Willow stepped out onto the white carpet of the study and was surprised to see the room

empty. Angel had escorted her to one of the bathrooms on the main floor that had the

packages she had purchased that morning. Her stomach flip-flopped as she realized just

what would happen tonight. She was giddy and nervous, curious yet a bit frightened. It

took her a moment to realize it was her wedding night and smiled widely. She had

changed from her wedding gown to a white flowing long satin gown. She chuckled a bit as

she remembered what Amy had tried to make her wear, a corset-garter belt combo, which

she did buy, as she blushed, but not for tonight at least. She moved out of the study,

wondering where her husband had gone. She moved across the room and opened the

closed door and stepped onto the cold marble floor.

To her delight, she found a trail of red rose petals. She was a bit cautious at first,

worried that someone might see her, but then remembered what Angel had told her. He

had sent everyone to sleep at the large cottage on the other end of the estate, leaving the

entire mansion alone for both of them.

She walked at ease as she reached the large stairs and walked up each step that

was covered with petals. Her heart began to beat quicker, her nervousness heightened as

she reached the top and turned to the east wing were the petals continued. She let the

gown drag a bit on the floor, her mind preoccupied on more important things. Willow

walked down the hallway seeing a faint light glow in the middle of the hallway. She licked

her lips in anticipation of what would come. Before she reached the room, she vowed not

be scared, to not be nervous for she was about to be made love to by the man she loved,

by the man who loved her, by her husband. She turned and pushed open the half closed

door. Her eyes watered as she saw the surprise that awaited her. The large master

bedroom was filled with candles, imitating a soft glow to fill the room. Her bare foot took

a step inside, stepping onto the white soft carpeting, looking all around her. The trail of

the soft red petals stopped at the foot of the bed, where both nightstands held a wonderful

bouquet of long stem red roses, as well as on each other table in the elegant large room.

She looked at the king size canopy bed and saw the red petals scattered on the pulled

down covers. The white sheer curtains that hung from the top of the polls swayed as a

cool breeze entered the room, making her shiver. Her attention moved to the open French

doors to the terrace, that she was sure held a wonderful view. She walked deeper in,

uncounsiouly headed towards the bed as she looked around the room, looking at the

wonderful impressionist paintings hung, to the small fireplace that offered the only source

of heat in the room. The tables, sofas and chaise chairs only complimented the already well

adorned room. She froze as she heard the door close behind her, not sure what to do.

She turned around slowly and found him staring at her intently. She blushed as she

looked him over. She tried to smile, not sure if what he saw before him was of his

approving. He moved closer, his gaze never leaving hers.

“Do you want this? We can wait...”

“No, I want...I want you to....,” she tried to reply, her nerves getting the better of


“I love you so much,” he said as his hand touched her cheek, feeling its cool


Willow smiled, wanting to tell him how much she loved him, but his cool lips

stopped her as they pressed against hers. There bodies remained apart, the only contact

between them where their lips, a kiss that Angel ended too soon for her.

His hands moved down her neck, down to the curveness of her shoulders, his

fingers gracing over the straps of her gown. He softly pulled each one down slowly, his

lips placing feather light kisses where his fingers had just moved over. He pulled down the

tiny binding down her arms, his lips leaving a trail all the way to her fingers. Contented

with the sensations Angel was provoking in Willow, his hand moved back up to the

material that kept her bosom covered. Willow opened her eyes, looking on as to what she

knew would come next. With a delicate pull, Angel pulled down the satiny material,

revealing her perky breasts to his hungry view. His hands pulled the material lower, letting

it fall into a pool around her feet. Angel looked up at her and stared, smiling as he looked

back down to take in her complete beauty.

Willow felt nervous, embarrassed by her nakedness. Her arms moved up to cover

her breasts, but were stopped as Angel took hold of her wrists and guided them to his

semi open blue robe, placing them under the light material. He moaned a bit as Willow’s

palm touched his chest, leaving them alone, letting her made the decision.

Willow bit her lip as her palms touched his chest. Her warm hands moved across

his collarbone, sneaking beneath the material, her fingers grabbing onto the it as they

moved up and over to his shoulder, revealing his wonderfully sculptured chest and arms.

She looked up at his penetrating gaze and smiled, her lips finding their way to his chest

and placed kisses were here mouth could reach.

Angel tried to remain in control as her fiery fingers touched his cool skin. Her

innocent kisses sent his already hard manhood to escalate to a much more pleasurable

pain. As soon as the robe fell from body, her wrapped his arms around her and crushed his

lips to hers, conveying all his desire, passion and love through. The exquisite friction they

felt as they naked flesh touched made them moan into each other’s mouth. Angel lifted his

wife into his arms and carried to their bed where he laid her down carefully. His mouth

reluctantly pulled away from hers as his body did the same, already missing her warmth

against him. He moved over her, his body leaning against her side, as his hand touched her

cheek, bringing his lips to hers.

There kiss began soft, his tongue invited into the warm haven of her mouth. His

hand left her cheek, moving down to her neck, stopping at her shoulders as there kiss

turned urgent. Willow gasped as she felt his hand begin to move lower and cupped here

breasts. Angel broke the kiss, letting her take the air her lungs needed. His mouth trailed

down her jaw to her neck, leaving long wet open mouthed kisses in its wake. As his mouth

nuzzled her neck, his fingers lightly pinched her harded nipples.

Willow moaned, letting the sensations he evoked in her body control her.

Unknowingly, she arched her chest to his eager hands. Angel suckled lightly, biting down

a bit, leaving his mark at her most sensitive spot, then moved down her body. His tongue

flickered over one of her rosy tips, making her moan his name. His other hand trailed

down her body, parting her legs in order to move between them. Willow complied

willingly, his kisses, his touch so much wanted, so much acheingly familiar.

Her nerves disappeared, as her hands left his hair and moved down his back, her fingers

grazing just below the waistband of his boxers. Angel tensed a moment, then began to

suckle on her breast quicker, his hands moving down to the lace of the panties that

concealed the warmth he wanted to bury himself in. Willow arched her hips, wanting more

contact. Angel’s lips left her breasts, and moved up to claim her lips in a searing kiss as he

crushed his body to hers. Willow took the opportunity and slipped her hands lower down

his back, pushing down the material that covered the firmness of his well curved ass. As

Willow squeezed his cheeks down to grind her hips against his, Angel moaned in her

mouth. Willow’s arousal beckoned him as his lips left hers and his hands moved to help

her take off the restraining garment from his body.

His lips made there decent, leaving a trail of kisses behind, his hands tracing the

outline of her panties, enticing her to things to come. He left loud wet kisses on her belly,

his tongue circling around her navel, teasing her, until in dipped inside briefly. Her moans

were his siren as his hands pulled down her underwear, his eyes looking intently at her.

Willow lifted her hips, helping him take the unwanted material off. She closed her eyes in

anticipation as his hands moved underneath her and lifted her to his waiting mouth. Angel

took a moment to smell the sweetness that was Willow.

Willow nearly arched off the bed as his tongue tasted the ripeness of her fruit. Her

moans grew louder, as he tasted her length, then suckled on the sensitive nub. As his

fingers stretched her tight passage, she screamed his name as her powerful orgasm

overcame her. Angel’s hungry mouth lapped up her juices as his fingers remained in her,

enjoying the feel of her shaking walls around them.

He moved up her trembling body and kissed her tenderly, his hand reaching out for

her and guided her to his throbbing shaft. Her eyes widened as he saw his need reflected

in hers.

“I need you,” she pleaded as she moved him to her entrance.

Angel growled as her entered her slowly, thrusting softly, but not deep. He pulled

their hands up as his other hand took hold of her free hand and kissed her tenderly,

whispering the words with all his heart.

“I love you.”

Her eyes glistened as she whispered back his words, then kissed him passionately

as he entered her fully. She muffled a sob against his mouth as her fingernails dug into his


Angel remained still, the tightness and warmth around him the most exquisite

feeling he had ever felt before in his long life. As much as he wanted to move in her, his

worry for her overran any thought he was having. He pulled away from her mouth and

looked down at his love, his mouth moving to place butterfly kisses on her nose, eyelids,

chin, forehead and cheeks. Willow opened her eyes to see the worry and love in his. The

pain passing, she smiled up at him and squeezed his hands, letting her know she was ready.

As he began to move slowly in her, Willow’s body was filled with shots of complete

pleasure. Urging him further, her hips began to move against him, meeting him thrust for


It took all of Angel’s will not to cum. She was just too tight, too wet. Each thrust

was complete ecstasy. Willow hold on his hands tightened as her body tensed, signaling

Angel of her orgasm. His thrust grew quicker and harder, willing her to consume him in

her delight.

Willow screamed his name as her walls constricted around his hard shaft, bringing

him with her over to edge to complete bliss. They fell in each other’s arms, they’re love

for each other soothing their trembling bodies.

