of someone his age. He hated that. To think
he had wanted her when they had first met. He had been without a woman
for too long, he decided. That little girl wouldn't best him.

Darla walked into the room, noticing the tension. Two silly children.
Spending all their time arguing and glaring instead of fucking like
crazed animals. What was she going to do with them? She sat down, her
eyes on Angel, "So, the slayer defeated the assassins."

"Yes. She was hurt a bit but should be fine. Xander is watching after

"Xander...and Buffy?" Willow asked, curious despite herself. Xander had
been her only friend when she was turned. Had been since they were five.

"Yes. After your 'death' they turned to each other. They are quite
happy, for a slayer and a moron." Angel added.

"Xander was not a moron!" Willow defended, "He was just misunderstood."

Angel snorted, "Misunderstood my ass. He's an airhead."

"Mum, may we hunt?" Willow asked, ignoring him. She was not going to
give him the satisfaction of winning another argument that night.

"No hunting" Angel said, his eyes looking at Darla.

"Now, my boy. We have to feed. Unlike some, we can not survive on pig's
blood." Darla said sweetly.

"No. I will not condone you two killing innocent people." Angel

"Who said anything about innocent?" Willow asked, smirking.

"You will not kill while living under my roof, young lady!" Angel roared
at her.

"Fuck you. You aren't my father" Willow hissed back. "Come along Mum. I
want to kill something."

"Sit down" Angel said, his voice dark and low as his eyes stared at her.

"Maybe I can find my old friend Xander. Take away someone the slayer
loves" Willow taunted, knowing that even if she were a vampire she would
never harm Xander. Luckily, Angel had no idea of her loyalty to the boy.

"Sit down, Willow" Angel said again, his tone threatening. "You are too
reckless...some one needs to teach you control....SIT DOWN!"

"Make me" Willow said, sticking her tongue out at him. She turned to
Darla, "May we go now Mum?"

Darla saw the look that had entered  Angel's eyes and knew her youngest
childe had gone too far. It was time. Finally. Shaking her head softly,
she stood. She kissed Willow's cheek. "I'll be back tomorrow evening,
lovey. You two kids behave."

Willow looked at Darla in surprise, "What? I'm coming too. You can't
leave me here!"

Willow watched as Darla just smiled at her, a proud look in her eyes as
she looked back at Angel. Willow felt a rush of anxiety cross her. Darla
was leaving her...with him. She heard the sinister chuckle as the door
shut. She moved quickly, trying to reach it before he got her. Too soon,
his hard body was holding her from behind.

Angel pulled Willow into him. He tried to ignore his body's reaction to
her, knowing he detested her. But, it wouldn't listen. At the smell of
her..the feel of her..he hardened instantly. He moved his head beside
her ear and whispered, "What was that about making you, little girl? I'd
say that, right now, I could make you do anything I wanted, Willow. Want
to test that theory?"
