Part 11
"Hi guys, we're back,?"
"Willow?" Buffy asked, taking in her friend's appearance. "What are you wearing?" Willow looked down at her attire and smiled. She was wearing a red halter top and short leather mini-skirt. She also had on a pair of black go go boots along with her red leather coat. It was definitely not something that the old Willow would have worn.
"That would be clothes Buffy," Willow replied sarcastically. (Stupid much.) Oz walked over to Willow and gave her a kiss. Willow shivered inwardly from his touch.
"Hey sweetie," Oz said as he walked over to Willow. "Ummm, the new look, not exactly you."
"Hey, I think it's perfectly me." Willow said, hoping her voice didn't betray her feelings. (You are such a dead wolf, Oz.) Oz draped his arm around Willow's shoulder and guided her to the library table. Cordelia followed, grabbing a chair next to the one the Willow was sitting in.
"But Wills, its so," Xander searched for the right word, "flashy. You're more of the quiet type."
"Let's just say, things change," Willow stated sweetly. (Having your friends lie and cheat on you has a tendency to do that to a person.)
"So, where did you guys end up going?" Willow looked over at Cordelia, silently asking her to answer.
"We ended up heading down to Rocky Point and then spent last week in San Diego," Cordelia said. "You know, did that whole girl bonding thing." Willow smiled at the girl.
"Yup. Went shopping during the day and clubbing at night."
"Clubbing?" Oz asked, worriedly. "As in needing an id type of clubbing." He didn't like the idea of his Willow going out partying with Cordelia, especially when he wasn't there to keep an eye out on her.
"Yup," Willow answered sweetly, turning towards Oz. "It was a lot of fun. Met a lot of really nice," Willow paused a moment, as if she was about to say one thing, before finishing her sentence, "ummmm, people." Cordelia had to cough in order to hide the chuckle that was forming in her throat. Willow kicked the girl under the table.
"Peopleā¦that's always a good thing Wills," Xander stated, trying to ease the tension that was slowly building up in the room. "You know we've missed you here. Hasn't been the same since you've been gone." (Yeah, I bet. Buffy and Oz could screw without having to worry about anyone catching them.)
Buffy turned to face Cordelia, "So, Cordelia, what are you doing here? I mean, I didn't think you wanted to hang in the library after everything that happened."
(Oh you have no idea how much I don't want to be here.) "I'm here for Willow. She needed a ride."
"Since when have you and Willow been such good friends?" Oz asked. "And you don't have to stay if you don't want to. I can give Willow a ride home tonight." Oz had missed Willow. It had been almost three weeks since the last time they had been together and he wanted to spend some time alone with his girlfriend. Even though Buffy was good at fulfilling his physical needs, he still loved Willow. Cordelia looked over at Willow, who nodded her head.
"It's okay Cordy. I'll get home okay."
"If you're sure," Cordelia stood up. "I'll talk to you later, 'kay?" Cordelia headed toward the library doors, when they opened up, revealing Angel. "Hi and bye Angel." She left the library just as Buffy ran over to Angel and threw herself into his arms, showering his face with kisses.
"I take it you missed me," he said as he separated himself from slayer. He saw Willow at the table with Oz hovering over her. He didn't miss the way she was trying to control her anger at the boy. (How can her friends not even realize how pissed off she is. Self-absorbed much.)
"I've missed you a whole lot," Buffy replied as she tried to wrap her arms around Angel again, but he stopped her. "I can't believe you left again without even calling me." Angel took Buffy's hand and walked to the middle of the room.
"It came up suddenly. A friend of mine needed some help," Angel explained, sneaking a glance towards Willow who was smiling.
"Oh," Buffy said, "anyone I know."
"I don't think so. Just a friend." Angel stated. "What's been going on here? Anything interesting?"
"Just the usual vamps and demons," Xander quipped. "Nothing all that weird, and it is officially scary that I can consider vamps and demons usual."
"It is," Oz agreed. "but since there's no real need for research, how about you and I go for a drive?" Oz asked Willow. "We have a lot of time to make up for."
"Ummm, sure." Willow said. "See you all later." (I can't believe I'm going to be with him alone. Hope I can get through this.) (You can, think of Angel) At the thought of Angel, Willow smiled. He had been her rock since this whole thing had started and she knew that Cordelia was right. Willow had a major thing for Angel. She always had, but she never felt comfortable acting on it. She just hoped that Cordelia was right and that he liked her also.
Willow looked over at Angel for just a moment, allowing him to see her emotions in her eyes. (They are so expressive. You can see everything that is going on in her head.) He returned her look, giving her his reassurance that everything would be okay. All of this happened in the fraction of a heartbeat, the others never knowing what was going on. Willow allowed Oz to lead her from the library. (Let the games begin.)
"So, Xander, how about me and Angel walk you home before patrol?" "Sure," Xander answered.
"Hey Giles, we're heading out now," Buffy shouted to the watcher who had remained in his office. "Check in with you tomorrow." The three of them didn't even wait for Giles to answer, instead heading out.
After they had made sure that Xander had made it home okay, Buffy and Angel walked over to the cemetery. Buffy constantly reaching over to grab Angel's hand. Angel knew that it was important to the plan to make Buffy think that everything was okay between the two of them, but all he could think of was the pain that she caused to Willow. (Willow. My sweet, wonderful Willow.) Angel found himself wishing he were at home, sitting with Willow in front of the fireplace. He hated the fact that she was alone with Oz instead of in his arms.
"So I told Faith that there was no way I was going to let her do it," Buffy said as she looked over at Angel.
"Makes sense," he agreed, although he had no idea what Buffy was talking about. It had been a quiet night and he was growing restless. He watched as Buffy sat on a headstone, patting the spot next to her.
"Come here Angel. We have some time to make up for."
Angel knew exactly what she meant, but decided to play dumb. "What do you mean?"
"Come on, you know exactly what I mean. It's been a month since I have seen you," Buffy said, pouting a bit. "I've missed my honey. Not to mention the smoochies that usually accompany a visit by him." (I bet you missed my kisses, but not enough to stay faithful to me. Do you think of me when you're screwing Oz or do you just forget that I even exist then?)
"Yeah, I've been meaning to talk to you about that." Buffy looked at Angel worriedly. (Now, let's have some fun.) "I wanted to tell you how much it means to me that you are willing to give up so much so that we can be together."
"What are you talking about Angel?" Buffy asked, a bit confused by Angel's statements.
"Well, you know, the whole "happiness clause" thing," Angel stated, trying to smother the chuckle that threatened to come forth when he saw Buffy's face blanch a bit. "I mean, I would understand if you said that you wanted to break up because you decided that you needed someone whom could give you all the pleasure that I can't." (Gotcha.) Angel almost laughed out loud when he saw the look of guilt that quickly passed over Buffy's features. She quickly hid it with a smile as she reached over for him.
"I'm happy with whatever kind of relationship we can have," she replied sweetly. "I love you." She gave him a kiss, which Angel had to force himself to respond to. When she tried to deepen it, he stopped her. She looked at him confused as to why he stopped. "What's wrong?" she asked.
"Nothing, (except the fact that I wish I was kissing Willow instead of you right now.) it's late, that's all. Think we should call it a night," he answered. "Especially since you have school tomorrow."
Buffy reluctantly agreed and took Angel's hand again as they walked towards her house. Buffy continued to talk and Angel often found himself drifting away from the conversation. (How did I ever find her so interesting? She only talks about herself, never anything else. She's so boring.) Finally they reached her house and Buffy gave Angel another kiss before finally separating and going inside. Angel waited until he saw her living room lights go off before heading back to his house, where he had a certain red-head that he had to talk to hopefully waiting for him.
While Angel was trying to ward off Buffy in the cemetery, Oz and Willow were parked in front of her house. The ride over mainly consisted of talk about the Dingos gigs and what had been happening in Sunnydale. As soon as they pulled into the Rosenberg's driveway, though, the talk turned a little more serious.
"So, Willow, what exactly happened while you were away?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," Willow answered sweetly.
"Well, I mean, first you went off with Cordelia, who isn't exactly one of your best friends," Oz said.
"Well, we discovered that we had a lot in common." (Like the fact that we were both cheated on by boys that supposedly cared for us.)
"I don't even think I want to know what you have in common with Cordelia. The two of you are nothing alike." Willow didn't even bother trying to argue with Oz about her friend, knowing that to do so might effect the plan. "Then you two went clubbing and picked up "people". Why did you feel the need to pick up "people"?"
"I didn't feel the need to pick up anybody," Willow explained. "It just happened. And, besides all I did was dance," Willow whined in her best little girl voice, knowing that Oz was a sucker for it. "Anyway, why would I want anyone else when I have you?" (You lousy no good two timing son of a bitch.)
"And lastly, what is up with your clothes?" Willow looked down at her outfit.
"What, you don't like it?" Willow asked, hurt evident in her tone. Oz immediately felt bad about what he said.
"It's not that I don't like it Willow. It's just that it isn't you," Oz replied. "You're more of the fuzzy sweaters and jumpers then the leather mini and halter look."
"It's a new thing that I wanted to try," Willow responded. (What, I can't try something new without your permission oh great one.)
"Well, how about for school tomorrow, you show up looking like the real Willow, 'kay?" Oz asked.
"Whatever," Willow answered under her breathe. Oz leaned in to give Willow a kiss and she found herself having to fight the revulsion that was coursing through her at his touch. Thoughts of Angel passed through her head, helping her in making Oz think that she was still with him. Oz started to try and move past making out until Willow stopped him.
"I'm sorry, Will," Oz apologized. "I know that you want to wait until the time is just right."(Oh yeah, and it certainly won't be with you.)
"I do. And I know that it must be tough on you, having to wait and all," Willow stated. "I mean, most guys would just go looking for someone who would be willing to fulfill their needs." Willow noticed Oz's guilty face. (Bingo)
"I'll wait for you as long as it takes," Oz replied, masking his emotions. (Of course you will, you've got Buffy.)
"Look, it's late and I want to get a good night's sleep before school tomorrow," Willow said as she placed a hand on the door handle.
"Okay, sweetie. Do you need a ride to school," Oz asked, wanting to spend as much time as possible with Willow.
"Nah. Cordelia's going to give me a ride." Oz looked over at Willow as she said that. (Geez, Willow and Cordelia are hanging out an awful lot lately. I don't think I like the effects that's having on my Willow. But I better not say anything or else Willow might get upset.)
"Umm, okay." Oz leaned over and gave Willow another kiss. "I'll see you tomorrow."
Willow got out of the van and headed up into the dark house. She turned at the door and gave Oz a parting wave. As soon as she closed the door behind her, she finally released the laughter that she had been holding in since the library. She couldn't believe her so called friends had the nerve to question her on what she was wearing, let alone Oz's whole attitude on her friendship with Cordelia. (At least Cordy tells the truth whether I want to hear it or not.) Willow headed over to the phone and dialed Angel's. Cordelia picked it up on the fourth ring, out of breathe.
"Hmmm, what'cha been up to Cordy?" Willow teased.
"Nothing," Willow could Cordelia hit something on the other end of the line and a muttered stop it. "So where are you?"
"I'm at my house. Oz just left," Willow told her.
"How did it go?" Cordelia inquired.
"Perfectly," Willow replied. "They didn't suspect a thing and Oz made a point of telling me that he did not like my clothing choices." Cordelia laughed on the other end.
"Excellent. Phase two has begun," the cheerleader said evilly.
"I was wondering if you could come and pick me up," Willow stated. Don't exactly relish walking home this time of night."
"Sure, I'll be over in 10." Cordelia and Willow said goodbye and
Willow hung up the phone. She went up to her bedroom to grab a few things
and took the time to look around the room. She realized that she didn't
feel at home there anymore. To her, her home was with Angel, Cordelia and
Spike and she wanted to be home right now. (I want to be with Angel.)She
went downstairs to wait for Cordelia. Willow couldn't wait to get back
to the house and talk to Angel.