Title: Silent Fortress pt. 5/?
Author: Karie
Distribution: If you want it, ask and ye shall
Disclaimer: Don't own them
Summary: Three years after Angel left Sunnydale,
Willow's in trouble and has nowhere else to turn...
Pairing: W/A
Rating: R overall, but PG for right now...

Sorry if this part sucks... =) It gets better,


She had said, don’t cry
Said it only hurts forever,
And all we have is time



*~ Angel was gone by the time Willow got out of the
shower. She'd tried to hurry so she could see him
again before he left, but it'd felt so good to have
enough hot water to wash her hair... She'd dressed in
a pair of black cotton pajama pants and a matching
black cotton t-shirt. She came out of the bathroom,
her long hair wrapped in a bath towel, to find Cordy
sitting in the living room, tears in her eyes.

*~ "Cordelia?" The brunette looked up and quickly
wiped her eyes. "What's wrong?"

*~ "Nothing," Cordelia answered, forcing a smile.
Willow sat down next to her on the couch and pulled
the towel from her hair, trying to dry it a little.
"Wow... Your hair's sure long now."

*~ Willow laughed a little. "Sometimes I want to shave
it all off and start over again. Alex..." she
hesitated. "Alex hated my hair long."

*~ "So that's why you let it grow?"

*~ "Of course," Willow smiled and it nearly broke
Cordelia's heart. Her lips were smiling, but her eyes
were haunted as she looked over at the former
cheerleader. She started to pull the brush through the
thickness, but Cordelia took the brush from her.

*~ "Let me do it, Wills." Willow's eyebrows rose, but
she allowed the other woman take the brush and turned
so that Cordelia could brush her hair easier.

*~ They talked about anything and everything for a
while, catching up on the past and the others, but
they didn't talk about what brought Willow to LA.

*~ Willow gradually relaxed until she was actually
sleepy. It felt great to feel so comfortable... so...
safe... that she could very easily fall asleep in the
presence of someone other than her children.

*~ "There, all done," Cordelia said quietly, pulling
the knee-length mass back into a long braid. Willow
yawned, her eyes watering. "I think, young lady, that
you should get your hiney into bed."

*~ Willow turned and surprised Cordelia with another
hug. "You'll never know how much this means to me,
Cordelia," she whispered.

*~ "And you'll never know how much I want to do
this... For both of us," Cordelia replied. Willow
pulled away and got to her feet. She was so tired she
was wavering on her feet. Exhaustion was finally
catching up to her.

*~ "G'night, Cordy. I'll see you in the morning,"
Willow said and went into the bedroom. She crawled
into the bed and pulled her babies close to her,
making sure they were safely by the wall. She was
asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow.


