Title: Things Change
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill http://www.qwikpages.com/surfcity/kissorkill
Anyone else, just ask
Rating: R
Feedback would make me smile, plus maybe even write some more. Hint Hint...
Sequel to Things Happen


The sounds of laughter, rides and chatter filled the night air the group met
up with Amy and Brian. Willow hugged her friend, again thankful that Amy had
extended that offer of friendship. Between her love for Angelus, her feelings
for Spike, her relationship with Dru and her friendship with Amy, she didn't
even miss her old friends. She pulled back from Amy and smiled at the nice
looking boy standing next to the witch. "You must be Brian."

"Willow?" the boy smiled. "Amy has told me a lot about you."

"I hope it was all good" Willow said, moving back into Angelus' arms.

"Of course" Amy said, laughing. She joined arms with Brian and watched with a
smile as Spike moved behind Willow and Angelus and took Willow's hand.
Drusilla was watching them, an annoyed look on her face.

"Can we go in now?" she asked, her eyes watching all the bright lights and
people walking. She pulled Willow's hand from an irritated Spike and dragged
the redhead into the fair. "Come along Mum. We can ride the roller coaster."

Angelus rolled his eyes. "Great...that's the last glance I'll have of Willow
for hours."

"Come on Pops, we can track the women down and maybe snack on some
unsuspecting youth." Spike said, laughing at Angelus' look.

"No snacking. Willow would have your hide." Angelus said, "And then mine for
allowing it...."

"Uh...I think I missed something" Brian said to Amy. She looked at his
confused face and laughed.

"Come on Brian. We need to talk" Amy said, wondering how much she'd have to
tell her new boyfriend....and also wondering how much he'd believe. Maybe he
at least would not check her into the psych ward of Sunnydale General. She
knew he believed in magic and such. How much farther would his belief have to
be for vampires to be real?

Angelus watched the witch lead her perplexed boyfriend away. He looked at
Spike and chuckled, "Bets on: He freaks."

"Nah....he seems pretty knowledgeable" Spike said.

"If I'm right, you give yourself to me tomorrow...anything I want." Angelus
said, smirking at what he decided was an easy victory.

"And WHEN I win?" Spike asked.

"What do you want?" Angelus asked, his eyes searching for Willow and Dru.

"Willow" Spike said, watching as his sire paused, brown eyes looking at him
with a glint of anger.

"What?" Angelus asked, his tone quite but deadly.

"Get your mind out of the gutter, Peaches" Spike said, grinning.

"Explain" Angelus demanded.

"I want to watch you two...." Spike said, the playfullness leaving his face.
"I want to watch her face as she cums...I want to hear her moans and the
sounds she makes as you enter her. Fuck, sire, I want her...Have for months

"I know" Angelus said softly. "Fine. Since I know I'll win, I agree. You can
watch me and Willow."

Spike nodded, a scowl on his handsome face. He wanted Willow so badly. He
already had his sire during the daylight hours. Now, he wanted to share that
love with them both. He wanted to wake up with his arm around Willow and his
sire's hands on his waist. He'd been patient, but his patience was slowly
fading. He sent a little prayer up for the first time in over a hundred years
that the Brian chap would be cool with it all. Then maybe his patience would
finally be rewarded.

Willow laughed as she and Dru joined Amy and Brian at the ferris wheel. Brian
looked a bit shellshocked, but he smiled as they approached. "Hey. How was
the roller coaster?"

"It was lovely. Being so close to the stars." Dru said, taking Brian's hand.
"Come along my warm little pet. Let's talk to the stars."

Amy watched Brian glance at her slightly panicked before he just laughed and
joined Dru in a seat of the ferris wheel. Willow looked at her and smiled, "I
like him. He can stay."

"Glad you approve." Amy said. "I was so glad that he was cool with it all..."

"You mean...you just told him?" Willow said, a smile crossing her face. "Amy!"

"What? How was I suppose to say it? Oh, by the way Brian, you know those
people we're going to meet? Well, three of them are dead, one is a bit looney
and the other two are both in love with Willow. Yeah, right. Like he was
going to take that well."

"He seems to have" Willow said, laughing as she and Amy took a seat on the
ferris wheel. "I'm glad. Brian seems nice."

"Yeah, he is" Amy agreed. "I'm glad he accepted it all."

>From beneath them, Spike looked up at a laughing Brian seated next to
Drusilla and then at Amy and Willow chattering in the seat under them. He
looked at Angelus and shot his sire a triumphant smile. "Guess I win this
one, Peaches."

Angelus kept his eyes on Willow, a slight smile crossing his face. "That you
did, my boy. That you did."
