Title: Through My Eyes - 4
Author: Katie
Disclaimer: These characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy et al.
Rating: PG - British System.
Distribution: If you want it just let me know where it's going!
Feedback: Yes please.  Tell me what you like/dislike!
Dedication: To all those who wanted more of this.  This is the end!


As we break apart from the kiss, a smile spreads over my face, and I see it reflected on his.  We just sit there, grinning like idiots.  It's nice.
There's no need to say anything, really, but I want to, just to check one more time that I'm not dreaming.  As I say his name, he slides his
arms around me, pulling me onto his lap, close to him.  We kiss again, and all rational thoughts leave my head.  My last coherent thought is
that this is passion.


I'm reluctant to tear my lips away from hers, but she needs to breathe, so I gently pull back, letting her see the love I feel in my smile.  I've not
been accustomed to smiling, but with her it seems the most natural thing in the world.  When she says my name in that way, as if she's trying
to ground herself, and convince herself that this is real, the urge to hold her overtakes me.  I pull her close, and ends up sat on my lap.  We
kiss again, and I can't remember a situation more perfect.


As I open the door, I wonder where they are.  The lights are low, but I can tell that they're nowhere to be seen.  I continue to cautiously search
the place, looking for a sign as to what could have detained Willow this long.  I hear her voice, sounding low, in the living area.  As I enter the
room, I see her sat on the couch, or more truthfully, sat on Angel.  I hear a noise that seems to be a cross between a strangled sob and an
angry yell, and with a shock, I realise it came from my mouth.


I spring back from Angel, the passion induced haze clearing as I realise that someone's in the room with us.  Angel gently removes me from
his lap and stands up, whirling to face the intruder.  I rearrange my clothes and stand myself, wondering who it is.  When I see her face, I go
numb.  She's just standing there, looking at us.  I don't know what to do, and I can tell that she doesn't either.  We stay, locked in our
three-way silence until she turns and flees.  This is it.  The end of my old life, and the start of my new.  I'm moving on.


As soon as I hear that noise, I know we've been discovered.  As I place Willow back on the couch and stand, I know who I'm going to see
when I turn around.  When I do so, I see her looking at us, disbelief quickly being replaced by anger on her face.  I can tell that Willow can't
talk, and I don't really think words will help this situation at the moment.  We're all communicating silently, I suppose.  The closeness of Willow
and I tells it's own story.  Anger flushes Buffy's face, and she runs.  I'm grateful to avoid a confrontation for Willow's sake.  Leaving the past
behind is hard, but I think it has just become necessary.


They spring apart, guiltily.  They shoud be.  Guilty I mean.  My best friend, and Angel, my true love.  How could they do that to me?  It doesn't
matter that we're technically no longer together.  She can't just come in and steal him from me.  Her.  Willow.  How can she take what's
mine?  How can he let her?  They're standing so close, almost touching, and I know I've lost them both.  My feet react before the rest of me,
and before I realise what I'm doing, I'm out in the street.  Vampires.  I need to kill some vampires.  My world just changed forever, but the
vampires remain, and for once I'm glad.  Violence.  Probably not the answer, but it's the only one I've got tonight.
