Title: Braving Buffy (3/?)
Author: Katie
Disclaimer: The BtVS and Angel characters don't belong to me, but to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc.
Rating: PG - British System
Feedback: Oh Yeah!  I need it - I can't write if I don't know that someone is reading!
Distribution: If you want it, just let me know.
Dedication: To Krys for betaing this, and just general help.  To all those who wanted it.
Notes: A sequal to 'It Shouldn't Happen to a Vampire'.

Willow and Angel walked alone, holding hands, with Cordelia walking
several steps in front of them.  They were on the way to Giles's apartment,
ready for the reunion.  Angel tensed as he sensed a presence in front of

"Well, well, if it isn't the poof and his harem,"  Spike said, sauntering
out from behind some bushes. "Spike."  Angel's voice held a masked warning for him to watch his tone.

"Peaches."  Spike cast an appreciative glance over Cordelia before returning
his gaze to Angel and Willow. "What do you want?"  Angel pulled Willow closer to him, then motioned for
Cordelia to get behind him.

"Very protective," Spike replied, smirking.  "You forget about my
little... problem?"

"The chip?  No."  Angel kept the girls behind him.  "Remember that I know
you well, Spike.  That means I don't trust you."

"I'm hurt.  My own sire, and he doesn't trust me."  Spike spoke around Angel
to both Willow and Cordelia.  "That's harsh, don't you think?"  He appealed.

"Well..."  Willow began, before seeing the looks she got from both Angel and
Cordelia.  "I was only going to say that he's neutered."  Willow protested.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that."  Spike grinned at her, lasciviously.
"How about you two leave ol' peaches here and experience a real vampire?"

"Spike."  Angel growled this time.

"Can't blame a man for trying."  Spike shrugged.

"What do you want?"  Angel repeated his earlier question.

"I was just getting away from the Slayer, mate. "

"Why?  She finally gonna stake you?"  Willow emerged from behind Angel.

"Not likely.  All she does these days is sigh and moan, and bitch about you
two."  Spike pointed to Willow and Angel.

"Where are you escaping from?"  Cordelia decided that Spike was no longer a
threat, so she shrugged off Angel's protection as well.

"The watcher's place."  The four of them resumed walking once again.

"She's at Giles'?"  Willow looked at Angel, and he gave her a sad half smile.

"She was going to patrol, but the moron let slip about you two coming."  He
turned to Cordelia.  "Didn't say anything about you, though," He gave her a
secretive smile.

"Xander told her?  He promised he wouldn't."  Willow felt disheartened.
Nothing was going right.

"I don't think it was intentional."  Spike replied, returning his attention
to Willow and Angel.  "His girlfriend was asking why they couldn't go have
sex.  I suppose he had to tell her something."

"Well, that does sound like Anya."  Willow conceded, feeling a bit more
charitable towards Xander.

"Well, thanks for the warning, Spike, you can go now."  Angel's tone was cold.

"Not bloody likely."  Spike continued walking with them.  "I want to see

"That's what I said."  Cordelia informed him.

"Got to get my jollies somehow."  Spike gave her a smile.  "What better than
seeing the Slayer all upset?"

"You're evil."  Cordelia giggled.

"I'm glad someone recognizes that."  Spike and Cordelia increased their pace
slightly, drawing away from Willow and Angel.

"What's all that about?"  Willow looked up at Angel.

"I have no idea."  Angel sped up slightly as they neared Giles's apartment.
"I'm not sure I want to know, either."
