Title-Something in Red (1/1)
Disclaimer-Not mine.  Characters are Joss'.  Song is Lorrie Morgan's.
Distribution-The usual people and sites.
Summary-A relationship.
Dedicated to Ky, Liz, Kitt, Sus and John.
Feedback is loved and needed to survive.

Something In Red

I’m looking for something in red
Something that shocking to turn someone’s head
Strapless and sequins and cut down to there
Stockings and garters and lace underwear
A guaranteed number to knock a man dead
I’m looking for something in red.

 I can’t believe that I’m doing this.  How in the world did I let Cordelia
talk me into this?  This so isn’t me.  Oh, that’s right.  She’s convinced
that Angel and I belong together.  Goddess, I wish I could be as sure as she
is. He’s never even given me any indication of how he feels about me, but
there have been times when I could have sworn that when he looked at me
there was something there. Something other than just friendship.
 You know this dress really isn’t as bad as I had originally thought.  I
mean, okay I’ll admit its not something I would normally wear but Cordy’s
right.  It does look good on me.  It shows just the right amount of
everything.  Not too much and not too little.  Maybe if I had worn something
like this when I was dating Oz..... No, not going down that road.  Been
there, wrote that book so often it has sequels. Like Angel said, if Oz was
too stupid to know what he had when he had it, its his loss. I don’t think
that’s gonna be a problem with Angel if we do get together.  Now, all I have
to do it get him to realize that I’m a woman and not just some little school
girl that follows Buffy and if this dress doesn’t do it, then I don’t know
what will.

I’m looking for something in green
Something that will outdo the ex high school queen
Jealousy comes in the color of jade
Do you have a purse and some pumps in that shade
A perfume that whispers he’s come back to me
I’m looking for something in green.

 Well, its what I’ve been dreading.  The first true test of Angel and mine’s
relationship.  Its the test of the ex.  We’re going back to Sunnydale for
Xander and Spike’s commitment ceremony and this will be the first time that
we’ve seen Buffy since we got together. And even though he hasn’t said
anything, I can tell that Angel’s anxious about this.  I can understand why.
  I remember what the two of them had together.  How much they had been in
love.  But Angel keeps telling me that he is over her and I refuse to
believe otherwise.  Unfortunately, according to Xander, Buffy has not gotten
over Angel and isn’t exactly happy that Angel and I are now a couple.
Especially since Anya and Riley hooked up after he left Buffy because of her
refusal to treat him as an equal.  Now she’s convinced that her and Angel
were meant to be together and that worries me.  Sure, I trust Angel when he
says he’s over her but he hasn’t seen her in over a year. Who knows what
will happen when the two of them are together again, but I’m not going to
just roll over and let her try and take my man.  She’ll be in for one hell
of a fight.
 Angel always said he loved me in this color.  He keeps telling me that it
brings out the color of my eyes and that it makes my hair shine. Its one of
the reasons that I bought this dress.  Well that and the fact that I want to
make sure that Angel remembers why he fell in love with me in the first
place.  I know it won’t be as flashy as what Buffy will be wearing. She
always was one to go for the trampy look.  Whoa, now that’s what I would
call bitter on my part.  I don’t think I’ve always been this way.  At least,
I hope not.  Its just that knowing that she’s going to try and make Angel go
home with her just brings it out in me.  I don’t like the idea of anyone
messing with what’s mine and Angel is definitely got a stamp that says
“Property of Willow” on him.  And tonight I’m going to make sure that Buffy
knows that I’m the Chosen One in Angel’s eyes.

I’m looking for something in white
Something that shimmers in soft candlelight
Everyone calls us the most perfect pair
Should I wear a rose or a veil in my hair
The train must be long and the waist must be tight
I’m looking for something in white

 I can’t believe it.  The day I though would never come is actually here.
My wedding day.  The day I’ve always dreamed of but never dared hope would
become reality.  I am officially going to become Mrs. Liam Angelus O’Brien.
And everyone that I care about is involved.  Giles is giving me away, but
that’s okay. He’s been more of a father to me than my own.  Cordelia is
going to be my Maid of Honor, while Spike is standing up as Best Man for
Angel.  Xander and Anya are also standing up for us as witnesses.  My
parents have refused to attend, saying that they couldn’t approve of the
wedding since Angel wasn’t Jewish. Then again, neither am I so why should I
really care.  Buffy’s here though and that surprised me.  She says that
she’s accepted the fact that Angel and I are together.  I didn’t think she
would, and I have to thank Giles for helping her see that she and Angel were
never meant to be.
 Cordelia and Anya absolutely died when they got their first glimpse of my
gown.  I think it made them start thinking of ways of convincing Gunn and
Riley to marry them.  I should feel sorry for the two men but I don’t. I
know they love my friends with all their hearts and that eventually they
will tie the knot.  Actually I know that Gunn is already thinking of....
Well, there I go again.  Even when I’m thinking I babble.  Now where was I.
Oh yeah, my gown.  Let’s see if I can describe it although nothing I say can
do it proper justice.  Its off the shoulders with long sleeves.  It has a
tight bodice with pearls sewn onto the material.  The skirt if full and it
has a five foot train. Its made of a beautiful cream silk with handmade lace
that Giles’ mother gave me to use seeing as her son didn’t look to be
getting married anytime soon.  She knew that I was like a daughter to him
and she wanted to see me use it.  The dress is everything that I had always
dreamed about for my wedding gown, just as Angel is everything that I’ve
always wanted in a man.  So loving and caring and attentive.  He’s always so
willing to give me whatever it takes to make me happy.  He doesn’t realize
that he’s all I need to be truly happy.  That he’s all I need to make me

I’m looking for something in blue
Something real tiny, the baby’s brand new
He’s got his father’s nose and his chin
We once were hot lovers, now we’re more like friends
Don’t tell me that just what old married folk do
I’m looking for something in blue.

 I’m looking in at my husband and our son.  Ours.  Angel’s and mine.  Now
there’s something that I never thought I would be able to say. I had
actually decided that I didn’t need a child in my life as long as I had
Angel, but I am so glad that we have our son.  We were both thrilled when
Wesley told us that he had found a spell that would enable Angel to father a
child.  Trust me when I say we wasted no time in trying to conceive.  And
when the doctor confirmed that I was pregnant.  Let’s just say that I don’t
think Los Angeles has ever seen a celebration like that one.  Angel was so
attentive to me while I was pregnant.  He would do anything to make sure
that I was comfortable and he had no problem making sure that every time I
had a craving it was filled. He was even in the delivery room when Jesse was
born.  That’s our son.
 And today we celebrated our son’s first birthday.  Its been one year since
that little ray of sunshine entered our lives, turning it upside down. We
decorated the hotel with balloons and streamers.  I had to stop Angel from
renting a circus to perform, saying that Jesse was entirely too young to
appreciate it yet.  We had all our friend’s over for a party and the lobby
had quickly filled with wrapping paper as gifts were opened.  Our son now
can safely say he wants for nothing. Whatever his father and I didn’t buy,
his extended family did.  Then, after everyone had left, Angel had carried
Jesse upstairs to put him to bed and that’s how I found them.
 Angel’s sleeping in the antique rocker that we had purchased for the
nursery, Jesse in his arms.  My heart skips a beat as I stare at the two
most important people in my life.  My reasons for living and I can’t help
but think back to before.  To before Jesse.  Before our wedding.  To when
Angel and I first had gotten together.  So much had changed since then.  And
its not like I regret having our son, because I don’t.  I love Jesse with
all that I am, just as I love his father.  And I know that Angel still loves
me but it seems that something has come between us.  Something that I just
can’t grasp.  The passion that we once had just isn’t there. Cordelia said
that’s what happens to people that have been together as long as Angel and I
but I can’t bring myself to believe her.  Hell, Spike and Xander can barely
be in the same room without shagging or leering at each other, making sure
everyone knows they would rather be shagging.  Angel and I used to be like
that and I miss that.  I miss the way Angel always had a way of touching me
whenever we were together to let me know that he loved me.

I’m looking for something in red
Like the one that I wore when I first turned his head
Strapless and sequined and cut down to there
Just a size larger than I wore last year
A guaranteed number to knock a man dead
I’m looking for something in red.

 Okay, I’m going for it.  I’m going to seduce my husband.  Everything is
planned perfectly, thanks to a little help from my friends.  Jesse is with
his Aunt Faith and Uncle Wesley.  Cordelia and Gunn have been told in no
uncertain terms that, short of a dire emergency like the immediate ending of
life as we know it, that they were to stay away from the hotel.  I made the
perfect dinner, complete with a bottle of bloodwine for him.  The lobby is
filled with candles, casting a romantic glow everywhere.  All in all, its
the perfect way to celebrate our tenth anniversary.
 “Happy Anniversary, my love.”  I watch as he takes everything in, his eyes
stopping when he sees me and what I’m wearing and I watch as a smile crosses
his face.
 “That dress.  Its been awhile since I’ve seen you wear it.”
 “Haven’t worn it since that night.”  My love comes over and takes me into
his arms.  His mouth captures mine in a searing kiss that leaves me
breathless.  “I love you, Angel.”
 “I love you too, my Willow.”
