Title-Senior Year Hell (6//)
Disclaimer-Not mine.  Joss and the Wb belongs them.
Distribution-Willow's World BBA
Summary-someone is found
Key Pairings-W/A C/P F/X
Dedicated to all of you who wanted more.
Feedback is loved and needed.

Part 6

"And over there is the school where I have spent the most formative years of
my life," Pacey pointed out to Cordelia, Willow and Faith.  "That is, until
I came to Sunnydale and met a group of people that changed the way I thought
about things."
"What kind of things?" Cordelia asked, taking Pacey's hand in hers.  He
leaned over and gave her a kiss on the cheek.
"Things like what is really important.  Like not to take things for what
they appear to be," he told her.  "And having friends to cover your back
"But what about Dawson and Joey?" Willow wondered aloud.  "I mean, the way
you talked about them when you first came to Sunnydale, it sounded like the
three of you were almost like the Three Muskateers."  Pacey shook his head
as he thought back to his time in Capeside and his friendship with his
fellow teenagers.
"In a way we were, but not like the scoobies," he answered.  "Dawson, Joey
and I, our lives were like one giant soap opera.  It was all drama.  With
you, its more like an adventure.  Sure, there's the drama, not to mention
the comedy," the girls laughed at his statement, "but in the end, it all
comes down to friendship.  And saving the world from a bunch of bloodsucking
Pacey and the girls continued on their tour of Capeside.  This was the first
time that Pacey had been back to his hometown, since leaving four months
earlier to study at Sunnydale High.  Giles had suggested the trip to the
teenagers as a reward for all of their hard work lately, and also because he
was sure that once the new year started, they would all be too busy to take
any kind of a vacation.  So, here they were, in Capeside for the holidays.
It was midafternoon and Pacey, Cordelia, Willow and Faith were out and
about, while Xander and Angel were back in the hotel room, sleeping since
they had been the two people that had driven cross country.  And also so
Angel would have some kind of company since he couldn't actually go out in
the daytime.  They had only been in town for a few hours and had yet to run
into anyone that Pacey had known, which wasn't all that surprising since
school had just let out for the day.
"Whoa, Red, check that out.  It would be perfect on you," Faith commented as
she saw a leather outfit hanging in the window of a women's clothing store.
"I bet Fang would love to see you in that."  Willow looked over the outfit,
nodding her head in agreement.
"I'm sure he would," she agreed.  "He does have a thing for me in leather.
Especially since Halloween."
"Yeah, well, that I can certainly understand," Pacey stated, earning himself
a playful hit from his girlfriend.
"Hey, there.  Don't go fantasizing about my best friend in her Halloween
costume," she teased him.  "Or else you'll be spending the night with Xander
and Angel."
"I don't think so, Cordy," Faith answered.  "I plan on keeping Xander all to
"Same here with Angel," Willow added.  "Looks like your stuck with Pacey."
"Damn," Cordelia muttered.  Pacey pulled her into his arms and kissed her
lips, leaving her lightheaded.  "Well, if I have to, I have to."
"I promise to make it worth your while."
"I'm going to hold you to that."  She countered before turning to the other
two girls.  "Well, what are we standing out here for.  Let's get in there
and see how that outfit looks on you, Willow."
"I don't know.  We didn't come here to buy clothes," Willow countered.
Faith and Cordelia each grabbed one of the red head's arms.
"We weren't exactly giving you a choice."  With that, they dragged the
unwilling girl into the store, leaving Pacey behind.  The boy decided that,
now that they were all in the store together, it would be a while before
they would be seen again.  He walked across the street to the little cafe
that was there, figuring that he could wait there for them to come out.  As
he crossed the street he heard his name called out and turned, expecting it
to be Xander and was surprised to see Dawson running his way, followed
closely by Joey, Jenn, Jack and Andy.  Another girl was coming up behind him
but Pacey didn't recognize her.
"Pacey," Dawson shouted, grabbing his best friend in a bear hug, which was
quickly joined into by the other four people.
  "When did you get back?"
"Why didn't you tell us that you were in town?"
"We missed you."
"Are you back for good?"   They all shouted at the same time.  Pacey looked
over at his friends, surprised at how much older he felt when compared to
"I just got back a few hours ago," he answered their questions in the order
they had been asked.  "It was a last minute trip so I didn't have time to
tell anyone I was coming.  I missed all of you too and no, I'm not back for
good.  I'm only here for the holidays.  Kinda like a mini vacation."
"Well, its good to see you, Witter," Joey said, kissing him on the cheek.
"Thanks, Potter."  Pacey stared over at where Andy was.  "Andy, I heard you
were back in town.  How are you?"
"Better now that you're here," she replied, going over to him. She gave him
a small hug, which he returned.  "I'm glad to see you.  Maybe it will give
us a chance to talk.  Maybe go out."
"Well, I'm here with some friends," he said and watched as the pretty
blonde's face fell.
"Oh, well where are they?"
"Yeah, where are these friends that keep you so busy that you don't even
have time for your old friends," Jenn teased as she leaned in to kiss him.
"Well, the guys are back at the hotel while the girls are shopping," came
his response.
"Girls," Andy repeated.  "As in girlfriend?"  Pacey nodded.
"Yes, one of them is my girlfriend.  Her name is Delia and I'm sure she
can't wait to meet you guys," he explained.  "Her and her friends have been
like a family to me since I moved to town and I don't know what I would have
done without them.  Probably be dead or something."
"Interesting town you've moved to, the, if your friends have been needed to
keep you alive" the strange girl broke in, smiling at the dark haired
"Oh, Pacey, this is Anne," Dawson introduced the blonde girl.  "She came to
town right after you left."
"Hi," the girl replied, offering her hand.
"Hi, yourself," Pacey answered back, shocked at the face that he would know
anywhere from the pictures he had seen of her.  "So, what brought you to
"Just needed a little break from my life and I found this place," Anne
answered, feeling comfortable with the boy that she had heard so much about.
  "It's quiet and peaceful. Things that were missing in my life."
"Really," Pacey said.  "So I take it you don't miss your old life.  I mean,
the one you left behind."  Anne shrugged her shoulders.
"I miss some of it," she responded truthfully.  "I had some good times but
there were a lot of bad times too.  They kind of outweighed the good."
"What about your friends?"  Pacey continued to inquire, wanting to get as
much information as he could so he would be able to pass it along to those
he felt sure would be interested in this new arrival to Capeside.  "Don't
you miss them?"  Again, another shrug from the girl.
"Sometimes, but more often than not, I'm sure that their lives are better
now that I'm gone," she told him somewhat sadly.  Dawson put his arm around
Anne's shoulder as he saw the girl sadden as she thought of those people
that she had left behind.  He knew that Anne's past was a difficult topic
for her to discuss and wanted to make sure that she was okay.  He didn't
understand why Pacey was asking her about it anyway considering he just met
"Come on, Pace, leave the twenty questions for later," Dawson told his
friend.  Pacey turned his attention from the blonde girl to his oldest
friend, deciding that maybe it would be for the best if he didn't appear to
eager for the answers to questions he knew would be asked by those he cared
"So, Witter, you going to go to the Winter Ball while you're in town?"  Joey
questioned.  "It's the last one that we can attend."
"When is it?"
"Tomorrow night.  Its being held at the Icehouse," Andy said.  "Maybe you
and I can go together.  That is, if your girlfriend wouldn't mind you
spending time with an old friend," she added.  Pacey thought about it and
smiled when an idea came to him as to how to have fun with his old friends
by introducing him to his new ones.
"Well, I'll have to check with Delia, but I could probably make it."
"Coolness."  Joey checked her watch and sighed as she saw the time.  "Damn,
I've got to get home and babysit for my sister.  I'll see you guys later.
Stop by and see me later, Pacey.  And bring your friends.  I would love to
meet them."  Joey gave Pacey another kiss before leaving the group behind.
"Yeah, I have to go and help grams with dinner," Jenn told everyone.  "See
you later.  Great seeing you again Pace."  Jenn left.
"Yeah, I guess we better get home and do that whole family bonding thing
that dad is so into now," Jack said.  "Catch ya later."
"I'll see you soon, Pacey," Andy added before turning with her brother and
heading away from him, leaving Pacey alone with Dawson and Anne.
"Well, I hate to meet and run, but I have to get to work.  My attendance is
already bad enough," Anne informed the two boys.  "Dawson, did you still
want to walk me to the restaurant or did you want to hang out with Pacey?"
"You go ahead, man," Pacey urged his friend, wanting the pair to leave
before the girls came out of the store.  "I'll give you a call later tonight
and maybe we can hang out."
"Are you sure?"
"Positive.  Now go," Pacey nearly ordered.  Dawson smiled, glad to see his
friend back in town, even if it was only for a short while.  He took Anne's
hand and the couple started walking towards the end of town and away from
Pacey, who turned and made his way back to the store that he had left the
girls in.  He entered it, only to find that they were now paying for their
purchases.  Cordelia smiled when she saw her boyfriend come in.
"Wait until you see what I got," she squealed.  "You're in for a huge
"Not nearly as huge as the one that you guys are in for."   The three girls
looked at Pacey, wondering what he was talking about.  "I just ran into
Dawson and the others."
"Really," the cheerleader said.  "I bet they were surprised to see you back
in town."
"Not nearly as surprised as I was to see who had joined their little group
since I was back."
