Three Doors

Author: Kimberley


Rating: PG

Disclaimer: I own nuthin, nada, zilch, its quite sad really huh, my life sucks. The god known as Joss owns all things buffy, and the song is “Three Doors” by Vast.

Summery: This is a prequel to what happened before “touched” how did Willow get turned and where was Angel. (Email me if you would like to read the sequel. )

Archive: If anyone wants this, just tell me where it’s going so I can visit it!

Feedback: I would be very grateful :-) and ask anyone who has sent me feedback before I was always reply back!!!

Prequel to Touched


We sit in the Bronze, this is quite a change for us, we try not to come here in case Buffy just so happens to drop by. I know it hurts her to know that her friend wont talk to her because of me, sometimes I think she will leave, leave me, and go back to her friends and normal life. I hate to think of that happening, for I know I would die without her, she has became such a huge part of my life that if it were to be taken away then I would know what real pain and torment is.

They whisper words into my ears
One speaks of truth and one speaks of my fears

I swallow my fears and smile at the beauty that sits before me, she wears a green slip dress, the colour bringing out her eyes, and making her red hair seem all that more shiny and soft, I smile imagining those silky strands running through my fingers. She giggles and I forget what I was thinking as I watch her eyes dance with amusement.

My disabilities don't get in my way
I look to the future and live day to day

She stands up and tells me that she’s going to the bathroom I smile as she bends over and places a passionate kiss on my lips. I playfully let my hand run along her arm as she walks away, when she is to far to touch she turns around and blows me a kiss, I smile as she walks away. I sit and sip my drink as I wait for my love to come back.

Three doors to go through
I only want the one that leads to you

As I sit waiting, my mind wanders back to my goddess, she is the only thing that seems to occupy my mind recently not that I mind, I think of all the times that we have been together. The first time we met, the first time we kissed, my smile widens as I remember the first time we made love, under the stars for all eternity to see. I remember the blush that rose as she realised what was happening I asked if she wanted to stop. Thank god for that permanent soul restoration spell, for when she shook her head, I know I achieved my own version of perfect happiness right then. I remember it was at that time that I realised that I would go anywhere, and do anything for her.

They say there's three doors to go through –
I only want the one that leads to you –
Because only one leads to you –

She has been gone a couple of seconds and I’m already starting to miss her, I never realised I was so lonely before meeting her, she makes my old drab life shine like a new penny. The once cold and dark world of the great Angelus is now a bright vibrant new life with a fire goddess warming my cold heart.

And who's to blame?
I could assume
The loneliness of my white room

As I sit and reminisce, I don’t see the blond man standing outside of the bathroom or when he grabs my goddess as she walks out, he wraps his long arm around her waist and uses his other hand to stop her startled screams.

I saw the circles –
Inside the squares –
And yet it can be so hard to be aware –

I glance down at my watch, she has been a while and I start to panic as I look around the club. A weight on my chest makes breathing hard; I would find this funny if not for the circumstances, how can I feel like I’m drowning when I don’t even breath?

Three doors to go through –
I only want the one that leads to you –

There’s a pain in my heart and dread to think of what it could mean, I quickly grab my coat and try to find the quickest way to get out of the Bronze, the place is packed with pre-pubescence trying to act grown up in a world they don’t understand. I push past people and eventually find the exit, I run out into the street and look around.

They say there's three doors to go through –
I only want the one that leads to you –

I spot a flash of red and my heart lurches, as it is followed by a shock of bleached hair. I push my legs to run after the couple that has just went down an alley. The voices in my head telling me that if I hurry I may not be too late, my heart already knowing that I am.

Because only one leads to you –

My dead heart tears apart as I watch him bite into her neck. I never sense the other vampires as they run up behind me, as I try to fend them off, my eyes catch your dying ones as he forces his wrist to your mouth. I watch as the red liquid runs down your mouth and chin, your body pushed painfully against his and the wall. I’m outnumbered as the vampires force me to watch as you take your final breath, the final beat of your heart. He turns around with your blood on his mouth and smiles when he sees the tears fall down my face. My heart breaks as he cradle’s your dead body against his and orders the minions to kill me. By the time the last vampire turns to dust around me, I look up at the last place I saw you and fall to my knees letting out an in-human howl, my soul feeling just as empty as the now silent alley.

This is your only chance at immortality –
I’ll give you strength –
But I cannot give you the keys

The End
