
Author: Inell

Email: Inell@aol.com

Disclaimer: Joss owns them all

Distribution: Kiss or Kill, http://members.fortunecity.com/kissorkill

Rating: R

Pairing: Willow/Angelus

Feedback is appreciated and motivational and let's me know it wasn't horrible!

A/N: PWP set in an AU after season 6 of BTVS

For Gabrielle! Happy birthday, darlin'! Hope you enjoy your prezzie!



Willow giggled as Angelus growled at her. She moved to the chair where she had him magically chained, an innocent smile crossing her face as she said, "You're cute when you growl."

"Cute? Cute? I am feared around the world! I am not cute," Angelus growled again, his dark eyes flashing with anger at not having control, amusement at Willow's choice of game, and arousal because his little witch was the sexiest thing he'd ever seen and she'd spent an hour teasing him.

"Yes, you are," she smirked before straddling him and brushing her lips briefly against his. "Shh, baby. This is gonna be fun. If you're a good boy, I'll let you tie me up next time."

Angelus snorted, a sensual smile crossing his handsome face as he reminded his lover, "You get off being tied up and letting me use your delectable body for my pleasure."

"Stop it, Angelus," Willow warned breathlessly, "you know how arousing I find your voice and it isn't fair you making me wet by talking all naughty! It's my turn to play!"

"All's fair in love and shagging, Willow," Angelus smirked at her as he shifted his legs slightly to bring her directly into contact with his raging erection. He was rewarded for his efforts by a sharp slap to his upper thigh and a loss of the redhead on his lap. Damn foolish girl, so intent on playing her silly game with him that she was being even more stubborn than normal. The dark haired vampire watched the gorgeous redhead witch move to the bed, his eyes moving over her body, taking pride in the marks he saw covering the pale flesh. She'd been his for nearly a year now.

He smiled as he realized it would be a year the following month. Her birthday and their anniversary, only a few weeks away. They'd been together a year, the best year of his life. A year since she had arrived in Los Angeles at the hotel, telling him she'd gone to the dark side, the black magic and power pouring off her in waves. Seems she'd lost her girlfriend and killed a bloke, tortured him in such a manner that he was right proud of her, and then left Sunnydale to find him. Not Angel, the poor bastard with the soul and conscience, but him, Angelus, the vampire that it appeared she'd wanted all those years ago and was now brave enough to take. She'd fucked the soul right out of him, hours of pleasure and blood. Seemed for once that he and the soul actually had the same desire, to be with Willow. Angel had quit fighting and given in, finding pleasure in loving and being loved by the stunning redhead. Good-bye soul, hello eternal life with his redhead Goddess.

"Naughty boy," Willow told Angelus, glaring at him when she saw that he'd been distracted from the game. She made a movement with her hand, zapping him with a shock of electricity that got his attention as he cursed at her, his lips curving into a sexy pout that had liquid dripping down her thighs in no time. She smiled sweetly, "Pay attention to me, Angelus. I don't like competing with thoughts any more than you do."

"I always pay attention to you, sugar," he purred, knowing his voice affected her and smiling triumphantly as her green eyes darkened with lust. He and his witch had left LA as soon as the soul was gone, traveling all over the world, actually doing a rather good job of staying out of trouble. Every night, they hunted and fed, his girl enjoying the thrill of the chase as much as he did. Not only was his beautiful childe intelligent and ruthless, but she was one of the most powerful witches in the world. His mate commanded the darkest of magics, though she now possessed a balance that enabled her to control her gift, using it for amusement during hunts or to strike against any threats to them. At the moment, they were in Ireland, touring the country of his birth. Next, they would be going to England. His girl wanted to see London so he had plans to find a nice flat, dispose of the owners, and then let his lovely witch explore to her heart's content before they moved on. He would get her birthday gift in London, he decided, smiling as he thought over the possibilities.

"Fine, if you won't play with me, I can just play with myself!" Willow snarled as she moved to the bed, a smug smile crossing her face as she was rewarded with a soft purr from her lover. She positioned herself on the bed, green eyes watching his face as he stared at her through desire filled eyes. She moved her hand over her body, squeezing her breasts, running her fingernails along her flat stomach, licking her lips as she looked at him. She saw him struggle against the magical ties, laughing softly as he tried to free himself. She moved her hand between her legs, her eyes moving down his gorgeous body possessively, focusing on the weeping erection between his legs, her eyes glowing softly as she imagined taking him into her mouth. She heard him groan suddenly, knowing that he was feeling what she was imagining. Nifty little spell she'd found, thankful that she'd discovered that book during her shopping in Athens.

"Willow!" Angelus inhaled an unneeded breath as he felt lips move over his cock. He saw her smile the wicked smile that never failed to arouse him, her hands moving between her legs. He saw the wetness dripping from her cunt, her cinnamon curls drenched in her juices, the scent reaching him as she began to thrust her fingers more quickly. It felt as if a tongue was moving over his cock, it taking all his control not to cum, wanting to be buried inside her before he found release.

"Do you like the new spell, my love?" Willow teased as she moved her eyes from his cock to look into his dark eyes. She saw him fighting for control, loving seeing him like this. He was hers, her sire, her lover, her mate. He was magnificent, cunning and sadistic and powerful but also tender and affectionate and he knew how to give her what she wanted, what she needed, whether it be playing a lovely game or rough fucking against an alley wall or hours worshipping her body with his tongue. She had never imagined being able to love as a vampire, having assumed that Spike's ability to care for Drusilla was an exception, but she loved Angelus, knew he loved her, and had to admit that she felt more alive now that she was dead than she ever had during her twenty-one years in Sunnydale.

"Do you not see the evidence of my enjoyment?" Angelus asked with a smirk and an arched brow, watching her fingers move from between her legs. They were soaking with her juices, a smile crossing her face as she reached for an object beside the bed.

"If you'd been a good boy and paid attention to me, I'd have already released you and let you fuck me, so hard, so deep," Willow smiled, "but naughty boys must be punished. It's a shame because I'm aching for you, Angelus, wishing your huge cock was fucking me into the mattress instead of having to use this plastic toy for pleasure."

"Tease," Angelus smirked, licking his lips as he saw her move the vibrator between her legs. He heard her cry of pleasure as she pushed it into her cunt, the soft buzzing causing her to arch from the bed, her hand moving the plastic toy as she rode it, her eyes never leaving his face as she pleasured herself. He watched her knead her breasts, his hands aching to replace hers. He lowered his voice, purring, "Come for me, Willow. I want to see your face as you orgasm."

"God, Angelus," Willow moaned as she began to move the toy faster, deeper, still aching for him, crying out his name as she exploded, falling back onto the bed as she felt her body tremor from the intensity of her orgasm. The redhead witch sat up, tossing the wet vibrator on the floor and moving to straddle Angelus, her lips capturing his as she sunk down onto his huge cock, feeling herself stretched as she sank all the way down. She began to move, using him to find pleasure, tightening her muscles for his pleasure, running her nails across his chest, twisting his nipples, their tongues battling for dominance as she moved on him. Pulling her mouth free, she caught his eyes and smiled, saying the world needed to release his hands.

Angelus stood quickly, his hands moving behind her ass as he carried her to the bed. He threw her on the bed, on to her stomach, moving behind her as he entered her wet cunt from behind, hearing her cry of pleasure as he began to fuck her hard, not teasing in his actions, the redhead having done enough teasing over the last hour. When he felt his release approaching, hearing the familiar sounds of her orgasm as she squeezed him tightly, he moved his mouth to her neck, piercing her skin as he came, her blood spilling into his mouth as she cried out her release, his seed filling her and dripping down her leg, mixing with her juices. Once he'd fed, he licked his claim, moving to lay on the bed, spooning behind her, his cock still buried inside her.

Willow purred with satisfaction, her body aching in all the right places, looking back at Angelus and smiling innocently, "Did you like my game, Sire?"

Angelus laughed huskily, kissing her deeply as he felt himself hardening again. Pulling back, he caught her eyes and smirked, "Tease!"

********THE END********
