Title: Aphrodite
Author: Octamercur and Jane
Email: chifla21@aol.com
Rating: NC-17 (Adult situations) Not over 18 - DO NOT READ!
Summary: Okay - what happens when you try to help a friend and don't read the
instructions correctly? This does.
Spoiler: Up to Never Kill a Boy on the First Date; One very little difference
here - Jessy is alive - he was saved in this world. Oz is also present - just
a junior in a band. Any other changes, I'll let you know.
Status: Part 5
Distribution: Whispers in the Night; Willow's Angel; Angel of Mine; Willow's
Secret; Soulmates to the end of Time; Willow's Heart. If you would like it,
let me know.
Feedback: Yes please! You have no idea how much it motivates us!
Disclaimer:  I do not own any characters related to 'Buffy the Vampire
Slayer,' that honor goes to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy.
Dedication: This is for Renee - Thank you for all your wonderul banners!

      "Wow! Is that all?" Amy asked the messenger.

    "Everything. I checked the truck once more to make sure," the short man

    "I don't have anything on me...." Amy began to tell him a bit

    "No need. The gentleman took care of that as well, rather generously."

    "Oh.... good."

    "Have a good night."

    "You too, thank you."

    Amy closed the door and peeked into the living room, surprised at all the
boxes that had come. She was happy to see Willow head down the stairs, her
curiosity to see what was in the boxes a priority.

    "You had a delivery."

    "Delivery?" Willow asked confused.

    "Boxes really," she replied.


    Willow followed Amy to the living room completely surprised to see the
boxes on the sofa.

    "All this?"


    "Who would send me this?" she asked as she spotted a white envelop on the
smallest box.

    She opened it, reading it a loud.


    Just a few things for tomorrow night. I'll pick you up just after the
sunsets. Can't wait to see you.


    Willow looked between the note in her hand to the numerous packages on
the sofa.

    "A few things," she said as she totaled up the boxes to eleven.

    "Come on, open them," Amy urged as she went to stand next to her.

    "I can't accept all of this," Willow began to protest.

    "Why not?"

    "Because.... this has never happened to me before."

    "Then enjoy it. He did tell you he'd take care of everything didn't he?
At least let's see what's in them before you send them back."

    Willow smiled at Amy, biting her lower lip. She reached for the first
box, a small white box. It revealed a pair of long white satiny gloves.

    "Next one," Amy urged on.

    Willow reached for another and found a pair of high-heeled shoes in her
exact size.

    "Even shoes," Amy said with surprise.

    Willow reached for the large box that she was sure contained her dress.
She took a deep breath and opened it, revealing mounds of red tissue paper
and another white envelope. She quickly opened it and read it.

And my devoted, grateful heart
Should turn in rapture unto thee,
If thou wouldst bend those gentle eyes
With tender love and trust on me.

    "Something tells me this is a bit more serious then just a dance," Amy
said with a twinkle in her eye.

    "He's being nice," Willow challenged.

    "Sure, okay. I wish Jesse was that nice and romantic."

    She tucked the note in her pocket and proceeded in taking off the tissue
paper. Once the top layer was off, her eyes widened as she carefully began to
pull out the dress. Amy gasped at the detail the top embroidery contained and
how long and slightly puffy it looked.

    "It's beautiful," Amy said in awe.

    Willow pulled it out completely and placed it against her, wondering how
it was possible she was going to wear something so glamorous.

    "He has taste."

    Willow walked over to the main entrance mirror and took a look at the
long white satiny material against her. It was like a dream she hoped she
would not wake from.

    "You do know there are more boxes?" she reminded her.

    Willow returned with the largest smile Amy had ever seen on her. She
placed the dress carefully on the adjacent couch and opened up the rest of
the boxes like a child on Christmas Day. In one they found an arrangement of
hair trinkets, in case she wanted to put her hair up or leave it down. In
another she found some rather intimate apparel that made her blush.

    "He did think of everything," Amy replied with a large grin.

    Willow simply swatted her arm and quickly covered that one up. The other
boxes contained more accessories, such as a little purse and some small
trendy hair decor. It was the last two boxes that made her gasp in surprise.
Both were small boxes that contained a velvety blue box inside. The first
reveled a lovely pearl choker, double strung with a smoky quartz stone
shining in the middle.

    "I'm sure those are real."

    The second was a double pearl bracelet that matched the bracelet.

    "I'd say you're ready for the dance."

    "This is too much."

    "He seems to want to make an impression on you."

    "I'm going to return all this. He spent way too much...."

    "Oh no you aren't. The dance is tomorrow, Willow. Angel has offered you a
dream that any woman would only dream of. Take it and see what happens."

    "Why would he do all this?"

    "Maybe he wants you?"


    Before she could answer the doorbell rang.

    "Hold that thought."

    Willow looked around at all the gifts and smiled. This was something out
of fairy tell. A fairy tale she never wanted to wake from.

    "Willow," Amy called out.

    The voice was enough to wake her from her pleasant thoughts. She looked
over at all the gifts once more and walked out into the entrance hall. She
froze on the spot the moment he stepped inside.



    "I need to get something... somewhere," Amy quickly said leaving the
couple alone.

    Angel simply smiled and nodded, thankful for the privacy.

    "I hope you received the packages," he said once she was gone, moving
slowly toward Willow with the same smile that seemed to melt her on the spot.

    "I...yes...they were too much...you shouldn't have..."

    The vampire quickly silenced her as he placed a finger over her lips.

    "No... all I gave you was what I wanted to give you. You have offered me
more then I have ever deserved Willow. You have never feared what I am and
all you have offered to me has been friendship, something I was foolishly
over-looking. But no more."

    Willow's heart swelled, tears wetting her eyes. Her gift to him was the
loveliest smile he had ever seen.  He took her hand and carefully led her to
the door.

    "The night awaits."

    She followed him without any hesitation, realizing she may just follow
him anywhere.

    *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *

    Willow squealed with delight as she made another strike. Angel cheered
on, not caring that he was way behind. High on adrenaline, she began to jump
up and down, then made a curtsy in front of him. Angel chuckled and took her
in his arms, hugging her. Willow wrapped her arms around him, laying her head
on his shoulder.

    "Thank you."

    Angel pulled back a bit to look at her, not sure why she would say such a

    "For what?"

    "For everything. I've never had this much fun before, Angel, thank you."

    Angel smiled and told her it was not needed, that he too was having a
great time, one he had expressed he would like to do again. It was Willow who
pulled away surprised.


    Angel looked deep into her eyes and smiled.

    "Well I was wondering, if perhaps this wouldn't be the last time we went
out like this, alone. Together."

    Willow must have been hearing things and she was convinced as much,
knowing it was impossible for that to be possible.

    "Angel... you don't..."

    "Don't what?"

    "This was nice. Everything you've done has been great but.."

    "But what?" Angel asked, refusing to let her move away from his arms.

    "We don't have to do this again."

    "Why? Wouldn't you like to go out with me again?" Angel asked worried.

    "I would," she quickly replied, blushing at her response. "But you don't
have to do this. I know you want Buffy."

    She looked down, not wanting to look at him.

    "If I wanted to be with Buffy, why am I here with you?" he asked simply,
lifting her chin up to look at him.

    Willow looked into his eyes, not sure what to say.

    "I'm not here with Buffy because I want to be here with you. I'm not
going tomorrow night to the ball with Buffy because I have the honor to go
with a beautiful woman that I have dreamed of for the past year," he revealed
as he placed a soft kiss on her lips, tasting the salty tears.

    "Really?" she whispered, not sure if she should believe or not.

    "Could such a fate as this be mine, T'would be a glimpse of love divine,
And never should I seek to gain Release from loves delicious chain," he
uttered, as he tasted her lips once again.

    Willow was lost in his words and actions. Angel led her out of the
building and into the night sky where they walked aimlessly for hours,
talking and discovering all that they would about each other. It was only the
threat of the dawn that drew them to Amy's door where Angel had to leave the
redhead reluctantly with a single kiss.

    "Tomorrow night," Angel reminded her as his hand began to pull away from

    "Tomorrow night," Willow agreed as she opened the door.

    He remained in front of the house until he was secure she was safety
inside and left, his thoughts solely on her and the night ahead.

    *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *
