Title: Things Change
Author: Inell
Email: Inell13@webtv.net
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Rating: R
Pairing: Willow/Angelus
Feedback is always a joy to read
Sorry I've been so absent this week. Did ya miss me? ;)


Willow heard the bell ring and thankfully put her chemistry book in her
bag. She gathered her stuff and went to leave the room. It was strange
how things changed. Since she and Angelus had announced their feelings,
she had lost her friends. She only heard from Giles when research was
needed. Angelus told her she was a silly twit for helping them at all
after the way they treated her. She hated that they hated her, but she
wasn't going to give Angelus or her new life up for anyone.

It was lunch time. Instead of going to the library as she would have
done the year before, she headed outside. She so loved this time of
year. Cool breezes and warm sunlight. She smiled as she remembered the
conversation she had had with Dru and Spike about the sun the other day.
They couldn't remember what it felt like and had insisted on her
describing the entire sensation in detail to them. In some ways, they
were almost like children. Spike tried to act all knowing, but he often
had questions for her to answer. Sometimes more than Drusilla.

Angelus always watched and listened with a smile. She was proud that his
two favorite children had accepted her so easily. She shuddered to
imagine what it might have been like had they hated her. As it was, they
seemed to love her. She loved them both. Dru as a sister. Spike as
something a bit more which she still couldn't exactly understand. She
was in no hurry to examine those feelings yet either. She sat down and
closed her eyes, enjoying the warmth of the sun. She memorized the scene
so that she could tell Dru about it...remembering even the most minute
detail of the smell and sounds.

"Ahem" a soft voice caught her attention.

Willow looked up, smiling as she saw Amy. "Hey there."

"Can I sit?" Amy asked, surprised to see Willow alone, again.

"Sure" Willow replied. This was the first time she had eaten lunch with
anyone all school year. Her snubbing by the gang had ensured that.

"I've noticed that you seem to have had a falling out with the others"
Amy said as she began to eat her sandwich.

Willow shrugged, "Their loss. I'm dating the guy that Buffy had a thing
for...she didn't deal very well."

Amy's eyes widened, "Really? Wow...do I know him?"

Willow bit her lip as she smiled, "No..he's a bit older than us....."

Amy nodded, "That good looking dark haired guy that you all use to meet
at the Bronze? Holy cow...he's a hottie."

"He's my Angelus" Willow said, proudly.

"And here I thought Mark was good" Amy said, mentioning her boyfriend of
three months. "So...you could use a friend?"

Willow smiled at the blonde's hopeful look. "Yes...that would be nice."

Amy beamed, "Cool. So, how did you do on the chem test?"

The two girls began to talk about school and their lives over the
summer. Willow heard about Mark, a freshman from the University of
Sunnydale that Amy had met while working at the magic shop over the
summer. Willow spoke of Angelus and their falling in love, not
mentioning the details of his being a vampire or her new 'children' just
yet. She wasn't sure Amy was ready for all that. It was just nice being
with someone again at school. She had a newly discovered friend.
