Title: It shouldn't happen to a Vampire (8/?)

Author: Katie

Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be.  These characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy et al.

Rating: 12 - British System.

Distribution: If you want it, just let me know.

Feedback: If you want me to continue, you'll have to let me know.  Is anyone actually reading this?

Dedicated: To Nicole for posting the challenge.  It just made me type!

Notes: Answer to Nicole's challenge on the WillowandPartner list.  Had to include Count Dracula,  someone getting high, and five from a list.
Not saying which five - it might give away the story, if there was actually a plot!


Willow heard voices, but they seemed distant.  She opened her eyes and saw blurred shapes leaning over her.  She heard her name called
and shook her head in an attempt to focus.  Swallowing hard, she finally found her voice.

"What happened?"

"You fainted.  You used a spell?"  Giles was concerned for Willow, but he needed to know exactly how she had 'contained' Angel.

"I think so.  It's all a blur.  I just knew I needed to get out of there before I did
something I might regret...I mean, before he killed me, 'cause I'm pretty sure I'd regret that."  Willow hoped no-one had noticed her slip-up.
She was nearly a hundred percent certain that Angelus couldn't seduce her, but not quite.

"Where did you learn that spell?  I mean, you've never been a good witch."  Anya's typically blunt comment brought stares from everyone,
and Xander tightened his hold on her hand in an attempt to persuade her to be quiet.

"I don't know.  It just came to me."

"It's not unheard of in situations like these.  Willow has always possessed a certain power, she's just had some...er...dificulty in harnessing
it."  Giles began to clean his glasses, a sure sign that he was worried.

"I don't want to interrupt this little discussion, but what are we going to do about him?"  Buffy pointed towards the office, where Angelus was
currently throwing himself against the door in an attempt to force it open.

"Not to forget the Chaos Demon."  Cordelia reminded Buffy.

"Don't tell me it's awake already?"  Buffy sighed.

"No.  I don't think that's gonna be an issue.  Your mom convinced everyone to leave after the 'gang related incident', but Riley's still in there
with her."  Xander laughed nervously.   "He appears to be singing a lullaby - to the demon."

Buffy huffed as everyone around her began to laugh.  Willow smothered her giggles and coughed to get everyone's attention.

"I think I know what to do about Angelus."
