Love and the Initiative

Part 6

 I look over at the girl sleeping by my side. She’s so glorious and I can’t believe what just happened. I didn’t plan on it to happen so quickly, let alone the way it did. In this setting, with people watching. Not like we were really thinking about where we were at the time. It all started so simple, or as simple as anything can be on the hellmouth.

 Willow had offered me her blood, cutting her wrist and giving it to me willingly. I felt such a love for her at her generous offer. I took her wrist into mine, suckling at the sweet nectar that was my Willow. Before I knew what was happening, I sank my fangs into her. I waited for the pain to come but it never did. I was surprised and was about to stop drinking when all rational thought left my brain. The only thing I could think about was the beautiful woman in front of me, offering herself to me in a way that only she could. This wasn’t someone who knew that her blood was the only thing that would keep me alive, which was the reason Buffy had offered before graduation, but someone who cared enough that she wanted me to eat.

 Once I knew that I had taken enough, I pulled my fangs out, licking at the closing wound. Then I was kissing her. Actually crushing her lips with mine would be a more accurate description. And she was giving as much as she was receiving. All the love that we felt for each was in that kiss. All the desire. All the passion. Every ounce of my being went into showing her exactly how much she meant to me. We completely forgot that someone was probably watching. Even if we remembered, at that point I don’t think either of us would have cared.

 As I look down at her, listening to her shallow breathing as she sleeps, my hand caresses her body. A body that I can’t wait to know even better than I do now. Better than I ever thought I would have a chance to know. Every smooth inch of her. Every womanly curve.

I remember exactly when I knew that there was no turning back. As we kissed earlier I heard a moan come from deep within Willow and I lost control of everything. She wrapped her arms around my neck as I carried her over to the bed, our kisses uninterrupted. As I laid her on the bed, Willow pulled me down to her, unwilling to release me for even a minute. I was more than willing to oblige. At that moment, I was never happier that one of my clients couldn’t afford to pay me with money, instead granting me a permanent soul. It was a good thing, since being with Willow was the happiest moment I had ever experienced.

 My hands found their way to Willow’s hair, grasping at it almost to the point of pain while she was doing the same with mine. I remember the taste of her skin as I trailed kisses from her mouth to her throat, licking at the pulse point. Her blood was calling to me. Her heartbeat quickening. It was intoxicating, better than the best bottle of brandy that has been aged to perfection. Willow’s moaning made me draw myself back to her mouth, plundering it with my tongue.

I felt Willow’s hands make their way to the bottom of my shirt, pulling it from my pants, before running under it over my back. I was surprised at Willow’s brazenness, but encouraged to do my own bit of exploring. I pulled back, reluctantly, from Willow allowing her to take in some much needed oxygen. I looked into her eyes as I slowly unbuttoned her shirt, exposing her lace covered breasts. I swear that I felt my heart actually beat when I saw the pale skin under the black material. I could see the desire that I felt, mirrored in my love’s gaze.

Willow’s hands came up and cupped my face, bringing me back to her lips. The kiss was gentle as our hands began exploring each other. I unclasped her bra, pushing it aside. My hands cupped her breasts, plucking at her nipples. I could feel Willow’s breathe as it caught in her throat and I took that moment to lower my head to one of the pale mounds. The smoothness of her skin was something I hope to never get tired of. Willow’s moans as I licked and kissed first one, then the other made me grow harder than I thought imaginable.

Willow’s hands once again found the bottom of my shirt and I raised myself, helping her remove it from my body. Willow ran her hands over my chest, playing with my nipples as I straddled her body. Pushed me onto my back so that she was now on top doing her own bit of exploring. I can’t believe the groans that she elicited from me at her ministrations. I had no idea how talented she was with her tongue and she had gone no lower than my stomach. I was jealous because I knew that there was every possibility that she had done much of the same thing with Oz and I hated the knowledge that some other man had ever received this kind of attention from her.

 Willow must have sensed that my thoughts were not all on her as she slipped one hand into my pants, gently squeezing at my shaft. "Willow," I cried as I felt her warm flesh against my cold hardness. Nothing had ever felt that good and I sure as hell didn’t want it to stop. My hands went to her breasts, fondling them, as our mouths joined once more. Willow’s fingers were stroking me and it was all I could do to maintain some sense of self-control. All I wanted at that moment was to be inside her. To take her. To make her mine and only mine.

 Willow whimpered a bit as I removed her hand from my shaft and rolled her back over. My mouth left hers as I made my way down the curve of her stomach to just above the denim skirt that she was wearing.

 "Angel, please," was the only coherent response that came from the woman beneath me and I was more than willing to give her what she wanted. I undid the buttons on the skirt, lowering it and her panties from her body before tossing them aside, leaving her naked before me. I could only stare at her, causing her to blush slightly at my lingering gaze. She started to cover herself with her hands until I stopped her.

 "No, my love, you are too beautiful to hide behind anything." Willow’s smile warmed me like sunlight used to as it crossed her face. Willow sat up, her hands going to my own pants. Her fingers deftly unbuttoned them and they quickly joined the other clothes in the growing pile on the floor.

 "Angel, make love to me," was her simple request and I was in no position to deny her. Our bodies lowered together onto the bed. The feeling of hers under mine almost too much for me to bear. Just the sight of her naked form was enough to make me come, but I wanted to give her as much pleasure as possible. As we kissed, I moved one of my hands to the mound of flesh between her legs. I remember how her hips arched up as she felt them part her folds, lightly rubbing against her clit. I could feel the wet heat and it only served to excite me even more. Our groans became indistinguishable. Finally, my fingers entered her tight passage. First one and then the other as my mouth made it’s way down her body to join them. My head stop just above her curls as I took a moment to inhale her scent. It was everything I had hoped for and more. Willow grabbed my head, and with amazing strength brought me to her dripping core.

 I’m hard just thinking about the taste of her. I feel ready to take her all over again just from the memories of our previous act, but I don’t. I can’t. I’m already regretting that first moment. Not for it happening, I can never regret that, but for the setting. I’ll just satisfy myself with the memories. The memories of tasting her. Of feeling her muscles clamp down on my fingers as she reached that first orgasm. The sounds of her moans as she came. The look of love in her eyes as she stared at me once her breathing returned to normal.

 I moved back up her body, kissing lips that were already swollen from previous kisses, allowing her to taste herself on my lips. Her hands reach down and take hold of my aching shaft. My hips buck from her touch.

"Angel, I want you in me," she says as she positions me above her opening. I give her a small kiss as I slowly enter her slick passage, allowing her to get used to me. As soon as I enter I know that it won’t be long before I come. We begin a rhythm that is as old as time, knowing exactly what the other needs and wants. Her hips arching up to meet my thrusts as I continue to bury myself in her. Our moans growing louder as we both begin to feel our releases start.

I look over at the sleeping form and remember how complete I felt the minute that I finally came. I had never had an orgasm that strong before and I’ve had a lot. My fingers lightly trace the bite marks on her neck. I hadn’t planned on biting her, but when I felt her teeth sink into my neck as she came, I couldn’t help myself. She is my true mate. The one that I was meant for. The reason that I live to see another day no matter what I may be feeling about my past. She has claimed my heart and my soul. I don’t know what I would do if anything ever happened to her. Probably go postal, as her friends like to say.

I look over at her, surprised to see her bright green eyes smiling back at me.

 "Hey there."

 "Hey there yourself,’ I say, moving in to give her a kiss, which she responds to eagerly.

 "I was afraid it was a dream," she tells me. "I was afraid that when I woke up, you would be gone."

 "I’m not going anyway, sweetling. Not without you by my side."


 Before anything else can be said, we are reminded, once more, of the situation that we have found ourselves in by the chilling voice that has come to taunt us.

 "Well, well, well. That was a very interesting show that you gave us."
