SERIES: Rest In Peace (14-16)AUTHOR:  Jen
RATING: R and worse
DISTRIBUTION: Just ask, my some of my other Fic reside at
*****The previous parts can be found at my site,The Liquid Fire Archives:
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters. They belong Joss Whedon,
Mutant Enemy, the evil overlords at Fox. I am just having some fun with them.
FEEDBACK: I love it, it makes me write more, hint!! hint!!
Part 14 Homecoming

Angel POV

I had been nervous.  I knew that Willow would be home in one more day. I
smiled at the notion and poured myself another glass of wine. It was the
sound of a key turning in the lock that had my attention. I had picked up the
crossbow and silently crept upstairs.  I used my night vision to see the
figure.  It was female, but the wine obscured my vision. I saw her reach on
the wall and flip the light switch.  Willow jumped when she saw the armed
crossbow pointed at her.

"I was hoping for a hug instead." Willow said.

I looked at her. I could see she was upset. I walked over to her to take
her raincoat off. I put my hands on her shoulders.  Willow moaned.  That
sound made me instantly very hard. I then pressed myself against her. I
kissed her neck tenderly. She didn't flinch when I did either. Willow moaned
as she felt my hardness pressing against her.

"I've missed you too." Willow moaned. She reached her little hand around back
and gently cupped my erection. Her touch was electric. I wanted to explode in
her hand.

I then turned her around and kissed her forehead lightly. Willow
nervously looked into my eyes.  She could read me like a book, and saw the
love shining through. "Kiss me." She softly spoke.

I smiled and slipped my tongue into her mouth.  I felt her pressing
herself against me.  I was so hard I hurt.  I back her against the wall,
reveling in her grinding against me. Willow groaned at my aggressive kiss.
She was amazed at the passion I had for her. I carried her into the elevator.
We kissed the entire way down.  When we got into my bedroom, I put her down
on the dressser. "Get the wine Angel." She softly whispered. She then bit my
earlobe lightly.  I smiled and kissed her hard, capturing her lower lip and
holding it.  I then purred for her.  I ran and got the bottle. I came back
and saw her sitting on the same dresser.  She licked her lips and spoke to
me. "Undress me."

I smiled and unbuttoned her jacket. I growled when I saw the tiny emerald
green slip dress with the little shoulder straps. She is slowly killing me. I
see the desire dance in her eyes. She feels it too. I then gently kiss her.
My tongue traveled over her face, her mouth, I then trailed kisses down her
neck. I loved the feeling of her warm flesh. I get her riled up in the kiss
and pull away. Place my hand on her leg and run it down her leg and over to a
drawer. I   kissed her hard and opened the drawer. I let her see the black
silk scarf. I backed up.  "Stand for me."

She smiled and did so.  I then walked behind her and kissed her neck
hard. "Do you trust me?"

"With my life Angel." She panted as I kissed her neck.

I then blindfolded her. She moaned as I kissed my way down her neck, over
her shoulder and down each arm.  I could smell her arousal. I let my hands
travel over her clothed body. I stayed standing behind her, letting her feel
my desire at her back.  I then put my fingers under the little straps and
slid the dress off her. I then lightly traced my fingers down her neck and
cupped each breast. I took my time, rolling her nipples against my thumbs. I
loved how responsive she was. She moaned so much. I then slid my fingers down
her stomach.  I felt her curls. I smiled when my fingers felt how wet she
was.  I then went down on bended knee and kissed her navel, running my tongue
around her belly button. She squealed when I threw her over my shoulder. Then
I sat down on the bed. I kept her over my shoulder, running my hand over her
ass. I then helped her to a standing position.

I removed her blindfold, got on my knees, and placed the scarf in her hands.
Willow smiled at me. She tied it tighter than I thought she would. I purred
as she ran her fingers in my hair, digging her nails into my scalp. "Stand."
She said. Her voice was authoritative.  I obeyed her. I felt her fingernails
run over the buttons on my shirt. Her hands began to untuck my shirt. Her
touch was rough.  She then pulled the shirt off me. I could smell her arousal
and it was torturing me.  She ran her hands over my bare chest.  I purred.
She kissed my neck and I thought I died and went to heaven.  She then dug her
fingernails into my skin and dragged then down my chest, leaving a reddened
trail. I growled.

"Are you ok?" She asked in a deeper voice.

"In heaven." I growled to her.  She then took each nipple into her mouth.  I
sucked in unneeded air as she teased my hardened nipples.  I felt her hand
snaking down to my erection. Willow quickly removed my belt and unzipped my
pants.  She purred when she realized there were no boxers or briefs.  Maybe I
should have told her.  She ran her fingers over my length.   I nearly jumped
when she took the head in her mouth. Her mouth was so warm and so loving as
she worked nearly two thirds of my length into her throat.  Her hands teased
my balls.  She was incredible at this.  She grabbed my ass, pulling me deeper
into her throat. She began to purr for me. The pleasure was intense.  It had
been decades since I was buried that deep in a girl's throat.  I was
struggling for control.   "Willow, .... I'm..... gonna..cum......." I hissed
through clenched teeth.

She then smacked my ass hard.  My hands found her hair.  I began to play with
the crimson strands.  I screamed her name as she swallowed my seed. Willow
then slipped my cock out of her mouth.  She stood tip-toe and kissed me deep,
letting me taste myself in her kiss.  Her hands worked to remove the
blindfold.  I only released her when she was in big time need of air.  While
she panted heavily, I stepped out of my pants and pulled her into bed. I
poured a glass of wine.  I loved Merlot.  I offered Willow a glass of wine. I
then poured a few drops of the deep red wine on her chest and licked it off

   Willow squealed as my cool tongue teased her skin. Willow then grabbed my
hair and pulled me to her, kissing me hard. I growled at her aggression.  I
then climbed all the way on top of her.  Willow moaned as she felt me
covering her. I then ran my tongue down her neck, between her breasts and
into her wet pussy.  Willow jumped as she felt my cool tongue teasing her
nerve center.  Willow moaned loud, growling my name as she came. I then used
my cool fingers in her heat. "Please Angel."

Who was I to refuse her? I then climbed up to her and kissed her hard.
Willow groaned, as she tasted herself in my kiss. I then maneuvered her legs
apart.  Part of me wanted to ram myself into her. I pressed myself inside her
slowly.  She was so tight. It was like fire, but I did not care. She became
my world in that moment.  All I was aware of is that I was filling her,
stretching her.  Her body welcomed me.  Soon I was almost completely in her.
I could tell no man had penetrated her this deeply. All that mattered was
that I am buried deep inside her, where no one else has gone before. I grin
as I feel Willow trying to maneuver herself so I would be deeper.  "Do you
like?" I growled in her ear.

"Yes!" She hissed. I gave her the Angelus smile and then pressed myself
in deeper.  She was so tight; it drove me crazy.  I felt her entire body
clamping down on my cock.  I asked if I was hurting her.  Willow screamed how
good it felt.  I loved the look of ecstasy on her face.  Willow must have
seen my eyes change from a pale yellow color to a pure gold. Willow slammed
herself as hard as she could against me. I could feel the tension building in
her.  She wrapped her fingers around my neck and pulled me closer to her. She
nibbled on my ear, then whispered "Drink."

I felt my fangs lengthen.  I growled as Willow's blood hit my lips.  I
did not bite hard.  I felt her climax as my teeth broke her flesh.  I could
feel her hands in the back of my hair pressing me further into her neck.

I then slid off Willow.  I asked if she was okay. She looks so radiant,
her skin is glistened with sweat, my mark on her neck for the world to know
she is mine, I trace my finger over the two holes in her neck. I can taste
her power in her blood. She is like a drug to me now. I must have her. I
watch as her chest move as she pants for air. "I have never felt so loved in
my life." She told me.  I just held her. I kept touching her hair, making
sure she was really here, in my arms, in my bed. I am so moved by her.  I
kissed the top of her head. "Imzadi!" I softly whispered.

"What does that mean Angel?" she said in a very lazy voice.

"It means I am so in love with you.  Well, technically it means mine, but
I mean that I am yours, if you want me." I tell her. I want her to
acknowledge my claim to her. I am hers, but I really want her to be mine.

"Believe me, Angel. I want to be nothing but yours, Imzadi." I loved how
the simple word rolled off her tongue.

"How did you know that I wanted to bite you?" I look at those two small
holes in her neck.

"I am research girl.  I know how vampires are. You like flesh and blood.
Literally." Willow said smiling at me.

"You amaze me." It is all I can say. She smiled and fell asleep in my
arms.  I just held her.

Part 15  Midnight Ramblings

Buffy POV

I was sad Willow had left so abruptly.  She called me when she got to LA.
She told me she had some words with Graham and that she needed to get out of
Sunnydale. I miss her. Graham didn't say a word about what happened between
Willow and him. That bothers me. So much had changed in the last three
months. Cordy was dead. Willow now works for Angel.  I guess the only good
thing is that Faith is actually in prison where she belongs. I periodically
think about what Angel said. It was the whole forbidden fruit aspect that
made the relationship so appealing. Plus, every time I looked at Angel, I
remembered Angelus. Maybe if I never met Angelus, things would be different.
It is the past now.

The future is closer. I watch my future's sleeping form next to me. I do
love Riley. He is sweet, romantic, and safe. He is also mine. I have no
regrets. The guys will still call me Summers, but I am Finn now. I called
Giles and told him the news. He wished us well. Maybe destiny is finally
looking up at the slayer. I am nervous about things, but life span
historically has been so short. Riley and I are going to see my dad. I do
love Dad.  He never found out about my job. He is such a skeptic; he would
never believe me. I am glad that Riley is okay with my job. It drove Pike and
I apart. Ok, there also was the part where one of Lothos's boys sired him as
a gift. Riley and the guys are cool with things.

Ok, Forrest is maybe not so cool. He hates me, but that is because I can
kick his ass. I still like being with the Initiative.  They mocked the small
girl they thought I was, but my slayer skills had saved a few of their lives.
 I am basically one of the guys, which was fine but Riley had let them allPart 16  Friends and Enemies

Willow POV

I had been working on the new web site when Buffy walked in. "Do you want
to drive here, Mr. Html?" I joked. Angel could be such a control freak.  Who
was I kidding, I loved it.

"Very funny, web mistress." Angel sneered.  I loved when he rested his
chin on my shoulder.

Without even moving my head I said. "And don't you forget it."

Angel had noticed Buffy standing there. I felt him sit up straight and
his arm slowly remove my waist. "Buffy." He softly said. I ran over to Buffy
hugging her deeply. I had missed the late night patrols with her. "Buffy what
brings you here, violent prophecy? Hellmouth stuff? Or just free lunch?" OK
Willow, switch to decaf.

Buffy had looked at me like I was crazy. I could be. "Girl stuff.  Wanted
to make sure the big bad city of angels was being good to you." I did notice
her looking directly at Angel.

I grinned. "It has been fun. Angel, listen, I need a break, I will finish
the coding before tonight, don't forget, we have to stop by the store. I need
supplies." I then grabbed Buffy and headed out into the free world.

"In a hurry to make a quick exit?" Buffy had joked.

"No, I am hungry. This gives me a good excuse." I said.

"Hey, Willow!" The blonde from across the street called.


"LAPD contact. She is okay, when she isn't sweating Angel." I told her.
Buffy raised one eyebrow at me and giggled.

"HEY!" I hollered back.  Buffy laughed at me. Kate had come across the

"Where's boss man?"

"I think he is on his blood break, anything I can help you with?"  I said
to Kate with a very straight face. I loved to tease her when she began to
flirt with Angel. Buffy just looked at me convinced I was either from another
planet or I was crazy. "Thanks for the visual Willow. Get this to him; I
think it is up his alley. Listen I gotta book. Call me, I figure the four of
us can go out for drinks."  Kate said handing me an envelope.

"She evil?" Buffy joked. "Blood break?"

"Not in the strictest sense. She just gets slightly wigged about Angel's
condition." I said giggling.

"I am surprised to see everything so cheery around there. I figured all
black and broody."

"I don't allow brooding. It's a riot. I mean, Angel has really lightened
up since his soul being anchored."

We ate at Chili's.  "So Buffy, what is with the happy glow?" I asked.

"Riley and I eloped. I am no longer Buffy Anne Summers. You are now
looking at Mrs. Riley Finn." Buffy said showing off an impressive diamond
ring. I was happy for her. It meant she had moved on from Angel.

"I am glad things have worked out between you guys. There is something
you should know. It concerns Angel. We are together." I said, praying she
wouldn't go all Sybil on me.

"Yeah, you work together."

"No, Buffy, we are a couple. He is my boyfriend and I am his girlfriend.

Buffy was stunned. OK, maybe bad move Willow.  I knew that sooner or
later she would figure it out.  I hoped she took it better coming from me,
than one of the Scooby gang. "I never would have thought."  She said, her
glow disappearing rapidly.

"It kind of was the same for us.  I don't know for sure when it began,
but we love each other. I am stunned that I went from the werewolf to the
Scourge of Europe."

"Do you trust him?" Buffy asked me.

"With my life. He has been through so much.  I guess I never really knew
until he told me. He told me his entire past." I said to her.

"What do you mean his entire past?" Ok, open mouth insert foot now,

"He was a really bad vampire. He was known in Master's court as the muse.
He had a knack for torture, to him torture was an art, and I guess the
screams were music to other vamps ears. He also had another fun in a vampire
way hobby, he liked to kill slayers."

I saw the color drain from Buffy's face. This was so not good. At least I
did not tell her in a dark alley.  "He killed slayers?"

"I think he said 7, sometimes he was called Lucky Seven. It gets better,
remember Darla?"

I saw Buffy nod. "She was a slayer, sired by Master."

Buffy was intrigued at how well I knew Angel's past. Maybe I should have
kept my mouth shut. "Does it creep you out?" She asked me.

"Yes, it does, sometimes, but, it is your experiences that shape you.
Those memories are a part of him. I accept the good and the bad."

"I never knew all that. He never told me."

"I had to ask. When I ask he tells me." I then felt the need to crack my
neck.  It was then Buffy noticed the bite. "He bit you?" She said.  I saw her
killer glare coming out.

I blushed. "Yeah, it was pretty cool. It wasn't a kill or feeding bite,
but the mating kind."

"Different types of bites?" She looked at me with her are you evil look.
Maybe I was.

"Yeah the kill bite is basically the rip your throat off, the feeding
bite is deep and fatal.  The mating bite, is like a vampire hickey, it
implies ownership.  It can away without scarring, depending on how deep the
bite is. I just always wear one.  It freaks out Kate and Wesley."

"Wesley, old loser watcher Wesley?"

"Yeah, I am just a babysitter around there, I mean they are constantly
out pranking each other, Angel breaks the sharpened tips off Wesley's
pencils, Wesley removes the ink cartridge from Angel's pen, or tries to make
it so Angel can't open his desk drawers.  Angel has now taken to biting
Wesley's pencils. They are driving me crazy!"  I said laughing.

Buffy giggled at the mental pictures. She was sad Angel was not with her,
or maybe disappointed that Angel wasn't still in love with her, but I hope
she was glad I was happy. "Listen, we are throwing Xander a surprise party.
You guys are invited." Buffy told me.

"I would be bringing Angel, is that ok? I don't want him captured like
Spike was."

"I promise, it is not an Initiative function."

"Has Adam been stopped?" I asked her.  He freaked me out more than I
would like to admit.

"Not yet, he is tricky, we nearly lost four trained guys to him."  Buffy
was going to say more but when she saw me grabbing my head, she knew
something was up. The vision hit me quick.  I saw her looking at the ground
waking into the office. "We have a friend coming to the office. I saw Faith."

I called Angel and told him of my vision, "Angel this one is different,
it was like she was coming to make peace, I didn't sense aggression or
hostility from her. We are getting the check and leaving."

"Bitch!" Buffy said.

"Usually when I see a known enemy, I can feel the rage, I felt something
else. I need to see what's going on. C'mon." We left the restaurant. Buffy
had told me that she was going back to her dad's.  I knew that she no longer
thought of me as her best friend. I guess she was fooling herself she was
over Angel. I told her to keep in touch.  I think she will try and keep as
out of tough as she can. I took a deep breath and saw Angel in his office.  I
saw the worried look on Wesley's face. "Faith?" I asked.

"Yes, she asked to speak with him. I have crossbow duty." Wesley said.

"Let me." I said and coldly took the crossbow away from Wesley. I watched
as Faith came out with Angel. "Cordelia's apartment is empty. There is a
ghost there, but he is harmless. I am giving you a second chance."

"Thank you Angel. When do you want to see me next?" Faith said nervously

"I will call Giles and see what he says. We will take it from there."
Angel calmly told her.

"I am sorry Willow." Faith said and left.

"You have some explaining to do." I said keeping the crossbow aimed at
Angel. I then began walking towards him.  He backed up into the office.

"She came here to try and change."

"And we believe that why?"

"She has had a lot of time to do some reflection.  It seems that being
inside Buffy made her realize she was missing something in her life.  I told
her I was willing to help her, but she needs to prove to us that we can trust
her. She will stay at Cordy's old apartment. She has agreed to meet with
Giles for some mental help. She knows I won't tolerate violence that is not
called for. She has also agreed to do some community service. Namely helping
people.  She said that, as Buffy she staked some vamp whom was about to feed
on a helpless girl.  This person thanked her, no one has ever said that to
her.  She has had a hard life, no real family to speak of. I have told her
that in time, we can trust her and call her family, but she needs to prove it
to us. She seems motivated to do so."

"Why should I lower this crossbow?"

Angel smiled. "So I can kiss you passionately, then maybe bring you
downstairs and kiss every inch of your flesh."

"Ok." I said gently laying the crossbow down. I watched as Angel got up,
shut his office door and deeply kissed me. He quickly pinned me on his desk.
He was kissing my neck.  I moaned loudly as Angel teased my sensitive neck.
Angel had put his hands on my hip and pressed himself against me.  He was so
hard. He then traced his hand down my leg.  He found the bottom of my skirt
and slid it up my leg.  I had lifted my hips, so he could get my skirt up
higher.  He then pulled my panties aside and slipped a finger into me.  I
groaned as I felt his cool fingers pressing into me.  He smiled when he felt
how wet I was.  He then used his free hand and unzipped his pants.  He saw my
evil grin as I heard the zipper. Angel growled as he slid inside me.

Wesley POV

I was working on tracking the demon until I heard the growls and moaning
coming from Angel's office.  I tried not to look directly at Kate for fear of
embarrassment.  She turned bright red as we heard Angel's growling and
Willow's moaning. "Kate, how um are you?"

"Good, do they do that a lot?" She asked looking at his shut office door.

"No. They usually send me home early, or give me an errand. I need a
drink, care to join me?" I asked.

"Sure." Kate said.

Kate is an inquisitive woman and very talented. I have liked her for
sometime, but she never looks at me that way.  She looks at Angel that way.
One drink turns into two, which becomes three.  I love the feeling of her
hair; it is so soft to my fingers. She kisses me. I was stunned. She moaned
as I kissed her softly. We ended up in my apartment. She is like Diana, roman
goddess of the hunt. Her body is strong, yet very feminine. I need her
desperately. We made love for hours. She is sleeping next to me.  I just
watch her. She looks so at peace, so worry free. I know she is not. She has
had to deal with things she never knew existed.

know that I was very spoken for.  If the words from Riley's mouth were not
enough, then the ring on my finger says it all.

I am on a honeymoon and still am thinking about a way to deactivate Adam.
It seems they built him good, we haven't been able to get him. This is when I
wish Willow was still around. I think about how much she has changed. She has
problems according to Giles with visions and nightmares. I hate to ask her.
She now has a destiny of her own. I can't say that I am not envious. She will
live longer than I probably will.

Riley and Graham had liked Giles. This meant more to me than what Riley
thought of my Dad. I consider Giles a father to me. He stood up for a belief
and it cost him his vocation. The council has sent other watchers, but I send
them home. Giles is the only one I trust. Giles openly admitted he did not
trust the Initiative, but they were both on the same side. They got rid of
demons.  We met my dad for breakfast. He and Riley hit it off. My dad loved
the fact that Riley was military. He had discipline. My dad joked that with a
little discipline, I could do anything. I just laughed it off.

I was glad when they decided to golf together. It gave me some alone
time. I miss Willow. She was my best friend. Granted we aren't as close, she
is still my best friend. I decided to take the car and visit her.  I walked
into the office.  I could see Willow sitting directly on Angel's lap.  I
noticed his chin was resting on her shoulder.  He had one arm hanging loosely
around her waist the other was pointing at the monitor, when he finally
noticed me.
