Title: It shouldn't happen to a Vampire (6/?)

Author: Katie

Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be.  These characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy et al.

Rating: 15 - British System.

Distribution: If you want it, just let me know (don't know why you would though).

Feedback: If you want me to continue, you'll have to let me know.  Is anyone actually reading this?

Dedicated: To Nicole for posting the challenge.  It just made me type!

Notes: Answer to Nicole's challenge on the WillowandPartner list.  Had to include Count Dracula,  someone getting high, and five from a list.
Not saying which five - it might give away the story, if there was actually a plot!


Buffy ran in the direction of the scream, preparing to deal with any vampires or demons who got in her way.  As she neared the small office
she saw Cordelia standing outside the closed door, tears streaming down her face.

"What's going on?  Where's Willow?  Why did you scream?"  Buffy flung questions that Cordelia was in no state to answer.

"Buffy, calm down."  Giles put a hand on Cordelia's shoulder.  "Are you hurt?"

"No.  No...I'm fine.  It's Willow...and Angel..."

"I can't believe it!  You mean they're...in there...ugh."  Buffy's face was clouded with anger.

"It's not that, little miss one-track mind.  Some people have some restraint.  It's Angel's soul."  Cordelia wiped away her tears and
straightened her shoulders.

"Please.  As if his soul is in danger.  It's not like Willow's gonna make him happy..."

"He's already lost his soul!"  Cordelia interrupted Buffy's rant with five words that chilled everyone in the little huddle outside the office.

"I...oh...that's a...er...complication."  Giles's understatement brought withering glances from everyone.

"This should be good."  Anya's comment caused Xander to drop her hand and look at her aghast.  "What?  You told me all about him.  I
haven't seen a good bit of torture since the Spanish Inquisition."  Anya got a faraway look in her eyes, and Xander left her to her memories.

"I don't suppose he's giving Willow a lecture on Modern Art is he?"  Xander cast a nervous glance at the door.

"He pushed me out and locked the door."  Cordelia knew nothing more.

"He's retained some sense then."  Xander couldn't resist the opportunity, although it brought him nothing but irritated glares.

"I want to know how he lost his soul."  Buffy crept towards the door and tried the handle.  It was locked, as Cordelia had told them.

"I think there is a more pressing question - what is he doing with Willow?"  Giles's question was met with silence.
