Title-Reluctant Student Witches (9/?)
Disclaimer-None are mine, although I wish they were.  BtVS belongs to Joss.
Harry and company belong to J.K. Rowling.
Distribution-Willow's World, BBA, Angel of Mine
Key Pairings-W/A Amy/X
Summary-Let the rescue commence.
Dedicated to Kittikat who has waited patiently for the next part.
Feedback is loved and needed to survive.
Author's Note-This takes place 1st season Buffy and third book Harry.

Part 9

      "So, any word yet from Angel?" Hermoine asked as she joined Willow and Amy
at the Gryffindor table for breakfast.
      "Nope," Willow shook her head.  "Maybe Spike and Drusilla haven't been
about to get to Sunnydale yet."
      "It's been two weeks," Hermoine pointed out.  "Even with the restrictions
placed on them because of they're been vampires, they should have made it by
now."  What Hermoine wasn't saying was that maybe something had happened
that prevented the rescue of her friends from Hogwarts.  The young witch had
talked to Harry and Ron about that very possibility just the night before
while Willow and Amy were studying for the Potions class.  Harry had
overheard a conversation that the three girls had been having and had
confronted them all about it.  The only thing they could do was let him in
on it and that meant also letting Ron in on the secret, but not before
swearing him to secrecy.
      "So what are you trying to say?"  Willow snapped at her young friend.
"That maybe Angel doesn't really want to come and get me out?  That maybe
he's moved on with his life?  That maybe he's decided that he's tire of me?
What?"  Willow shuddered as her rant ended.  She hadn't meant to yell at the
younger witch.  It was just that she had been wondering what it was that was
preventing Angel from contacting her.  She was positive that Spike and
Drusilla had had more than enough time to reach Sunnydale and yet still
there had been no word from her mate.  Willow was beginning to wonder if
maybe Angel had decided that he was better off with her being somewhere else
and Hermoine pointing out what she had already begun to question, only made
Willow vocalize her fears.
      Amy put a comforting arm around Willow.  "Willow, you know how much Angel
loves you.  There's no way that he's changed his mind about coming to get
you.  I mean, that would mean that Xander's changed his mind too and I'll be
damned if I let myself believe that he doesn't love me anymore, so don't you
go getting any doubts."
      "I know," Willow sniffed, "but then why hasn't he sent us anything.  Not
even a little note saying he's on his way or something."
      "Maybe he did and the owl is late," Harry offered as he came from behind
the girls.  "If he's anything like Ron's, it'll take at least a month to get
here from the States."
      "Whatever," Ron rolled his eyes as he joined the friends.  Everyone laughed
at the ongoing joke about how slow Ron's owl was and the young boy took it
in stride, knowing that they didn't mean any actual harm with it.  Suddenly
the air was filled with the sounds of hundreds of owls streaming into the
room and depositing letters and packages in front of eager students.
Including one for Willow and Amy.
      "Looks like you had nothing to worry about," Hermoine stated as she
recognized the handwriting on the letter as Angel's.  "He didn't forget
about you after all."  Willow quickly opened the letter and scanned the
      "Hey, no fair keeping to yourself," Amy protested.  "Share."
      "All it says is that Spike and Drusilla arrived safely in Sunnydale and,
after finally persuading Buffy not to kill them, they told the gang where we
were.  Giles instantly recognized the area and that they are already here.
That's why they didn't write before.  They just took off for Hogwarts."
      "Wait a minute,"  Harry interrupted, not sure if he was all that
comfortable with the idea of a vampire near the school, even if he was a
friend of Willow's.  "What do you mean that they are already here?"
      "According to Angel, they weren't sure what kind of problems they would
encounter getting here and that they didn't want to waste any time," Willow
explained, perusing the letter again.  "They just wanted to get here."
      "Is Xander with them?" Amy tried to ask casually.
      "Of course."  Willow once again looked over the letter.  "Wow, everyone's
here.  Xander, Buffy, Giles.  Even Spike and Drusilla came back to help.
Something about helping their new mommy."  Willow blushed as she realized
just what Drusilla meant by that.
      "Hey Wills, how's it feel to be a mother to some of the most feared vamps
in history," Hermoine cracked.
      "Weird on a major scale," the red head replied.
      "Does it say when they are going to get here?" Ron broke in.  "I mean, is
there something that we need to do to get ready for their arrival?  Like
making sure that no one is around to cause any trouble?"
      "And what kind of trouble are you planning for now, Weasley," a voice
sneered.  "Haven't you and your friend Potter caused enough trouble here?"
      "Buzz off, Flint," Amy ordered of the boy from Slytherin.  "If we want the
opinion of a moron, we'll call you."  Willow and the others laughed at the
put down, while the boy in question just grew angry.
      "You know, Madison," he spit out the name, "you would be wise to keep that
big mouth of yours shut.  You never know when its going to get you into
      "Oh, like I'm so scared of you," Amy taunted back.  "I'm shaking in my
      "Umm, Amy, you're wearing sandals today," Willow helpfully pointed out.
      "Oh yeah, guess I'm not scared after all then, huh?"  the dark haired witch
grinned, again causing laughter.
      "Willow, how can you stand being with this people," Marcus Flint looked at
the red head that he had decided would be the ideal woman for him.  "You are
so much better than they are."
      "And yet they still let me hang out with them," Willow returned.  She felt
something inside of her that she didn't recognize at first.  Then it hit her
and she smiled sweetly as she realized what exactly it was.  Amy saw the
smile that crossed her friend's face and wondered what exactly was going on.
      "Willow," she whispered.
      "Angel," was the quiet reply and Amy instantly knew what her friend was
smiling about.  She could feel Angel and that meant that the souled vampire
must be somewhere close by.  And that also meant that Xander had to be
nearby also.
      "Willow, I want you to sit with the rest of the Slytherins at the next
Quadditch match," Flint all but ordered.  "That's where you belong."
      "Sorry, but I don't think I'll be here for it," Willow replied.  "I have
other plans."  Marcus Flint was not used to rejection and he did not take
Willow's kindly.  He grabbed her arm and forced her to look into his face.
"Let me go, Flint."
      "Not until you realize who you belong to," he told her.
      "I know who I belong to, and it certainly isn't you," Willow retorted
angrily, pulling her arm out of Flint's grasp.  "So why don't you bite me."
      "Now, Willow, how many times have I told you that only I have that
privilege," a deep, masculine voice boomed from the entrance of the dining
hall, overtaking all of the other voices and quieting any conversation.  The
students all turned to face the speaker, and the ones closest to the doors
quickly backed away as they recognized the faces from their classes.  There
in the doorway, stood a very angry looking Angel, Xander, Spike and
Drusilla.  Angry and tired.  And, much to Willow and Amy's dismay, hurt.
      "Angel," the red head screamed as she ran to her mate, who scooped her up
and swung her around.
      "Xander," Amy yelled as she ran towards her own boyfriend who did the same.
  Both couples kissed as if they were the only ones in the room.  They
seemed completely oblivious to the shock and confused stares they were
receiving from the other students in the room.  That is, until a voice broke
them from their embraces.
      "Miss Rosenberg, Miss Madison, can you please explain to me what you are
doing with those vampires?"
