After discarding their coats and helping Nicolas take off his, the family settled down on the comforters, on the large, wide white sofa. They nestled together for a few minutes, delighting in the feel of togetherness. But soon the baby began to yawn, signaling to them it was time for beddy time.

But before Willow could move, it was Angel who gently moved off the sofa, telling them to stay put. Willow smiled and looked on as Angel disappeared through the kitchen. She settled down deeper in the sofa with Nicolas on her lap.

Angel reappeared with a very large golden box with a red bow on the top and a rather large grin on his face. Willow squealed in delight, the baby bouncing on her lap.

“I want to give you both this before Nicolas falls asleep,” Angel explained.

He placed the box on the floor, then took Nicolas off her lap, settling him down on the puffy blankets on the floor. Willow followed, not knowing what to expect. Then she heard it and her smile intensified as did Angel’s grin. Willow looked at him then opened the box, revealing two very happy small golden Labrador pups. They jumped out of the box and scrambled to smell around them, one instantly going to Willow and licking her hands, the other going to Angel and doing the same. Then they both moved to the baby, who was looking with wide eyes at the two small pups. The puppies smelled him over then began to lick his hands, making the baby giggle.

“I think they like us,” Angel commented with a chuckle.

Willow looked at him and moved towards him, wrapping her arms around him.

“Thank you,” she whispered in his ear, tickling it.

“Merry Christmas,” Angel replied, hugging her tighter.

They pulled away in time to see both puppies settle down their heads my the baby, snuggling around him.

After a bit of playtime with the enthusiastic puppies, Nicolas began to yawn once again.

“What should we call them?” Angel asked her softly.

“We’ll have to think about that, but first, we should get Nicolas to bed,” Willow answered.

With that said, the couple picked up the baby and moved to up the stairs to his room. The puppies followed happily, wagging their tails, falling over each other as they followed their owners. They walked past their bedroom and entered Nicolas’ dark room. Willow turned on the low baby lights as Angel placed the baby inside the cherry oak rocker. Nicolas simply smiled at him, his sleepy eyes gazing up to look at him. He quickly covered him with a small blue blanket and placed a kiss on the baby’s forehead. Willow soon followed, on the other side, making the baby touch both their noses with his tiny hands. He softly pushed the rocker into a smooth rhythm.

The puppies joined them as Angel took his seat in the rocking chair, Willow taking her seat on his lap. Willow eagerly handed him the book and laid her head on his shoulder as her other hand reached out to rock the baby.

He flipped open the book and began to read the classic story, the room filled with eager listeners.

‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse;
The stockings were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that ST. NICHOLAS soon would be there;
The children were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of sugar-plums danced in their heads;
And mamma in her 'kerchief, and I in my cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter's nap,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter.
Away to the window I flew like a flash,
Tore open the shutters and threw up the sash.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the lustre of mid-day to objects below,
When, what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But a miniature sleigh, and eight tiny reindeer,


Nicolas yawned, the soothing rocking making his eyelids begin to close. Angel continued on, his hand caressing Willow’s back.

With a little old driver, so lively and quick,
I knew in a moment it must be St. Nick.
More rapid than eagles his coursers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name;
"Now, DASHER! now, DANCER! now, PRANCER and VIXEN!
To the top of the porch! to the top of the wall!
Now dash away! dash away! dash away all!"
As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly,
When they meet with an obstacle, mount to the sky,
So up to the house-top the coursers they flew,
With the sleigh full of toys, and St. Nicholas too.
And then, in a twinkling, I heard on the roof
The prancing and pawing of each little hoof.
As I drew in my hand, and was turning around,
Down the chimney St. Nicholas came with a bound.

Willow sat happily content as she continued to listen to Angel’s gentle voice. The puppies laid their head down, curled against each other, one head on top of the other as they drifted off to sleep.

He was dressed all in fur, from his head to his foot,
And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot;
A bundle of toys he had flung on his back,
And he looked like a peddler just opening his pack.
His eyes -- how they twinkled! his dimples how merry!
His cheeks were like roses, his nose like a cherry!
His droll little mouth was drawn up like a bow,
And the beard of his chin was as white as the snow;
The stump of a pipe he held tight in his teeth,
And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath;
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when he laughed like a bowlful of jelly.

Angel rubbed small circles into her back as he continued on with the story with a smile on his face. He looked over to see Nicolas falling asleep, with Willow nestling deeper in this arms.

He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf,
And I laughed when I saw him, in spite of myself;
A wink of his eye and a twist of his head,
Soon gave me to know I had nothing to dread;
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work,
And filled all the stockings; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger aside of his nose,
And giving a nod, up the chimney he rose;
He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle,
And away they all flew like the down of a thistle.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he drove out of sight,


Angel closed the book once he was done, happy to see Nicolas lay peacefully in the crib as well as both puppies that slept next to the rocker, holding guard.

Angel looked down to see Willow gazing up at him. Temptation too much, his lips sought hers, Willow responding to him instantly. But before it could deepen Willow jumped off his lap and gave him a radiant smile.

“Presents!” she half whispered, making sure to be heard, but not loud enough to wake the baby.

Angel nodded and placed the book on the nightstand. He placed a kiss on the baby’s forehead after Willow and followed her out of the room.

Angel headed to the kitchen as Willow entered to the living room. She reached for some matches and began to light all the candles around, from the mantle to the tables by the kitchen. She turned off all the lights making the room glow with a soft warm orange light.

Angel looked on and smiled, following suit as he turned off the kitchen light, the candles and fireplace the only source of guidance. He took the bottle of red wine and two wine glasses and moved to the living room, placing both items on one of the corner tables.

Willow left one candle off purposely and walked over to Angel taking his hand. He followed, realizing he’d follow her anywhere she led him.

“One more candle,” she told him as she handed him a match.

It was a simple red large rounded candle surrounded by ivy and holly placed on the window sill, but it meant the most. Angel smiled at her, memories of a long time ago returning as he lit the candle and waited for Willow’s hand to join him.

“So that Mary and Joseph know this is their home,” Angel said as their joined hands lit the candle.

“Every year my mother and father would light it,” Angel revealed.

Willow extinguished the match and hugged him, offering her support.

“Thank you for everything,” Angel said in a strained voice as he held her tight. “This means so much to me....”

“It means so much to me too,” Willow whispered back. “Come on, happy thoughts. I have one more thing.”

She led him to the fireplace and pulled off a small blue sheet from the pile of the firewood. It revealed a log with a bright yellow bow around it.

“I’m really not sure what this means.... but I got us a log,”

Angel gave a full laugh, lifting her in his arms and twirled her around. After a bit of giggling, he placed her down, placing a kiss on her lips. Willow responded quickly, her hands gliding into his hair.

Angel gathered her closer in his arms, his lips demanding a deeper response. But as much as Willow wanted to comply she could not. With a will she did not know she was capable of, Willow pulled away from him lips, her tongue sweeping across his lips.

“Presents,” she reminded him, her lips not too far from his.

Angel growled softly, but then smiled. As long as he was with Willow, it didn’t matter what they did. And he was looking forward to seeing her face light up when she opened the numerous gifts he had bought for her. He looked over at presents which seemed to explode under the tree.

They separated with a lingering gaze, Willow moving to put on some soft music as Angel poured them some wine. The soft strands filled the air, Angel capturing Willow in his arms as the soothing voice of Elle Fitzgereld filled the room.

Have yourself a merry little Christmas.
Let your heart be light,
From now on our troubles
Will be out of sight.

Angel’s arms wrapped themselves across her waist as her own moved up to lay around his neck. They swayed together to the soft strands of slow music, keeping in tune with the hypnotic jazzy tune.


Have yourself a merry little Christmas,

Make the Yule-tide gay,

From now on our troubles

Will be miles away.


Willow laid her head on his chest, an unshakable smile on her face. It felt so good to be in his arms.... so right... so wonderful. Her fingers moved to caress the back of his neck, her fingers grazing the skin softly, knowing that was a delicate place for him. She heard a low purr deep in his chest which made her feel warmer inside.

Here we are as in olden days,
Happy golden days of yore,
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more.


Angel was unaware of the small sound that emanated from him. All he knew was that he felt good holding Willow like this... against him... and that he was warm.... not just his body... but his heart.... His hands caressed her back, moving down to the small of her back, back up to her neck, making Willow sigh.

Through the years
We all will be together
If the Fates allow,
Hang a shining star
On the highest bough,
And have yourself
A merry little Christmas now.


As the music came to its end, Angel remained swaying with Willow in his arms. Content to stay in his arms, Willow did not move, hoping to never leave them. It was a reluctant Angel who pulled away, remembering what they should be doing.

“Presents,” he reminded her as he placed a kiss on her forehead.

Willow nodded, pulling away.

And then it began. They both took a seat on the comforter on the floor, kicking off their shoes, wanting to be comfortable. They began to exchange their gifts, beginning from the smallest. Willow received an arrange of clothes, trinkets and CD’s, ranging from latest music, to some classic rock. He received clothes, much more color then he had ever worn in his life. After an exchange of small and large trickiest, the gifts began to diminish from the tress, leaving six important gifts left under the tree.

“I hope you like it,” Willow said as she handed him the small square box.

He smiled, letting her know with his look that anything she gave him he would love. He took the shining red gift wrapped box with santas all around and took off the golden bow off carefully. He pulled open the lid to reveal a book from beneath the red tissue paper. He lifted it up, his surprised face looking at an original body of work from Edgar Allan Poe’s poetry, a favorite author of his.

“Willow, this is too much. You shouldn’t have.....”

Willow quickly quieted him with a kiss to his lips, muttering her words against the coolness of his.

“I wanted to... and it’s not too much... not for you.”

She sat back down next to him, letting him see the book further. The first page of the book contained the signature of the author.

“Thank you,” Angel said as he placed a kiss on her lips. “Now it’s my turn.”

He handed a small box to Willow, who in turned ripped off the wrapping. Under the blue snowmen wrapping was a simple white square box that was small enough to fit in a pocket. She pulled open the lid to find a silver key. Angel offered her his hand as he stood, silently leading her towards the kitchen. Willow looked on confused, his finger on his lips letting her know to be quite. She followed him without hesitation and quickly stood in front of a closed natural wood colored door. He motioned for her to open the door with her new key and she did with a large smile on her face. Whatever he gave her, she knew she would love it. She unlocked the door a bit shakily and opened up a dark room. Angel led her inside and switched on the light.

Willow’s eyes lit up as she took a look at the new black IBM computer on her desk. The large monitor on the right side of the new mahogany desk, probed on top of the docking station for the new Thinkpad laptop that was nestled inside. Her eyes traveled over the desk to various paintings on the walls by her favorite impressionist artists. The wide black leather chair faced the new printer and an arrangement of new software. The five large mahogany bookcases covered the walls and sported a large bow. Willow turned around and threw her arms around Angel, not able to stop from thanking him for such a wonderful gift.

Angel simple carried her back to the living room, not really wanting to let her go.

“Do you like it?” he whispered in her ear as he made it through the kitchen.

“I love it,” she replied between thank you’s and kisses on his face.

“Thought you might.”

“It’s so much...” she began.

“We can move it to your room in your parent’s house.... or you keep it here..... in our house,” Angel said, not sure how she would take the suggestion.

“I’d want to keep it here.... in our house,” she replied.

Before Angel could claim her for a kiss, she sprang from his arms and hurried to the tree, picking up her second to last gift for him.

“I hope you like it,” she said as she handed him the simple blue wrapped square box with a golden bow.

“Anything you give me I’ll treasure,” he assured her.

They sat back down on the floor as Angel began to unwrap the gift meticulously. As he took the item out of the box, he never noticed the slight glow it gave off, the flames shadowing it. He peeled apart the tissue paper to reveal an antique square chrome mirror. He looked at her for a moment, then back down, almost dropping the mirror as he caught a glimpse of something, himself. His shaking hands lifted up the mirror, parallel to his face, the shock evident on his face. He hadn’t seen his reflection for more then two centuries, and what he saw appear on the corner made this magical first time better.

Willow hovered over his shoulder, her grin lighting her face as she saw his handsome face reflect.

“Thought it might help you shave,” she kidded.

Unexpectedly, Angel laughed a loud, something that still sent a shiver down Willow’s back. It was great to hear him laugh, better to see him so happy. He had a wonderful full laugh, one she was glad she had found.

Willow hugged him from behind as he continued to look at his reflection.

“Paler then I thought,” he commented with a smile.

Willow couldn’t help but laugh too, his humor and hers a bit bizarre.

“Thank you, Willow,” his strained voice replied.

“Your welcome,” she replied with a peck on the cheek.

<What ‘till tomorrow> she thought.

Angel placed the mirror to the side and pulled her around him, placing her on his lap. She placed her head on his shoulder and sighed contentedly. His hand reached for another gift and handed it to her. She took the gift happily and anxiously, pulling open the bright green packing. She took out the heavy object, pulling off the tissue paper to reveal a golden Russian crested musical box. The detail was breathtaking, the swans elegantly etched into each corner of the box. Red rubies and white pearls adorned the box, with the lovely borne picture of a forest sculpted in the middle.

It was something Willow had never seen before in her life, not even on the net. Her shaky hands opened the box to reveal the red velvet inside with the loveliest Victorian necklace she had ever seen. But before she could take out the delicate necklace, the music began to play. She looked up at him with her eyes filled of wonder, a look that Angel adored.

“This is so beautiful,” Willow managed to say, her eyes darting back down, then up at him.

“It comes from the Russian czar. It’s rumored to have belong to the king’s only true love, his wife,” he revealed.

Willow looked at him with such tenderness in her eyes that Angel felt he would drown in them for eternity.

“Serenade melancolique by Tchaikovsky,” she said softly recognizing the song as the lovely strands began to play.

“I know you had started a collection.......” he added with a smile.

“And this it the greatest of them. Thank you.”

Willow placed her arms around him and held him tightly. They held each other for a bit more, just taking placer in each others closeness, but there were two more gifts under the tree that needed to be exchanged. Willow reached over for the small square box and placed it in his hands. It wasn’t very large, the square box only as large as his hand. It was wrapped in light bright forest green paper and decorated with holly an ivy make into a bow. He carefully took it off, not wanting to damage the bow. He looked over at Willow who was chewing lightly on her lower lip. He lifted the lid and was surprised to see a small light glow inside. Taking off the red tissue he looked in awe as he carefully took out a small crystal castle.... the same Irish castle that he had painted many times in his portraits... the same Irish gray castle that he had looked on as a child with his mother who told him countless tales of its magic, love and tragedy. His eyes watered, amazed as to how much detail Willow took of him. He lifted the heavy crystal castle, the fire reflecting it’s soft glow against it and felt a warmth spread around his hand as the castle began to glow a bright blue to a dark blue.

That was when he felt the warmth spread up his arm to his entire body. Willow took his face in her hands and turned him to face her, trying to calm him a bit as the feeling became stronger. Then in less then the minute the castle’s glow dimmed, only sparkling in its depths.

“You’ll never be cold again,” she told him with a smile.

Again his eyes began to water as his body adjusted to the new warmth that he had not housed for over two hundred years.

“How?” he asked her in a stained voice. “Why?”

“Because you deserve it,” she replied with a kiss.

Angel pulled back, looking deep into her eyes. Dear God, she meant it. She meant it and he pulled her into her arms holding her as tightly as possible.

“Angel.... a bit too tight,” she commented.

He only let her go a fraction, enough to let her breath without so much effort.

“I’m glad you like it,” she teased.

“More then that.... everything you’ve given me..... It’s been too much.....”

“Not for you Angel. No... you deserve more, you’ve suffered so much, here, in hell. You’ve paid more then you should have.....”

“You make me so happy,” his strained voice replied.

“You make me feel the same,” she replied as her hand began to stroke his hair.

His eyes searched for the last gift under the tree and shuttered forward, his arms still around her which elicited a giggle from her lips, her skirt inching a bit up. Angel hauled the large, long gift towards them. Once he was content, he placed his hands on Willow’s hips and helped her up onto the coach. On bended knees he offered his gift to her, which she excepted happily.

It was heavy, and as she ripped off the red paper, then box, she found a black case, amongst the tissue paper and gasped. She pulled out the case from the box and placed it on her lap, her shaky hands reaching for the silver locks. She looked up at Angel who had the largest grin on his face she had ever seen. She opened up the case carefully, her eyes shining, as it revealed a Stradivarius violin.

She carefully pulled out the beautiful instrument, the hourglass figure in its golden natural deep glow made Willow’s eyes tear-up a bit. No on had known her secret desire of having her own violin, let alone a violin that was possibly three hundred years old. She turned her head, not aware that Angel had moved up to the couch next to her. He had given her so much, not only his gifts, what had meant the most to her, his attention, his affection, his mind, part of his soul, and perhaps, if she dared to think his heart. For he had hers, long before she now came to realize.

“Play for me?” Angel asked her softly, as he cleared a tear that ran down her cheek with his thumb, the smile on her face and eyes moving him deep within.

She nodded and stood up a bit shaky, one hand wiping her cheeks, as the other took out the antique violin from its case and placed it on her shoulder top. She looked at him and choose her song, her back against the roaring fire of the fireplace.

Angel settled deeper into the sofa as he heard the familiar strands of Fritz Kreisler’s Liebesleid. He looked at her with more and more admiration as she played each note with grace and expertise. As the melody continued to play Angel smiled, letting the emotions he had tried to surpress free, projecting them on his face.

Willow smiled, letting the music entwine them. She played with her heart, letting each note convey her feeling. Her eyes remained open, looking deep into his, her hand moved artfully with the bow as each note played was soft yet strong and clear. Willow smile widened as she looked at Angel looking at her with such tenderness. She placed the bow and violin down gently on a near by table, taking one last look at the wonderfully crafted instrument and went to take a seat next to him.

Angel offered his hand to her, pulling her next to him. But before Willow could speak, Angel kissed her gently, his lips touching hers softly. But it just wasn’t enough for him. His arm curled around her waist urging her closer to him. His tongue traced the contours of her mouth, surpressing a groan as she sighed and parted her mouth, her tongue darting out to touch his.

The suttle flames of desire began to flare, engulfing them in the delicious euphoria that emanated from a simple taste.

A taste that was simply not enough.

Willow fell back onto the plush pillows of the sofa, her mouth tempting him to join her. Willow’s hand held his cool cheek, holding him as close to her as possible as their kiss turned into a passion she had never experienced before.

Angel settled on top of her, his hand finding its way into her soft red locks, his need overwhelming him. He felt her breasts press against him, her breathing quicken, her heart beat race, their desire surrounding them.

Angel pulled away a moment, giving her a breath, one single take as his mouth returned to devour her once again.

Willow whimpered at his aggression and met it with her own as her hands moved to play with his crisp muffled hear. Angel pulled away, straying down to her chin and his mouth suckling it, giving Willow much needed air. She threw her head back, offering herself to him, body, mind and soul.

He growled as her body arched against him enticing him more to take her sensuous body and make her his forever. His mouth and tongue left her chin, trailing wet kisses down her neck, his tongue tasting the delicate skin above her pulse point.

She moaned as she felt his teeth graze her skin, her teeth biting down on her lower lip as his hand left her locks and moved down to her waist, circles being etched into her blouse.

“Angel,” she moaned as she felt his nimble fingers graze the hidden flesh beneath the red satin blouse. His knee moved to part her legs, but found her skirt in the way, making him growl in disapproval. It was in that instance that he realized what he was doing as his hand moved higher under her blouse, his fingers tracing over her satiny underwear bra. Before his heart could take over, before it was all need and heat, he took her face in his hands until their eyes met.

Willow’s mouth reached for his, but met only air. Her eyes opened, seeing him hovering over her, his eyes dark and twinkling with a tint of gold. She gazed at him with lust clouded eyes, her hand moving from his tousled hair to his now warm cheek, making her shiver, glad to see him as affected as her. With four little words and a beautiful smile, Angel’s world changed forever. Everything he ever longed for, ever needed, his sunrise, his sunset, his reason for becoming a vampire, his heaven, lay before him, asking him the unthinkable.

“Make love to me,” she whispered breathlessly.

Angel’s lips dipped lower and his mouth swooped down upon hers. Firm masculine lips - yet warm; yielding , commanding. Willow responded greedily, her body insistent as it moved against his, making him growl, his arms tightening around her. But as much as he wanted to be with her, buried deep inside her, he wanted to worship her entire body, and for that, he needed to move slower, much slower as he felt himself harden. His kisses turned tender, his tongue sweeping along her lips, leaving the cavern of her mouth. Willow whimpered in protest as his lips left hers. He pulled himself up, his hand grasping hers, taking her with him.

Willow looked on a bit confused. She wasn’t sure what they were doing. They seemed to be doing well on the couch....

Angel stood before the roaring fire, turning around, facing her, his hands reaching out to cup her face. He moved closer, his lips tasting hers.

“I want to love you slowly,” he whispered against her lips.

Willow simple nodded, her body becoming a bit tense, butterflies in her stomach. He took her hands in his and laid them on his chest, in the middle, near the black buttons of his shirt. Her mouth went dry as her heart began to pound harder in her chest. She looked into his eyes as saw tenderness, want, and acceptance all in one. She gave him a shaky smile, as her fingers began to unbutton his shirt.

Angel looked on intently, his body becoming increasingly warm, something that he welcomed but not as much as her touch. She pulled out the shirt from his pants a bit too jerky, but he didn’t mind and only widened his smile. Her hands pulled apart the material, her eyes widening as warm fingers touched warm skin. The fire offered a soft glow against them in the dark, wide broad shoulders, muscled arms, and sculpted abs and pecs greeted her. She wasn’t even aware when the materiel fell, her eyes intent on other more important issues. Before she could touch him, Angel stopped her. She was much too dressed for his liking. Willow looked at him a bit hurt, but soon understood as he reached for her blouse. She looked on worriedly as the last button came undone followed by the rest. She felt the coolness around hit her fiery skin and moaned softly, not aware he had let the satiny garment fall to the ground. She closed her eyes as his fingers reached for the clasp in front of her red satin bra.

Angel took an unneeded breath as his nimble fingers unhooked the clasp of her bra. He couldn’t help but groan as he slowly peeled away the cups of the silkily material. Her rosy nipples tightened as the cool air met them with his hungry gaze. It took all his discipline not to reach out and touch the small globes, for his thumb to caress the hard tips.

Briodal....Seileach...,” he spoke huskily as his eyes darted up to her closed eyes.

Willow heard the words, but her mind was not as quick at translating Gaelic just yet. When she did, her eyes finally opened with a shy smile. The look in his eyes drove out any fears she had about herself. This was a man who wanted her as much as she wanted him.

She knew what was next and with trembling hands she reached for the button on his black slacks. Angel looked on anxiously, his eyes glued to the hands that unbuttoned him, then slowly, almost teasingly pulled down the zipper. He couldn’t help but growl deep in his chest at her actions, arousing him more.

Willow couldn’t believe what she was doing as her fingers grabbed the smooth material around his waist and pulled down both slacks and boxers revealing his defined stomach, muscled thighs, and toned calves. Her eyes took only a short look of his arousal, her face turning red, as did the rest of her body he noticed.

Angel stepped out of his pants, stepping closer to her, which only made her stomach flip flop. Willow’s gaze remained on his face, loving the softness of his emotions for her. Angel’s hand moved to her waist, to the clasp on the left of the wrap around skirt and opened it making his shaft twitch as his fingers looped around the thin material of her high cut red panties. He was going to combust and he hadn’t even touched her yet. He fell to his knees, the material joining him as he took in her shapely creamy legs, her stunningly curvy hips and flat white stomach. Her red fiery curls glowed against the roaring fire, making him ache deep inside. His mouth placed a wet kiss just above her mound and looked up to see her eyes closed, her head thrown back. He slowly climbed up, his fingertips lingering on her waist.

Tu cur druiaght er ann,” he murmured hoarsely making her open her eyes and look at him.

His heated gaze only made her head grow lighter and the moisture between her legs to increase. His fingertips trailed up her velvety skin, up the curve of her hip to the underside of her breast, his hand weighting it’s fullness. Willow moaned softly as her own hand reached to touch his chest. Angel’s control broke as he made a growling sound deep in his throat and snatched her to him, skin pressing against skin.

He laid claim to her mouth with a kiss that was hungry and intense. Without warning his tongue darted inside her parted lips, tasting, loving, claiming. With only a kiss Willow felt a flame sparking a spiraling pleasure inside her. Angel deepened the kiss and continued plundering with sure, smooth stokes. They managed to walk over the couch, refusing to disentangle themselves from each other. Willow felt the coolness of the blankets beneath her, as he shifted her legs a bit, wedging one knee between hers. Willow pulled away from his mouth panting, taking in much needed air as his mouth began placing kisses all over her face and neck. Willow held him tighter, her own hand caressing his shoulders and back, daring to move lower to the curve of his buttocks. Angel was enflamed by her touch. He wanted her so much, to love her, to pleasure her, and it scared him. This was something he had never felt. He knew he would love her as he had never loved before, but he also knew he would give himself to her completely, with no constraint. He would give her his soul and heart and hoped that perhaps she may give him the same one day.

Willow thought she just might die by all the sensations he was evoking in her. Her skin burned where he touched her, where his lips caressed and nibbled. A startled gasp escaped her lips as she felt his warm mouth cover her nipple which made her dizzy with pleasure.

Angel was in heaven. The sounds and chants from her lips were music to his ears. It took all his self control and some he did not know he possessed to control from cumming from the feel of her hands roaming around his back mixed with the sweet scent of her arousal and moans. He latched onto the other painfully tight nipple, giving it the same attentive nipping and suckling. Willow tangled her fingers in his hair, pressing his mouth against her breasts. His hands caressed her stomach and thighs, preparing her for his explorations below.

His lips gave a parting kiss to each tempting tip, positing himself on the floor, parting her legs. He met some resistance, but with one look into his eyes, she let them fall open before him, giving herself completely to him. She realized he was looking at her sex, watching his hands stroke her thighs, his fingers disappearing and emerging, back and fourth, spreading her dampness over her glistering mound. His fingers began to make larger circles within her, while his thumb gently rubbed and ignited her passion. With each brush of his thumb, or circle of his fingers her heart beat faster and her breath quickened. He was looking at her secret place and through completely exposed, she knew she should have been shying away, but it was too much of a pleasurable feeling and she surrendered to the rising fever within her.

“Angel!” she screamed, her entire body shocked with erotic electricity as his tongue now circled against her most sensitive spot, while his fingers massaged her wet and aching inner tissues that jerked against them.

He read her movements, her moisture and knew it was time. He slid his fingers out of her, holding her private lips open, so his tongue could enter, caress and taste. He increased pressure, his tongue and fingers again sweeping inside of her, savoring and probing. Willow’s fingers once again wrapped themselves in his brown locks and held onto him tightly as she continued to moan his name over and over again.

Angel stroked and pressed and lapped up her sweet juices as quickly as she released them, not able to get enough of the sweet elixir. His deft assured hands and his schooled strong tongue swirled against her pleading, throbbing clit, bringing her to new heights of pleasure.

“Angel... Angel..... ANGEL!”, she yelled as her first orgasm ripped through her the moment his mouth sucked the swollen nub between his lips.

Angel purred contentedly as he continued kissing, pulling, sucking her, bringing her to a second orgasm. Willow arched up from the couch, her breathing ragged as she tried to control her trembling body.

His mouth left, traveling up her body, leaving wet kisses behind, their sweat coated bodies sleek against each other. Willow eagerly met his lips, hungry for his taste. He moaned against her as their hands moved over their bodies in urgency. The heat from their bodies wrapped close weighing heavy on the limbs. Angel was frantic with need, his body moving between her parted legs, his need for her too great. His hands moved to her folds and spread the moisture he found there, readying her for him. Fully hard and extended, his manhood tilted upward ready for entrance to her warmth.

Seileach...Leannan.” he whispered to her.

Willow smiled at him, pressing her body and mouth against him, urging him to continue.

Angel kissed her deeply as he entered her in one thrust, burying himself deep inside her. His mouth muffled her slight cry, as his body shook, his sense overtaken by the delicious tightness around him. His head fell back, hissing, his eyes clenching shut as he felt her muscles squeeze slightly, a movement Willow had done unknowing. After regaining some composure, he looked down at her angelic face, her eyes shining and dark as her body moved slightly underneath him. Angel moaned at the movement and moved out of her slightly then back inside her silkiness, making her eyes flutter at the sensation. In one fluid movement, she was above him, her knees straddling his thighs, Angel still buried deep inside her. He wrapped his arms around her, his mouth claming hers, the soft golden glow on her skin as his hands caressed each part of her body possible. As their tongues dueled his hands took hold of her waist and lifted her slowly up, making them both moan and groan in their mouth as they began to move. Willow pulled away, her hands on his shoulders as he pulled her off him only to return and bury himself deep in her. Her slick tight walls held him firmly in her, driving him mad. His eyes took in her flushed face, her sleek body and lastly, moaning louder as he saw her red curls covering his own brown.

His eyes darkened as he saw her lift herself off him, his erection covered in her essence, then disappear in her sheath. It was wonderful. He pulled her against him, feeling her body slide against his, her nipples teasing him as she grazed them against his hard chest.

Willow’s countless moans filled the room as Angel’s thrusts deepened. Pulling her against him, he glanced into her eyes and was captivated by the loving gaze he saw there. Angel’s body was fire, ready to explode, but he held back, the sweat glistering down his face and body, mixing with hers. She had to join him.

Tar mo chroí Tar,” Angel urged as he thrust faster and deeper into her.

Then it happened. Her orgasm exploded with a brilliancy Willow had never known existed, her knees suddenly weak, breathing almost unbearably impossible. Angel thrust once more and buried himself in her as deep as he could and stilled, relishing the feel of her inner muscles convulsing around his shaft as his own orgasm over took him and he shouted her name. Long moments passed with their heavy breathing the only sound to be heard.

Pulling away slightly, but still connected, he took her in his arms, not wanting to break the undying feeling of completeness between them. Kissing her forehead, he placed her down onto the soft cool blankets and cushions of the sofa, Willow moving her legs to accommodate him more, keeping him between them. He pulled back but holding her close, mesmerized by her body and the extent of the beauty, both inside and out, that she seemed to emit. Placing a single kiss on each eye lid, then following them with a soft and emotion-filled kiss on her lips. His body moved slightly, Willow stopping him. She did not want him to pull away from her, wanting to keep him deep in her still.

"Stay, mo aingeal," Willow whispered.

Angel nodded, kissing her once more on her lips, then leaned his head against hers, knowing that a peaceful slumber would soon overtake. Closing her eyes, savoring the touch of his hands on her body, the trail of warm kisses on her neck still damp, her small shaky arms wrapping them selves around him, her hand stroking the back of his neck as his purring soothed her trembling body.

The soft strands from Willow’s new CD reached their ears as Angel reached for a blanket next to the sofa on the floor.

After your laughter like thunder
After your skin like coffee and cream
After it takes our bodies into the night
After we come to the extreme


Angel covered their still trembling bodies over with the comforter and placed his on her shoulder.

I wanna lay down on your shoulder
Just inside your arm
I wanna listen to your heartbeat
and your breathing on and on
I wanna lay down on your shoulder
surrender to your peace and go to sleep


Willow held onto him tighter as sleep beckoned. Her hand absently stoking his back, neck and hair. Angel simply closed his eyes, emotions so deep blurring his vision.

After we’ve gone a million miles
Make true our dreams with sweat and bone
After we’ve built it up with our bare hands
make strong a place we can call home
I wanna lay down on your shoulder
Just inside your arm
I wanna listen to your heartbeat
and your breathing on and on
I wanna lay down on your shoulder
surrender to your peace and go to sleep


Willow gave a final content sigh and closed her eyes with a smile on her face as she realized just how much she had fallen in love with him and would always.

And when the light in my eyes fading
when running water becomes too deep
finally angels turn my fire to dust
and when my souls no longer mine to keep


Angel remained awake, not wanting this moment to end, not wanting to ever let her go, knowing that he’d give anything to keep her with him, even his soul. He’d found his salvation, his redemption........

I wanna lay down on your shoulder
Just inside your arm
I wanna listen to your heartbeat
and your breathing on and on
I wanna lay down on your shoulder
surrender to the peace and just go to sleep


......his home.

Angel fell asleep in Willow’s arm wanting nothing more then to stay there forever...........

Just go to sleep.............
* * * * * * * * * * *


*Gaelic Terms*

Briodal....Seileach..., - Beautiful.....Willow

Tu cur druiaght er ann - You've bewitched me

Seileach...Leannan. - Willow,my beloved

Tar mo chroí Tar, - Come Willow Come

Tannaghtyn sthie mo aingeal - Stay my Angel

