Just want to be Loved

Xander rubbed his head as he laid happily on the rug in the living room. His other hand

caressed the back of Buffy’s smooth back. The alcohol was wearing off and a headache

was forming. He would not believe what had just happened. It had once been a dream, a

dream he never thought would happen. Now, here he was, laying on the floor, naked with

Buffy Summers. He just had one question.



“What happened?”

“What?” she asked shocked as she sat up and looked down at him.

“How did I get the rug burns on my forehead?”

Buffy giggled as she remembered.

“Let’s just say you were a little too excited and missed me the first couple of


Xander decided not to question her further and gave her a smile as his eyes trailed

down her face to her breasts, centering on the nipples he had bitten, licked and teased.

Buffy would feel herself getting wet as she saw how Xander’s eyes moved down her body.

She turned to look at his newly formed erection, never seeing Xander’s hand reach for

her, his fingers moving quickly into the warmness of her folds. Buffy turned back to look

at him and moaned.

“We should go to your room,” Xander told her as he took out his fingers from her

core and licked his them.

Buffy quickly stood as she pulled Xander up with her with all her strength and led

him up the stairs to her bedroom. Xander happily followed knowing what the rest of the

night had in store for him.

* * * * * * * * * * *

Willow trembled as his hands moved across the side of her stomach, up to cup her

breasts. She moaned into his mouth as she felt his fingers tug lightly on her hardened

nipples. She pulled back from his talented mouth, moaning louder as she felt his hands

engulf both her breasts. Her eyes closed as she felt his fingers flicker lightly over her tight

tips, his mouth beginning to trail down her neck, his mouth finding her delicate spot, his

teeth grazing over it. Willow moaned louder as his tongue swirled around her neck,

placing pressure where she needed most. Her hands grasped his hair, keeping him close to

her body.

Angel’s lips left her neck, licking his way down the valley between her breasts,

biting down lightly, making Willow jump against him, making him groan deep in his

throat. His hands massaged her small globes as his mouth reached her right nipple, his

mouth taking the tip into his wet, cool, mouth.

Willow ground her hips against him, making Angel’s erection strained against the wet

material. In the urge to have him near, Willow’s arms wrapped around him, one remaining

in his hair, as the other traveled down his back, her nails grazing his skin, lightly.

Angel moaned as his mouth sucked on the tip roughly, his teeth biting down a bit.

Willow was lost in all sensation and parted her legs as his knee beckoned between them.

As his mouth moved to suckle her other breast, his hands traveled down her

stomach, gently massaging the tense muscles, reaching down to the button of her leather


Willow began to moan louder, fueling Angel towards the ecstasy they both craved.

His nimble fingers pulled down the zipper and pulled her pants low enough for one of his

hands to sneak down to her sex. His mouth left her breasts and captured her mouth, his

tongue plungering deep inside as his fingers parted her folds and entered the wet warmth

of Willow. She moaned in his mouth as he felt his intrusion and by instinct began to rock

her hips against his hands, seeking the attention she so needed. Angel pulled back, letting

her take in the air she so needed and fastened his moist mouth once more of her rosy tip.

Willow was lost in all sensation, her senses became overwhelmed with pleasure she

had never known possible. Her moans quickened as she felt his fingers quicken in her, his

thumb placing enough pressure in circular motion around her clit, as his other fingers

began to prepare her passage for his entry. His mouth left her nipples, placing a final kiss

upon them as his mouth traveled lower, placing wet kisses around her navel, finally

dipping his tongue inside, making her moan louder.

Angel hands moved quicker, willing her to cum in his hand. His free hand

struggled to pull down the tight material, as she felt her walls begin to spasm, his thumb

moving even quicker to pleasure her. Once the material was off, he felt her walls begin to

spasm around his fingers and pried her legs open as her orgasm began to rip through her

only to become more painfully pleasuring as she felt his tongue suckle on her nub, tasting

her juices, prolonging her orgasm to wave over wave of complete rapture. His own painful

need became too much to bare as his mouth climbed up to her, her body still shaking

underneath him.

“Willow...” his urgent voice pleading, needing to know if she wanted to continue.

Her cloudy glazed eyes opened, seeing the need in his. Without needing to think

further, she pulled his head down, kissing him with a passion that he had never felt from

another lover. He rolled them over, letting Willow lie un top of him, fighting against the

need to just posses her.

As his hand pressed her head closer to him, his other hand found hers trying to

open the button of his pants. Helping her, they pulled his zipper down, his mouth breaking

away from hers as his eyes closed, taking in all the pleasure he was receiving from her

hands as they carefully took out his throbbing erection and pulled down his pants, tossing

them to the floor.

Willow looked at Angel’s naked, wet, muscled body and felt her groin ache. She

pulled herself back on his cool body, her hands taking the hard, long flesh in her hands,

and began stroking him, trying to pleasure him as he had pleasured her.

As much as Angel wanted to let her touch him, his need to cum in her was too

great. He wanted to fill her, wanted to make her scream louder, spill himself into her

warmth. He opened his eyes and pulled Willow’s hands away, his eyes conveying his want

as his voice strained to talk.

“I need to be in you. Now,” he told her hungrily. He placed her higher against his

body as Willow straddled his hips. He positioned her above him as his hand took hold of

himself and began to rub his head against her slit and rubbed himself inside her, wetting

himself with her juices. He entered her tight channel, pulling her down slowly, letting her

take him in her at her own pace, slowly, letting her used to him in her.

Willow abandoned herself to all feeling as she tried to keep her eyes open, wanting

to see the look of complete delectation on his face. She pushed herself lower, moaning

louder as she felt him hit her barrier. His hands remained on her hips as he opened his eyes

to see her fiery green piercing through him.

Willow lifted herself once more, then fell completely on him as Angel thrusted

upward, breaking through her, feeling her tight walls accept him. Willow fell on top of

him, tears falling at the sudden pain and shock. She felt his hand stroke her hair, as he

fought the urge to thrust within her. The tightness he felt around his shaft was amazing,

making him moan her name.

As though being awaken, Willow moved her hips a bit and felt heat course through

her body. The pain was being replaced by ache and delight. She pulled herself up as she

lifted her hips higher, making both of them groan as the new sensations of completeness

moved through them. Angel lifter her hips, beginning the ancient dance of bliss.

Her tightness was too much for him to take and flipped them over, his mouth

kissing her in urgency as his thrusts grew quicker, her hips meeting his, her body being

consumed by the man on top of her. She wrapped her legs and arms around him, urging

him to move faster, making it harder for Angel to remain under control. As his hand

reached between them, her hands left their mark down his back, pushing him to move his

mouth down to nuzzle her neck, his finger pinching her sensitive nub, taking her over the



As her walls constricted around him, his thrusts moved harder, his fangs piercing

her wet skin, tasting her as he spilled himself into her, taking them to pleasures too high

for them to have known possible. He fell on top of her, his arms trying to support some


Once there shaking seized, Angel pulled himself high to look at her. The exhausted

couple gazed into each other eyes and smiled.

* * * * * * * * * * *

It had been then three weeks since that eventful night. Three weeks of concealment

and worry. Three weeks since Oz had left a message on Willow’s answering machine at

four in the morning and one week since Willow had partially moved into her boyfriends


Three weeks of running around, of telling lies, of making up enough stories that

could fill an entire book. Three weeks and it had come to this. A confrontation at the


Angel held Willow in his arms as they walked to the Bronze. His mouth in deep

concentration as it nibbled on her shoulder. His growing fetish to nibble on her when ever

she was close forming. It was until he bumped into her, that he realized they had stopped a

street away from there destination.


She turned in his arms, her eyes an expression of her hope, fear and want.

“What do you think they’ll do?”

“Nothing, they can’t do anything. In a month, when you turn 18, you will be living

in our new house, being completely ravished each night by your boyfriend who loves you

and be overjoyed by it as he is.”

Willow smiled, her cheeks turning red.

“If you keep doing that, we will have to re-schedule...again.”

Willow looked down, remembering when he had flipped her over his shoulder

when she couldn’t stop blushing.

“It’ll be all right, Willow. I promise.”

She smiled and hugged him tightly, knowing that it would, even if her friends

needed time to deal with it.

The couple entered the club, trying to keep therir hands off each other as they

made there way to the table where Buffy and Xander sat, shifting from side to side. The

four sat, not sure where to begin, the silence in the air dreadful.





Xander looked at Buffy then at Willow and took her hand in his.



He took a deep breath and before he would say anything, Buffy blurted it out.

“Xander and I slept together.”

All eyes turned to the blond who’s face had turned to a deep red.

Xander looked back at Willow and added.

“It’s gone further than that actually, we’re going out...as a couple.”

Willow looked at them surprised, then jumped up from her seat and went over to

hug her friends.

“I’m so happy for you,” she told them as she hugged each one.

Angel could see the look of relief on their faces and smiled, now knowing that

they’re revelation would be easier for them to deal with.

“We were worried you’d hate us,” Buffy told her, returning the hug two fold.


As she made herself back to her seat, she was taken hold of by her waist and

placed firmly on Angel’s lap. Willow wrapped an arm around his neck and looked at the

confused, shocked looks on her friend’s faces. It was Buffy who was first on her feet to

congratulate the new couple, followed by Xander. He had never quite seen his best friend

so happy.

The happy couples moved to dance floor, relishing in the new found love they both

had found.

* * * * * * * * * * *


7 months later

“I can’t believe you have so much stuff,” Xander commented as he placed the final

box on the floor to their new apartment. “Where did you have all this stuff hidden?”

“I will have you know these are mostly my mother’s. Since my dad is moving back

in with her at the house, she thought she might want to re-decorate so we now have things

to actually cook with.”

Xander couldn’t help but start laughing at the last comment, making Buffy throw

him a spatula.

“I still can’t believe we get to live here for free,” Xander told her as he looked

around the huge loft.

“I don’t know how we can ever repay him,” Buffy added.

“A simple thank you will do,” Angel replied as he entered the apartment, his arms

firmly around the red head that had completely stolen his heart.

“That can never be enough...” Buffy began to say.

“No, believe me, Willow has more then thanked me personally for you,” he replied

with a smug look on his face.

Willow turned a bright red.

“What have I told you about those blushes?” he warned her.

It only made her turn redder, prompting the vampire to take drastic measures. He

turned her around in his arms and pulled her over his shoulder, turning to walk out the


“If you’ll excuse us for a moment,” Angel asked as he walked out.

Willow looked up and saw the look on her friends and gave them a huge smile, as

she waved a short goodbye, her face still red.

“If she keeps that up, we’ll never see them,” Buffy commented, making Xander

chuckle as he made his way to her behind the counter. Placing his arms around her, he

whispered in her ear.

“I know a way to spend the time ‘till they get back.”

She shivered as he pulled her down to the floor with him.

* * * * * * * * * *

Three hours later

“See what a night of booze does?” Buffy asked as they put the popcorn inside the


Willow nodded in agreement, looking around the kitchen of her apartment and

smiling. Once Willow had turned into a legal adult, she had moved out of her parent’s

house and moved into a new warehouse apartment with Angel. That had been six months

ago. Now her best friends had moved to the warehouse next door, the building connected

by an interior corridor that joined both buildings. Since graduation a month ago, they had

moved there headquarters from the library to another building next to Buffy and Xander’s

apartment, having even prompted Giles to move from his apartment to there.

“Where is Giles?” Willow asked.

“He went out with ‘Gloria’”

“It is serious?” Willow asked thrilled

“I think so. Seen her stay over a couple of times,” Buffy replied cheery.

“What happened to the popcorn?” Xander asked as he entered the kitchen.

“Nothing you ape. If you’d be patient....”

“But I’m hungry....” Xander whined.

“Willow.....” Angel yelled, missing the comforts of his girlfriend.

Willow smiled and left, followed by Buffy and Xander who carried an assortment

of junk food that a supermarket would be jealous of. Willow snuggled into the arms of her

love as Buffy and Xander settled into the other sofa. Angel pressed the play button and the

movie began, prompting each couple to turn to their lover and mutter the three words they

loved to hear.

“I love you.”

The two couples watched the movie, entwined in each others arms, knowing how

blessed each one truly was.

* * *

