Title: Teen Angel
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all. I merely play with them.
Distribution: Kiss or Kill
http://www.qwikpages.com/surfcity/kissorkill/index2.html Anyone else, just ask
Rating: R
Feedback is like oxygen. I must have it to survive. Please?


Willow looked at the girl and suddenly looked confused. "1959....that was
only what? 38 years ago?"

"Really?" Katie asked, doing the math. "Hmm...well, it's seemed like fifty
years. AND, Sunnydale High use to be a Junior high too so I've been going
here since 1952 which is way too long to be stuck in a school."

"I'll agree with you there" Willow said. "Four years is too much."

"So, where are we going?" Katie asked, thrilled to have someone to finally
talk to.

"The library" Willow said, not sure what to make of this ghost. Should she
trust her? She hadn't even known how long she had been dead. Willow frowned,
listening to the girl chatter. Maybe she should ask Giles.

"Hey, you aren't listening" Katie said, wondering at the confused look on the
pretty redhead's face. She had been watching the girl for awhile. That's why
she was so surprised when she had finally been seen. The girl had seemed so
lonely and lost. Well, not now. She had her. She'd figure out what the
mission was and help the girl. Then, she could finally get out of this hell.

Willow entered the library, watching as Katie walked through the door. She
sighed, sitting down. She saw that no one was there yet. Good. She wouldn't
have to watch the lovebirds act all cooey. She looked at Katie. "You died at
the school?"

Katie looked at her, her eyes flashing with sadness before clearing up.
"Yeah. But, I'd rather not talk about it. It's over and done. Can't change
it. So, what do you think my mission is?"

"Like I should know?" Willow asked. "Sorry, but I'm still reeling from all
this. I find out I have my own personal ghost intent on making me happy
somehow. Talk about shocks."

Katie grinned, "Yeah, it is rather cool isn't it? Whoa...he is so fine."

Willow looked up at the ghost, confused. She followed the girl's eyes and saw
Angel coming from the stacks. She felt a rush of pleasure from seeing him
before she blushed and turned her head back to stare at the table. "Shhh" she
hissed at Katie.

"Golly, he's dreamy. Those eyes...that body...Wowsers." Katie finished in a

"Hush" Willow hissed again. She jumped when she felt a cold hand on her
shoulder. She looked up into concerned brown eyes.

"Everything ok?" Angel asked, wondering who Willow had been shushing. He
looked around and saw that the others still weren't there. Sighing in relief,
he sat down. He had no desire to watch the happy couples.

"Fine. Just coughing" Willow said, groaning. Coughing? That was some stupid
excuse. Well, that answered her question about if anyone could see Katie
besides her. Maybe she was just going insane and Katie was just a figment of
her imagination. God, was she nuts?

"No one else here?" Angel asked, groaning silently. Duh, idiot. You can see
that no else is here. Why must you sound so stupid around her?

"No" Willow said, smiling slightly. "Not yet."

"Oh" Angel said, tapping his fingers on the table. He watched as Willow
continued doing her homework, her head bent over her books. He tried to look
at anything except her, but he couldn't keep his eyes off of her. She was
like a flame drawing his attention every time he was around her. He knew it
was her innocence and purity. Well, that and everything else. Gawd, when were
the others getting there?

Katie watched the dark haired vampire watch Willow and smiled. As she
watched, Willow stole a few glances at him before going back to her homework.
She had just figured out her mission. The thing that would make Willow happy.
The dreamy vampire. So, it was her duty to get the two together. Then, she
could move on from the high school. She smiled, bouncing in the seat. This
was going to be fun.
