Angel moved like lightening. He was in front of Wesley, knocked the crossbow out of his hands, then had him by the collar before anyone could say anything else.
“Angel,” Giles smirked. “Put him down, now!”
Angel turned golden eyes on the watcher and growled.
“At least, until we find out why they’re here,” Giles suggested helpfully.
Angel released Wesley and watched him fall on the floor, then stepped back from them and asked, “So, why are you here?”
“I had a vision,” Cordelia sneered. “You turned Willow.”
“Which you wouldn’t do unless you were Angelus.” Wesley shouted, reaching for his crossbow again.
Angel kicked the crossbow against the wall with enough force to shatter it.
“Plus,” Cordelia waved her hands at him. “The leather.”
“He was trying to get information on where Red was you stupid bint!” Spike shouted, walking over to his Sire.
“He turned Willow,” Cordelia snapped. “He didn’t need to know where she was.”
“Are they always this stupid?” Buffy asked.
Gunn nodded. “Yeah, pretty much.”
“If you had of bothered to ask me, instead of demanding to know what was going on and treating me like a child,” Angel snarled. “I would have told you the reason I was leaving was because Willow had been kidnapped.”
“We did ask you,” Wesley yelled.
Angel turned on the man and growled. “No, you demanded to know where I was going and when I refused to tell you, you decided that I didn’t need to go and wouldn’t give me my keys.”
“We were only trying to help, Angel,” Cordelia stated.
“No, Cordelia, you were trying to run my life,” Angel growled. “But I have news for you. I am 249 years old, I don’t need you to run my life.”
“Fine,” Cordelia snapped.
Before Angel could say anything else he heard Xander laugh.
“Um, Wills, if you are hungry,” Xander laughed. “Could you please leave me some? I don’t want to die yet.”
Angel turned and saw Willow had awakened, and tackled Xander to the ground. She was now straddling him, and licking his face.
“Willow!” Giles shouted, moving over to the girl to pull her off Xander.
“Giles, no!” Angel commanded too late.
When she felt someone touch her, Willow screamed and lashed out. Giles went flying across the room and bounced off one of the bookcases.
“I thought you said she would have a soul!” Buffy shouted.
“She does,” Xander said.
“Don’t ever touch me!” Willow growled.
Angel was afraid this was going to happen, because of what was done to her. She didn’t want anyone to touch her. But she had been playing with Xander. Was it just certain people she didn’t want to touch her?
Angel calmly walked over to her. “Willow?”
Angel found his arms suddenly filled with a small redhead. She started to cry into his shirt. He wrapped his arms around Willow and purred, hoping to calm her down.
“Hurts,” she mumbled into his shirt, when the tears had finally stopped.
“Will you let Spike take you back to the mansion to get you cleaned up?” Angel asked her softly.
Willow looked over at Spike and nodded.
Spike held out his hand, “Come on, pet.”
“And Xander, too?” Willow asked in a small childlike voice.
“How about Xander go and get you some clothes and meet you there?” Angel offered looking over at Xander and saw the boy nod.
“No!” Willow whined.
“I will be right behind you, Wills,” Xander said. “You are going to need something more to wear than Spike’s duster.”
“Please,” Willow begged looking up at Angel.
Angel knew that he couldn’t deny the look in her eyes. “Spike, there are some T-shirts and boxers in my bag. Put her in those until I get there with something else.” Angel glanced at Spike to see him nod. “Will that work, Little One?”
“Yes.” Willow smiled.
Angel watched her walk over to Spike and take his hand. Buffy walked over to Willow and went to hug her. But when Willow pulled back, Buffy dropped her arms. “Take care of her, Xander.”
Xander nodded and walked out with the two vampires.
“What happened?” Giles asked.
“You touched her,” Angel said simply.
“It looked like she was going to feed off Xander,” Giles defended himself.
For the first time in what seemed like forever, Angel smiled. Willow’s disappearance had worn this group thin. Angel just hoped they would agree to let him take Willow back with him.
“Giles,” Angel started as gently as he could. “Think about how we found her. What had happened before we got there.”
“Yes, of course,” Giles stammered. “I completely forgot about that.”
“She hasn’t,” Angel told the watcher. “Those memories came across with her.”
“But she let you touch her,” Buffy said, still crying from Willow not giving her a hug.
“Buffy, I am her Sire,” Angel stated. “She has a bond to me.”
“What about Spike?” Giles asked.
“I am also his Sire. There is a bond to Spike through me.”
“What about Xander?” Anya spoke up. “There is no blood bond to him.”
“Xander and Willow have been friends since they were small children. She trusts him not to hurt her.” Angel said warily.
“But she attacked him,” Anya whined. “And you sent my Xander off with two vampires.”
“Anya?” Angel questioned, he hoped that was her name. With all that had happened he honestly couldn’t remember. When he saw her nod he continued, “She was playing with him. You were behind her so you didn’t see what she was doing.”
“Why was Willow licking Xander?” Cordelia asked.
“She was showing affection.” Giles answered, looking at Angel to see if he was right.
“Because of what happened to her she is a little more,” Angel hedged searching for the right word, “animalistic than she would be normally.”
“Angel, I hate to ask,” Buffy started. “But could you take her back to LA with you for awhile? You’re the only one who can teach her to control the demon.”
“I am not working with another vampire!” Cordelia and Wesley shouted at the same time.
Everyone in the store stared at the two of them. There were mummers of selfishness, and self-centeredness from the Sunnydale gang and Gunn.
Angel walked toward the door, but turned before he was completely out. “Then I suggest you get back to the hotel and pack your things before we get back.” Angel looked at Giles, “Spike will probably come with me.” Angel waited until he saw Giles and Buffy nod before he closed the door.
“Man, I can’t believe you two,” Gunn exploded. He too walked out the door, following Angel.
“What?” Cordelia huffed.
“Get out!” Giles ordered.