

E-MAIL: kylia_toreel@yahoo.com

DISCLAIMER: Nobody belongs to me, unfortunately. They belong to Joss & Mutant Enemy, and a few other people I don't know. The song belongs to Alice, he's a god!


SPOILERS: none really. Season 2. After Innocence.

CATEGORY: Willow/Angelus.

SUMMARY: This is a song-fic, and a companion piece to "You're My Temptation"

DISTRIBUTION: Fire & Ice, WitchFanFic, Of Sire & Childe, anyone else, ask, and you shall receive.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: Inell, Elka, I better get more, soon!

DEDICATION: To Inell, Elka, Liana, I need more Fic!! And to the other girls on the second floor.


** Don't touch your lips
Don't wear your hair like that
I feel your presence all around me
Don't get too close **


He watcher he from the shadows. There was something about her, which called to him. He wanted her. He needed her. He would have her. When he had held her pressed firmly against his body in the school that night, he could feel the air around him crackle with electricity. He knew she felt it too. It was only a matter of time before she would be his.


** Don't move you're eyes like that
Because they're deep enough to drown me
It don't get hot like this in heaven
You fool me with your angel face **


I know he's here, watching me, waiting. I am waiting too. I can't forget how it felt to be pressed against him so closely; I can still remember the way his voice sounded against my ear. Silky, full of promise, as he told me he'd be back.

** Don't call my name
Don't brush my cheek like that
I curse the day I found you
Don't touch my skin
Don't dance around like that
I feel damnation all around you **


I know it's wrong. What I feel for this man, this demon. But I don't care. I only have to think of him, and I lose all rational thought. Evil surrounds him, surrounds me, when I am with him.


** Mercy Please, I'm on my knees
You're my temptation
Measure my faith
The Devil's awake
He knows you're my temptation **


I can't get enough of her. Of her scent, of her essence. I want to kill her. But that's a lie. As soon as I think it, I recoil at the loss. Even my demon despises the thought of eternity without her. And so I come, and I watch, and I wait. Soon.


** Mercy Please, I'm on my knees
You're my temptation
Look down and See
Deliver me from my dark sensation
Give me faith, don't let me waste
You're my temptation **

I watched someone buried today. Someone I knew. Someone I could have cared for. Before him. But now it doesn't matter. He is all that matters. The other's, they mourn the loss, swearing revenge. I recoil at their violence. I have become what they hate. The enemy. And they don't even realize it.

I beg to be like them. Feel as they do, but it is too late. The darkness has claimed me. And I have claimed it.


** Come to me
You're such a liar
Won't you come to me
Move closer to the fire
Just come to me
No, no, no
Won't you come to me
And I will set you free **

The End
