Rating: G
Disclaimer: All characters belong to the mighty Joss. I do not own them even though I wish I could. Anyway please do not sue coz I ain't got no money.
Summery: Letting go is hard...
He sat on the cold stone floor holding her limp body in his arms. Tears welled up in his eyes as he lightly caressed her cheek.
"You can't leave me. I need you" he begged as the spark in her eyes began to fade.
"I'll never leave you. I'll always be here" she replied placing her weak, shaking hand on his.
He sat and stared at her not knowing what to say or do.
"Your not going to die. I won't let you" He knew it wasn't true. There was nothing he could do as he watched the life slowly pour out of her.
"I want you to look after them for me. And I want you to move on. Don't brood. Promise me?" she said quietly.
"I can't do that. I love you.I always will."
"You deserve to be happy and I'll always love you. For eternity." Her eyes started to glaze over with tears.
"I'll be with you soon. I promise" he said as the tears he was holding fell freely.
His body shook and his mind screamed. "No! Don't give up now. I need you to look after them. Protect them. People need you."
"But I want to be with you" he whispered as he held her hand tighter. She was nearly gone. It was as if she was holding on for something.
"You will soon. I swear. But please. Let me go. Let me die knowing you love me." Her hand became weaker and her voice was now just a whisper. A tear fell down her face as she waited for his reply. She knew he loved her but hearing him say it meant she could rest in peace.
"I love you. I always will." he repeated with a slight smile.
"I love you too Angel. I'll wait for you" she said as she took in her last breath.
Her eyes glazed over and her body fell still. Angel's heart broke into a million pieces as he watched his true love live her final moment.
"Goodbye " he whispered picking up her lifeless body and lying her down gently on the bed of roses he had prepared as a surprise for her. That night Angel watched from a distance as the sun set on the death bed of Willow Rosenberg
The End