Title: Spring Fling
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: My Site, Kiss or Kill,
http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill Anyone that has permission, take. Otherwise, just ask.
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angel


Willow moved past the group of students and headed towards the library. She
paused and smiled when she saw Buffy standing by the door to her Lit class
holding what sort of resembled a conversation with Jonah. Willow moved
closer, curious to hear what Buffy was saying. She had to smile when she
heard the stilted rambling quest for notes or some other lame excuse the
slayer had come up with. She took the time to look at Jonah and noticed two
things. One, he really was an attractive guy. Two, he seemed to be quite
taken with the babbling blushing slayer. She wondered if Buffy had any idea
that he was interested. Probably not. The blonde could be smart about so many
things but never when it came to men.

Willow moved past them, the small smile staying on her face. It had taken
Buffy nearly a week after finding out Jonah's name to now finally speak to
him. If that courtship kept up that way, they wouldn't end up on their first
date until sometime over the summer, Willow decided. She entered the library,
calling out hello to Xander as she put her bag on the table, "Hey Xan."

"Wills, how goes it?" he asked, taking a bite of his oreo.

Willow reached over and grabbed a handful of cookies, laughing as he smacked
at her hand and pulled the bag closer to him. "It's going. Where's Cordy?"

"Cheerleading practice," he said, glaring at her as she ate one of his

"In Spring?" she asked, taking a seat and deliberately oohing and ahing over
the cookie.

"Baseball season," he shrugged, "I don't ask. I learned not to ask."

"Too busy drooling over her in her uniform?" Willow asked with a smirk.

"Evil, Wills. Truly evil," he said, laughing as he didn't deny her
accusation. "So, where's the Buffster?"

"Making the moves with Jonah," Willow said, wriggling her eyebrows playfully.

"Oooh, finally? Crush of the last three weeks and move making?" Xander
nodded. "Is he making them back?"

"He is, but knowing Buffy, she won't see it," Willow shook her head.

"Speaking of move making," Xander leaned back, a large smile crossing his
face, "how goes it with the Broody One?"

"He's fine," Willow said, rolling her eyes. "He isn't nearly as broody

"Really?" Xander drew the word out into several syllables.

"Really what?" Buffy asked as she came into the library. She moved to the
empty chair opposite Willow and tossed her stuff down. "What did I miss?"

"Willow was just telling me that the king of the brood may have to give up
his title," Xander said with a wink at Buffy.

"Really?" Buffy said in an imitation of Xander.

"You guys are starting to get annoying," Willow warned.

"Has he kissed you yet?" Buffy asked, leaning forward. "Has he tried?"

"Buffy!" Willow shrieked, her face red.

"Oh, eeew," Xander made a face along with a gagging sound, "I so did not need
that visual."

"Angel and I are just friends," Willow said for what must be the hundredth
time. "That's it. Friends. We watch TV together and talk about history. There
is no kissing nor will there ever be kissing."

"Uh huh," Buffy just nodded and smiled. "OK, Wills. Friends. Yep, I get it."

"Yeah, Willow. Me too," Xander nodded as he rolled his eyes. He had always
hated Angel, but since the vampire had returned from Hell, soul intact, he
had realized that it had been jealousy over Buffy that had caused the hatred.
Now, he was smart enough to see that Willow had feelings for Angel. It also
seemed to him that Angel had similar feelings. And here Willow was always
making fun of Buffy for being oblivious about guys. She so needed to get a
clue. "I got it. No Angel kissage for the redhead."

"Good," Willow nodded, glad that they seemed to have dropped it.

"Oh, oh oh," Buffy suddenly remembered, "I talked to him!"

Willow smiled, urging, "Tell me everything."
