Awakened Light


Willow could hear the yelling. She thought she had entered into the nightmares that haunted her, but then heard the familiar voices. She was too weak to open her eyes.

“What happened?” Giles asked impatiently.

“I pushed Willow out of the way. The arrow went through me. I passed out, then the next thing I knew I was drinking from her.”

“You bastard you bit her,” Xander lashed out as he grabbed a stake.

“I would never hurt her,” he yelled at him.

“Willow would never do anything like that. Why would she want to save you?” Xander asked ready to attack.

“I don’t know..... but she did.”

“I don’t believe him. Willow shrieks at the sight of blood. She’d never slice her wrist. Dead boy’s lying. He bit her!” he yelled as he advanced towards him.

Giles pulled him back.

“We can’t be for certain, the slash seems to be self-inflicted,” he told him sternly.

“I’d never hurt her,” he told them angrily

Everything inside of him was a jumble. He would still feel Willow’s blood intoxicating him. He was hungry, hurt and pleading to keep his life. Having a bit of trouble controlling the demon was an understatement.

Buffy felt she like she had hit a bus head on, but more correctly it was a very solid wall. She had a huge bump on her forehead, swelling more by the second. She didn’t know what to think.

“What happened Buffy?,” Giles asked, hoping she would have an answer to this delicate problem.

“I can’t remember. If only this damn headache would stop,” she growled.

“She helped me,” he told them as he looked at her on the library table.

“Just say it, you didn’t want to die so you grabbed her and bit her, because you knew she wouldn’t be able to stop you, you bastard. You should have died.”

It was all Angel would take. He was about to attack Xander when Buffy stood in front of him, stopping him. He looked down at her eyes and what he saw cut him deeper then anything.

“Dammit, Angel, did you bite her?” she demanded.

He looked at her in disbelief.

“No..... I never bit her,” he told her.

“Or sliced her wrist right?” Xander asked sarcastically.

Angel gave up. He was too tired. Buffy had broken something in him, wounding him deeper then staking him. He slumped down into a chair, looking down into his hands.

Buffy, Giles, and Xander had condemned him. His final expression was enough to strengthen their believes of his guilt. Giles loosened his tight hold on Xander.

Willow had to open her eyes. She heard the voices mute and her blood froze. She began to grab onto the boat that seemed to float slowly back to reality.

She stirred and called out softly.


Everyone turned to Willow and soon rushed over to her, everyone, but Angel.

“Are you all right?” Giles asked.

Willow blinked several times trying to focus on the person in front of her.

“Willow, can you hear us?” Buffy asked.

“Angel?” her voice louder.

As he heard his name for the second time he rushed over to her.

“Willow,” he said with a concern look, splashed with guilt.

“Fine. Good. How are you?” she asked, ignoring everyone else.

“Thank you,” with a tenderness in his voice she had never heard before.

“Enough?” she asked him sensing he was still weak.

He looked tired and paled, combinations that scared her.

“What?” Giles asked.

Willow ignored his question as well as everyone else’s and soon saw the shocked faces of everyone around her. She pulled herself up, climbing off the table.

“Take me home?” she asked him.

“I don’t think...,” he began to say.

“Please?” she pleaded.

“O.K.,” he replied with a small smile, completely taken back by her.

“WILLOW!” they all screamed in unison.

“He never touched me. I wanted to feed him. It was my decision and my alone. I saved my friend and if I need to I’ll do it again,” she told them over her shoulder as she took his hand and walked toward the door with him.

She left them with their mouths wide open and too shocked to move. She left with Angel without looking back, and meaning every word of it, never knowing how soon again she would have to.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Angel was too weak to walk. In only the block they had walked, Angel was leaning on Willow for support. He had lost a lot of blood back at the cave. One of the reasons she had asked him to take her home was for him to be able to leave. He had stayed there when he should have left to recover or they had kept him there. She feared he might die. A tear slipped down her face. She stopped and changed directions to a secluded tree on the block. Angel looked confused. She sat him down under the tree as she sat next to him.

“Your weak, too weak,” she told him worried.

“I’ll be fine,” he told her, hoping she didn’t know he was lying.

“You won’t if you don’t drink. I know you won’t hurt anyone, but if you wait any longer, I don’t think you’ll make it,” her voice strained.

He looked at her shocked to the core. She seemed to be having that reaction in everyone tonight.

“Just enough for you to make it home, Angel. You might not make it if you don’t,” she told him as she began to take off the bandage from her hand.

She moved in front of him, straddling his legs. She did not want anyone to see them and see what she was offering. This way both of them would be safe.

“Willow, no”, he said as he looked at what she was doing.

“Just enough,” she said as she pulled off the scrape.

She cried out a bit in pain as she it began to bleed.

“No, Willow, no”, he said, trying as hard as possible to fight the urge.

She moved her wrist up to his mouth. Offering it to him with tenderness in her eyes.

“It’s O.K., Angel. I want you to live,” she told him as another tear fell.

That was more then the push he needed. He took her wrist and began to suck on it lightly, slowing deepening. He tried to make it as pleasurable for her as he would. He did not want her to feel any pain because of him.

He was succeeding. Willow’s small whimpers and moans of delight and desire would not be stopped. Her body arched into him slightly she rocked herself on his staining pride.

The taste of her was delicious. She tasted so sweet, so warm. He did not want to let her go. He would taste the fire in her and it took him to a higher level. Such pleasure he had never experienced from just a taste. He would only imagine how the rest would be like. He groaned and slowly stopped sucking, but unable to lick off the small drops around the cut. He looked up at her seeing her parted lips and closed eyes. He couldn’t resist. He pulled her lips onto his. Willow did not resist, instead leaned deeper into him.

He needed more, wanted more. His lips parted, his tongue seeking access.

“Open my sweet,” he pleaded.

She complied and opened the nectar he seeked.

It was too much for Willow. She had never kissed anyone like this. Never. New emotions, uncontrollable ones ravenged her. She yearned, craved.

“Give me your tongue,” he becocked in her mouth.

She haply supplied. Awkward at first, but soon met his thrusts. She could taste hints of her blood, it didn’t bother her, only arouse her more. Her body seemed to call out to him everywhere. His own responding to hers. It took all his self-control not to rip off her clothes and take her there.

Then Willow and Angel remembered she had to breath. He retreated from her reluctantly. Willow gasped for air. Her eyes becoming heavy. She laid her head on his shoulder, placing a kiss on his neck, then slowing falling into sleep. He caressed her hair, cradling her, her kiss sending a shiver of delight through him. He had taken enough, making sure not to drain her. He kissed her hair, thanking her. They would talk tomorrow. He carried her to her house, entering through the French doors that had once invited him in. He laid her on the bed, making sure she was nicely tucked in. He stepped back and looked at her lovely face. <She’s amazing> he thought and placed a kiss on her forehead.

“Until tomorrow.”

Then he was gone.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Willow thrashed in her bed. She clung to the bed sheets as small moans escaped her mouth. Sweat covered her body. She felt each touch, every kiss. It was mesmerizing. He was so talented, skillful, careful. She wanted more, waited, needed, arched.

It was Angel. On top of her, the wet black silk sheet below her. He kissed her, capturing her breast in his hand and squeezing it roughly, then softly. Her hardened nipples grazing his chest. Her hands were all over his body, wanting to touch everything. Her hand trailing down under... and she felt it. So hard, smooth, big. She felt the length of it, Angel’s mouth never leaving hers. He bit her lower lip a bit, sucking on it lightly. Her nails marking his back as she felt the painful, but pleasurable bit on her lip. She wanted more. Her hips thrusted forward, letting him she was ready. His hand traveled to her core, his finger teasing her clit. Her moans grew as she arched toward his skillful hand. He let go of her mouth reluctantly and moved his hand to his mouth, licking her juices away.

“So sweet.”

Willow almost died as her hips once more thrusted to his. She spread her legs, begging him in. He claimed her mouth once more and positioned himself, ready to enter. In one single thrust, he entered her. He muffled her cries of pain as he waited for her to adjust. His hand traveled down, fingering her maddening. He slowly moved in her, his hands cupping her cheeks, teaching her the ancient rhythm, meeting his thrust with her own. The pain was soon replaced by pleasure. Her moans turning to screams of delight, chanting his name as she felt herself tighten and build. She was on fire ready to explode. Their bodies rocked in urgency, becoming quicker and rougher. She tore her lips from his, knowing it was coming soon.

“Angel, please, do it. Do it”, she panted as she tilted her head back.

He smiled at her request.

“ANGEL!” she screamed reaching her release.

He joined her a second later, biting her neck, increasing them to a much higher satisfaction.

Willow fell out of the bed and out of the dream, landing on the floor. She tried to regain her normal breathing, but found it too hard. The marvelous sensations still overwhelming her.

Her mother rushed in, switching on the light, rushing to her daughter on the floor.

“Willow..Willow what’s wrong?” she asked frightened.

Willow tried to breath and speak.

“I’m.....I.......I’m...ok....,” she told her turning bright red.

“What happened?” she asked as she looked over to the bed and saw the bed sheets and comforter wrestled off, as well as the sweat covering her face.

“Another nightmare?” she asked her.

“ nightmare....I was coming...”

She then slapped her hand over her mouth, turning a deeper red. She could not believe she had just said that.

“Coming where?” she asked confused.

Willow’s eyes grew wider.

“Coming...down a hill...I a when I fell off the tree...yeah like the tree...tree,” she told her.

“No nightmare then?” she asked a bit disappointed.


“Let’s get you back into bed.”

Willow complied, feeling rather lightheaded and strangely happy and satisfied, making her face remain red as they re-did her bed.

* * * * * * * * * * *

“WILLOW!” he screamed out as he sat up in bed, his eyes wide open.

He looked around him, wondering, and perhaps wishing, she was there. To his disappoint she was not. He shook off the fogginess and fell back onto the bed. His covers lay on the floor scattered, the black silk sheet torn. He looked up at the ceiling, still feeling her sensations run through him. It was wonderful. He closed his eyes, still able to hear her cries of desire and fulfillment. He could still taste the sweetness and warmth of her blood intoxicating him.

It felt so real. He felt her, tasted her, entered her, possessed her, claimed her. He would feel each thrust, each scratch. He held her, touched her. He felt her body against his, her desire, her want. And he had felt her hands, those delicate and soft hands over his aching body. It was so strong, so real.

He had bit her as he had wanted, as she had too. It was magical. His thoughts returned to the past hours. The taste of her lips. She was so willing, so trusting. He closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep, feeling her close, moving into her waiting arms, feeling her against him once again.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Willow had fallen back to sleep, returning back to Angel’s embrace. The rest of the night had been delightful and peaceful. Since it was Saturday her mother let her sleep as long as she liked.

The phone woke her up around nine. She could hear her mother in the hallway.

“I’m sorry, but she’s still asleep. She’s fine, just tired. I’ll let her know you called once she wakes up. I’ll also give her the other messages you left. Yes. Yes. All right. Good bye.”

Willow remained still. She knew who it had to be. Last night came back to her in flashes. The library...the arrow....slicing her wrist....the door...pain....passing out and waking up at the library...Angel......under the tree....the kiss....a dream...what a night. She pulled off the new covers and reached for the phone.

“Hello?” she asked, not sure what she was doing. To her surprise there was a person the other end.

“Willow?” he asked not sure.

“How?...” she asked already knowing who it was.

“What?” he said as he realized he had heard no rings.

“I just grabbed the phone..” she said, trying to explain it to herself.

“I need to talk to you,” he told her.


“Can you come over? I would come over if I would, but the sun thing.”


“Please?” he asked knowing she had doubts.

She could hear the worry in his voice.

“Okay...” she replied lowly.

“Thank you. How are you?” he asked concerned.


“I’ll take that as okay,” he chuckled.



She laughed.

“How soon will you be here?”

“An hour. Why?”

“Wanted to tidy up for you.”

She chuckled, wondering if it was the apartment or him.

“Good ‘cause I’m about to jump in the shower for you,” she said then covered her mouth, embarrassed.

“I’m honored,” he said in a sexy voice <It’s a shame I’m not there> he thought.

He had to compose himself.

“Willow, I need to talk to you before you talk to anyone else.”

“I haven’t spoke with anyone else.”

“I know, you just woke up.”

“But how...?” she began to ask, but was cut off.

“Remember, in an hour. I’ll be waiting. The door will be open. I have to go, Willow. See you in an hour, Bye.”

Then the line went dead. She was left staring at it.

“Willow..are you awake honey?” she asked coming into the room.

“Just woke up,” she told her rushing to put the phone back.

“Well I’ve been busy. Twelve calls for you just this morning. Buffy called you four times. Mr. Giles, the librarian, called you five. Something about a book return and Xander called three times, even came over once. You seem rather popular.”

“ homework?” she tried to explain.

“I have to go out, but I’ll be back soon.”

“No problem”.

She smiled and placed a kiss on her daughter’s forehead then left.

Willow jumped up and headed to the shower. She had too many things to think about, but she knew it was time to talk to Angel. She knew he knew something. It was time to face her actions.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Angel felt bad about hanging up on her, but there was no other way. How would he explain that he knew she had just woken up.

“I felt you leave my arms and bed,” he said as he hung up the phone.

That was the only reason he had woken up. He had felt her in his arms, then leave. It was crazy, he thought. Too crazy. <I need a shower>, then felt how nice it would be if Willow could join him.

* * * * * * * * * * *
