SERIES: Rest In Peace (33-34)
RATING: R and worse
DISTRIBUTION: Just ask, my some of my other Fic reside at
*****The previous parts can be found at my site,The Liquid Fire Archives:
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of the characters. They belong Joss Whedon,
Mutant Enemy, the evil overlords at Fox. I am just having some fun with them.
FEEDBACK: I love it, it makes me write more, hint!! hint!!

Chapter 33

Angel POV

I had been glad to get home. It was an interesting day. Two cases were solved
and I killed a Vargos demon.  I smiled when I thought of my Imzadi. I grinned
as I saw the adult novelty shop. I imagined using all the various devices on
Willow.  I purchased a few feathers, some lubricant, and a vibrator.  I also
saw some sleeves, they looked interesting, had to get those.  I also bought
some nipple clamps.  When the guy said I spent over one hundred bucks, I was
surprised. Imzadi is worth it, I said to myself.

I was glad the office was closed. I closed my eyes and felt her near.
Since we did the bonding ritual, I could track her and get into her head. It
was like my blood was humming. Instantly, I was instantly hard. I slipped the
key in the lock and found a white rose on my desk. The note said only Imzadi.

I bolted into the elevator. I smiled when I smelled the candles. I heard
the soft music playing in the background. I walked into the bedroom, carrying
a bag of goodies and a bottle of my special wine. I smiled when I saw Willow
lying on our bed wearing my amber colored pajama top, only my shirt. I

Willow mimicked the growl. "Hi, you are home, Imzadi."

"You are amazing. I brought home some toys."

I saw her eyes flicker.  I had recently shown her the joys of ice cubes.
"Toys? I like toys." Willow smiled and leaned back against the headboard.

I didn't move. "Come here, I will show you."

I watched as she crawled down the end of the big bed towards me. When she
got near me, I dropped the bag on the floor. Willow smiled leaned forward and
ran her tongue along the zipper of my pants. I growled. She then picked up
the bag and looked inside. She smiled when she saw the feathers. Her eyes lit
up when she saw the clamps.

I saw her nipples harden as she processed the bag of goodies. It only
made me more aware of my own desire. I undressed myself in front of Willow.
She then grabbed my cock and said "Imzadi."

I then kissed her deeply.  She was so wet. I slid into her quickly.  She
growled at my thrust. I could not believe sex with Willow. Since the bond was
formed, sex seemed so much more intense.  I could not believe how lucky I was
to have Willow.  I felt her orgasm through the bond and it pushed me over the
edge. I then scooped her into my arms, "How was your day?"

"Interesting, I had a nasty vision."

"What happened?" I asked running my fingertip along the outline of her
breasts. I knew that made her crazy.

"I saw the hellmouth. Adam was there, so were some powerful feeling
vampires." Willow said as I then began tracing circles around her erect

Willow then moaned really loud when I then began to roll a nipple between
my thumb and pointer finger. She saw my confused look.  She licked her lips,
smiled and placed my hand on her stomach, urging it to go farther. "I think
the hellmouth is going to open." She whispered in my ear.

I became worried. "Willow, are you up to going back to Sunnyhell?  I
don't know what kind of greeting we will get."

"Angel, I can't put it off forever. I wish that certain people would
understand, but the possible opening of the hellmouth is more important than
my fears." Willow said putting her finger in my mouth. I bit her gently and
swirled my tongue around her finger, gently coaxing more blood from her. I
knew she loved it when I fed from her.  Willow softly moaned.  I became aware
of my erection.  Without losing contact with her finger, I pressed myself
against her.

Willow put her hand on my erection, "Imzadi, all Imzadi!" she moaned.  I
loved it when she got possessive of me.  I then removed her finger and
slipped myself inside her, again tonight. She was still so tight. I felt her
fingernails rake my back, I smelled blood.   I pounded deeper inside her.
Willow screamed as I filled her. I had told her I loved her. Willow had
fallen asleep fast after our mating. I held her in my arms, amazed at how
this could happen. I did not think I would ever feel this much happiness.
The memories of what the demon had done still haunted me.  I was glad Willow
had also entranced the demon. I smiled as the demon teased me with visions of
when evil Willow came here.

Chapter 34

Willow POV

The next morning I woke up.  I felt groggy and sore.  I smiled as I saw
Angel's sleeping form.  I thanked the powers that be as I ran a hand through
my hair.  I got into the elevator and tried to suppress a yawn. I saw Faith
smiling at her. "Rough night Willow?"

I could not help but smile from ear to ear as I remembered the previous
evening. "Need breakfast." I mumbled.

"Well, it already after 11:O0 is Mc D's is out."

"What time is it?" I asked.

"About 2:30. We could go to the dinner across the street and get you
pancakes." Faith chimed in.

"Pancakes, yeah that would be a good thing." I then grabbed Faith and we
headed out the door.  Faith and Giles shared a smirk.  It had been a nice day
outside. We sat down in the booth. "So how is married life?" Faith chimed.

"I am exhausted. Besides, I am claimed, not married. How is being
officially married?" I said, yawning again.

"You are married in vampire terms. Well, judging from the extreme
hibernation, and the sounds from down below, Angel is soundly sleeping."
Faith said.

I blushed. "Oh, yeah, he is, um, real, um, enthusiastic."

"That is good, I am happy for you guys." Faith said. Faith had been
playing with her straw. She did this when she was nervous.

"What are you nervous about?"

"Meeting Ripper's family. His dad and mom are coming in from London to
see him soon.  They are watchers."

"So is Giles."

"No, I mean very traditional watchers."


"It was his father that ordered the recon squad to bring me back to
London, when I switched bodies."

"Ah, I see." Oh Faith, why are our lives so complicated?

"Do they know about you and Giles?"

"Not everything."

"What don't they know?"

"Short story, everything.  Long story, that we are lovers, and married.
They also don't know something that you don't either."

"And, you're not telling me what?"

"We might be pregnant." Faith said nervously biting her lip.

I hugged her. "Might be?"

"I am late. I am like clockwork.  I am only five days late. I am just a
bundle of nerves, I am feeling the need for a good, I mean really evil kill."

"I can hunt with you tonight." I offered.

"If Angel let's you."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"Well, he came upstairs this morning while you were asleep.  He wants to
keep you chained to his bed." She said with a mischievous grin.

"He doesn't own me, he has a claim, but doesn't completely own me." I

"Willow, he has his heart in the right place, just not his head."

We finished up breakfast.  I was sworn to secrecy. I did warn her that if
Angel uses the bond we share, he will know. When we got back, we found Angel
and Giles in the research library off the main office.  They were going over
the text. "What you reading?"

"Getting some info on the hellmouth activities." Angel said, kissing my
cheek.  It was the knocking on the door that got everyone's attention. Faith
went to get the door, since she was a receptionist, just as I was.  "Hi,
Angel Investigations, may I help you?" Faith asked. She was glad that there
was a separate research/sex room that was out of sight for the clients.

"Yes, I am looking for Rupert Giles." The older man said. I noticed he
looked strangely at Faith.

"Please have a seat, I will get him for you." Faith said and knocked on
the door.  She walked into the room and found Angel and Giles, "Ripper, there
is an elderly British couple who wish to speak with you. I think it is your
parents.  But they brought some other person as well."

Faith and Giles headed out into the main area. Angel and I followed close
behind.  Wesley and Kate were on the way over.  The elderly couple had smiled
at him. "Rupert, " the older man said.

"Father, what a surprise, I did not expect you for another two weeks."

Faith could feel the tension radiating from Giles.  "Rupert, you remember
Sarah Price, don't you, she came to see you and Wesley."

"Hello Sara."

"Hello Rupert." She said smiling very sweetly to him. I could see Faith
try to remain calm while this woman was blatantly flirting with Giles. The
older man picked up on her aversion.  "Father, I would like to introduce
Faith, Faith, my Father, Rupert, my mother Elizabeth and Sarah Price."

"Price, as in Windam-Price?"

"Yes, Wesley is my brother."

"You are the slayer?" The older man said.

"No, I am a slayer. This is my watcher." She said gesturing to Giles.

"Rupert, I thought you gave up being a watcher." Giles Sr. said.

"No, father, I gave up the council, or should I say that they gave up on

"Faith, I would be honored to be your watcher." Sara said.

"I already have one. Thank you anyway."  Angel and I had seen the
exchange. I could feel the tension building in this room. I stepped out from
the shadows. "Hey, Giles, we sparring today?"

"Willow, do you think that is wise?" Angel asked.

The older Giles sensed immediately that Angel was a vampire and held his
cross up. I saw Angel turn his head from the cross. "Miss, step away from the

"I've got my stake." Sara said.

I spoke the words and the stake exploded into dust. "I don't think so." I
said. I looked at my mate with concern. "Are you ok?"

"Fine, Imzadi."

"Angelus?" Sara exclaimed.

"I used to go by that name, decades ago. Call me Angel."

"Rupert, what the hell is going on here? Why are you working with the
Slayer killer?"

"Angel has proven to be quite a useful asset. He has saved my life, both
my slayers lives, he has his soul. He is my friend."

"No wonder why you were released from your charge." The older Giles said,
shaking his in frustration. Then came hurricane Faith.

"Listen, with all due respect, You have no clue what the fuck you are
talking about. All you council bigwigs sit in big libraries make decisions
and stupid policy.  You have no contact with the slayer, or reality. You have
no idea what we go through. All you care about is what we can kill. I am glad
that I don't work for your precious council, I just need to remind you that
Buffy is the longest living slayer in history, no thanks to her watcher,
Giles, so take your traditions and blow it out your ass!" Faith exclaimed and
went into the sparring room.

The older Giles' were flabbergasted. "Delusional girl!" Sara said.

"Isn't she great?" Giles asked. I could see the look Sara had given him.
I had to smirk. Go Giles!

"Angel?" I asked, tilting my head in the direction of Faith.

"She is training, I make sure she is okay." Angel then kissed the top of
my head.
