Title-Senior Year Hell (9/?)
             Author-Kaitelynn Email-sundevil48@h... Disclaimer-Not mine.   They belong to Joss and the WB. Rating-PG-13
             Category-Crossover Key Couples-W/A, F/X C/P Summary-Went to a dance and
             a fight broke out. Dedicated to Kylia, who is my muse, and to my boss who is the reason that I   needed to write a fight scene(if ya
             know what I mean) Feedback is loved and craved.

             Part 9

                     "Damn it Fang," Faith swore as she saw Spike and Drusilla atop the stage,
             holding two of the band members by their necks.  "Can't you control your
                     "I've tried disciplining them, but it never works," he shot back.
                     "Maybe we should just kill them," Xander stated, drawing horrified stares
             from Dawson and his friends.
                     "About time is all I can say," Cordelia added.  "I mean, look at the insane
             one.  That dress is so not today.  I mean, she's been around for what one
             hundred plus years.  You'd have thought she would have learned how to
                     "Well, D, how about you take her shopping while we dust some of her
             friends," Faith said sarcastically.  She turned to Angel, who still had
             Buffy staring at him.  "So, what say you and I kick some vamp butt?"
                     "Works for me."  Angel and Faith headed towards the stage, intent on taking
             out Drusilla and Spike.  Xander, Cordelia and Willow proceeded to the exits,
             fighting the vampires that were there and trying to herd the students to
             safety.  Pacey was left behind to face his confused friends.
                     "Umm, I think it would be a good idea if you all got out of here," he told
             them, keeping an eye out for any approaching vampires.  "I don't think its
             exactly safe for you to be here."
                     "What about you?" Joey asked as she saw Willow dust a vampire.  "Whoa, what
             happened to that guy?"
                     "That's what happens to vampires when the get killed.  They get dusted,"
             Pacey replied simply.
                     "Vampires," Dawson scoffed.  "There are no such things as vampires."
                     "Really, than what would you call him," Pacey ducked as a fist from an
             approaching vampire came towards him.  The momentum of the punch threw the
             vampire off and Pacey grabbed him by the neck, a stake help just above his
             heart.  "See these little ridges on their foreheads.  Not exactly normal is
             it.  And most humans don't do this when they die."  Pacey slammed the stake
             into the vampire's heart and he instantly found himself covered in dust. The
             newest Slayerette turned to Buffy.  "Well, aren't you going to do anything?"
                     "What do you want her to do?" Dawson asked, shocked that his friend thought
             that his girlfriend could fight these creatures.  "She can't fight these
             things."  Buffy ducked her head at Dawson's protective attitude towards her.
               While she knew that she should be fighting the vampires, helping her
             friends, she just couldn't force herself to do it.  Everything that she had
             been trying to put behind her was forcing its way back into her life,
             including a very much undead Angel, and she didn't know what to do about it.
                     "Sure she can," Pacey retorted.  "She's a Slayer, just like Faith."  Pacey
             pointed to where Faith was busy fighting off two vampires that stood between
             her and Drusilla.  Her dress had been torn, but it didn't hinder her
             progress.  She grabbed one of the vampires, twisting his neck until there
             was a sickening crack, before staking the other.  Both quickly turned to
             dust and Faith focused her attention on Drusilla.
                     Dawson looked between the dark haired girl and the blonde by his side,
             trying to imagine Anne doing anything like that and he found that he
             couldn't.  Anne was sweet and gentle and would never harm a fly, but she did
             know that one guy and Dawson couldn't help but get the feeling that Anne had
             kept more to herself than he had originally thought.
                     "I don't know if I can do it anymore," Buffy said softly, barely loud
             enough for the others to hear her.  Dawson and the others turned to look at
             her, shocked at what she had just said.  "I've put it behind me.  I don't
             think I can do it."
                     "You've got to try," Pacey said, wincing as he saw Xander take a nasty blow
             to the head.  The dark haired boy quickly crumpled to the ground,
             unconscious.  "Before you lose your friends permanently."  Pacey quickly ran
             to the aid of his friend, surprising the vampire that was about to dine on
             him by placing a stake right through his heart.    He checked to make sure
             Xander was okay, then stood next to him, protecting the unconscious boy from
             any of the creatures that came their way.  Willow saw what had happened, and
             was by his side in seconds, both of them fighting as a team.  Between
             themselves, Cordelia, Faith and Angel, almost all of the vampires had been
             taken care of.  The remaining students just sat or stood around in a dazed
             trance, trying to comprehend what had just transpires.
                     "Well, well, well, Peaches, what a surprise to see you here," Spike drawled
             as Angel reached to podium that Spike and Drusilla were standing on.
             "Although it shouldn't have been.  I mean, what's the Slayer without her
             little lapdog?"
                     "Hey, I like that," Faith quipped, joining Angel on the stage.  "I have a
             master vamp as a lapdog."  Spike looked at the brunette Slayer in confusion.
                     "Who the hell are you?"  Faith looked at him and Drusilla, a smile crossing
             her face.
                     "Who me," she replied.  "I'm Faith, the vampire Slayer." With that she hit
             Dru with a round house kick and the two women were soon fighting.
                     "Damn, one Slayer wasn't bad enough.  You had to go and get involved with
             another one," Spike growled, causing Angel to shrug his shoulders.
                     "What can I say," Angel answered.  "I go with a winner."  Spike growled and
             launched himself at his sire.  The two men battle, all of the hatred that
             had been festering between them for so long came out as they realized that
             this was a winner takes all battle.  Their would be no rematch after this.
                     Spike threw punches at Angel, the elder vampire blocking most of them, but
             a few well placed hits did get through.  Spike continued his assault,
             beating back anything that Angel threw at him with only minimal effort.
             Willow gasped as she watched Angel fall to his knees under the onslaught.
             The triumphant grin on Spike's face causing her to cry out his name.  At her
             frantic cry, the souled vampire seemed to get a second wind as he grabbed
             Spike's feet and pulled them out from under him.
                     "Damn it, why can't you just die like a good sire," the blonde swore.
                     "Because I'm not through teaching you who's the boss," Angel bit back.
             Spike and Angel jumped to their feet and began battling once more.
                     Next to them, Drusilla and Faith were fighting.  The insane vampire and the
             Slayer evenly matched.  Faith knew that Dru was the reason that she had been
             called forth as a Slayer, having heard about how the dark haired vampire had
             killed Kendra, but she refused to let it affect her mentally.  She knew that
             she needed to pay attention to what Dru did or else the same fate that
             befell Kendra could befall her.
                     "You're different than the other Slayer," Dru mused as she took in her
             opponent.  "You have a dark side to you.  She's all sticky sweet."
                     "Yeah, well, I never was one for the sweet stuff," Faith retorted, before
             giving Dru a round house kick to the head.  "Prefer the direct approach
             myself.  More action, less talk is my motto."  Dru screeched as she flung
             herself at Faith, who caught her easily.  "Man, you've got to stop all these
             late night snack sessions.  You're just putting on weight."  Dru struggled
             to get out of Faith's grip, but to no avail.  Faith placed a stake at
             Drusilla's heart.  "Time to say good bye Gracie."  The Slayer then stuck the
             wood straight through Drusilla's heart, turning her to dist.
                     "Noooo," Spike shouted as he watched his dark princess turn to dust.  He
             tried to go after the dark haired girl that had killed his love, but was
             stopped by Angel.
                     "I'm sorry Spike," Angel whispered, plunging a stake into his chest.
             "Forgive me."  The blonde vampire turned to dust, leaving Angel holding
             nothing but air where once his favorite childe had stood.
                     "Are you okay, Angel?" Faith asked quietly, as she stood beside the
             vampire.  She knew how much it must of hurt having watched two of his
             childre being killed, let alone being the one to have killed one of them.
             "I'm sorry, but you didn't have any other choice."
                     "I know," Angel agreed.  "But I made them that way.  They were my
                     "And you took care of the responsibility the best way that you could,"
             Faith assured him.  "There was nothing else you could have done."  Faith
             turned to see Pacey, Willow, Xander and Cordelia rushing over to them.  She
             looked over the once pristine gymnasium that now resembled a battlefield.
                     "Nice work there Faith," Pacey complimented his girlfriend, giving her a
             kiss.  "Giles would be proud."
                     "Yeah, I guess we better call and tell him what happened," Faith suggested.
               "I'm sure he'll be very interested in what we've found here in Capeside."
                     Willow approached Angel, circling her arms around his waist.  "Angel, are
             you going to be okay?"
                     "I'll be fine, kitten," he promised her.  She nodded her head, willing to
             accept what he said as the truth.  He bent down and kissed the red head
             witch.  "As long as you're with me, I'll be fine."
                     "Well, since I'm not planning on going anywhere soon, that's of the good,"
             Willow grinned, before remembering who was also there.  "Where's Buffy?"
                     "Right here, Willow," came the tense reply.  Willow turned to see the
             blonde Slayer standing next to her friends from Capeside.  "Couldn't wait to
             get rid of me so you could steal my boyfriend could you."  Before Willow
             could say anything, someone else decided to ask a question.
                     "Excuse me, but can someone please tell me what the hell just happened here
             and who are all of you?" A very upset Dawson Leery questioned.
