Sunnydale 2015
Anabel was tucked into bed by her mother.
“How are you feeling?” her soft voice asked.
“Better, Mami.”
“Good, now off to sleppyland. You need your rest.”
“Mami, will you tell me a story?”
She smiled as she looked at her daughter.
“You need to sleep, Anabel.”
“Please Mami, I’m already seven and tomorrow’s Saturday.”
She couldn’t resist her pleading face and sat down on the bed next to her.
“Okay, but the short version.”
“The very short version.”
She tucked one of Anabel’s brown locks behind her ear as her mind fled to the
past, relieving each memory, each moment as if it had happened yesterday.
* * * * * * * * * *
Sunnydale 1998
“It’s been six months. Do you still think she’s coming back?” Cordelia asked them
from the gravestone she was sitting on.
“Actually, it’s more like seven,” Xander replied, as he looked around.
“She wouldn’t abandon us,” Willow defended.
“Will, she did,” Xander pointed out.
“I mean completely, you know --- she just needs time,” she tried to explain.
“But Sunnydale needs a Slayer,” Cordelia added, as she inspected the stake in her
“Giles said the Council might send one to fill the post until they find out about
Buffy,” Xander informed them as he fidgeted with his crossbow.
“ one can take Buffy’s place.”
“Face it Will, Buffy left Sunnydale alone. We can’t do it alone. We have school,
research for Giles, finals, and that thing about not wanting to die. We need who ever they
It was hard for Willow to accept what Xander was saying, but it was true. It was
getting harder for them to do the job a slayer was meant to do. There were more
prophecy’s that needed to be looked at, mid-finals at school to prepare for. Staying up
patrolling wasn’t helping.
A movement by the tress caught their attention.
“Is Angel here?” Cordelia asked Willow as she gripped her stake tighter and got
off the gravestone.
“He’s here.”
“Doesn’t it spook you out to be able to feel him or what ever, and know when he’s
around?” she asked curious.
“I think it’s neat,” she replied with a smile, “Except when you guys stopped talking
to me for about a week.”
“You did bring dead-boy back from Hell you know,” Xander told her in his
as-a-matter-of-fact voice.
“Yes, and *dead-boy* has saved your pathetic ass more times then I can
remember,” Cordelia pointed out.
“I know you have trouble counting, Cordy.”
She threw the blunt side of the stake at him, making Willow laugh.
“Ouch, that hurt.”
“It was meant to, you moron.”
Willow laughed harder, sending and feeling the same sensation from the hidden
“Don’t you think it’s time he joined us?” Willow asked hopeful.
“I agree. The more there are, the safer we are.”
“Do we have to?” Xander complained.
“Yep, and your inviting him over,” Willow said with a smile.
“I don’t think so.”
“I think so, because if you don’t their won’t be anymore...” Cordelia told him.
“Any what?”
“You know what, Mr. Harris.”
“Huh?....Cordelia, what are you....oh...OH!..”
“Exactly,” she replied with a smile.
“Fine...I’ll do it. Angel can you join us?” he asked as he rolled his eyes.
“Like you mean it,” Willow told him sternly.
“Okay....Angel can you please join us?”
After a moment of hesitation, Angel stepped away from the tress and stood in
front of them. Willow greeted him with a smile, Cordelia just shrugged her shoulders and
Xander rolled his eyes. He wasn’t sure what to say. He flashed them a quick smile and
remained quite. Willow broke the silence joyfully.
“You can come and sit next to me.”
Angel smiled at her and walked over.
“So, have you heard anything about the new slayer?”, Willow asked him, trying to
shake the awkwardness among them.
“Her name’s Faith. They killed her watcher in battle, that’s why the Council
decided to let her come to Sunnydale.”
“That’s horrible.”
“As long as her luck doesn’t follow her here,” Cordelia commented.
“Real smooth,” Xander told her.
“Actually, her watcher saved her. What I hear, Faith was too rebellious. Her
watcher couldn’t control her. Some lack of training and no focus were the problem.”
“And they think Giles can help her?” Xander asked.
“This wasn’t Giles first Slayer. He’s had three of the most strong-headed, stubborn
slayers before Buffy.”
“Then I hope he can work a miracle with this one,” Cordelia said as she sat back
down on the gravestone.
The group lapsed back into silence, not really sure what to say.
“Do you know when she’ll be here?” Willow asked.
“Two weeks.”
“How is it you know more then Giles? Bite someone for the information?”
Willow and Cordelia glared at Xander. Angel’s eyes turned dark as he looked at
him, straight in the eye.
“No, I had to kill him.”
Xander’s face turned pale as Willow began to laugh, recognizing his dark humor.
Angel smiled at Xander, making Cordelia join in the laughter.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Part 2
“So, what are we doing tonight?” Xander asked Willow at her locker.
“Giles asked for us to meet him at the library. He found a prophecy.”
“Great, another fun filled night at the library. We have to find him a date.”
Willow agreed and closed the locker as they started walking towards the library.
“It shouldn’t be that long. Angel’s coming over to help.”
“Angel, Xander, his name is Angel. And yes, he’s going to help us.”
“I still can’t believe your friends with him. After everything that....”
Willow didn’t let him finish the sentence.
“Xander, how many times are we going to have this discussion? I told you, the
person who did those terrible things was Angelus, not Angel. He would never hurt us.”
“What if...?”
“Angelus is gone forever. The spell I performed banished him forever. Angelus can
never hurt us. You didn’t see him in Hell, Xander. It was horrible and he stayed there for
75 years. I’d never wish that fate on anyone. Don’t you think he’s suffered enough?”
There was a part of Xander, the reasonable side, that agreed with Willow, but
there also was the hurt, envious side that told him to keep hating him. He simply nodded,
his reasonable side winning the battle.
“We need each other, Xander. Buffy’s gone and all we have is each other. We
need to work together for Sunnydale....for our futures.”
“You’ve accepted it, haven’t you?”
“She isn’t coming back is she?” Willow asked.
“I don’t think so, Will. Buffy left her duty, her responsibility, us. I don’t expect her
back. I’m not sure how I’d act if she did. We’ve gone through a lot. Sometimes more then
we should have. I’m not sure I want her back.”
Xander pulled her in for a hug.
“But like you said, we have each other.”
The two best friends walked to the library, all hopes about a certain slayer
* * * * * * * * * *
“On time, that’s odd,” Giles commented as he saw the group seated at the table.
Angel remained by the stacks, the sunlight in the room restricting him.
“We’ve been getting better,” Willow said proudly.
“Well then, we should start.”
“What’s the prophecy ‘tweed man.”
Giles rolled his eyes and read from the open book in his hands.
“The four shall meet, creating to defeat. What they all hold and what they will be
to mold. Becoming the Chosen and in time closing the dark forces.”
“That pretty much explains itself,” Xander commented sarcastically.
“What I can make out and actually hope, are that the ‘dark forces’ are the
Hellmouths. If that’s so, then it’s vital we figure out this prophecy as soon as possible.”
“Okay, who are the chosen?” Cordelia asked.
“The four who will meet,” Willow reasoned.
“Okay, so these ‘chosen’ are supposed to close the Hellmouths - how?” Xander
“We need to find out who the Chosen are first,” Angel replied.
“Exactly, Giles agreed.
“There’s where we start researching,” Willow told him as she reached for a book.
After five hours of research the group decided to continue it tomorrow.
“Tomorrow, right after class,” Giles reminded them.
“Will do, Captain,” Xander replied.
“Aren’t you going to go on the lead you....,” Willow began to ask him.
“I canceled the trip. The Hellmouth needs my complete attention. I also need to
make some new arrangements for Faith, the new slayer.”
The group nodded, realizing what that meant.
“See you tomorrow night, Giles.”
The group left the library, finally saying good-bye to a part of their past.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Angel walked the group to their respective homes, Willow being the last of the
gang to be dropped off.
“Did you want to come in?” Willow asked as they reached her door.
It was only recently that Angel had begun to accept her invitation into her house.
He could only wonder how she could let a monster like him into her world. But, that was
Willow. The purest light and soul he had ever met.
They sat comfortably on the couch and talked. They spoke about the prophecy,
what he had done to at his new place and about themselves. They talked the night away as
they usually did. Her body had already established a new sleeping pattern where she could
stay up longer, only needing to take a nap right after school.
He left before dawn, leaving her with the promise of seeing her tomorrow. He
closed the door securely behind him and headed home, thanking the God he had stopped
believing in, for her existence.
* * * * * * * * * * *
“Next week, what’s the plan?” Xander asked the women that walked with him to
the library.
“Cordelia, we’ve been doing that for the past two weeks.”
Willow smiled, sensing an argument approaching.
“And the problem is?”
“You want to shop night and day for the next two weeks?” he asked in complete
“Wasn’t thinking about night too, but that sounds better.”
“Keep it up, Xander. Why not give her more ideas,” she said in a low voice.
“Heard that, Willow.”
Xander and Willow chuckled. It was still bizarre for them to be getting along so
well, but being left to defend Sunnydale alone, near death experiences and near fatal
encounters can make a difference.
“Where are your parents?” Xander asked Cordelia.
“They gave each other a Christmas gift of a cruise in the Caribbean, then a stop at
New York. They’ll be gone most of the two weeks.”
“Conventions both weeks - one in Boston the other in North Carolina.”
“So that means we can all stay at Willow’s. My parents stay in town, but won’t
care if I’m around the house.”
“Movies...” Willow began to say excited.
“....junk food....”
...make-overs,” Cordelia ended.
Willow wasn’t sure how to ask, but she needed to.
“And Angel?”
“What about dead-boy?”
“Christmas isn’t a time to be alone. What would we be doing if we were alone -
depressed, lonely, sad. That isn’t the way to spend the holidays, so I was thinking...”
“She has a point,” Cordelia said.
“And Angel has saved all our lives, I even lost count how many times he saved you
“I think it’s been eleven times, not counting the one he fainted,” Cordelia happily
Willow looked at Cordelia and smiled. Her expression thanking her for her
“Fine,” Xander crumbled.
Willow cheered as Cordelia shrugged her shoulders.
They entered the library and were not surprised to see Giles already in deep
research with a book. Willow smiled as she sensed him behind the stacks. Cordy and
Xander took a seat as Willow went to sit with her friend.
“What you doing?”
Angel looked up and smiled.
“Find anything?” she asked as she sat next to him.
“Not much. The Chosen are a group that become one. No names, not how,
“It’s... a... start,” she said between yawns.
“I kept you up too long last night didn’t I?”
“ just need a nap.”
She laid her head on his shoulder, her eyelids fighting for sleep.
“Take a nap. I’ll wake you if anything happens.”
“What are you doing for Christmas?”
“What?” he asked surprised.
“Is that a nothing?”
“Christmas? I usually...I don’t...”
“Good, then you can come over.”
“Come over where?”
“To my house silly. A small party of sorts.”
“Willow, I don’t know...”
“You come over next Thursday....”
“Willow, I really don’t think...”
“Actually, if you want, you can come over to my house starting Sunday night. My
parents are gone and since Cordelia and Xander will be sleeping over for the next two
weeks then you can stay over too.”
“I’m sure they wouldn’t want me....”
“We all talked about it....and want you to join us,” she said yawning.
“I’ll prepare the house. It’ll be fun. Food, movies, makeovers, games...what more
can you ask for.”
Angel looked down and saw her resolve face in place. He would be spending a
night over at her house, at least, he knew that for certain. He wanted to spend more time
with her. He remembered the wise words the adorable face he looked at, told him. She had
found him in the mansion, a whole month back, still brooding and mopping around. She
had simply stepped up to him and slapped him - ‘You’ve suffered enough, you deserve to
be happy. Let me help you’. And help she did. He nodded his consent at her invitation.
She smiled and finally drifted to sleep.
Three hours later, Angel awoke her from her slumber. Giles had found some
information on the prophecy. They walked down to join the others, Willow trying to focus
her eyes.
“The Chosen will walk from the dark and finally form the undying light, forming
the bonds of eternity as they awoken from the haze that blinds. The Protector shall guide
them once the Guardian finds them.”
“Two more extras,” Xander commented.
“Which brings us to an unknown number of how many their are,” Giles told them.
“So, the Chosen don’t even know their the chosen,” Angel reasoned out loud.
“Not until the Guardian finds them,” Willow replied, seeing the logic in what
Angel was saying.
“So we don’t who they are, because they don’t even know who they are. That’s
really great,” Cordelia commented.
“Then all we can do is wait,” Giles said a bit defeated.
The gang agreed and placing the books awake. Duty called and left the library to
* * * * * * * * * * *
“Did you ask him?” Cordelia asked her, then nodded her head to the side,
indicating to Angel.
Willow looked at her a bit confused as Angel looked at both of them, knowing she
had referred to him.
“Asked me what?”
“That would be a no?”
Then she remembered.
“Cordy, I’m sorry, I forgot then I went to sleep, then Giles told us about the
prophecy, and now here patrolling, it slipped my mind and...”
“Willow, what did you have to ask me?” Angel asked as he smiled at her
Willow turned slightly to look at the vampire seating next to her on the bench.
“Um...Remember you can say no...It’s Xander’s birthday on Monday and we were
thinking, me and Cordy...if you can...that is if you even can...being the owner and
all...that...” Willow fidgeted a bit.
“Willow, you can ask me anything, you know that. What did you need?”
“We wanted to know if you we could use the Bronze to hold a surprise party for
Xander?” Cordelia blurted out.
“You can help us plan, we can all plan it, because we’re all friends,” Willow added
“Sure, I can close it down. Or did you guys want to make into a night for him. I
can open the club, invitation only.”
“Could you do that?” Cordelia asked excited.
“I’m sure I could work something out,” Angel said.
Cordelia jumped up from the gravestone she had been sitting on and went to hug
him. Angel was shocked and could only return the embrace partly. She thanked him and
went to find Xander, who had gone over to check on some fresh graves. Angel was
caught off guard once more as Willow wrapped her small arms around him, hugging him
tight, thanking him as well. Angel didn’t hesitate, and returned her embrace fiercely. Their
was something about the way she hugged him that he craved. Willow pulled away, and
placed a kiss on his cheek.
“You know I’m lucky I got a second chance to know you,” she said with a smile.
“You? Me, you most me. Come on, let’s go stake some badies,” he said with a
smile as he took her hand and pulled her off the bench with him and headed over to see
what Cordelia and Xander were doing.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Part 3
Willow hurried to finish up covering all the windows with blinds and heavy drapes.
It was Sunday and had to get all the rooms ready before they came over. She had finally
figured out who would be sleeping where. Cordelia would be sleeping in one of the guest
rooms and Xander would have the guest room adjacent to hers. Angel would be staying in
her parents room, which had a private bathroom. She made sure to place double drapes on
the window as well as the one in the bathroom. She wanted to make sure he felt at ease
and happy. The fridge was stocked with junk food and soda, and put a section apart for
Angel’s food.
Her first guest to arrive was Xander. He immediately saw the changes in the
“So dead-boy is really staying here?”
“Angel is staying over just like you. And remember, behave. You promised.”
“Fine...I will.”
“Good, then I can still give you your birthday present tomorrow,” she replied with
a smile.
“So what have you and Cordy planned?” he asked happily as they walked to his
“*Angel*, Cordelia, and I have planned something you never would have imaged,”
she said, emphasizing Angel’s name.
“Yep, actually he did most of the planning. If not for him, never would have
Xander remained quite, thankful to hear the doorbell ring.
“Second room to the left,” she said as she raced back downstairs.
“Aunt Gertrude’s room? Great”
Xander entered the dark room as Willow greeted her second guest.
“Willow, you seriously need a new decorator,” Cordy said as she entered the dark
living room.
“Angel’s coming over.”
“You convinced him?”
“He didn’t really have much of a choice. Come on, let me show you your room.”
“Willow, can we talk privately later?”
Willow showed her to the room, but soon left as the doorbell rang once more. She
opened the door to find her last guest.
“I found it amazing that when I got home from patrolling last night that my *new*
apartment had a rodent problem.”
“Angel, that’s terrible,” she replied, giving him the most innocent look she could
“But what really amazed me was when I called the exterminators, they said they
wouldn’t be able to come over and do the job until two weeks from now.”
“That’s horrible. Do you need a place to stay?”
He grinned at her as his eyes narrowed a bit.
“If you have room for one more person,” he said, knowing nothing was a
coincidence. She pulled him in the house and closed the door behind him.
Angel looked around the house and noticed how conveniently dark it was.
“I have one room left,” she said as she took one of his duffel bags from him.
“Willow, that’s the...”
“Red wine? No problem. I’ll stock some in the fridge and some in a cooler in your
She left the bag on one of the chairs as she pulled him up the stairs to her parents
bedroom. He smiled as he saw the accommodations.
“You have a bath, with extra clean towels. The button drawer is empty if you want
to unpack, and I put a cooler with a lot of ice next to the bed. You know where
everything is, remember, mi casa tu casa.”
She was about to rush out of the room when she heard the doorbell, but Angel’s
hand stopped her.
“I would have come over,” Angel said with a smile.
“I know, just wanted to make sure,” she replied, returning the smile.
He pulled her in for a hug, placing a kiss on top of her head.
“Thank you.”
“No need. Friends never have to thank each other. Uh, gotta get the door.”
She pulled away and left him alone in the room. She hurried to the door as she
fumbled to take out her money from her pocket. To her complete surprise is wasn’t the
pizza delivery man.
“Giles, I didn’t expect you ‘till tomorrow, but I can prepare the room for you right
now, no problem...”
“Actually, Willow, I can’t stay.”
She invited him in and offered him a seat on the sofa. She didn’t like the look on
his face.
“Is something wrong?”
“No...well, yes..I’m leaving for London tonight.”
“Why? What happened?”
“My sister’s become rather ill and I haven’t seen her for some years...”
“I understand. Don’t worry, we’ll take care of everything till you get back.”
“I was hoping you would say that.”
“Of course, family remember. Let me get the rest of gang. Don’t leave ‘till I get
Willow rushed up the stairs, leaving the Giles alone in the living room. He
remembered back to when he had first heard her use ‘family’ to describe them. It had been
a rough time since Buffy had left before summer. They had encountered all sort of demons
and vampires, almost losing Cordelia and Xander the first couple of fights. Then Angel
come back, and it got easier, all to the help of the red hacker. It was true, it was still hard
for him to look at Angel and not quiver as he tried to push back memories of his time as
Angelus, but with Willow’s help, the group was accepting him little by little.
“We have to stick together. We’re family.”
How true her words are, he thought. The slayers absence had caused them to relay
on each other. There, their bonds had been created. Giles was awoken from his thoughts
by the rush of voices coming from the stairs. To his complete surprised, they all carried
presents. Willow was the first to go up to him and hand him his. She couldn’t help herself
and hugged him, surprising the librarian.
“Merry Christmas, Giles. I’m sure everything will turn out good. Be careful.”
“Thank you, Willow.”
He reached into the bag he had carried in and handed her her present.
“Happy Hanukah.”
Cordelia followed Willow, wishing him a good trip and exchanged presents.
Xander shook his hand and handed him his.
“We’ll take care of the place while your gone.”
“Thank you, Xander.”
Xander accepted his gift anxiously.
“I’m sure everything will be fine. Have a good trip, Giles.” Angel said as he
handed him his gift, never expecting the gift Giles handed him.
“Thank you, Angel. I hope everything will be well. Remember to close the library
every night, and keep researching the prophecy.”
“We will.”
Giles packed up his gifts in his bag and left, once more wishing them a Merry
Christmas and New Year.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Angel had decided to take a shower as the rest of the gang ate. It was still a little
hard for him to be around them, even if Willow reassured him he was accepted, hell, it was
still hard for him to understand why someone like Willow would want to be his friend, but
that she was and for that he was grateful. His life in Hell had been terrible, every pain,
every torture he had endured. He had a lot of time to think, to feel, to regret. And Hell can
change a man, any man. Willow had given him a second chance to walk among the living,
and with each passing day, he was now realizing he may have some right to happiness, and
with each day he spent with Willow, he was.
Once the pizza was done, Cordelia and Willow left Xander alone, telling him they
needed to talk about girlie things like, douche. Xander immediately understood and let
them leave without a further complaint. The girls left, locking themselves in Willow’s
room. Over the past months, Cordelia and Willow had become strong friends. After a
couple of near death rescues from both sides, they looked past the surface and had found a
Xander wasn’t sure what to do. He didn’t like Angel, didn’t get along with him,
but this he was the only person who would help him. He looked at the empty pizza box,
wondering what he should do.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Part 4
“Cordy, are you sure?” Willow asked surprised.
The girls had closed themselves in Willow’s room, finishing up the last details for
Xander’s birthday bash.
“Yep, I’m ready,” Cordelia said, with excitement and nervousness in her voice.
“Have you told him?”
“Hinted it to him a bit. I want it to be his present.”
“Are you scared?” Willow asked curious.
“A little. It’s supposed to hurt, not looking forward to that and where both
inexperienced, I’m not going to know what to do, so I’m relying on him.”
Willow couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Will, you wouldn’t that can help me out?”
It took her a couple of seconds to realize what it was that she was talking about.
“You mean...well I haven’t updated my porn collection,” she replied with a blush.
The girls giggled.
“I just thought, you know, if I it happened might be...a
Willow understood. Her suggestion had shocked them both.
“Did you want one?”
Cordelia wasn’t sure what to say.
“A porn?”
“That would be the last resort, but maybe, you know those videos in back of
magazines - “Get the right orgasm”. Something like that.”
They both burst out into laughter.
“Can we do it?” Cordelia asked a bit embarrassed.
“Let’s go.”
Willow got up from the bed and grabbed her jacket.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Angel was sitting on the bed, putting on his shoes when he heard the knock on the
door. He was shocked to see the person on the other end.
“Can I talk to you?” he asked, uneasy.
Angel was in complete shock. He stepped to the side, letting him into the room.
Xander took a seat on the bed, his eyes clued to the floor. Angel remained silent, not sure
what Xander wanted.
“I need advise,” Xander mumbled.
“Well, if there’s anything I can help you with.....” Angel began to say, not sure
how to react about his request. He rarely talked to Xander and to be frank this was
freaking him out.
“I know you have experience about this...I don’t know anyone who could help dad’s either passed out or has completely gone blind to my existence....and
Willow is my best”
Angel sat down in a chair in the corner, wondering what it was that Xander needed
advise in.
“Shit....It’s just...damn..I really don’t want to have this conversation with
you....but.....” Xander began to battle with himself.
“You don’t have to tell me anything...”
“It’s just....”
“Then just blurt it out,” Angel told him, sensing his apprehension.
“I want to sleep with Cordelia.”
This wasn’t what Angel expected.
“Okay....I think Cordelia might be...I mean...might want to...”
“That isn’t it...Geez, never thought I’d be here asking for advise from a dead
guy...” Xander muttered.
Then it hit on Angel.
“Your a virgin!” Angel said surprised.
“I’m not sure they heard you in Alaska, Angel,” Xander said mad.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t know.....I just thought....”
“Nope, not once. Pathetic isn’t it?”
“I don’t think so. Is Cordelia...?”
“Of course she is,” Xander replied a bit high. He felt uncomfortable talking to
Angel was about this, especially about Cordelia.
“And you want....?”
“I’m sure you’ve slept with virgins before, you were probably one once too, and
since I really don’t know what to expect...what I should do for her....I thought...some
pointers here and there...I don’t want to make myself look like a jackass as I usually do.”
“Um...what is it that you want to know?” Angel asked, feeling a bit uneasy about
talking to him about this.
“Anything you can think that can help me.”
“ most important thing you should know is that the first time
you penetrate her, it’ll hurt her. She’ll bleed, it’s normal. You have to be patient with her.
Fear will a major emotion for her. Re-assure her, let her know you love her. If she wants
to stop or slow it down....”
Angel and Xander remained talking for two hours, something that amazed them
both. Xander asked questions as Angel answered them as best he could.
* * * * * * * * * * *
“That looks like it hurts,” Cordelia commented as they watched the TV.
Willow and Cordelia had gone to the video store and gone to the adult section.
They were horrified to see the clerk was a fellow schoolmate. After a rush of a panic
attack passed, Willow placed her resolve face on and picked the videos they wanted. She
walked to the counter, and with a little help of her magick, managed to rent the videos for
five days. Willow left the counter mortified. She would now be known as the closed door
“It looks like she’s enjoying it,” Willow replied as they tilted their heads to the side
to get the better view.
The next scene was set up with a view of complete instructions.
“Harmony tried that.”
“How do you know?”
“She told us. Joshua.”
“No!, the quarterback.”
“Said he was small,” Cordelia said with a slight giggle as she nodded her head yes.
“How would she know, unless.....” Willow trailed off, too embarrassed to finish
the thought.
“...never thought about that....”
The girls watched attentively as the woman in the video finished her oral fixation.
The next scene appeared filled with sound affects.
“Can we even sound that way?” Cordelia asked, not sure she would be able to
sound that way.
“Maybe it’s the heat of the moment,”
Cordy was about add to the comment, but instead jumped off her chair and shot a
panicked look to Willow. Willow almost tumbled off the bed as she heard the knock on
the door.
Angel walked down the hall, fearing his hearing was off. The closer he got to
Willow’s room the clearer the sound of moans that he could hear. He gently knocked on
the door, confused to hear the voice of an unfamiliar woman talking. He heard a sound of
someone falling and knocked louder. He then heard the moaning grow louder then stop.
He was about to knock a third time, but Willow opened up the door a jar. He smiled as he
noticed how red she was.
“We have to go and patrol,” he told her.
“Patrol...yes...that sounds great...I’ll meet you down stairs with Cordy.”
Before Angel could reply, Willow closed the door.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Part 5
“Willow, is everything okay?”
“ could be wrong?”
“Could be because each time I look at you, you turn bright red.”
Willow wasn’t sure how to reply. She wouldn’t help it, her imagination was
getting too inventive. Even in the cool, brisk night, she felt hot, especially when he looked
at her.
“Is there anything you want to talk about?” Angel asked her.
“Questions? No, of course not....nope no questions...none at all....”
“Willow Ann Rosenburg, you are a terrible liar. Tell me.”
“I can’’s too....,” Willow covered her scorching cheeks in her hands.
“Nothing about too something, tell me.”
“’s too embarrassing....”
“Willow, you’ve seen me completely naked, with all kind of red and green slime on
me, which I may add smelled horribly. I’m not sure there’s anything more embarrassing
then that.”
Willow looked up at him and smiled. She wiggled a bit on the backyard swing that
her father had built so long ago, a pair, for her and Xander.
“It have...of course you sex that
Angel almost fell back on the swing.
“ depends...Willow, are you contemplating.....?”
She looked at him a bit confused. Then it hit her.
“No!...oh just..well a friend is...I’m know...experienced...geez..let
me crawl under a rock now....”
Angel chuckled. <Can the night get any weirder?>
“This is for Cordelia?”
“How do you know?” she asked completely surprised.
“Xander came to talk to me early tonight.”
“We talked.”
“An actually conversation?”
“Believe me, it’s odder for me then for you.”
“Wow...and was it about....did you give him.....advice?” she asked turning redder.
Angel felt a bit uneasy talking to her about it. Hell, he would probably feel a bit
ackward talking about it to anyone.
“ A bit.”
“Cordelia will be happy. All the videos for nothing,” Willow looked at him
terrified. She wasn’t sure how something like that could slip.
“What videos?”
Willow hoped the ground would swallow her up and end her embarrassment. She
got up quickly and headed to the back door, but before she could take another step, Angel
appeared in her path.
“You’ll think I’m a pervert or something,” she said, burying her face in his chest.
Angel placed his hands on her back and began making small, soft caress, to soothe
“I won’t think your a pervert. You can tell me or ask me anything remember.”
“I know...I...Cordelia and I.....we rented...some...instructional videos...,” she
“Instructional videos on....”
Angel couldn’t hold back a chuckle.
“I know, I know...I’m a pervert.”
“Why? Because your curious, or because you were helping a friend? Well, at least
they’ll be prepared for it.”
“Angel...does it feel that good?” she asked, not sure if she should have asked him
that question.
“ does, but what makes it wonderful is when you share it with someone you
Willow sensed an immediate mix of emotions in him of sadness and joyfulness.
“I didn’t mean to bring up any bad memories Angel...I know that you and
Buffy....I know it was special. I’m sorry if I made you....”
Angel hugged her, his arms wrapping around her securely.
“I’ve faced that, Willow. What Buffy and I had was messy, hard, untrusting. It’s a
part of my past that caused immeasurable amount of pain. It should stay there.”
Willow looked up at him, returning his embrace.
“But you can be happy now. No more curse. Your soul is yours to keep. You can
do anything you want. You can be happy.”
Angel looked deep into her green eyes and smiled.
“I am.”
* * * * * * * * * * *
The Bronze was filled to capacity when Angel brought Xander to the Bronze. The
birthday boy was completely surprised to see the Bronze dedicated to him for the night.
He was even happier to see that people he did not like had not been invited or permitted
in. Angel had arranged a special table for the group and the band played music they
“This is great Angel. How can I ever thank you?” Willow asked him as they sat
next to each other at the table.
“You can dance with me.”
Willow accepted his invitation and joined him on the dance floor. By midnight,
Xander and Cordelia had decided to take their leave, Xander thanking Willow for the
party and Angel for his help and the party. Willow wished them a wonderful night and left
with Angel.
“Now what?” Angel asked her as they walked down the street.
“We can break into the library, or go see a movie, or rent something and go to my
“What about we go and read some books?”’
Angel couldn’t help but smile.
“If you like. Come on.”
The twosome walked down the street, talking and enjoying the time as they
walked to Borders.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Willow awoke to an empty house. Angel had left shortly before dawn to get more
clothes and ‘supplies’ for the week. After a quick shower and breakfast, she headed to do
some more gift shopping. She had met Amy for some lunch, then walked to her house.
She remained there until it was time for Amy to leave with her parents to San Francisco.
She headed back to the stores and picked up the special package she had ordered a week
ago, but now was having second thoughts about it. Would he like it? It wasn’t original as
the first gift she had bought him, but hope he liked it anyway.
She looked at her watch and decided to go home. There was still light out by the
time she reached her house. She opened the door and walked in, placing the bags on the
couch in the living room. She walked over to the answering machine and pushed the red
“Willow - Meet me at 130 Manchester Lane - Take a taxi. It’s a surprise.”
* * * * * * * * * * *
Xander entered the gate with Cordelia in complete awe. They had returned from
the small Bed and Breakfast they had spent in last night, to find a small note taped on
Willow’s door. He took out the letter and read
it, making sure it was the right address.
Xander, Cordelia - Meet me at 130 Manchester
Lane - Take a taxi. It’s a surprise.
“Do you think we’re late?” Cordelia asked, as she looked up the magnificent
“I don’t think so. I’m sure Willow would want us to come here before the sunset.”
“What do you think we’re going to do here.”
“Another party maybe...I have no idea.”
They walked up the stairs and knocked. No one answered after three knocks and
tried the doorknob. It was open. They entered the lit room, too entranced by the house to
notice the door close behind. By the time they turned around and rushed to the door, it
locked, preventing them from leaving.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Angel was a bit confused when he heard Willow’s message on his answering
machine. He decided to leave his cargo, then come back for it later with Willow. He
replayed the message once more, memorizing the
“Angel - meet me at 130 Manchester Lane - Be
careful - It’s a surprise.”
He grabbed his jacket and left right after sun set.
* * * * * * * * * * *
Part 6
Willow looked up at the house in complete amazement.
<Wow - Angel probably owns it>
She walked up the pathway, her eyes still inspecting the majestic mansion. Before
she could knock, the door opened. She stepped inside without a worry, searching for
Angel. After a few steps inside, the door slammed closed behind her, once more locking
She was surprised to see Xander and Cordelia rush out of a room to greet her.
“Willow, what it this?” Xander asked worried.
“Xander, when did you get back? What are you doing here?”
“You invited us,” Cordelia replied, a bit out of patience.
“No I didn’t. Angel asked me to meet him here.”
“You left us a note Willow. Here look,” Xander said as he handed her the paper.
“Xander, it’s blank,” she told him as she unfolded it.
He snatched the paper back and saw no written words on it.
“That’s impossible,” Cordelia remarked as she looked down at the paper.
“It was your writing, Will. It asked us to meet you here.”
“I never wrote it, Xander. I got back from shopping half an hour ago. I got a
message from Angel and came over here.”
“Angel...that’s it..Angel...” Xander reasoned.
“What about him?” Willow asked defensively.
“He planned this.”
“Why?”, Cordelia asked panicking .
“To kill us.”
“He’d never do that.”
They moved farther in the entrance room, arguing, never noticing the fourth figure
that joined them.
“How well do we know him, Willow? He’s probably been planing this since he
came back.”
“I know him. Angel would never plan this.”
“I’d never plan what?”
They all jumped, startled to hear his voice.
“You did this!”
“Did what?” he asked Xander, noticing his angered face.
“You know what the Hell I’m talking about. What are we doing here?”
“I don’t know why you’re here, but Willow left me a message to meet her here.”
“I didn’t leave you a message, Angel, you left me one.”
“Willow, I never left you a message. You said to meet you at...”
“....130 Manchester Lane...” Willow said, as she replayed the message she heard in
her head.
“....take a taxi....,” Cordelia said, remembering what she read on the note.
“.....It’s a surprise,” Xander added.
They all looked at each other, realizing they all had received the same message.
“I’m glad to see everyone was able to make it.”’
They all turned to see who the source of the fifth voice was. They covered their
eyes, the light on top of the staircase too bright.
“Who are you?” Willow asked.
“All in time, Willow, all in time.”
“What do what?” Angel growled.
“Temper, temper, Angelus. You most be patient. It’ll depend on your lives.”
“I really don’t like the sound of that,” Xander said softly.
“How do you know our names?” Cordelia asked as she moved closer to Xander.
“I know everything I need to know.”
“What do you want with us?” Angel asked.
“A simple test. You pass and you win a prize. You lose, you die.”
“That’s great.” Cordelia remarked, frightened as ever.
“Don’t you want to know what you’ll prize will be?” the woman in the light asked
“We get to live?” Willow asked hopeful.
“That’s your bonus, but you get your friend back......”
They all held their breath as they waited for her to continue.
“Giles? but his in England with...,” Angel said.
“His ill sister. Well I’m glad to say she is actually doing quite well. His plane,
however, was a bit detoured.....”
An image appeared before them. Giles was unconscious on a bed, his arms and
legs held down with restraints.
“Now, who will play?”
The all nodded their consent, the image disappearing in front of them.
“Good. Listen carefully. In the next room there is a table. On that table their are
boxes. Each person must choose one. The leader, however, will be permitted a
combination of two. These will be your powers. I shall grant them for you and the search
for Rupert Giles will begin. Choose wisely, this will be your only protection against the
‘obstacles’ you encounter. You have ten minutes.”
With that said the light disappeared.
“What are we going to do?” Cordelia asked.
“Play the game,” the rest of them replied in