Payback's A Bitch (9/?)

See part one for Disclaimer.

Part 9

 “Is everyone settled in?”  A tired Willow asked as Angel sat on the bed
that he was sharing with the red head.  After a lot of shouting about all
the secrets that were being kept by some, the group, including a tired yet
satisfied Ritchie and Methos, had finally decided that they would get some
sleep and then head to Sunnydale the next day.  They had decided that the
quicker they could get rid of the Initiative, the better.
 “Yeah,” he answered, lying down beside his lover.  “Duncan and Adam, I
mean, Methos just went to bed.  After a serious discussion that ended with
the threat of someone losing their head if Ritchie got hurt.”  Angel
couldn’t help but chuckle at the memory of the two Immortals fighting over
the elder’s relationship with the Scot’s young student.  He felt bad for
Ritchie, knowing that the man that was like a father to him was exactly
thrilled at who he had chosen as a lover.
 “That couldn’t have been pretty,” Willow observed.  “Why is it that there
are people out there that just can’t be happy because their friends have
found someone who cares for them?  Someone to make them happy.”  This time,
Angel knew that the red head was talking about Buffy and Xander.  No matter
how confident she appeared in front of the others, the vampire knew how hurt
she was that Buffy and Xander had chosen to go against them.  He made a
silent promise that nothing would ever hurt Willow again if he could help
 “I don’t know, sweetling,” Angel whispered into her hair.  “I wish I could
tell you.  All I know that if you have to fight for your love, it just makes
it stronger.”
 “If that’s the case, then ours must be pretty strong,” the teenager
chuckled.  “Considering how we got together and all. “
 “I know.”  Angel kissed the top of Willow’s hair, then her lips. “But I
wouldn’t change it for anything.  You make me complete.  You are the other
half of my soul.  And once we get rid of the damn commandos and rescue
Duncan’s friends, I’m going to show you just how much I love you.”  Willow
looked up at Angel, a mischievous twinkle in her eyes.
 “Oh really.  And just what exactly did you have in mind?”  Angel’s grin
matched Willow’s as he took her face in his hands.  He began to place
featherlike kissed all over her face, covering every inch with them.
 “Something like that.”
 “I can handle that,” she moaned as she felt Angel cover her body with his
own.  She wrapped her arms around his waist, as his lips found her own and
pulled him closer to him.  She couldn’t get enough of the vampire that had
stolen her heart just by being there for her.  She knew that no one would be
able to make her give up on their love and that if he died tomorrow, she
wouldn’t be long in following him.  “Gods, Angel.”
 “I love you Willow,” Angel moaned.  “Love you so much.”
 “Love you too, Angel.”  Then the two were silent, no words needing to be
spoken as they let their love and passion for each other do all the talking.
  Angel began to lick, kiss and nibble his way down Willow’s body, beginning
with her neck, which she tilted to allow him with better access.  Willow ran
her hands in Angel’s short locks, holding him close to her as she felt his
blunt teeth taste her flesh.  Angel, for his part, didn’t allow his hands to
remain idle.  He slowly began to unbutton the top that the red head had been
wearing, gazing lovingly as it parted, revealing the milky white skin that
he couldn’t get enough of.
 “So beautiful,” he murmured, before lowering his head and taking in one of
her nipples into his mouth, suckling it and teasing it until it was almost
painful.  Willow arched her back as pleasure swept over her.  Angel left the
rock hard nubbin and lavished the same attention on its twin, all the while
his hands remained busy as they began to undo her pants and lower them.  He
slid his hand under the material, feeling the curls that covered his goal.
Willow lifted her hips, allowing him more room as he slid the pants down her
body.  Once she was completely nude, Angel began to kiss his way back up her
body, nibbling at the spots the he had already discovered were extremely
sensitive to certain things.  Like the way she squirmed when he nibbled the
back of her knee.  Or how she moaned as he laved her navel with his tongue.
Or the way she shouted out his name as he inserted a long finger into her
center, hitting just the right place to give her the most pleasure.
 “Gods, Angel,” she moaned.  Angel moved up her body once more.
 “Tell me what you want, Willow,” he whispered.  “What do you want me to
 “Make love to me,” she answered, no doubt in her voice.  She had never
wanted anything more in her life.  “Make me yours.”  Angel smiled as he saw
the look of complete trust that was on Willow’s face.  He bent down, once
more kissing her passionately and the same time he began to pump his fingers
into the hole that he had inserted them into and had yet to remove them
from.  Willow began to thrust against those fingers, moaning and writhing as
she felt the pleasure building inside her body.  Angel sped up his thrusts
as he felt Willow about to crest and then she was there, screaming out his
name.  He was sure that everyone in the warehouse knew what was going on and
he didn’t care.  All he cared about was the red head that was beneath him.
Angel brought his hand up to his mouth, cleaning it and tasting Willow’s
essence. It was something it had grown addicted to.
 Once Willow came back to Earth, Angel began raining kisses over her face
again.  He felt her small hands at his waist, pulling his shirt from his
pants and trying to get it over his head.  He sat up, helping her.  Then,
once that was done, he quickly removed his pants too.  Willow sighed as she
saw her lover in all his naked glory.  She held out her arms, encouraging
him to join her back in bed.  He quickly complied.  Their mouths met in a
mad need to consume the other.  Their tongues dueled against one another in
a battle where no one would win or lose.  Willow surprised Angel by rolling
them over so that she was on top.  She sat up, straddling Angel’s chest, and
ran her hands over his chest.
 “Who do you belong to,” she asked him.
 “You.  Only you.”  Willow smiled at the answer.
 “You better make sure that you remember.”  She reached behind her, taking
Angel erection into her hands, running her fingers along the hard shaft.
This time it was Angel that was moaning as he felt her place his shaft at
her entrance.  Slowly she lowered herself, completely engulfing him with her
tightness.  Angel felt he had died and been granted entrance into Heaven.
The two of them stilled, reveling in the feeling of completeness that came
from being joined like this.  Finally, when she couldn’t take it anymore,
and almost as one, they began to move.  Willow rose and lowered on his
shaft, Angel matching her rhythm stroke for stroke.  They two of them
striving for that moment where they would become one.
 “Gods, Willow,” Angel groaned.  “So good.  Yessssss.”  Angel grabbed
Willow’s hips, guiding her as he thrust harder into her body.  Willow
reached back, arching her back, and took his sac into her hands, gently
kneading them.  The room was filled with moaning, as they became to reach
the crest that they knew was coming on quickly.  Then they were there,
together, shouting out the other’s name before collapsing beside the other.
Angel wrapped his arms around Willow, holding her close to him, loving the
feeling of her heat against his cool body.
 “Wow,” she giggled, after she was finally able to catch her breath.  “That
was, wow.”
 “I’ll have to agree with that,” Angel added, kissing her head.  “I love
you, my Willow.”
 “I love you too, Angel.”

Initiative Headquarters Sunnydale

 “So how goes it Xander?” Connor MacLeod asked as the dark haired teen stood
outside his cell. While the Immortal knew that the people that had captured
him were intent on doing him harm, there was something about the young man
that stood before him that made him think he was different.  He had even
felt comfortable enough with Xander to tell the boy about his being Immortal
and about the way he had to live his life.
 “Could be better I guess,” Xander admitted.  “We could actually be having
this conversation in a bar instead of here.”  Connor nodded his head in
 “True,” he said.  “I could go for a nice beer right about now.  What say
you sneak me in one?”
 “Love too,” Xander laughed.  “Let me see what I can do about that.”
 “So has there been any word on your friends yet?”  Xander had told the
Immortal about Willow and the others.  Xander couldn’t figure out why.  He
just knew there was something about Connor that made him want to open up.
And Xander knew that he needed to talk to someone or else he would just go
 “No,” Xander shook his head.  “And let’s just say that Buffy is not of the
happy.  Nor are any of the others.  Especially since we found out that Giles
has disappeared after talking to Willow and Angel.  She’s taking it as a
personal affront.”
 “Let me guess,” Connor interrupted, “she thinks that Willow stole Giles
from her as well as Angel.”  Xander nodded her head.  “You know, I was
always under the impression that the Slayer was supposed to be smart.  Shame
that she’s ruining that image.”
 “Yeah well, you have to get to know her,” Xander tried to defend his the
blonde.  “I mean, she always thought that she and Angel were meant to be
together and now that it looks like he’s with Willow, she can’t handle it.
Everyone is supposed to be by her side.  That’s how it always was before.”
 “Things change,” the Immortal commented.  “She should learn to accept it.
It will be better for her in the long run. It makes her stronger.  The way
she is now, it won’t be long before something happens to her.”
 “I know,” Xander observed sadly.  “I just don’t know what to do about it.”
 “You have to do what you feel is right,” Connor said.  “No one else can
tell you what you feel.  Only you can do that.”
 “Xander, what are you doing here?”  Buffy asked from the doorway.  Xander
looked over at the blonde Slayer.
 “Just talking to this hostile,” Xander explained, hoping that Buffy hadn’t
heard any of the conversation.  “I was hoping that maybe I could get some of
the information that Professor Walsh was looking for.”
 “And did you have any success,”  Buffy questioned, coming over to the cell
that housed the Immortal.  She gave Connor a look of contempt.
 “No,” Xander shook his head.  “It was just a waste of time.”
 “Figures,” Buffy sneered.  “They should just kill him and be done with it.”
 “We can’t kill him, Buffy,” Xander pointed out.  “We don’t even know what
he is yet.”
 “Doesn’t matter.  One last demon to worry about.”  Buffy grabbed Xander’s
arm and pulled him from his spot.  “Come on.  We have a lead as to where the
others are.”  Xander gave Connor one last look before allowing Buffy to lead
him away.  He made another silent promise that he would get his friend out
of his cell even if it cost him the friendship of the last remaining Scooby
member to do it.

