Title: Down Poison 2-4/?
                Author: Karie
                Pairing: W/A(us)
                Summary: 's complicated, read and find out =O)
                Distribution:if you want it, ask and you can have
                Changes: nothing up to Angel losing his soul... He
                never regained it, and Faith's still working with the
                gang, but she's still evil and working with the mayor
                Feedback: PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE! =o)
                Rating: Hard R for violence and language

                Sorry *again* for disappearing... My stupid internet
                is at it again... Sometime this week *hopefully* I'm
                going to switch providers and I'll be back...


                Tearin it back unveiling me
                I'm takin a step back so I can breathe
                Hear the silence about to break
                Fear resistance when I'm awake



                *~ The dark haired vampire looked down at the girl
                he'd come to cherish more than his very own existence.
                He had never, even when he had his soul, loved another
                being the way he'd loved this woman. He'd planned to
                take her from the slayer, but not this way. He'd
                wanted the girl for himself, while turning the
                slayer's life into hell. But someone else had already
                beaten him to it. The girl was dead. Completely.

                *~ He lovingly stroked a strand of blood red hair back
                away from the paleness of her face. Even now, she was
                lovely, even more beautiful in death than she was in
                life. He sat back in his chair and drew the charcoal
                across the thick sketch pad, drawing the lines of her
                body, the shape of her face. A drop of clear fluid
                dropped onto the page and he stopped, surprised. He
                touched his face and sure enough, there was moisture.
                He was weeping for the first time since he'd lost his
                soul... again.


                *~ The first sensation that stirred in her body was
                that of cold. Then an intense tingling that was almost
                painful. Then she was flying upward with a huge gasp
                of breath that was let out in a loud, peircing scream.
                Her green eyes were wild and uncomprehending as they
                flew around the room, lighting finally on an oddy
                familiar face... a face she knew she should know, but
                the knoweledge was just beyond her reach...


                *~ The vampire nearly fell out of his chair when
                Willow sat up, opened her eyes, and screamed. When her
                green eyes focused on him, he was sure his unbeating
                heart gave a leap in his chest. They were wide and
                frightened and... confused. She didn't know who he

                *~ Her mouth opened and he figuratively held his
                breath. "I..." her voice was hoarse and unused, and
                she coughed, looking around for something and he moved
                in with a wastebasket. She spit something dark, like
                blood. "I should be dead," she said, her voice still
                hoarse, but it was clearer than a few seconds ago.

                *~ "Yes," his answer was low and awe-filled, and he
                didn't care. How the hell had she managed this? His
                next thought was more like himself; And how can I use
                this to my own benefit? She blinked at him, her pale
                face showing no emotion, but her eyes were curious. No
                doubt her quick mind was working furiously to figure
                this one out.

                *~ Her head cocked to one side and she asked in an
                emotionless, curious tone, "Why am I not dead?" She
                stopped, her face going blank. She got to her feet and
                was rushing for the door faster than he'd ever seen a
                human move. But he was faster, barely, and caught her
                around the waist. She struggled with a strength he
                *knew* she hadn't had before.

                *~ She caught him in the face with her elbow, sending
                him flying back against the bed. But she didn't run
                like he thought she would. She turned and looked at
                him, sudden tears falling from her eyes, mingling with
                the blood still dried into her milky skin. "Who are
                you?" she demanded. "And what happened to me?"

                *~ "Do you remember who you are?" Angelus asked,
                getting to his feet slowly to stand a safe distance
                away from her.

                *~ Her head cocked at an angle again as she pondered
                the question. Her eyebrows lowered and she bit her lip
                in concentration. It was a gesture Angelus had seen
                her do many times. Finally, she shook her head. "No,"
                her voice was lost, almost childlike. "Who am I?"

                *~ Angelus had to bite back a grin of triumph. Damn,
                can this get any better? He reached over and pulled
                her to sit beside him on the bed. She looked at him
                with curious yet empty eyes, waiting for his
                explanation. She trusted him. He reached over and
                kissed her lips softly, unable to resist. Her eyebrows
                furrowed again. "What did you do that for?" There was
                no stammering, no blushing, just curiosity. Oddly, he
                missed that about her old self. But she wasn't
                cowering away from him, and she wasn't angry, and she
                wasn't looking at him with loathing in the depths of
                her beautiful green... eyes.

                *~ "You're name is Willow," Angelus started before he
                got too distracted. "You used to be best friends with
                the Slayer, until she betrayed you because of your
                involvement with me ..." He stared into her empty,
                trusting eyes, and told her exactly what he wanted her
                to hear...

