Title: Things Change
Author: Inell
Email: Inell@aol.com
Disclaimer: Joss owns them all
Distribution: Kiss or Kill
http://www.qwikpages.com/surfcity/kissorkill/index2.html Anyone else, just ask
Rating: R
Feedback is like oxygen. I need it to survive.
Well, kiddies. The time of reckoning is here. This is the last day I post
until I get back from vacation on June 10. Sniffle. Miss y'all already. :)
Sequel to Things Happen


Willow laughed as Amy finished telling her story. "So, Xander just stood
there with his mouth hanging open?"

"Why does that not surprise me?" Angelus said dryly.

"That's bad" Amy said, rolling her eyes. "But, yes, he is a moron. I just
don't get those guys at all."

"Buffy is a bitch. Simple enough really" Angelus said.

"Angelus" Willow warned, smiling at him. "She may be a bitch, but she's
protecting the town."

Spike snorted, cursing as he smeared the nail polish he had been putting on
Willow's toe. "Damn it. Dru, honey, give me the remover. I smeared."

"Spike...why are you painting my toes again?" Willow asked, looking down into
his blue eyes.

"Cause I want to" he remarked, grinning at her as he blew softly on the wet
paint. He saw her bring her lower lip into her mouth as his fingers caressed
the soul of her foot. He saw Angelus roll his eyes as Spike continued his
slow teasing.

"Oh" Willow said simply, wondering how such a little thing as having your
toes painted could be so erotic. She shifted on the couch, leaning into
Angelus' body.

Amy watched her friend and the two vampires. She hadn't asked, not really
wanting details, but she knew that Spike had joined Willow and Angelus. It
was obvious to her all along that the blonde had been in love with Willow for
who knew how long. But, things had changed. There was a closeness between
them now that was evident to her. Besides that, you could cut the sexual
energy with a knife. She laughed, "So, Willow. Must I ask what you did this
weekend? Or would Who be more appropriate?"

"Amy!" Willow said, her face turning red.

Angelus laughed, "I like this girl, Red."

"She can stay" Dru added, moving back to play with Amy's hair. The witch was
allowing the vampire to play hairdresser with her, knowing whatever the woman
did she could fix easily.

"Did you hear that Amy?" Willow said, "You can stay."

"Yay" Amy said, smiling at the compliment. She rather enjoyed Willow and her
family. It was comfortable just sitting around them and talking.

Spike finished with the last toe, blowing on it until the paint was dry. "See
luv? Lovely red toes."

Willow glanced down, wriggling her toes. "Looks great."

"That was nice" Spike said, sitting back on his heels. He smiled, a wicked
gleam entering his blue eyes. "Feeling rather artistic now.....do we have any
body paint?"

Amy stood, laughing as Willow's eyes lit with desire. "I think that's my cue
to leave. Dru, would you like to stay over with me tonight? Give the adults a
little time to themselves?"

Dru beamed, looking at Willow. "Can I, Mum?"

"Amy, are you sure?" Willow asked, her expression serious. She worried about

"It'll be fun. I doubt she's ever had a true slumber party before....we can
even make prank calls to Buffy." Amy said, smiling at the thought.

Angelus chuckled, covering it with a cough when Willow elbowed his ribs.

"Amy...you can not teach her how to make prank calls. That's bad. Now, you
could toilet paper her house...." Willow said, laughing as Amy glared at her.

"Phone calls are easier than TPing the bitch's house" Amy pointed out. "Dru
and I will have fun....please say yes Mum?"

"Yes, Dru can stay with you....You'll have to keep her tomorrow until dusk

Amy smiled as she put her arm around Dru's shoulders, "Come on buddy. We can
spend all night talking about boys and clothes....you'll love it."

Angelus watched them leave, turning towards Willow and Spike when he heard
the door shut. "Amazing."

"Things definitely change constantly" Willow said, smiling. "So....this big
old house all night with just the three of us....whatever will we do?"

Spike let his hands drift up her leg, "I dunno luv....I'm sure we'll think of

Angelus caught her mouth as he eased her back on the sofa. He and Spike
proceeded to show her exactly what they could do all night and day. Laying on
top of her, his head resting on her breast, his eyes on Spike's head laying
between her legs, he realized that she was right. Things always change.

**********THE END****************
