SERIES:  Rest In Peace (29-30)
RATING: R and worse
DISTRIBUTION: Just ask, my some of my other Fic reside at
*****The previous parts can be found at my site,The Liquid Fire Archives:
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters. They belong Joss Whedon,
Mutant Enemy, the evil overlords at Fox. I am just having some fun with them.
FEEDBACK: I love it, it makes me write more, hint!! hint!!

Chapter 29

Spike POV

It is good to see Red back in town.  I liked her the most out of the
rodents. That is all the gang ever was to me, rodents.  Like little scurrying
mice.  Things have changed in major ways.  Rupert is moving to LA. Seems he
hitched up with the other slayer Faith.  She is quite a looker.

Slutty is just so far lost.  It is so pathetic to see how she changed.  I
used to hate her, now I almost pity her.  Almost. It seems Buffy likes to
drink, a lot. She is still underage, but I have drank with her. She is so
pathetic. She asked me to hold her without my shirt on.  I know it reminds
her of Angel. I tell her stories of Angelus and the all night fuck-fests we
had. It seems Riley can't handle all of her slayer stamina. I stayed in an
apartment I rented. I gave her a key, for when the need took her.  It is the
perfect revenge. She mocked me because I couldn't bite.  Now she begs just to
give me head.

"I'm here."  She says.

"I see that." I let her watch as I pour a glass of red wine.

"May I?"

"Can't stop you." I say.

"Can we not fight this time?"

"I am not fighting Slutty."

"Don't call me that."

"Why not?  You are a married woman, who is cheating on her husband with
her mortal enemy doing things that would shock farm boy."

She looks away.  I can hear her denials. "Whatever Spike."

I watch as she removes her jacket. As usual she is nearly naked
underneath it.  She crawls over to the bed and gives me head. Nothing like
starting the night off with a blow job. She is very good actually. I play
with her swollen clit as she takes my length deep into her throat. Talk about
poetry in motion.  Eventually I come.  I hold her head in place and make sure
she swallows every drop. I light a cigarette and relax.

"My turn."

"I don't do that."

"C'mon Spike. I was told vampires love pussy."

"We do pet, I just don't enjoy nibbling on it, I fuck it."

She tries the pout routine.  I ignore her. I really enjoy the time with
her. "Fine, lets fuck." She says in defeat.

"All fours." I tell her. I refuse to do the romantic cuddle thing with
her. I fuck her hard and rough.  She gets off. She can cuddle with her
worthless husband. She gets naked and I make her undress me. I play with her
clit, keeping her on the edge of an orgasm.  I then slam myself deep inside
her in one stroke. She is so tight.  I pound into her hard.  She gets loud.
I grabbed her panties and stuffed her mouth with them. "Shut up Slayer." I

I loved how she took all my abuse. She came quickly, her ass trembling as
I pounded her hard.  I made her cum four times, then I stopped to let her

"Don't move." I told her.  My hand found the nightstand drawer.  I pulled
out my bottle of lube. I began to pound into her as I lubed her ass.  I had
never fucked her there before. She groaned as she felt my finger.  She came
again.  I waited until she had just calmed down and slid myself deep into her
virgin ass.  She groaned bloody murder. I could smell her blood in the air.

My fingers found her clit quickly.  I stayed still in her ass, but teased
her clit, making her squirm.  I felt her stretching to accommodate me. I let
her come again.  I then began to pound into her.  She was groaning through
her makeshift gag. I was frantic soon, all I was aware of was her holding me
tight into her. The pace would have broken a mortal human female. I came so
intensely.  I saw colors and flashes of light.  It was kind of like little
explosions in my head.  I passed out from it.

When I woke up, I was alone. I felt different.  I was hungry. Extremely
hungry. I knew it was dark.  I was walking along in the park.  I saw this
teenager walking home alone. I wanted to bite him. I was surprised to find no
pain. I followed him and fed from him. It felt so good to kill again.  My
chip must have failed. Tonight would be fun.

Chapter 30

Willow POV

I don't believe I caught Angel.  I watched him for a moment. He was
lovely as he stroked his hard cock.  His eyes were closed and he was so hard.
 I wondered what he was imagining. I think I know. I liked controlling him.
Angel is everything I have ever desired in a lover. I know that vampires mate
differently than humans do.  I know they mate like animals, very primitive. I
was glad that last night was the end of my period.  I wanted Angel. I wanted
him now. I knew he was comfortably sleeping in our bed at home.  I was glad
to be out of Sunnyhell. I dressed in the black leather mini-dress Angel got
me, with the heeled boots. I knew leather made him crazy. So much has
happened.  I have gotten a lot bolder. I watch as my lover sleeps. I have
perfected my dream spell.  I saw how he wanted me. I took the silk scarves
out of the drawer.

I called them my special scarves.  They were blood red. The might have
felt soft as silk, but they were tougher than steel.  I love my magic. I
carefully tried Angel's arms and legs. I could see his erection under the
sheet. I then took out the ornate ceremonial knife and a whip.  I used the
tip of the riding crop to trace his cock over the sheet.  He moaned. Angel
had tasted me many times, yet I have never tasted his blood. I wonder if it
tastes like mine.

I knew he was nearly awake. I put my crop down and pulled the sheet away
from him. He jumped at the unexpected loss of blankets. I watched as he tried
to move. "Imzadi?"

"Yes, lover." I purred for him.

He licked his lips when he saw the very short dress I was wearing. I saw
his eyes change. "What's going on Lover?"

"Well, my pet, " I said, running my fingertip along his neck. "I am
making you mine. Eternally."

"Promise me." He said.

"Forever Lover." I leaned forward placing my chest to his face.  I felt
him kissing me, nibbling on me. I felt his canine run along the edge of my
leather. I loved his kisses, his touches.  I felt Angel try to press himself
against me. "Soon, Lover." I whispered.  I dismounted him.

I then picked up the small whip.  I hit his chest hard.  He was moaning,
squirming, and panting.  I knew Angel liked violent sex.  I read all the
vampire erotica lore we had. Angel was proving it all true. I hit him until
his chest was lobster red. I put the whip down and began to kiss his chest.
I couldn't believe how hard Angel was. I then smiled at him and unbuttoned
the skirt.  Angel smiled when he saw my black silk panties and corset.

"Do you want me?" I asked him.

"Yess." He hissed.

"What would you like me to do?" I asked playing with his hair.


"Do you give me permission to do anything to you?"

"Yes." Angel growled.

"Even it involves other people?"

"As long as I can watch and participate."

"That wouldn't be up to you lover." I told him. I saw his struggle with
the bonds.

"Well, there is the easy way, or the hard way..." I said.  I let him see
me pick up the knife. I licked the dull edge of the blade for effect.

I saw his eyes glimmer. "Lover." I said to him.

I then cupped his chin in my hand. "Yes, Imzadi."

"I want to taste you." I said.

"Anything." Angel said in a husky voice.

I then pressed the knife into his skin.  He growled as I cut him.  I
watched as his thick blood pooled into a deep red drop.  "Watch me Lover."

We made eye contact as I licked his blood off him. I felt almost dizzy
from his blood.  I could feel the power in him. It turned me on even more.

"How do I taste lover?" Angel asked me.

"Wonderful, powerful."

"Bond to me."


"Mate.  You read the ritual. I have a bottle of blood Merlot.  Bond to
me." Angel begged. I made Angel beg. Willow, the meek, made Angelus, the
slayer killer, beg. I smiled to him and poured a glass of the special Merlot.
I then cut myself and cut him. I lit the candles and we spoke together. When
I drank the wine, it was incredible. I felt every cell in my body tingling.
I released Angel and he began kissing me.  His kisses were deep and hard. I
felt him so hard.  We drank the wine and the world around us faded. All I was
aware of is Angel.  I felt him undress me quickly.  His fingers attacked my
sex.  His touch was aggressive, but still gentle.

"Please." I said and he entered me.  I can't begin to explain what I
felt, but it so intense. I was aware of him pounding into me harder than he
ever had. It felt so good. I could feel my blood flowing in my veins as Angel
took me.  I dug my nails deep into his back and could smell the blood in the
air.  Angel was growling my name as we mated. Then it happened. He bit me
when he came. I screamed and held him close. I then turned his head and bit
him back.  I felt his blood in my mouth and I suckled on his neck. The orgasm
hit me so quickly. He pulled away quickly. We kissed. We slept for a long
