Summary: Angel is sent back to earth to protect Willow.
Disclaimer: They belong to Joss & Mutant Enemy and the WB. No copyright infingment intended.
Distribution: Anyone who wants it may take it just please e-mail me.
Feedback: Any would be appreciated.
Author's Notes: Story three in the To Hell and Back series.
Willow stood in front of Acathla, wondering how a giant slab of stone could ruin so many lives, especially Angels. He now endured an eternity of torment for her. She knew he had traded places with her as she had done for him. He didn't deserve to be in that place, she was beginning to think no one did.
She had tried numerous times to get Angel out of hell. All had resulted in failure and tonight had been no different. Angel please hold on. I''l get you back I swear. Willow took one last look around and left as silently as she had come.
Little did Willow know that her devotion to him, as strong as his to her, was to be the very thing that saved him. But everything comes at a price, a price at times to dangerous to pay.
There was a bright flash of light, blinding, it wrapped around Angel with a warmth that rivaled the sun. He welcomed it hoping it would incinerate him and end his torment. He did not turn to ash but was released, he lay naked, alone, and beaten on the cold stone floor of his mansion. The only thought in his mind being the voice of his salvation, the voice of Willow.
The End