Too Close 
The couple returned to an empty table.

“I wonder where they went?” Xander asked, happy to realize this meant he could

spend some alone time with Amy.

“I don’t know,” she replied, looking around.

“Maybe they went out to dance?”


“Or they went to go look for...”

The thought immediately sent her into action.

“I ‘ll be right back. I have to go to the little girls room.”

“Sure, I’ll get us something to drink,” he said.

They parted ways, as Amy frantically heading for the girls bathroom. She yanked

the door open and began yelling out her name.

“Willow? Buffy? Are you guys in here?” she asked as she began knocking on the


“Excuse me, but people are trying to take a shit in here,” a voice yelled.

Amy quickly turned around and went out, heading for the sofas to see if they had

changed seats instead. No such luck. She headed over to the only place they would be -

the bar. But before she could search, Xander found her, taking her hand and pulling her

with him back to the table.

* * * * * * * * * * *


“Did you want to head back?” Oz asked as the rain began to fall faster.

“I just don’t know why they would have left like that.”

“Were not even sure they left. For all we know, they might be at the club looking

for us.”

“Then maybe we should head back.”

“Just a few more blocks then we can head....”

They’re conversation came to a halt as they began hearing moans of pleasure a few

blocks ahead of them.

“We’ll at least someone’s having a good time...,” Buffy commented as she heard

the sounds. She stopped, and was surprised to see Oz still walking.

“Oz, I really don’t think we should keep going. I really don’t want to see a free


Oz ignored her as he kept walking, smelling something familiar in the air. He

moved forward as he heard the moans grow louder. He tried to distinguish the smell, but

the rain was making it difficult for him. He was surprised when Buffy grabbed his arm,

stopping him from moving forward.

“Oz, what are you doing?”

“I need to know who that is?”’


“I think I know who it is?”

“Who do you know in New Orleans?”

“I don’t know, but there’s something familiar,” he said as he pulled out of her

grasp and walked quicker down the street with Buffy right behind him.

Oz turned the corner and what he found surprised him.

“See, no one’s here,” Buffy said as she walked in back of him.

“But you heard...”

“Maybe they finished. This doesn’t look like the best place to hang out at night, if

you know what I mean.”


“Come on Oz, let’s go find Angel and Willow.”

He agreed and left, looking back one more time, wondering who had been there


* * * * * * * * * * *


Angel fumbled with the doorknob a moment, but soon opened it and rammed in,

slamming it shut with his foot, followed by Willow’s back. Willow moaned in his mouth as

she felt the rough contact with the door. He tore his mouth away, his kisses trailing down

her jaw and chin, his hands breaking the spagetti straps of her dress, making Willow moan

louder as she felt her juices flow quicker. Her legs wrapped around his waist tighter as her

hands pulled on his wet hair roughly. His teeth grazed her neck, leaving tiny marks on her

wet, smooth skin. He hissed in annoyance as he reached her covered bosum and

instinctively ripped the material apart, exposing her taunt breasts to his hungry gaze. His

mouth twitched as he saw her nipples tighten and become hard, begging for his attention.

Willow was slowly losing her mind, the sensations he was creating, assaulting her

body as nothing before. She felt pure pleasure and knew it was only the beginning. She

screamed out as she felt his teeth pull on her nipple, and began to grind her hips against

him as she felt his wet mouth cover it completely as his other hand teased the other tip

with his fingers. But something was missing, she she needed to touch him.

She pulled his head away from her breast and pulled him up to her lips, kissing him open

mouth, her tongue seeking his as it struggled for dominance. Her hands moved down to

his shirt and pulled it apart, the buttons falling down to the floor. Her hands aggressively

touched his chest, her fingers twisting his nipples, making him groan and slam her body

harder against the door. His head fell back, submitting to her want. Her mouth left his and

licked her way down to his neck, were she began a series of bites, some harder then other.

Her lips settled on a particular sensitive area on his neck and began to suck on it hard,

making him moan in delight. Her hands moved lower, her fingertips hardly grazing over

his hard stomach, inching closer to the bulge in his pants, but before she could, one hand

pulled her both hands away from him and placed them over her head, trapping them.

His searing kiss, burned her as he ended it aburrntly and went back to breast that

waited from him at attention. His tongue flickered across the tips, teasing her mercilessly.

His hand let her go and pried her legs off him and fell to his knees, pushing up what was

left of the garment up her hips to her stomach. He began gently and slowly swirling his

tongue around inside me. His large hands grabbed her from behind, his fingers gently

pushing on her cheeks, pushing his face in as far as he could as he began his feverish


"Angel...yes...Oh God...Angel...yes...faster...please!," Willow yelled as she began

to grind herself against his mouth.

He rammed his tongue up further in her and groaned, being turned on by her yells

of delight. He flung her legs over his shoulders, leaving her with only his hands on her ass

and her back against the wall to give her support. Feeling her vaginal muscles begin to

spasm around his tongue, Angel knew she was moments from going over the edge and

began to fiercely suck on her clit, his fingers moving in to fill her hot passage. Willow

quickly grabbed Angel’s head just before she had her mind-blowing orgasm.

"ANGEL!!!!” she shrieked, releasing her sweet juices into Angel’s eagerly

awaiting mouth.

He placed her legs down and stood up, grinning proudly from ear to ear, his eyes

turning darker as he saw her shivering. Before Willow knew what was happening, Angel

lifted her in his arms and carried to his bed, depositing her on the bed, tearing the rest of

her clothing off. Seeing her on the bed, naked and waiting, made Angel’s blood boil. He

wanted her, wanted her so badly it scared him. His hands struggled with his jeans, but

soon let them go as Willow’s nimble hands took over the task. She pulled down his jeans

eagerly, freeing his throbbing erection to her warm soft hands, that began to stoke his

length, making him moan louder. The moment he felt her wonderfully warm tongue and

mouth taking him in, he fought against the release he needed. He wanted the incredible

sensation to go forever and ran his fingers through her hair, encouraging her to move

faster and take him in deeper. His eyes were clenched shut, his head thrown back, letting

out an animalistic growl as she took him in her mouth completely. He pulled her off,

wanting to cum deep in her and not in her mouth, that could wait until later. Willow knew

what he wanted when he pulled her away and quickly fell back onto the bed, spreading

herself in invitation.

Angel buried himself in her in one quick thrust, enveloping himself in the wetness

and tightness he craved. His hands took hold of her ankles, spreading her legs further

apart as he thrusted in her, feeling himself moving deeper into her. Her moans and cries

only made him slide into her harder. He held himself back, wanting the wonderful

sensation of her walls clamping down around his manhood as she climaxed. He let go of

her legs and bent down to take hold of her hands.

Willow was in paradise. She met him at each thrust, welcoming him deeper inside

of her. She felt herself near and saw the evident strain of Angel holding back. She moved a

pair of their hands down between them and began to finger her swollen nub, bringing her

over the brink to ecstasy, her vaginal muscles clamping down in him. Angel nuzzled her

neck as he followed her, his bite fueling both there orgasms higher. He fell on top of her,

there wet, sweaty bodies completely exhausted.

* * * * * * * * * * *


“Maybe we should head back to house?” Buffy elected.

“But it’s so early,” Xander complained.

“He’s right. We’re in New Orleans! Let’s take advantage,” Amy agreed.

“I’m not really up to it.”

“Come on, Oz. There’s a new band that’s going to come out, they may be good.

We’ll dance, have more drinks, then once we’re complete spent - head back. If you guys

head back, you’ll head to bed, probably what Willow did,” Amy said.

“She’s right. We can ask questions tomorrow,” Buffy told him, Amy’s advise

sinking in.

Oz smiled and let them pull him to the dancefloor with them.

* * * * * * * * * * *


Willow looked down at the man in her arms. He had settled his head right above

her breasts on her extended shoulder. How she had missed him. It had hurt more then she

had ever experienced. She didn’t want to lose him, not now, not ever. Tears began to fall,

one splashing on Angel’s face.

He immediately looked up, smelling her tears. He pulled her down, his face level

with hers, and cupped her face in his hands.

“Willow want’s wrong?” he asked worried.

“I...I...” she said chucking on her words.

“Willow, tell me. Was it...before...I know I was a little rough...if I hurt you...”

Willow shook her head.

“No...that was...that was’s just...I missed you so much...and hurt...I

thought you wanted Buffy...not me....,” she replied as more tears fell.

Angel knew what she was saying. Her feelings mirrored his own. He didn’t want to

lose her, ever. He kissed her tears away, wrapping his arms around her tighter.

“I missed you, spellcaster. More then you can imagine. More then I ever want to

hurt ever again.”

Willow kissed him tenderly.

“What do we do?” Willow asked.

“No more secrets. No more running around. We tell them tomorrow. Reveal all at

the ball.”

“What ball?” Willow asked, her eyes lighting up.

“Your surprise,” he replied with a smile.

“My surprise is a ball?” she asked with a smile.

“Yes, and I can’t see a better time to let them know then.”

“Tell them everything?” she asked a bit worried.

“Not everything. I don’t want to raise hell, we still have to finish helping Giles,

but at least go to ball together, as a couple. Once we get to Sunnydale, we tell them

everything. How your mine and I’m yours.”

Willow looked into his brown eyes and smiled.

“But you haven’t even asked me to go, Monsieur.”

Angel chuckled, realizing just how much he had missed everything about her.

“Will you do me the greatest honor and let me escort you to the ball,


“I shall have to check if there are any other suitors....,” she teased

“Well, then perhaps I should have to ask someone else who is not.....,” he

countered with a grin.

“That won’t be necessary. I would be honored to go with you.”

Willow hugged him, whispering into his ear, her voice cracking

“I missed you so much. Don’t ever let me go, raven.”

“Never, spellcaster, We belong to each.”

They held each other in the darkness, a new future for them forming.

* * * * * * * * * * *
