Halloween Fun

Author: Kaitelynn

E-Mail: sundevil48@hotmail.com

Disclaimer: Nope, still not mine.

Rating: NC-17

Pairing: W/A

Summary: Plot, what plot.

Dedicated to ky, hope this cheers you up.

Feedback is needed to battle the writer's block demon that is taking over.  And it lets me know if peopple are actually reading my stuff.


"Angel, will you stop being such a baby and come on out of there," Willow ordered her lover as she stood in the bedroom that they shared.

"No," he replied through the bathroom door.  "I look like an idiot.  I don’t know how I let you convince me to wear this."

"You don’t look like an idiot," Willow promised, although she had yet to see the outfit that the vampire was wearing.  "Besides, that’s part of his appeal.  His goofiness.  Its not what’s on the outside that’s important but what’s on the inside."

"Well, right now my insides are churning at the thought of anyone seeing me in this thing," Angel continued to pout, sounding remarkably like a two year old who was being punished for something.  "And there is no way I’m coming out there in this, let alone going to a party."

"But you promised," Willow pointed out.  "Besides, its not like you’re going to be the only on in a costume.  So come on and let me see how it looks."  Willow watched as the door opened slowly to reveal Angel in his costume.  Willow grinned as she caught sight of her mate.

"That’s it.  I knew it.  I look like an idiot," Angel whined.  "I’m not going.  Make up some excuse to Delia about why I’m not there."

"Oh no you don’t." Willow told him.  "You’re going to that costume party.  And if you’re a really good boy, I promise to make it up to you.  There was something in Willow’s voice that made Angel look at her, his eyes becoming lustfilled as he looked at the woman that had stolen his heart three years before.  All it took was just one look into her emerald eyes and he knew that he would give her anything that she asked.  And that included wearing a costume that consisted of a metal garbage lid that she called armor and something resembling a strainer on his head.  All because she and Cordelia had decided that they wanted their lovers to go as Ares and Joxer.  The girls had even gone so far as to have Angel dress as Joxer and Wesley dress as Ares, because the two characters were the complete opposite of them.

"I’m going to hold you to that," Angel promised.  "And you’ll have a lot of making up to do."  Angel took Willow into his arms, his armor rattling, and gave her a deep, passionate kiss that left her breathless.  Angel’s hands ran over the warm body in front of him, smoothing over the thin material of the costume that Willow was wearing.  They found their way to a particularly sensitive spot for her and she moaned, pushing her body closer to his as they kissed once more.

Willow wrapped her arms around Angel’s wait, maneuvering around the awkward costume before coming to rest on his ass.  This time is was Angel’s turn to groan at the red head’s moves.  He loved the feel of her against him, and he felt himself grow hard.  Willow felt it too and, like always, knew that she was powerless to stop what was about to happen.  Not like she wanted to stop anything, but it did mean that they wouldn’t be meeting the others as planned.  Then again, they should be used to it.  Unless it was some kind of emergency, Willow and Angel often arrived late, if at all, to meet with their friends.

"Angel," Willow whispered, her breath coming in gasps.

"Tell me what you want," Angel demanded, although he already knew.  He felt Willow’s body responding to his own need.

"I want you," Willow answered before Angel’s mouth swooped down to claim hers once more.  Willow felt herself being lifted as Angel carried her to their bed, gently depositing her there.  Angel stood, gazing down at the woman he loved, once again thanking the Gods that they had given her to him.

He knew that she was the one that he was meant for.  That she was the reason he had been able to survive everything that had happened to him.  That she had been the reason he had returned from hell, with soul intact and permanent.

Willow looked up at the souled vampire, admiring his lean form.  It was just one of the many things that she would never get tired of.  Her emerald eyes met his chocolate ones and she felt her insides turn to liquid at the love and desire that she saw in them.  Angel removed his helmet and armor from his costume before leaning down and kissing Willow once more.  Willow met him, her hands wrapping around his waist and lifting his shirt from the pants that they were tucked in.  They parted only long enough for her to remove it before meeting again in a fiery kiss.

Angel’s lips left Willow’s mouth, placing kisses along her jaw line, up her face to her ear, where he gently nibble to flesh, causing Willow to squirm.

While doing this, angel’s hands were anything but idle.  His hands made their way to the bottom of the halter top that Willow was wearing, to the point where the thin material met the flesh that he loved.  They traced patterns on her stomach while his mouth made its way back to hers.  Willow opened her mouth to his questing tongue, sighing as she felt him explore her mouth.  She then gasped as she felt his fingers cup her breasts, molding them under her filmy top.  He pinched her nipples, sending shivers down her spine.

"Goddess Angel," she sighed.  Angel chuckled as he felt Willow shift under his weight.  He lowered his mouth to her neck, suckling at the pulse point there.  Willow leaned her head back, giving him more access, which he took full advantage off.  He gently pricked the skin under his lips with his fangs, allowing a small trickle of blood to flow which he lapped at eagerly, before moving back up.

"How much do you really like this top?" He asked, his voice husky.

"It’s Buffy’s," was all she managed to say before Angel’s hands tore the fabric from her body, exposing her breasts to his ravenous eyes.  He lowered his mouth until it replaced one of his hands on her nipples, pulling at the rose nubbin to the point just between pleasure and pain.  He then did the same thing with its twin.  His hands made their way down her taut stomach to just above the mini skirt that she was wearing.  Soon his mouth followed.  Angel slowly undid the button and zipper of the skirt with his mouth.

Willow’s hands wound their way into his hair, trying to push him where she wanted him to go.  Angel’s pulled at the fabric of the skirt, removing it and the thong underwear that she had on under it.  After he had completely undressed her, he looked again at her beauty.  When Willow saw the lust in his eyes, she blushed.  No matter how many times they had made love, she still got embarrassed by the desire that her mate showed her.  Angel adored her even more for that, loving her modesty.  It helped that he knew that underneath her shyness lie a tiger that only came out for him.

Angel knelt at Willow’s feet, taking one into his hands.  He slowly massaged it before lowering his head to her toes, taking one after the other into his mouth, gently sucking on the toes causing Willow to giggle despite the eroticism of the act.  she was extremely ticklish on her feet and Angel knew it.  He finally decided that she had enough of that particular form of pleasure and slowly licked and nibbled his way up her inner thigh, pausing at the juncture between her legs.  He blew on the red curls that lay there, parting them.  He breathed in deeply the scent that he had become addicted to.  He smiled as he heard Willow whimper above him and finally gave her what she wanted.

Angel lowered his mouth to Willow’s clit, tasting her.  He loved her taste.

  It was like ambrosia to him.  He could never get enough of her.  He ran his tongue along her slits before plunging it into her. Willow’s hips bucked off the bed, sending him deeper into her.  Angel’s hands grabbed her ass, holding her still while her continued to lick her.  Willow’s breathing became erratic as she felt herself being swept away by the feelings that Angel was bringing to her.  She yelped when she felt Angel brush his fangs across her clit before taking it into his mouth.  That was more than she could take and came with a shout.  Angel lapped up her juices, milking her orgasm out as long as possible.  When Willow finally became to come back to Earth, he made his way back up her body, kissing her and allowing her to taste herself on him.

"The day I get tired of you doing that, will be the day they bury me," Willow sighed, extremely contented, knowing that the evening was only beginning.

"Well, since I don’t ever plan on you being buried, I guess that will be a long time indeed."  Willow pulled Angel closer to him and felt his erection against her leg.

"Seems that someone needs a bit of attention," she teased.

"Always around you," Angel smiled.  Willow rolled them so that she was now on top.  She lowered her head and began to lavish his nipples with her tongue.  This time is was Angel’s turn to moan as Willow took one nipple into her mouth and bit down on it.  "Willow," he groaned as he felt her fingers fumble with his pants, her mouth never leaving his chest.  Willow followed her hands as she removed the pants that were part of Angel’s costume, carefully avoided his cock, much to his displeasure.  Once the pants were removed she smiled at the sight that greeted her.  Angel, in all his glory, spread out on their bed and he was all hers.

She slowly made her way up his body, pausing to place tender kisses along his body, until her head was just above the erect shaft that lay between his legs.  "Willow," he moaned once more, before taking his length into her mouth.  Angel bucked against her as he felt her warm mouth take him in.  She relax her throat muscles which enabled to take in his entire length, which was quite impressive.  Angel looked down at the red head with glazed eyes, his only thoughts being about the pleasure that she was bringing him.  No other woman had ever made him feel the way Willow did.  Angel felt himself building to a climax and pulled Willow’s head from where it was.

He positioned her so that her opening was just above his cock.  Willow leaned down and kissed him as she lowered herself onto his straining erection.  They both moaned as a feeling of completeness engulfed them.

Willow began to raise and lower her hips, while Angel started thrusting into her.  Each thrust brought them closer and closer to what they wanted.  When Angel felt that he wasn’t going to be able to hold off any longer, he reached between their bodies and twisted Willow’s clit, causing her to scream out once more as she came.  The spasming of her muscles around his cock was more than Angel cold take and he came, spilling his cold seed into Willow.  The red head collapsed on top of the vampire, both trying to regain some semblance of breathing

"I think we missed the party," Angel said once he could speak again. Willow nodded her head.

"You didn’t really want to go in the first place," she pointed out.  Angel wrapped his arms around Willow’s body, holding her close to him.  He enjoyed the time after they made love.  A contentment always seemed to wash over him at the knowledge of what Willow had given to him.  "Although I am disappointed.  I really wanted to see Wes in all that leather."  Angel growled at his mate.  "Then again, I always did prefer you in leather."

"You better," he stated.  Willow kissed his chest.  "Do you think the others will forgive us for not showing up?"

"I have a feeling they’ll know exactly why we didn’t show up," Willow teased.  "In fact, I’m willing to bet that they are probably doing the same thing knowing Xander and Cordelia.  They do have their mates wrapped around their fingers."

"Wesley I can see," Angel said.  "Cordelia always did have a way of getting what she wanted. I just still can’t believe that my childe and Xander are a couple."

"I know, that one shocked me too," Willow admitted.  "But, they do make a good couple."

"That they do," Angel agreed.  "Sorry about your top."

"Like I said, it was Buffy’s," Willow said.  "Not like I had any plans on returning it to her.  Especially since she told me not to ever step foot in Sunnydale again."

"Bad for her, but good for me."  Willow looked up at her mate.  "That means you have no reason to ever leave me."

"Didn’t plan to," Willow told him.  "I love you, Angel."

"I love you too, Willow.  Happy Halloween."

The End
