Title-Revenge is Sweet (31/?)
Disclaimer-None are mine although I wish they were. They belong to Joss.
Distribution-Willow's World, BBA, Angel of Mine
Key Couple-W/A C/S F/G
Summary-Prom time and for Buffy and Oz to learn the truth.
Dedicated to Kylia, missed ya girl and to everyone else who may actually be
enjoying this one.
Feedback is greatly appreciated and makes me write more.
Author's Note-Okay, I couldn't resist making the last part of the revenge
happen at the prom. Considering the fact that the soaps have been doing all
prom themes lately(Days, Y&R and Passions) it made sense to me. And to
those that catch it, ye Willow's appearance is taken straight from Days and

Part 31

"Interesting choice of apparel there, Wills," Buffy said as Willow climbed
into the limousine with some help from Oz. Buffy, Angel, Cordelia and Spike
were already inside the car, having all been picked up from the main house.
Willow was waiting with Oz at her parents' home, having made sure to vacate
her house before the Slayer had arrived.
"Thanks," Willow replied. The red head was wearing a long, black, hooded
cloak that covered her whole body, not allowing anyone to see exactly what
she was wearing. Cordelia smiled at Willow, being the only one to know
exactly what was under that cloak and anticipating the unveiling that was
too come. "I saw this the other day and I just couldn't resist."
"Well, I think its very cute," Oz told her, quickly placing a kiss on
Willow's cheek. A small growl came from Angel that only Spike could hear.
The blonde had to stifle a laugh, knowing that the night was only beginning.
He couldn't wait to see what would happen later. "It's very Willowy."
"So, has anyone heard anything about Harmony and what she might have done
the other night?" Willow quickly inquired, not wanting to ruin the plans
any sooner than expected.
"I haven't," Buffy answered. "Does anyone know if she is even going to be
there tonight?"
"She told me she was," Cordelia informed everyone. "She even went so far
as to say that she expected to be named Prom Queen. She seemed real sure
about that too."
"The only way she could be named Prom Queen, luv, is if you didn't show
up," Spike complimented the cheerleader, who responded by giving him a deep
"Compliments like that will get you everywhere."
"Oh please, can you two at least wait until we get out of the car," Willow
teased, rolling her eyes at the couple.
"Bite me pet," Spike but back.
"Name the time and the place, blondie," Willow returned, smiling sweetly.
Angel, Cordelia, Spike and Willow all laughed, while Buffy and Oz looked on
unhappily at the friendly banter between the four people. While they were
positive that their relationships with Willow and Angel were secure, they
weren't thrilled by the way they still acted around each other. They all
felt the car slow up as it pulled into the parking lot of the school. The
six people got out, breaking up into the three separate couples, and walked
into the school.
"Wow, will you look at this place," Willow commented as they entered the
gym. It was decorated with streamers and balloons that were a deep blue and
black. There was a huge sign that said "Congratulations Class of 1999."
The music was already going full throttle and students were already taking
to the dance floor.
"I can't believe this is the same place where Mrs. Coltrane like to torture
us," Cordelia said. Spike held out his arm for Cordelia to take.
"Shall we?"
"We shall." The couple made there way to a table, followed by the others.
"Oz," Willow smiled sweetly, "would you mind taking my cloak?"
"Sure thing." Willow untied her cloak, which Oz quickly removed, revealing
Willow's dress. He only saw the back of it, but it was enough to make him
gape. Even the people around them were staring at Willow, the women with
jealous looks and the men with lustful ones.
"My god, Willow. What are you wearing?" Buffy exclaimed. Oz came around
the front of Willow and stared at his girlfriend.
"You like?" Willow said sweetly. Buffy was speechless. Oz was confused.
Cordelia was proud. Spike was completely in awe. And Angel was utterly and
hopelessly in love and turned on. His Willow was ravishing. Her dress was
a deep emerald green that accentuated her eyes and brought out a shine to
her hair. It was form fitting and extremely low cut, both in the front and
the back. The back dipped nearly to her butt, while the front just covered
her breasts. There was a long slit that reached all the way up her thigh.
She had on a pair of stiletto heels that gave her more height. Around her
neck was a velvet choker and a pair of emerald earrings dangled from her
"Willow, what….what…." Oz stammered. He didn't know what he wanted to
say. Willow had been acting so much like his old girlfriend, that seeing
her like this completely stunned him. He never expected it.
"Close your mouth, Oz, you're letting in flies," Cordelia teased, happy to
see the reaction her friend's dress had on the others. She didn't even mind
that Spike was looking at Willow with a bit of lust in his eyes. She
figured that she would benefit from that part herself.
"Willow, how? Why?" Buffy tried to say.
"What Buffy? Don't you like my dress," she asked innocently. Buffy didn't
answer, but Angel did. He closed the distance between Willow and himself,
not even caring that they weren't suppose to do anything until later, and
did what he had wanted to do as soon as she got into the limo. He placed a
long, deep passionate kiss on her lips, leaving no doubt as to how he felt
about her, and leaving Willow completely breathless. "Wow."
"Wow indeed," Angel agreed. "You look absolutely ravishing." Willow
wrapped her arms around Angel's neck, happy to feel him against her. "Your
dress is breathtaking and I want nothing more that to take you home and get
you out of it." Willow blushed at Angel's blatant meaning.
"I think that can be arranged," she replied, kissing him again. This time
the kiss was broken when the couple were torn apart by an angry Oz and an
irate Buffy.
"What the hell do you think you're doing?" Buffy shouted, not even caring
about the scene that she was making or the stares that were being directed
their way.
"Get your goddamn hands off of my girlfriend," Oz ordered. He pulled
Willow away from Angel, quickly putting the red head's cloak back over her
shoulders. "Come on, Willow, we're leaving."
"We are?" She mocked. "The night just started." Willow removed the cloak
once more, allowing it to drop to the floor. She broke free of Oz's grip
and walked back over to where Angel was standing. "Did you want to leave?"
Angel's eyes raked over Willow's body.
"I could be amendable to that suggestion," he answered, leaving no doubt
about what he would do once they left. "But don't you think we should stay
and see if Harmony shows up?"
"Fine," Willow pouted. "If we have too. But can I at least get a dance?"
"But of course, mi'lady." Angel snaked his arm around Willow waist,
feeling only her warm flesh. He led the witch out to the dance floor,
grateful that it was a slow song playing. He wrapped the petite girl in his
arms, holding her close and the two swayed to the music, everyone around
them watching the couple. Buffy and Oz were livid. They had just been
ignored by their dates, who were now dancing with each other.
"What the hell is going on here?" Buffy demanded. "Why is Angel dancing
with Willow?"
"It should be obvious, even to you Slayer," Spike commented. "The poof is
dancing with Red because he loves her." Buffy shook her head.
"No, Angel loves me. That's why he broke up with her," she reasoned.
"Peaches never loved you," the blonde vampire happily informed her. "It's
always been Red. From the very beginning. They only were pretending to
care about you."
"No, Willow would never do that," Oz tried to argue. "She and I were meant
to be together. She knows that."
"No, Oz," Cordelia told him. "She and Angel belong together. It's how
it's always been. That's what tonight has been about. It was there way of
showing you two that, no matter what, it will always be the two of them."
The song that had been playing ended and all attention turned to the stage,
where the president of the senior class was standing.
"Hey there everybody. Are you having a good time?" A cheer rose up from
the students. "Well, it's that time that you have all been waiting for.
Time to see who will be your Prom King and Queen. The ballots have all been
counted and here are your winners. For Prom King, Danny Finch." A tall
blonde boy took the stage, where a crown and scepter were given to him.
"And now, here she is. Your new Prom Queen. Willow Rosenberg." A cheer
rose up from the crowd as Angel enveloped Willow. She was just about to
make her way up to the stage when she saw Harmony go up before her.
"I believe you made a mistake," the blonde cheerleader said.
"What no mistake," the boy told her. "See, Willow Rosenberg." The crowd
of students watched in confusion at the scene that was taking place.
"This can't be what Harmony was after could it," Cordelia muttered. She
and Spike had joined Willow and Angel. "Only she would do something that
"No," Harmony reiterated. "I'm pretty sure that my name is on there." She
stared deeply into the eyes of the announcer, who quickly looked down at the
card in his hand.
"You're right. I'm so sorry. Your prom queen is Harmony." A confused
murmur rippled through the crowd. Angel, Spike, Cordelia and Willow all
approached the smiling blonde, but before they could get to her, the lights
in the gym went out. The crowd once again grew silent as the emergency
lights cast an eerie glow among the students.
"Spikey's been a bad boy," came a voice.
"Dru," was all Spike said before all hell broke loose.
