The Archives (Entry 3)

Author: Kate


Rating: NC-17 overall (some entries as mild as a G)

Disclaimer: While I have taken the liberty of adding a few characters of my own creation, all of the original BtVS characters and their world belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and The WB. All are used without permission (I'll return them all unharmed) and no copyright infringement is intended (like most who post, I'm broke, so please don't sue).

Summary: It's the year 2047 and Aishling Rosenberg has recently discovered that her grandmother left behind a vast collection of letters, stories, research notes, etc.

Distribution: You want it, it's yours, just let me know where it's going to be living.

Feedback: Beggars can't be choosey, and I'm begging, so. . .


Entry No. 3

Note 1

Some parts of this archive, such as the preceding prologue, have been presented as stories told in the third person. This was done for a number of reasons.

The most common reason for this occurrence is simply because that is how the information was presented by the original contributor. For whatever reason, they chose to tell a story as opposed to just stating the facts or retelling/recording the events from their own point of view (i.e., a first & second person account).

Another common reason for presenting parts in this format was because the data came from a number of different sources/contributors. Bits & pieces were pulled together to form a coherent story.

The third most common reason for storytelling was because the source data was of a highly personal nature and the contributor was never afforded the opportunity to willingly consent to its use in this archive. Such is the case with the prologue.

The data upon which that little tale is based was found in the diaries of Angel’s mother. Her diaries were uncovered some 248 years after her death as Angel began the painful process of putting right his family’s estate outside Galway. He presented the diaries to my grandmother to do with them as she saw fit. They were, of course, stored away in the trunk with all of the other items she collected.

I found Grandmother Willow’s original rough draft of the prologue folded & tucked inside the diary which covers the year of Angel’s birth. It was that 40-some-odd year old scrap of paper which provided me with some insight into what I believe my grandmother planned to do with her collection. Just why she never formally started the archive, we’ll never know.

And so, while I feel comfortable in my assumptions regarding Grandmother’s intentions, I cannot in good conscience include such items as Angel’s mother ’s diaries. She never had the opportunity to make known her wishes with regards to their disposition after her demise. To open them up to public scrutiny or to quote from them directly, in full or in part, just feels inherently wrong. And judging by her rough draft, I believe that my grandmother felt much the same way.

Note 2

While I have made an asserted effort to place most of the entries in this archive in their proper position along a time-line, you will discover that I have, on occasion, slipped in a piece which will, upon first inspection, appear to be out of sequence. It most assuredly is out of place. However, I either felt that information contained therein would be best revealed to you at that point (usually stories which should be placed further back on the line) or, I'm sorry, but I may have simply overlooked a piece or discovered one buried within an unrelated pile of notes, or tucked inside a book, etc (generally on entries which should have occurred earlier on the line).

I'm sorry if this causes any confusion, but I've tried my best.


End Entry Three
