The Art of the Possible

Author: Lisa


Parts: 11 - 20


~Part: 11~

Leisurely flipping through a rack of dresses at an upscale department store, Angelus came across one with promise. Holding it up for inspection, he had trouble making sense of it. He was specifically looking for something to give Willow’s wardrobe more variety.

A sultry voice behind him said, “It’s a wrap dress.” Coming to stand in his line of sight, a young saleswoman smiled up at him. “Hangers don’t do them justice. Is there something I can help you with?” Her eyes said shopping assistance was the least of the things she’d be willing to do for him.

Angelus looked the girl over and liked what he saw. Her face was lovely; she had beautiful brown eyes surrounded by lush, dark eyelashes and her full, pouty lips were doing their best to look tempting. She had short brown hair, stylishly cut to make the most of her pretty features. Most significant, though, was her body: it was quite similar to Willow’s. At times such as these, a human mannequin could be advantageous--the other things she offered just added spice to the shopping experience. Smiling and looking at her flirtatiously, he said, “Yes, I believe there is.”

Thrilled at his receptiveness, she responded in kind, eager to please, “Just name it.”

“Well,” he glanced at her nametag, eyes lingering on her breast, “Bettina, I have a…friend just about your size. She tends to wear clothes that don’t make the most of her…” his eyes drifted meaningfully along the salesgirl’s body, “Very. Sexy. Figure.”

A flustered Bettina placed her hand on his, sliding her fingers across until she came to the hanger and left it there. In a husky voice, she said, “I could try it on for you.”

With a half smile, Angelus looked deeply into her eyes, making silent promises. Quietly, he replied, “That would be very generous of you Bettina. Thank you.”

Her mouth was dry, so speaking was hard and she had trouble tearing her eyes away from his. “I’ll be right back,” she finally managed to say, reluctantly pulling her hand away from his, taking the dress with it.

Angelus watched her walk toward the dressing room, admiring her charming assets. Glancing around, he confirmed what his ears and nose had already told him: there were no other customers or salespeople around to spoil his fun. He grinned. Killing two birds with one stone was successful time management. He’d get to see what the dress could do for his redhead *and* get his rocks off in the process. Splendid! If Bettina was any good, she could live and they could do it again sometime. He frequently saw clothes he’d like modeled in order to determine if they would properly suit Willow.

Bettina emerged from the dressing room looking good enough to eat. Without speaking, she approached him, doing her best to show him the dress and look alluring at the same time. Yes, indeed, Angelus thought, that was a Willow dress. It had various retro ‘70’s green and black geometric shapes and was a perfect complement for her body type. It had a v-neck that didn’t show cleavage, but definitely drew the eye to the breasts, which were nicely framed by the criss-cross style of the wrap. The pulse pounding rapidly at the base of Bettina’s neck added to the whole pleasing effect.

Angelus raised a brow seductively and looked down at her, placing his fingers where the dress tied at her waist, “I like the dress very much. Maybe we could find a more private spot and you can show me how it works.”

Mesmerized and aroused, Bettina croaked, “Yes, stockroom,” she took his hand shakily and led him there.

Once in the box filled room, Angelus gently pushed her shoulders, pressing her back against a wall. His eyes followed his splayed fingers as they slowly traced a path down her collarbone, chest and breasts. One hand lingered at a breast as the other continued to the bow fastening the dress. Delicately he pulled the cloth tie loose. His gaze took in the convenient way the dress parted, once untied, and admired the appealing flesh and undergarments exposed. The girl hadn’t spoken and her breathing was labored.

Angelus lowered his mouth to hers and said, “I’ll take it,” then gave her the kiss she’d been fantasizing about since she’d first seen him on the sales floor. Distracting her with the kiss, he relieved her of her satin panties and opened his pants. Her fevered moans encouraged him as he gathered her firm bottom in his hands and lifted her. She was so excited her inner muscles quivered when he entered her. Kissing her harder, he thought: other vampires could be great lays, but hot, human pussy surrounding his cold, hard cock was…“Nnnnmmmm,” he growled. She was about to come, so he picked up the pace and helped her out. Supporting her ass with one hand, he reached down and massaged her clit with the other until she came…after all, she deserved it. With her taken care of, he shut his eyes, pretended he was fucking Willow and let loose his own satisfying orgasm.


Assuring Bettina he was most satisfied with her excellent service and would be back, Angelus paid for the dress. Her boots looked so fetching with the dress that he asked her where she had gotten them. Leaving a sighing, sated Bettina in his wake, he headed for the escalator.

The content vampire wondered why more men didn’t enjoy shopping. What wasn’t to like? He found it very satisfying. Humming softly, he headed for the ladies shoe department to purchase boots for Willow before going to get a bite to eat. He’d certainly worked up a hearty appetite.


Taking the stairs two at a time, Angelus was anxious to present Willow with the new outfit. Since the kiss they’d shared, Willow had watched the door with ill-concealed anticipation every time it opened unexpectedly. Her disappointment was apparent when it turned out to be James delivering fresh towels or sheets--the poor man was going to develop a complex. He’d been observing her particularly closely since his meeting with Barrett earlier in the day; the timing was right for another encounter. He admitted to himself that the clothes were just an excuse. He *wanted* to visit her. Now his enthusiasm was increased by the high he’d gotten from feeding and screwing the ‘Willow stand-in’ salesgirl. The latter should’ve taken the edge off; instead it just made him want to be with the real thing all the more.

As he knocked and opened the door, he made a mental note to view her reaction to its opening later. Willow was reclining on the sofa with her feet stretched out on it. She looked so nice in the scooped neck, navy blue sweater and long, straight skirt with swirling designs in several shades of blue. Her mouth was opened slightly as she stared at him in surprise. Apparently she had been watching television; it was on and her hand was in mid-air aiming the remote control in that direction.

He smiled in a friendly fashion and said, “Good evening, Willow. You look bonny, as usual.” She still looked stunned to see him. He took a few steps in her direction. “I see you’re watching television. Am I interrupting?”

She shook her head and murmured, “No.” Turning off the television, she laid the remote on the coffee table and said, “Just flipping.”

Adjusting her position, she moved her feet to the floor and straightened her skirt. The skirt was mid-calf length and the eighteenth century man in Angelus did so love a glimpse of pretty ankles. Willow’s were spectacular, he thought, and her bare feet added to the allure. Following his captivated gaze, the redhead slightly lifted them one at a time, examining them for the reason of his interest, unknowingly increasing their attraction for him.

She cleared her throat and he snapped out of his momentary trance. “You have very nice ankles, sweetheart.”

Willow flushed and said, “Thank you,” awkwardly, discomfited by the blatant perusal.

Angelus flashed her a grin and dropped his shopping bags on the coffee table as he went to join her on the sofa. Her pulse had quickened the instant he’d entered her room and now the rapid drumming of it at her throat was threatening to distract him.

He wanted to have a conversation with her and refused to let himself be deterred by her delightful ankles and the blood rushing temptingly through her. Instead, he concentrated on assessing her mood. Mmm. Tantalizing. She smelled nervous and excited. Relaxing comfortably on the sofa, he laid his arm across the back and focused. Everything about Willow drew him like a moth to flame. Inexplicable, he thought. She watched him expectantly. Looking into her eyes, he asked, “How are you, Willow?”

Automatically she replied with a polite, “Fine.”

He was about to respond when she grunted indignantly and stomped her foot. Her heart pounded all the harder and she took a deep breath. Scowling fiercely, she said, “No! No, I’m not fine. I don’t know why I even said it. You…you confuse me with all the…” She stopped abruptly, having alarmed herself with the outburst.

Willow was still reticent, but there was a distinct improvement in her manner. She was significantly more assertive and confident in her…one could *almost* call it confrontational approach towards him. He looked at her with avid interest and unconsciously his fingers drifted down from the sofa back to briefly brush her shoulder encouragingly. Restraining the hungry look that tried to reach his eyes, he quietly said, “Please, go on.”

Visibly firming her resolve, she did. “You act all courteous and, and genial. What am I supposed to make of that? Hmm?” She gestured vaguely at the room at large without pausing. “Here I am, in this nice room with great room service, books, a computer, cable TV and…stuff. Lots of fancy clothes that aren’t mine, with fashion plate shoes and accessories. No communication with the outside world. Then you bop in here periodically to…to, I don’t know what. Tell me ambiguous things for one thing…about how you saved me and I don’t understand myself. I don’t get why I’m here. It’s like some alternate universe where nothing makes sense.” She pointed at him, “Angelus: Scourge of Europe, acting like it all makes *perfect* sense…and being all amiable and concerned about my welfare. Newsflash! I’m just plain Willow: studious Sunnydale high school student, faithful friend and sidekick, computer nerd and…like that.” She was too worked up to note the angry expression that flashed across his features at her description of herself. “Scourges *aren’t* fairy godmothers for heaven’s sake! Maybe soul lossage made you kinda…crazy or something. I just don’t get it. Demons *don’t* typically adopt wallflowers and, and turn them into, um, princesses in towers or whatever. It’s not the done thing. And then on top of all the other weirdness…you *kissed* me,” she finished with a thorough blush and clamped her mouth shut.

Much to Willow’s chagrin, Angelus laughed. “I’m not laughing at you, sweet Willow. I just thoroughly enjoy it when you express yourself so charmingly in verbal bursts like that. She squirmed, uncertain how to take those remarks, but looked just a tad bit pleased, if he wasn’t mistaken. “Now, were you just venting or would you like me to address the issues that you raised?”

She peered at him enigmatically--a rare feat for her. “Um. Addressing is good.”

Angelus smiled sincerely; at the moment he had a rare opportunity--his face could accurately reflect his mental attitude. Willow was showing signs of marked growth and development. She was a vision; flatteringly dressed in a tasteful outfit, erect posture, giving him a determined look. True, uncertainty could be detected, but the woman before him presently was just a hop, skip and jump away from…haughtiness. It seemed too good to be true. Break out the champagne, he thought, this is a red letter day indeed. His extended silence received a curious look and arched eyebrow from Willow as she waited for him to speak.

“I’m sorry darling; it took me a moment to process changes I see in you. You are an extraordinary individual, *not* the mediocre one you alluded to in your self-description. You just gave a demon a piece of your mind…*that* requires backbone.” He chuckled, “While you perceive my behavior as ‘un-scourge-like’…the evidence of its benefits is before me now.”

Willow was caught off guard and he could see her quick mind scrambling to absorb his words. Taking the opportunity her distraction afforded, he moved closer to her and took her shoulders in his hands. Capturing her eyes and noting the increased tempo of her heart, he continued, “As to the kiss…there’s no denying we *both* enjoyed it.”

Before Willow could complete the sputter she started, he took her in his arms and kissed her. She struggled briefly, but he felt, rather than saw, her whole body flush. Tentatively, she placed her hands on his shoulders and returned the kiss. Her surrender, despite her reservations, sent a jolt of electricity through Angelus. Deepening the kiss, he buried a hand in her hair and placed the other at the small of her back, kneading it gently. When Willow wrapped her arms around him, he was suffused with euphoria and his tongue swept into her mouth. Her tongue shyly brushed his instead of retreating and the blood in his erection pounded like a bass drum in response. She was moaning and holding him to her tightly, completely immersed in the experience. Time stood still as the fervent kiss went on and on…inhibitions were completely forgotten. Passion was ignited and taking off like a wildfire. As his hand slid to her ass and squeezed, her moans increased in volume as her tongue became bolder. Angelus was emitting a humming purr and some small, rational part of his brain was trying to send him a warning. The intensity of this was sorely testing his control. That foggy part of his mind reminded him that master vampires exhibited more self-discipline. He knew he was fucking up if he let this go on. Teenagers were warned about the dangers of making out and heavy petting for a reason. If he pushed this inexperienced girl too far too fast there would be repercussions he’d come too far to risk.

God! The air was permeated with the scent of her arousal…she was so immersed in lust right now, he could *easily* take this so much further. Her hands moved feverishly over his back, neck and hair and her hips were moving with the rhythm of the kiss. All he could think about was baring her breasts and sucking her nipples until she screamed with pleasure, sliding his hand up her skirt and burying his fingers in her, bringing her an orgasm that would rock her world as he tasted her succulent blood. Jesus, he’d never wanted a woman so badly.

With monumental self-restraint, he growled and pulled away slightly. Willow grabbed his head and tried to pull him back…he was hanging on by a thread. Right now she’d let him do whatever he wanted. Jesus fucking Christ, he wanted to fuck her so badly he could taste it. Pulling away from her further with a pained groan, he murmured thickly, “Baby, we have to stop.” Gazing deeply into her glazed eyes, he had to force the words out, “If I fu…I mean, if we…” Angelus took her shoulders and sat her back from him then scrubbed his face and hair briskly with his hands. Her lips were swollen, her hair mussed, her clothing askew, her breath was coming in pants, her eyes were full of desire, her blood was speeding through her veins…her siren’s song was calling to him.

He grappled with his bearings. “Willow love, if we went further…it would…” He took her hand in both of his and chose his words carefully. “You are so innocent. If we made love right now…and that’s where we were headed, make no mistake about it…you would doubtlessly feel regret and self-recriminations later. I want you so badly, but I need it to be something you consciously choose to do...and so do you. Anything less and…” He brought her hand to his lips. “Sharing your body is a gift, one you need to give with a clear head, *not* a lust addled one.”

Her forehead wrinkled and she opened her mouth to speak, but he interrupted. “I mean, of course, it happens in a ‘lust addled’ state…but it’s different when a conscious decision was made beforehand. Your inexperience makes you unable to make an informed decision yet. When you and I make love, it will be because you’re *sure* it’s what you want…not because your hormones got ahead of your brain. It would ruin what should be a beautiful experience if you were sorry after.” He couldn’t fucking believe the words coming out of his mouth, yet he knew they would yield huge dividends in the future.

She hadn’t moved a muscle and he couldn’t get a read on her reaction to his words. Placing a gentle kiss on her knuckles, he asked, “Do you understand?”

A jumble of emotions crossed her face; disappointment, hurt, frustration, confusion, irritation and resignation…they came in such rapid succession he couldn’t catch them all, but he got the idea. She concluded the facial slide show with an adorable pout and hissed, “Yes, I understand.” She was bitter he wouldn’t fuck her; the stroke to his ego was so gratifying, it helped ease his own case of sexual frustration. Growling internally, he wished the air’s sex laden aroma would dissipate, which was moot since Willow was so very wet for him.

He smiled fondly, “Believe it or not, you’ll thank me later.” He traced the contours of her face with his fingertips, “Let’s both take a deep calming breath.”

Willow rolled her eyes, snorted and snapped sarcastically, “You don’t need to breathe, remember?”

Angelus chuckled, “True, but oddly enough it still works. Some things the body never forgets, I don’t claim to understand it.”

That fascinating little fact was interesting to her and Angelus was glad because it distracted her from her unsated urges.

Willow’s head tilted, “So what else is your body still in the human habit of doing?”

“Well, my mouth still waters at the smell of baking bread, for one thing.”

“Huh. Interesting.”

Angelus smiled at her, “As fun as it is discussing my quirks, darling Willow, let’s talk about presents instead. I brought you two.” He motioned to the bags, “Take a look.”

Willow looked at him curiously as she reached for the smaller bag and he gloated at how far she’d come tonight. In a short time, she’d become less hampered by fear and was demonstrating abundant pluckiness in his presence, he’d become the object of her unbridled lust, and now she was totally relaxed in his company. An embarrassment of riches, he thought, immensely pleased with himself. Damn, I’m good. His vainglorious self-congratulation was short lived.

As Willow emptied the bag holding the dress into her lap, the receipt fluttered to the floor. Bending to pick it up, something caught her attention and she straightened abruptly as she read it. Fixing an icy glare on him that could’ve frozen hell itself, she gritted her teeth, grabbed both bags and the dress, then shoved them at him.

He was flabbergasted, “What…what just happened?”

“Get out,” she bellowed, “And I believe this is for you,” she thrust the receipt into his hand.

Mystified, his eyes flew to the slip of paper that had initiated this bizarre turn of events. Angelus began to seethe with fury as he read the neatly written words that had made Willow so angry. That worthless cunt whore of a salesclerk would pay for this. The amount of torture she endured at his hands before she begged for death would be in direct proportion to the effort involved in getting back into Willow’s good graces. He re-read the receipt in disbelief; it had caused the tides to turn on him in the blink of an eye. Just a minute ago he had everything he’d wanted in the palm of his hand…now this:


You were fantastic.

Call me.555-1148... Anytime, any place.

Yours again for the asking,


~Part: 12~

How could knocking off a meaningless quickie have cost him so much? Angelus was incredulous; this was *not* part of the plan. Willow was mad as a hornet and demanding that he get out; he had to think fast. He was the vampire Angelus: a master feared and respected universally…it was his RIGHT to fuck whoever he wanted…his duty, for Chrissake! His job description most definitely did not include explaining and justifying his sexual encounters to an irate teenage girl. He ran his fingers roughly through his hair and thought about how hard it was to think straight when all he wanted to do was beat Bettina to a bloody pulp and skin her alive. A good flaying would be soothing right about now…and it was the *least* the interfering bitch deserved.

Willow was staring daggers at him and shaking with anger, “I said, GET OUT!”

Her back was ramrod straight and she looked more beautiful at this moment than he'd ever seen her…and he had no time to savor it. Since, in Willow's opinion, he'd done something wrong, he had no choice but to work within that framework. Explaining that she had no right to dictate his actions--sexual or otherwise--would just make things worse. A stream of expletives flew through his head. This situation was preposterous.

“Willow,” he said in a placating yet stern tone, “Clearly this is a misunderstanding, you…”

Cutting him off, Willow snapped at him, “Oh, really?” Even her voice was shaking.

Angelus smiled softly, determined to get himself out of this, “Yes. Women of this era can be very forward, Willow.” Projecting a humble, helpless expression and demeanor, he continued, “Evidently this…this salesgirl found me attractive and wrote that note in hopes that I'd ask her out.”

Willow looked at him in utter disbelief and her voice dripped with sarcastic venom, “Oh please! I wasn't born on a turnip truck, Angelus.”

“Actually, you're mixing a couple of idioms there…”

“Oh, shut up!” She said with disgust.

Feigning an injured look, Angelus murmured, “Sorry, I was just…”

Willow finished for him, “You were trying to change the subject. Do you think I'm stupid?! Well, mister, you might be right, because I *was* pretty stupid. I can't *believe* I was nearly dumb enough to fall for your act.” She covered her face in humiliation and self-reproach, groaning miserably.

Angelus frowned in consternation. He couldn't very well promise her he was a one woman man and vow eternal fidelity; lying was one thing, but those statements, if made, would surely come back to bite him in his philandering ass eventually. Willow practically had a photographic memory and would throw those words back at him at the first sign of transgression down the road.

Deciding on a course of action, he continued, “Willow, I can't help it if women are attracted to me. The only behavior I can control is my own. I assure you, I didn't even give the girl a second thought.”

Finally, Willow dragged her hands from her face and fisted them in her lap. Self-loathing was written all over her. In a defeated voice, she said, “Please, Angelus, just let me go home.” Her eyes filled with tears, “I want to go home.”

Right now he'd do just about anything she asked to rectify this mess. Unfortunately, what she wanted wasn't one of those things. With sincere regret, he answered, “I'm sorry Willow, but I can't let you go.”

She nodded sadly; obviously his answer came as no surprise to her. Tears slid down her cheeks and resignedly, she said, “Please leave, then.”

Acknowledging to himself that granting her request was the best he could manage towards salvaging the situation for the moment, he nodded. Rising from the sofa, he said, “Willow, whatever is between us is new, therefore fragile. You need to know that *you* are the only woman I'm interested in having in my life. I value this tentative bond we've formed and wouldn't do anything to jeopardize it. All I ask is that you please consider my words. I'll leave you alone now.” He held her gaze for a moment, finding only despondence in her eyes. Gathering all evidence of his visit to the department store, he left as unobtrusively as possible.


Retribution was his next order of business. Storming into his bedroom, he threw everything on a chair and dug out the offending receipt. This evening *should've* ended with Willow craving his touch and thinking he was too much of a gentleman to take advantage of her. Instead, the fruits of his masterful strategy were blown to smithereens in a heartbeat by some common little hussy. This was completely infuriating and unacceptable, he fumed.

Funneling the energy from his rage into single-minded determination, he reached for the phone. As Angelus dialed he calculated how much time he had between now and sunrise in order to accomplish his objective. His plan came together as the phone rang. After arranging a 'romantic rendezvous' with Bettina in the silkiest tones imaginable, he slammed out of his bedroom splintering the heavy door in the process.


Angelus studied his handiwork and fondled the bloody whip. He had taken Bettina to an abandoned warehouse. She had been so elated about their 'date' it hadn't struck her as odd until it was far too late. Now she was bent over an industrial strength table, duct taped to it. Her naked body formed an 'X'; legs spread, arms splayed. Blood oozed from countless gashes left by the whip. No longer able to scream, she just whimpered and sobbed brokenly. “I've explained what I want from you, Bettina. Say the words and this will all be over.”

Angelus moved into her line of sight. She flinched as he roared, “SAY IT!”

In a hoarse voice, she complied, “I am a worthless slut.” Her voice had cracked and she swallowed convulsively in order to go on, “I must've been insane to think I'm even worthy enough to…to suck your cock.” Her battered body shuddered and tears ran freely. “I was a conniving whore to ruin your plans with that note,” She started to choke on her sobs and stopped talking.

In patient benevolence, Angelus gave her a moment to collect herself. After what he considered a generous amount of time, he reminded her, “I've told you what you need to say, finish it and this ends.”

Tapping the whip rhythmically against the palm of his hand as he waited, her continuing pathetic noises told him she needed further incentive. “On the other hand, if you drag this out past sunrise, I will personally show you how much agony the human body is capable of enduring. Believe me, you haven't even come close.” He took a step toward her, drawing her gaze, “Inflicting pain, yet holding back enough to ensure the recipient stays conscious is a fine art: I'm quite an accomplished artist, Bettina.” With a malignant smile he added, “Of course, insanity often results. Wish I had a dime for every time I saw *that* happen. The mind is sometimes less adept at withstanding extended suffering than the body is.”

The girl's eyes were so huge he thought they might well pop out of her head. Oh well, that was neither here nor there to him. Angelus crossed his arms, allowing the whip to dangle with menacing promise and rocked back on his heels. “Now, is there more you wanted to tell me?”

She nodded frantically and the words spilled out, “Attempting to despoil the beauty and purity of, uh, your blossoming relationship with my vulgar behavior was despicable. I-I-I beg you to mete out justice as you see fit.” Pausing to take a sobbing gasp, she then finished, “Please, Angelus, retaliate accordingly.”

Grinning with satisfaction, he cooed, “Excellent! Now was that so hard? I'm a firm believer in quid pro quo: I got what I wanted, now so shall you. If I'm not mistaken, you wanted me to fuck you again so badly, you tried to screw up my happy home. Your wish is my command, Bettina.” He tossed the whip to the table and her confined body jerked in response as it landed by her head. She watched in terror as he began to remove his pants. Angelus neatly placed them across a chair, his erection standing out eagerly.

Placing his hands on his hips, he said in a confidential tone, “You wouldn't *believe* how long it's been since I've indulged in this type of foreplay.” He closed his eyes and groaned lustfully, his face morphing in the process.

Bettina gasped in disbelief. Moving behind her, he asked rhetorically, “You like it in the ass, right? You'll love it to death, I promise.” He was delighted to discover she *was* still able to scream.


Angelus reveled in the buoyancy and vigor that comes from the immense satisfaction of a job well done. With lightness in his step he made his way to the car. He had plenty of time to get home before sunrise without pushing his luck, he thought complacently. On a less cheery note, he and his clothes were filthy. Jesus, he needed a shower. In all of his enthusiasm he'd forgotten what dirty, dirty work torture could be. Oh well, he thought as he climbed into the driver's seat, he'd have the car detailed tomorrow. All's well that ends well.

~Part: 13~

Angelus surveyed the room as he propped his pool cue on the floor, holding it like a staff. One could almost forget they were in the twentieth century in here. He was very pleased to have such a beautifully outfitted billiard room in his home. Many times he had played in rooms much like this in the finest homes in Europe.

The sport was well suited to his personality, it required dexterity, cleverness and planning. Forethought was essential, since, like chess, one had to strategize moves in advance and be able to alter strategy as an opponent changed the layout of the targets. Very stimulating.

The advantage of billiards over many other games was that it was just as enjoyable to play alone. Angelus had always found a solitary game of pool to be beneficial when he had a lot on his mind. While focusing part of his attention on the smooth felt and colorful balls, the rest of his mind was free to relax and work at any current issues he had, much like working a puzzle subconsciously.

Willow was foremost in his thoughts the majority of the time now. The satisfaction he’d garnered from doling out Bettina’s punishment had cleared his mind and given him a renewed outlook and sense of purpose. There was nothing like a nice cathartic round of torture, rough sex, and revenge to make a vampire feel powerful and in charge of his life. He’d gotten his ya-ya’s out and was ready to tackle anything. Such sublime fulfillment enabled him to patiently devise a fix for the setback with Willow.

Studying the tip of his pool cue, he saw that the chalk needed to be refreshed. Absently applying the cube with the blue powder to the tip, he smiled as he thought of the two days that had passed since Willow had discovered the disastrous note. Per her request, he had left her alone, but had avidly observed her on his monitor. The computer at his desk in the library had been set up so that he could access the video feed and watch her as he did paperwork and took care of business matters. Modern technology allowed him to keep an eye on his lovely redhead while he tended to the complex machinations of his daily existence.

Bending over, he executed a difficult shot perfectly and chuckled at his prowess. For the past couple of days, Willow had looked for all the world like a tortured woman in love. His darling obsession might very well be royally pissed off at him, but he was constantly in her thoughts.

Assessing the table, he switched sides and said, “Eight ball in the corner pocket.” He loved the sharp snapping sound as the cue stick connected with the cue ball and drilled his quarry into the corner pocket with authority. Standing up straight, shoulders back, he grinned as he placed his elegantly crafted cue stick in its ornate rack. “*Maybe* a handful of players in the world can match your skill at the game, my boy,” he said cockily to the otherwise silent room.

Strolling to the intricately carved bar, he poured himself a tumbler of fine single-malt whiskey. Once he was comfortably ensconced in one of the luxurious oxblood leather chairs the room provided, he toasted himself, “Well done.” He savored the burn of the fiery liquid as it went down smoothly. Studying the deep amber of the remaining whiskey, he considered the ramifications of Willow’s recent behavior. She wasn’t sleeping well; she was a woman with a lot on her mind. In the night she’d rise from bed after fitful tossing and turning and stare into space. Invariably, one or both of her graceful hands would sensuously stroke an area of her body just like he had. Knowing that Willow was emulating his touch gave him a raging hard-on every time. She was pining for the feel of his hands on her body. The dual effect of the sight was intoxicating to him: Willow touching herself, alone, was extremely erotic…but knowing that she was mimicking the feel of *him* filled him with male satisfaction and lust.

Lately, several Sunnydale virgins had aided his relief as ‘deflowering Willow’ fantasies played in his head. Nothing was like the tight feel of a virgin, mixed with the heady perfume of the blood of their maidenhead as it was breached. Angelus growled as he thought of the magnificent taste of their blood, still seasoned with the purity of their recently lost innocence. Even an oblivious town like this one had to be wondering about the rash of violent rapes and deaths in its virgin population.

With a grunt, Angelus rose from his chair. The memories of his recent conquests fueled his need to see Willow in person. Naturally, he’d have to make the now routine pit stop in his bedroom to relieve the immediate need created by his ruminations. Shaking his head in bemusement as he traveled to his room, he was amazed at his increased need for sexual indulgence since Willow had become his mania.


Refreshed from the effects of sandalwood soap and his right hand in the shower, Angelus carefully chose his clothes. Sighing in disgust, he went with black wool slacks and a sedate dark gray silk shirt. The ensemble was more suited to his loathsome souled counterpart, but should convey the appropriate soberness to Willow. His intention was to project emotions that corresponded to the ones she’d been feeling: sadness, longing…regret at their falling out. Of course, Willow’s moods had been punctuated by anger. Several breakable items had shattered as they hit the walls in her bedroom after being energetically flung in periodic fits of temper. Jesus, he loved her volatile temperament. Angelus looked forward to many years of heated, tempestuous liaisons with Willow; he wouldn’t have it any other way.

All in all, he thought, as he moved towards Willow’s room, the prospects were excellent for a positive outcome to their reunion. Her tensions were running high and he anticipated that to be a good thing for a passionate result. Whether she was angry and obstinate or ready to give him the benefit of the doubt, Angelus knew one thing for sure: he had incited her passions…and that was the key to *everything* he wanted from the delectable Willow.

Arriving at her door, Angelus took a deep, cleansing breath. He was ready to be the picture of hurt and devastation. Closing his eyes briefly, he schooled his features and body language into the image of the injured lover role he would be playing. Willow would see a sorrowful man in desperate need of her belief in his innocence. Unrequited longing would emanate from his every pore. Lord Byron had had nothing on him, he thought arrogantly.

With the tentative knock of a man fearing rejection, Angelus entered Willow’s inner sanctum. She was at the dining table in front of the windows eating a veritable vat of ice cream. No surprise there; the last couple of days had shown him that his woman was big on comfort food. Her normally considerable appetite had tripled…at least.

As she turned glassy eyes towards him, he shut the door quietly behind him and gave her a small, humble smile. Her expression didn’t change. Shoulders drooping in his best impersonation of the sad-sack Angel, he walked to the table and placed his hand on the chair across from her, “May I?” He asked in a meekly polite tone.

Willow shrugged, feigning indifference. Somehow she managed to continue eating her ice cream *and* exhibit a sexy little pout that had his cock straining against his trousers as he sat down. Some women were just born with a natural ability to punish a man and play hard to get without saying a word; it was a trait Angelus had always adored and found irresistible in the opposite sex…Willow had that particular inherent quality in abundance, he thought proudly.

Willow’s continuing silence didn’t faze Angelus in the least. Training ‘puppy dog’ eyes on her, he spoke very softly, “Willow, please.” He swallowed an imaginary lump for effect, “I’ve tried to stay away as you asked, but I’ve missed you so much. I think about you every moment and just needed to see you.” He stared at her pitifully and she still didn’t speak, but he could detect an infinitesimal softening in her eyes.

Appearing pathetic seemed to be working for him, so he held the pose for a few moments. Tenderhearted Willow was no match against a convincingly piteous display…her sense of empathy was too well developed.

Huh. Willow was a tougher nut to crack than he had originally anticipated. She just stared at him and kept eating. Angelus groaned internally; the vixen had a large spoonful of ice cream and kept putting it in her mouth, sucking off the outer layer, pulling the spoon out, delicately darting her pretty little pink tongue out to clean off any residue…then repeating the entire process. Angelus’ eyes were glued to her mouth as he wondered when she had learned to make eating a spoonful of ice cream an act of seduction. It *had* to be inadvertent.

Angelus cleared his throat and forcefully redirected his gaze to her eyes. Willow sure had become a lot more comfortable with extended silences, he thought with frustration. Here she was, becoming the woman he wanted to mold her into and he was finding it damnably inconvenient. But, in his defense, he thought, he’d intended this level of advancement to occur *after* he’d gotten into her bed.

Okay, he said to himself with determination, stick with the plan. Angelus rose from his chair and ran a hand through his hair. “Willow, help me out here,” he said in sad supplication as he paced in front of her. “Please. What do I need to do to prove my innocence?”

With great ceremony, Willow laid her spoon on a napkin and pushed the huge bowl away. “You don’t,” she said simply.

Angelus stopped. “I don’t?” He knew he must look idiotic with the sincere expression of surprised befuddlement on his face, but couldn’t help it.

Willow leaned back in her chair and crossed her arms, “No. You don’t.”

Careful to smile sweetly instead of smugly, the relieved vampire kneeled at her feet. Looking up at her, he said, “Thank you, sweetheart, for believing me.” He reached for her hands and she batted him away.

“Angelus, I *don’t* believe you,” she replied in a resigned tone.

His face fell. “I…huh?”

Willow looked down at him sadly, “I was a fool to believe for one second that you felt something for me. I’m over it.” A defeated look crossed her face briefly then was replaced with a stubborn set to her jaw. “You…you’re an evil vampire, it’s no business of mine if you have, um, you know…sex…with whoever, whenever or, um…whatever.” Her eyes avoided his as she said the last part.

This was unexpected…and it sucked. His mind was working quickly to regroup. Placing a gentle hand on her knee and the other on the arm of her chair, he said sternly, “Willow, I’m *completely* your business, as you are mine. You feel it, I *know* you do…as do I.” Her unrelenting gaze was directed somewhere over his shoulder. “Look at me. Please.” When she complied, he continued, “You were absolutely right to believe that I feel something for you.” He felt encouraged at her slightly confused expression. Time to bring in the big guns, he decided. “Vampires feel things, don’t you believe the black and white picture that Watcher painted for you. Decide for yourself. You and I are connected. Have the courage to trust your heart. What does *it* tell you?”

Willow’s eyes welled with tears, “It tells me not to let you break it,” she whispered.

A confession from her that he had the power to do so was good news, indeed. He could work with this. Angelus tenderly wiped a tear that spilled down her soft cheek. Jesus, he thought, women sure had a lot of moods to keep up with. “Darling Willow,” he squeezed her knee and said with conviction, “I have no intention of breaking your heart. If you gave it to me I’d cherish it.” Uh oh. He’d made a misstep; she was glaring. He didn’t get it…women *dug* that shit.

Willow raised her chin and took a deep breath. “Look…you and I have different ideas. We’re from different worlds. Whatever feelings I have…or not, aren’t relevant.”

Angelus looked at her indignantly, “How do you know my ‘ideas’? You’ve never asked!”

Willow sputtered and tried to dislodge his hand from her knee, to no avail. Giving up, she responded in exasperation, “Well, for starters, you hold me here against my will while you…you go out and have sex with people.” She shuddered, “And God knows what else.” Her expression became belligerent, “Take me to the mall tonight and I’ll have sex with a salesclerk! That should help level the playing field.”

Angelus snarled fiercely before he could contain his reaction. Gritting his teeth, he worked to maintain his human face as his eyes flashed gold.

Willow gasped at the violence simmering within him, but held firm. Her heart was pounding madly, but the adrenaline helped.

Barely able to control the possessive rage that her words had set off, Angelus ground out, “There is *nothing* between that salesgirl and me. The note was the result of an overactive imagination. Furthermore, I have no experience with the feelings I have for you. At my age, that’s significant as hell, little girl. We’ll just have to figure out the rules as we go. One thing I *do* know for goddamned fucking sure,” he took her by the shoulders and looked deeply into her eyes for emphasis, “There will be no more talk of you having sex with other men.”

Suddenly he kissed her, putting all the heat and passion he was feeling into it, being careful not to hurt her. She surprised him yet again by responding in kind. Part of his brain was trying to determine what he had done right…for future reference. He’d have to worry about that later; for now he’d just be grateful. Willow sucked his tongue into her mouth and moaned. Angelus held her in his arms, but let her take control of the kiss. She gripped his shirt at the nape and sank to her knees in front of him on the floor. As her other hand kneaded his back, they both vibrated from his purring. Her body felt heavenly pressed against his and her lips moved in an aggressive frenzy, driving him to distraction. All he wanted to do was push her to the floor and fuck her brains out…but…“Willow,” his voice was muffled by the kiss. Pulling his mouth away, he nuzzled her neck as his thumbs caressed her nipples through her blouse. “Oh, Willow,” he growled, feeling her blood pulse against his face. He took her shoulders firmly in his hands and sat back on his heels to separate them. She whimpered and looked doleful and gorgeous with swollen lips. The scent of her arousal made his head spin. Common sense prevailed. Her moods had been so mercurial since he’d arrived in her room, he wasn’t certain this one would last. In fact, at the moment, he wasn’t certain of anything at all.

Willow slid her fingers into his hair to pull him towards her and he reached to take her wrists in his hands. Pressing a kiss to one of her palms, he said, “Tonight, sweetheart. 8 o’clock. I’ll pick you up and we’ll have a date. Dress casual.”

He had made the right decision; she was in the wrong frame of mind for surrendering her virginity. In all likelihood she’d blame him for taking advantage of…whatever the hell had come over her. Shit, *he* didn’t even know which way was up at this point. He’d just take his blue balls off to think this through.

Placing a soft kiss on her forehead, he said, “I’ll see you tonight,” And left her sitting on the floor looking confused and bewildered.

~Part: 14~

A date. How quaint. Angelus felt a bit absurd, but he looked forward to the picnic he was planning for Willow. His options were limited since he wasn’t *about* to chance a public outing: while he had faith in her burgeoning feelings for him, she was still a flight risk. However, it did seem like an activity that she would enjoy.

James had been instructed to prepare a picnic basket full of things that Willow loved to eat as well as some good wine. Angelus knew the exact spot he wanted to take her to. Not only did it remind him of Ireland, it was right here on his own property…complete with a babbling brook. Gardeners had been sent to make it hospitable and tidy. Perfect.

Now that he’d taken care of the ‘date’ arrangements, he could do some thinking. His time with Willow earlier in the day had left him unsettled and he couldn’t quite put his finger on exactly why. Certainly she had been on dangerous ground when she spoke of fucking another man. At some point, she would have to learn that that was unacceptable to think about, talk about, and, most importantly, to do. The very idea of another man touching Willow filled him with rage.

Lost in thought, Angelus wandered into the library and threw himself onto the deep leather sofa. Leaning his head back he growled at the ceiling and scrubbed his face with his hands before running them through his hair. Willow had his mind in a jumble. Her mood today had changed several times during his relatively short visit…and as a result his reactions were mixed as well.

He was unaccustomed to such chaos in his head. Reaching out, he flipped open the lid of the silver box on the coffee table. Taking out a cigarette, he lit it with the ornate matching lighter. Smoking would help him focus. Laying on his back, one arm behind his head, he watched the smoke swirl up and away. Concentrating on the white floating tendrils was relaxing. He decided to organize his brain by taking his reactions to Willow’s behavior one at a time.

He had known going in that she was in a volatile state, so he hadn’t really known what to expect. She had met his ‘humble, hurt guy’ routine with a game of her own. Aha, now he was getting somewhere. The ‘manipulated’ was becoming the ‘manipulator’. Angelus chuckled. Willow had learned quickly, but almost certainly didn’t even realize that she was maneuvering him. Dragging deeply on his cigarette, he suddenly understood that he had inadvertently played right into her hands today. His darling girl was as smart as a whip; he was pretty sure that he wasn’t the only one reviewing today’s interaction. She’d be drawing conclusions of her own.

Studying the red tip of his cigarette, he considered what inferences she might be coming up with. First he had shown her the power a sulk could wield. Then she had shown him just how seductive imbibing ice cream could be. Cool indifference had worked well for her. If she hadn’t already, she soon would realize that those had been effective tools. Smirking as things began to fall into place for him, he realized her cunning use of silence had been learned from him. What a woman! She would be a constant trial and delight.

Continuing his thought process, he now saw that she had also utilized the ‘art of misdirection’. Cleverly, she had led him to think he didn’t need to prove his innocence, that she believed him. In the next instant she had lowered the boom. Like a sap he had fallen for it and right into confusion. Willow’s statement of their incompatibility had earned her declarations of his feelings towards her. He certainly hadn’t entered the room with any intention of professing ‘feelings’…at least not real ones. Yet he had.

Scowling in frustration, he didn’t know if he was aggravated or inordinately pleased. “Both,” he conceded out loud with a roll of his eyes as he continued smoking and reflecting.

Next, he had accommodatingly shown her how to push his buttons. Fuck! Massaging his temple, he remembered his furious reaction to her talk of leveling the playing field by fucking a mall employee. In that moment she had seen how affected he was by jealousy and possessiveness. Arching his eyebrow, he acknowledged that they’d *both* learned something from that little display. She had seen how easily he could be set off and he had seen that she found his show of possessiveness a turn-on. Yes indeed, he thought smugly, Willow’s very next response had been a passionate reaction to his kiss. In fact, she had aggressively taken control of the kiss. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, the possessive, violent flash of rage he had exhibited ended Willow’s rancor so abruptly that it had startled him. At least that mystery was solved…he had been too caught up in the kiss to make that deduction at the time. It was gratifying to know, he thought with satisfaction, that that baser side of Willow existed. Not, of course, that he hadn’t strongly suspected it.

While he knew that Willow had absorbed a lot of useful information today, he didn’t know how long it would be until it became ‘conscious knowledge.’ As she had such an expressive face, viewing her on his monitor would tell him much. He’d make sure to observe every facial expression she’d made from the time he went to see her until he left to pick her up for their date. Angelus was very glad he had her every movement on tape. As smart as she was, she still couldn’t hope to compete with him in the strategy and manipulation departments. Besides, the look on her face as he left her today illustrated that he wasn’t the *only* one left rattled by the tumultuous events; she’d need some recovery time before she could analyze *anything*.

Sitting up, he flicked his cigarette into the fireplace. No more of this moronic brooding, he decided. Events had not unfolded in any way he had anticipated today and that had thrown him. In reality, everything had gone his way. It was all gelling for him now.

Willow was a woman *and* a human…so of course she would confound him at times. Plus, she was a complex individual in her own right. If she was always predictable, he’d be bored in no time at all. So, actually, this was all good.

It was all making perfect sense now. His ‘pitiful’ act didn’t work because that wasn’t what she needed. Quite recently she had been hurt by stupid Xander and now she had been hurt again by him, Angelus. Here she was, an insecure girl, in unfamiliar circumstances, suffering hurt feelings. Now it seemed obvious to him how obtuse he had been. She was feeling at sea and his admission that he was too, had comforted her. Ahhhh…this new clarity felt good.

Willow had liked his jealous outburst because it made her feel wanted! Ha! That certainly worked out well enough for both of them since he was so possessive. Simple. Simple. Simple. He couldn’t believe he hadn’t seen it sooner. He had made it clear to her that she belonged to him and no other, then suddenly she was no longer holding the unfortunate Bettina incident against him. Excellent work, he congratulated himself with a grin.

The bottom line was Willow *wanted* him. So what if he hadn’t reached his destination by his intended route? The end result was what mattered. Feeling relaxed and in control again, Angelus stood up and stretched. He’d make tonight a young girl’s ‘first date fantasy’. His new strategy with Willow was to make certain that she felt wanted and desired. Barring unforeseen events, he’d *finally* get to make her his completely.


Angelus’ confidence was restored in his comprehension of Willow’s inner workings. Now that he had deciphered the motivations behind her earlier actions he would be, once again, in tune with her and able to react accordingly. Tonight was special, so that knowledge was of particular importance. Observing on his monitor hadn’t been especially informative, but it *had* been rewarding and amusing. She had spent a great deal of time choosing an outfit for their date; the memory of watching that pursuit made him grin. The old Willow didn’t worry overmuch about clothes and his male ego heartily enjoyed her indecision and absorption in picking just the right ensemble. This indisputable evidence of her excitement about their date pleased him to no end. He intended to make sure the actual event lived up to the trouble she had gone to.

Angelus had dressed with intentional understatement. Since he was still relying heavily on Angel’s wardrobe, black slacks and a black silk button down shirt were the order of the day. He sighed and thought it was a boring choice, but comfortable and serviceable.

In keeping with what he considered proper etiquette, he was bringing her flowers and chocolates. How could a guy go wrong with red roses and chocolate with nuts? It took some creative maneuvering, but he managed to knock and unlock the door.

Willow was a vision. She was standing in the middle of the room in a white sundress that had tiny flowers all over in a riot of colors. Angelus was glad she chose that, it was sweet and feminine and perfect for their outing. She looked crisp and fresh as a daisy; completely in keeping with the tone of their date. “Sweetheart, you look lovely. What a pretty picture you’ll make picnicking under the stars.”

Willow shyly murmured, “Thank you,” as he handed her the gifts and tenderly kissed her forehead. “Ohh, and thank you,” she sniffed the flowers, “for these, too. I love chocolate and roses.”

Angelus smiled beatifically as she took the vase and box and placed them on a table. “You’re welcome, Willow, I’m glad you like them. The weather is mild, but you probably should bring a sweater just in case it gets chilly.”

She nodded and took a lavender sweater from the armoire. He could see that she was feeling awkward, but also excited. Angelus extended his arm, “Ready?”

“Yep,” Willow said with a bashful smile, placing her hand on the proffered arm.

“I was thinking you might enjoy a tour of the house before we go,” he said as he led her out the door.

“Yes, I would.” Once they passed through the door she stopped and looked back at her room with uncertainty.

“What is it Willow?”

“I just…” She cleared her throat. “My whole world has been that room since the first morning I woke up here. It’s…it feels strange leaving, that’s all.”

The look in her eyes told him so much more. What Willow was feeling was significant and needed to be explored. This was a milestone; Angelus was fairly certain he understood what was going on, but needed her to say the words…for both their sakes.

He gently took her face his hands and gave her a reassuring smile when her eyes met his. He was a bit awed when his look and touch elicited an expression of contentment on her lovely face. “Willow,” he whispered as he bent to give her a soft, lingering kiss. Her body melted into his and her hands came to rest on his back in a feather light touch. His thumbs stroked her face as they both surrendered to the sweet exploration of each other’s lips. The kiss conveyed trust and understanding. Time stood still as something more intimate than sex passed between them. When their lips parted, Willow’s brow furrowed and they looked at each other in wonder.

Angelus had no label to attach to what had just happened. Ignoring the mystery, his mind backed up to Willow’s hesitancy at leaving the safe haven of her room. He ran his fingers through her hair and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. “Let’s sit,” he said, leading her to the settee just outside her bedroom door. He sat down next to her and took her hands, smiling at her dazed look; he could relate. “Willow, tell me what you’re feeling.”

She nodded, deep in thought. “Okay,” clear green eyes gazed up at him as she tried to translate feelings into words. “Change is scary and things are different here…*I’m* different here. So are you.” Angelus lifted a brow in question and she squeezed his hand and continued, “I mean, we’re not who I thought we were. It’s like we’re in another dimension now and all the supposed truths and rules have changed.” She sighed in frustration, “Do you know what I mean?”

Angelus nodded slowly, liking what he was hearing. “I think so. What do you think about the ‘different’ us?” Willow looked so deeply into his eyes that he felt like she could see his thoughts; it was disconcerting. Not wanting to discourage her, he forced himself to stay open and resisted the urge to shutter himself.

Willow’s gaze didn’t falter, but internalized. “I don’t know, but *that’s* the thing; preconceived notions and old influences don’t count here. It’s like a fresh start. I don’t have to be the person people thought I was and that’s…a relief, and exciting, and scary all at the same time.” Her eyes focused on him again, “It’s like you and I have a bond and it’s our job to figure out for ourselves who we are…separate from everything from before. Leaving the room where all this has happened is…umm, I’m not sure I’m ready for a different reality.”

Angelus was at a loss for words. Willow had expressed what she was feeling and touched on things he hadn’t realized he was feeling. This was strange and he would need time to absorb it. Evading deeper issues for now, he said, “This house sits on eighty acres, so let’s expand our ‘dimension’ from the walls of your room to the walls of the property. Deal?”

Willow’s eyes became bright and she gave him a blinding smile, “Deal.”

Pleased that he had come up with a workable solution without changing the world Willow was becoming comfortable in, he returned her smile and pulled her onto her feet. “Then let’s go have a house tour and a picnic to celebrate.”

~Part: 15~

The slight breeze rustled the leaves in the trees, crickets chirped, and the water in the stream rushed merrily along over rocks. Angelus couldn’t have asked for a better soundtrack for his picnic with Willow. He admired the way her hair and skin reflected the moonlight and smiled as he watched her. They were both sitting on a blanket in the grass, barefoot and relaxed. Angelus had his legs stretched out with his ankles crossed, and was reclining on his hands. Looking up at the stars in the clear night sky, he reveled in the smells of growing things, the stream and Willow; he felt contentment and it was as unfamiliar as it was pleasant.

“It’s beautiful out here, Angelus. Thank you for bringing me,” Willow said as she nibbled cheese and sipped wine. “You must come here a lot.”

Looking at her curiously, he asked, “Why do you say that, sweetheart?”

Finishing off her glass of wine, she reached for the bottle to refill it. “Because you seem so relaxed and at home.”

“Ah, I see,” he replied and chuckled, motioning at her, “you look pretty at home yourself drinking wine in the moonlight. Especially considering that I had to practically twist your arm to convince you that nobody would chastise you for underage drinking.”

Giggling, she glanced at him sassily and announced, “I’ve decided I like wine. A lot. Now, do you come here often or not?”

Smirking, he said, “No, my little wino, but I think I will from now on.” She wasn’t drunk, but she *was* mellow and cheerful. Earlier she had been a bit nervous and stiff, so the wine’s effect pleased him. “Maybe we should make these picnics a regular activity. Would you like that?” He asked as he reached over and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear.

The soft contact of his fingers on her face made her heart skip a beat and she looked at him thoughtfully. “Yes, I’d like that a lot.”

If Angelus’ heart worked, he thought it might’ve skipped a beat as well. Willow was studying his face intently and her expression said that she liked what she was seeing. Her gaze felt like a soft touch. He had expected more conversation and questions this evening. Instead, Willow had ‘oohed’ and ‘ahhed’ as he’d given her a guided tour of the house, and was happy and excited to stroll outside and enjoy the feel of fresh air again. Except for some initial awkwardness, she seemed content to just make the most of what she referred to as ‘a field trip’. Of course, James had done his part by serving her a glass of wine the moment they’d entered the library. In short order Angelus convinced her that age wasn’t an issue in their ‘dimension’ when it came to imbibing alcohol. She had been swept up by the vastness of the library, and that excitement took some of the edge off of her nerves, too. He’d let her explore the shelves to her heart’s content, pleased that she shared his love for books.

They had left the house through French doors in the library that led to a lavish patio filled with pots of plants and flowers, which Willow was enchanted by. Watching her take joy in every new sight he introduced her to made him feel young and excited right along with her. She was so lovely and interesting. Instead of thinking about every little word and action, like he normally did, he just allowed himself to be carried along in Willow’s magical journey of discovery. His mind was always so busy considering angles and strategies that it felt good to just take her hand and enjoy the moment as they ambled across the beautifully manicured lawn.

Willow was such a notorious lover of food, he wasn’t a bit surprised that she was as excited by the bountiful picnic James had set up as she was by the picturesque spot that it was arranged in. In no time she had settled herself on the blanket and dug in. It seemed to Angelus that a normal girl would’ve been stuffed after consuming such a huge feast. Not Willow; she never ceased to amaze him.

And now she studied his face as if it was another new sight to enjoy. The heat of her extended gaze combined with her scent in the air made him so hard, he couldn’t help but break the silence, “What are you thinking about, love?” he asked in a husky voice.

Willow had been so distracted that the sound of his voice startled her. Her eyes flew from his lips to his eyes then away as she blushed. Looking back at him shyly, she fortified herself with another sip of wine and said, “You’re the best looking man I’ve ever seen. It’s rude to stare. Sorry.” She busied herself by brushing imaginary crumbs off of her skirt.

Thoroughly enjoying her reactions, Angelus ran his fingers along her soft cheek and murmured, “I don’t mind and thank you.” Her breath caught as he leaned down and captured her lips in a searing kiss.

Willow tasted so good; her naturally delicious flavor was enhanced by the wine. She surrendered completely to the kiss. Her hands went to his waist and the skin beneath his shirt tingled as they slid up his sides and around to his shoulder blades to press him closer. Her mouth was so generous as it moved with his; of their own volition, his hands each made a claim; one tangled in her hair and one traveled around to her back, his fingers massaging her scalp and back muscles. Willow moaned and nibbled his bottom lip; every movement and sound she made was an invitation to more. The physical sensations were powerful.

Angelus’ intention was to take her virginity tonight, here in the soft grass, on the blanket beneath the stars. He planned to use all of his skills as a seasoned lover to create a perfect memory for her that she would treasure always. There would be no rushing; every element of pleasure would be savored along the way. The kiss was so sweet and erotic, he found himself lost in its spell. Her hand pressed against his cheek as she left his lips to kiss a trail along his jaw. He quietly growled as she reached his ear and tightened his hold on her when she sucked the lobe into her mouth and took it between her teeth. A battle waged within him; the bite made him mad with desire, which clashed with his plan to take it slow.

Willow’s passion had its own agenda and she wasn’t fazed by his growl as she buried her face in his neck. She sucked and nibbled and moaned, her body undulating in rhythm with her mouth. Angelus’ internal battle raged on as he fought for control of himself. He couldn’t remember a time when he’d had an erection pound so demandingly. He groaned loudly in exquisite ecstasy when she bit down hard.

Grasping her shoulders, he pulled her back and looked into her lust glazed eyes. Swallowing at the irresistible sight of her face, so filled with want, he ground out, “Sweet Jesus, baby, you have no idea what you’re doing to me.” Her eyes filled with the light of feminine triumph, a look so predatory and smug that it shook his entire being. She was phenomenal. Lost in the lure of her natural sexual energy, he took her in his arms and kissed her with ferocious possession.

Instead of being overwhelmed by the intensity of his passion, Willow held him tightly and responded to him in kind. Her moans were a continuous hum driving him on. He slid the straps of her dress off her shoulders, the elastic at the back allowing him to lower it to her waist and she moved her arms to free them from the dress. Her skin was so heated, he needed to feel it with his mouth. Breaking the kiss, he buried his face in her neck, inhaling the heat and scent of her. Throwing her head back, she gasped and panted as he licked and sucked. Needing to taste and feel more of her, he kissed a fiery trail to her breast and pulled a succulent nipple into his mouth, laving it with his tongue as she cried out and held his head to her. His hand found the hem of her dress and gloried in the feel of her luxuriously soft skin as it caressed along the outside of her leg to her thigh. Switching to the other breast, Angelus couldn’t imagine a more heavenly taste and the air was rich with the scent of her need. His lips and tongue feasted on her delectable breast as his hand stroked her thigh.

Willow was keening and begged as she continued to hold him tight, “Nnnnnnnn, mmm, please! Ohhh, Angelus, God!”

Determined to make her pleasure his priority, his hand ardently kneaded her thigh and worked its way to her silky panties, his fingers softly stroking her at the root of her need. Her pleas were incoherent as her legs parted more to accommodate the fingers running along where the wet panties covered her core.

Willow whimpered pathetically when he removed his hand and mouth. Brushing the hair from her fevered face, he made comforting noises, “Shhh, sweet Willow, I’ll take care of you.” He ripped off buttons in a frenzy to remove his shirt and deftly removed her panties while whispering huskily, “It’s okay, baby, I know what you need.”

They were still in a sitting position and he wrapped an arm around her as he reclaimed a breast with his mouth and his hand found its way back to her burning core. She was so wet as his knuckles soothingly stroked her engorged clit and hungry opening that he unconsciously purred in response. Murmuring sweet nothings, he ignored his own need and sucked hard on her nipple as he carefully entered her with two fingers. She was moaning desperately and her hips bucked against his hand as his thumb gently pressed her clitoris. Angelus relinquished her breast and watched her face as his fingers massaged her g-spot and his thumb increased its pressure. Willow screamed his name and her entire body shook as it was consumed by her orgasm. He was on sensory overload already and the power of her climax brought him right along with her. Growling as his hips jerked in response, his eyes never left her face as he came hard. Willow’s tremors subsided and he marveled at her dazed expression; he had never witnessed a more beautiful sight.

His arms felt like rubber as he gathered her close and he smiled at her tiny mewls of contentment as he caressed her naked hip and back. Kissing the top of her head, he whispered into her hair, “Feel good, sweetheart?”

She nodded her head against him and murmured, “Mmm, hmm.” For several moments they stayed like that, recovering and absorbing. When a small modicum of strength returned to her, Willow brushed her palms along his broad chest and pushed back to look at him.

He was still and silent as she looked at his face in wonder. One of her hands moved to lay on his shoulder and the other traced his cheek and jaw. She looked magnificent and sated with her hopelessly wrinkled dress bunched around her waist, he thought. Otherwise naked, she was perfection in the moonlight.

Words had no place in the moment and Angelus just waited. He was memorizing every inch of how she looked. Later he would capture the peerless, aching beauty of her on paper. Her hair was wild; her flawless skin glowed; her mouth was red and swollen. If he could sketch the raw, sexual vision of this, it would be a masterpiece. The tender emotion he saw in her eyes was fathomless and alluring.

Without a word, she stared at his face and gently took it in her hands. Slowly, she drew his lips to hers and kissed him. Her mouth was pliant as it moved over his and he felt helpless confusion as he returned it. Beyond a shadow of a doubt, Willow was claiming him…and he couldn’t have resisted if he tried. Incapable of coherent thought, he instinctively knew this was a mating. Whatever he had felt that first night at the school while holding Willow was coming to fruition. Angelus surrendered to the mystery and accepted that something inexplicable was happening as the kiss continued to transport him.

Willow pulled back and he felt bereft. She smiled like she had a secret as she stood and removed her dress. Obviously uncomfortable with her nudity, he admired the effort she was making to let him look at her. He smiled at her reassuringly and said softly, “Willow, you’re so lovely. You look like an ancient goddess.”

She smiled shyly and fidgeted slightly as she sat back down. “Thank you,” she said in embarrassment.

Angelus placed his fingertips on her cheek and said, “Have I told you how charming it is when you blush?” Her only response was to flush a deeper shade. The pads of his fingers traveled to her neck, shoulder and down the length of her arm. Taking her hand, he pressed the knuckles to his lips and took her breast in the other hand, stroking her nipple with his thumb. She closed her eyes and shuddered. Huskily, he asked, “Would you like me to make love to you now?”

She looked at him through lowered lashes and nodded as she whispered, “Yes.”

Kissing her knuckles again, he returned her hand to her side, smiling into her eyes. Standing up, he found the wine and a glass and poured some for her.

She took the glass with a look of gratitude. Her heart was beating rapidly and he knew she would appreciate the effect of more liquid courage.

Watching her watch him, Angelus began to remove his belt. Willow took a gulp of wine and her eyes were glued to the actions of his hands. When his belt dropped to the ground, her riveted gaze took in the unfastening of his pants with rapt concentration. She drank down the remaining wine in one swallow as he pushed his pants down his legs and stepped out of them.

Standing still as she studied him, he forced himself not to smirk at her wide eyes and gaping mouth. He was as hard as a rock and she was as fascinated as she was intimidated.

“Willow, would you like to touch me? Familiarize yourself?”

She nodded, but didn’t move. The intensity of her gaze and thrumming of her blood through her veins made him glad he had already cum once. Maintaining control was tough. Perceiving her embarrassment and reluctance, he took her hand and stroked his cock with it. He growled and gritted his teeth at the feel of her fingers. “Normally it’s not sticky. I wanted you so badly earlier, I came when you did,” he said in a strained voice with a small smile. Entranced, Willow’s fingers traveled his length and she gently cupped his balls, causing him to groan. Removing her hand and holding it, he sat down in front of her, “Are you sure you’re ready?”

Willow shook her head ‘no’, but said, “Yes.”

Angelus hugged her and chuckled. Taking both of her hands, he looked at her confused countenance and said, “We’ll play it by ear, okay? If you want to stop, we will. No pressure.” Inside, he wasn’t so confident of his control when it came to her, but the reassurance relaxed her significantly.

Without warning, he pushed her onto her back and ruthlessly tickled her belly and knees. Completely caught off guard, she screamed with laughter. Batting at his hands, she gasped, “Stop, stop!”

He did. Lying down next to her, he propped himself on his elbow and grinned unrepentantly. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me.”

Smiling at his silliness and feeling much less stressed, she quipped, “You’re an evil vampire, ‘torture by tickling’ should be beneath your dignity.”

Delighted that his ploy to loosen her up had worked, he feigned a serious look, “You’re right, darlin’, that was *not* conduct befitting a scourge. I’ll try harder.” He kissed her lips softly and before she could respond, he blew raspberries behind her ear and on her neck. As she squealed and giggled, he said, “Ah, yes, *that’s* better! I feel much more like myself now.” He looked down at her with a smirk, “Do you agree?”

Willow grinned impishly, “No!”

He lifted a brow, “Hmm. How about this?” Stroking her tummy with the flat of his hand, he touched his lips to hers lightly and kissed her teasingly.

She didn’t reply, but she responded to the kiss and slid her fingers into his hair.

Angelus deepened the kiss and lightly ran his hand over her ribs and breasts, his fingertips skimming over her nipples until they were tight and hard. The feel of her soft skin and warm body was incredible. She was amazing to touch and so responsive. His caresses were leaving goose bumps in their wake, her blood was speeding through her veins, her breath was coming quickly; he loved the effect he was having on her.

It took a great deal of concentration, as he lay on his side next to her, to ignore the demands of his hard cock as it pressed against her hip. Focusing completely on ‘virgin seduction’, he continued with the feather light teasing of her belly and breasts. She was very excited, but too inexperienced to prod him to the next level. She was making soft little moans and sighs and the hand in his hair exhibited her body’s frustration as it tugged. Like he had earlier, he intended for her to beg. She may not understand what she was begging *for*, but she knew that she had desperate yearnings and only he could satisfy them. Her heated skin was completely sensitized from his light touch. The hand propping his head moved to hold her head and turn it towards him as he added his tongue to the kiss. She enthusiastically welcomed it and her soft sounds of want intensified. When his caresses passed over her breasts now, he was plucking at her nipples, knowing they were becoming tender. A fine sheen of sweat covered her and she was quivering. Her bottom began to press rhythmically into the blanket, the motion unintentionally torturing the erection at her hip. He was purring loudly, and for both their sakes, let his hand meander down to her now aching clitoris. She was so wet. His fingertips stroked her, running through her damp curls, over and around her clit, and along her slit that was now discharging a constant flow of desire.

Angelus struggled with self restraint as he enticed her. He groaned when she clamped down on his tongue with her teeth and sucked it aggressively. Her innocence made her inadvertent nonverbal pleas for more especially erotic. The effort required to keep from climbing on and fucking her unconscious was considerable. Willow’s scent, moaning, undulating, heat and wetness were killing him. With firm resolve, his mouth left hers and began an assault on her breasts to equal the one of her seeping pussy. In the morning her breasts would be covered with hickeys to remember tonight by. With one finger, he would slightly penetrate her now when he passed her channel in his travels. She was mindless; her body writhed, her neck arched, her legs spread and knees lifted as she whimpered helplessly.

It was as if Willow was in a dream state; her body was reacting fully, but she didn’t know how to take charge and see to it that her needs were met. Angelus reveled in the power of it. With deliberate slowness, he entered her with two fingers, wiggling them slightly as he went. She was crying out breathlessly as he savored the hot, wet play of her vaginal walls around his probing digits. Her sweaty body was in a frenzy and she was uttering his name like a mantra. His fingers rewarded her by picking up the pace and his thumb massaged her throbbing clit as he allowed himself to change and bite into her breast, drawing her intoxicating blood into his mouth. Her orgasm was violent, and for a moment she seemed to levitate off of the blanket. With a series of grunts and jerks, Angelus came too.

While her back arched and her body shuddered, he kissed a trail from her breasts to her glistening red curls. Climbing between her legs, he buried his now human face between them and sucked and licked at the evidence of her climax. Like everything else about Willow, the taste of her was unrivaled in his experience; she was delectable. As he buried his tongue in her, she lifted her pelvis and pushed to deepen his penetration. He had intentionally not given her time to recover. He wanted Willow’s mind to associate incredible, unrelenting heights of pleasure with him. Just *thinking* of him would make her nipples hard, her clit throb, her thighs sticky. When he sensed that she had moved from post orgasmic ecstasy to acute craving again, he removed his tongue and sucked her engorged clit into his mouth. His tongue worked it frantically and she screamed as she grasped the blanket and trembled against his mouth.

Her knees were up and her legs wide as he swiftly moved up and entered her with a smooth, firm thrust of his cock. His hands were planted on either side of her shoulders and he attentively watched her face as he forced himself to remain motionless. Any pain or discomfort she might’ve felt at the breaching of her maidenhead was lost in the euphoric sensations she was still experiencing. Not moving was made easier for him as her pelvis was still making inadvertent thrusts from her climax.

The scent of her virgin blood assailed him as he congratulated himself on his masterful taking of her virginity. Willow was so completely caught up in the throes of passion *he* had incited that she had not experienced one iota of pain…just sublime pleasure. Her head rolled back and forth as she continued to moan and his eyes almost crossed from the stimulus of her internal muscles still fluttering from orgasm and working to accommodate him at the same time. She would be sore later, but for now her body was on a blissful sexual high.

Willow’s head had stopped moving, but her eyes were still shut tight as he began slow, shallow thrusts. Her body’s unconscious undulations felt like rippling water to him as he carefully watched her face. Her mouth moved as she made unintelligible sounds and her eyes opened to gaze into his with awe. Her hands untangled from the blanket and she pulled his head to her, rewarding him with a slow wet kiss, her tongue leisurely exploring his mouth. Now leaning on his elbows, he buried his hands in her hair and deepened the kiss, coordinating their dueling tongues’ and lips’ rhythm to match his increasing thrusts.

When she placed her heels on the small of his back, he pulled away from her lips to look into her eyes as he pumped into her faster. Green fire returned his gaze; her expression was delirious with lust. Now she was meeting him thrust for thrust and grunting each time he was buried fully. Needing to cum badly, he was relieved when he felt her contracting harder around him. He hadn’t even realized his vampire visage had returned until Willow turned her head in invitation. He was amazed and thrilled that she knew that drinking from her would increase his pleasure. Shifting his hips, he ground against her clit on his down strokes until she came, then immediately sank his fangs into her waiting neck, drinking her in as he was overcome with an orgasm that seemed to go on and on forever. His body collapsed on hers as he licked her wound clean. The satisfaction of marking her as his was as gratifying to him as the physical claim he had made. Willow belonged to him totally. She had willingly surrendered her body and blood to him. He was too sated and exhausted to ponder the significance of everything that had transpired tonight.

For now he was just going to wallow in post coital bliss with his woman. His head felt like it weighed a ton as he lifted it to smile down at Willow.

Her softly smiling face was a picture of serene, contented fulfillment and he was filled with pride. He placed a tender kiss on her lips and murmured, “Are you okay?”

Her smile grew and she nodded. He moved off of her and they both quietly moaned as he pulled out of her. Angelus laid on his back propping his head on a wad of blanket and took her is his arms. Willow settled her chin and arm on his chest and intimately snuggled a leg between his.

They studied each other in compatible silence for several moments. Willow was the first to speak. In a hesitant, bashful voice, she said, “You were…that was…amazing. I had no idea.”

Angelus smiled into her eyes as he took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing her fingertips. “*You* are amazing.”

Willow blushed and looked away murmuring, “Thank you.”

Still holding her hand, he stroked her palm with his thumb and said with regret, “You’re going to be sore. I’m sorry about that.”

She wriggled her hips slightly and nodded, “Yeah…it hurts a little, but I feel *really* good.” Her eyelids were getting heavy and on a sigh, she repeated, “Really good,” as her eyes closed.

As she dozed off Angelus watched her and vaguely contemplated fate and mating instinct as exhaustion overtook him, too. “Mine,” he whispered as he drifted off to sleep.

~Part: 16~

Angelus woke up slowly to the most wonderful sensations. It took him a second to realize what it was that felt so good. Last night he had carried a sleeping Willow to his bed wrapped in the blanket from their picnic, she had been exhausted. He had been pretty tuckered himself…heroic restraint and being a phenomenal lover will do that to a guy, he thought with smug amusement. Now he found himself delightfully wrapped up and tangled in her luscious body. She was still sound asleep and he had no desire to move. His face was buried in her neck; immersed in her scent, pulse and tender skin. Her breath was warm and soft in his hair. She was in his arms, her breasts pressed against his chest, her leg thrown over his hip; his own leg was nestled between hers, wet from their mingled juices. All he wanted to do was to stay perfectly still and take pleasure in these marvelous, decadent feelings for as long as he possibly could.

He had no idea what time it was, but it felt like midday. Willow's body was showing no signs of waking; proof, in his opinion, that he had done a thoroughly fine job last night. Normally she wasn't a late sleeper.

Last night he had successfully made her his…*finally*. She would never forget the rapture of those first orgasms, his ability to play her innocent, nubile young body like a finely tuned instrument, his skillful taking of her virginity painlessly. He had accomplished a lot. He knew a woman's first time was important to them from a romantic point of view, but he also knew that it had a great deal of influence on how they would feel about sex in the future. He certainly had a vested interest in Willow's views vis-à-vis carnal matters. Grinning proudly to himself, he thought his darling Willow would have a very rosy outlook regarding sex…and doubtless worship the ground he walked on. Of course, she would be a bit tender and sore this morning, but he felt confident that she would be begging him to fuck her twelve ways from Sunday on a regular basis once she was healed up.

The deflowering of Willow wasn't the only event from yesterday on his mind. Not by a long shot, actually. He had very confusing reactions to her that he would have to resolve sooner or later. He knew that Willow was his intended mate; there wasn't a doubt in his mind. It was the various effects that state seemed to evoke that he wasn't so sure about. It seemed to him there was some sort of 'yin and yang' thing happening between them…except, of course, *she* was the light and *he* was the darkness…he'd always thought Chinese philosophy had that ass-backward anyway. There was a melding happening that should be freaking him out and pissing him off, but instead…wasn't. Willow *mattered*. It was bizarre and completely new to him, but he didn't hate it…and didn't resist it to speak of. He certainly hadn't become a warm, cuddly vamp as a result of this thing…Bettina and a multitude of other incidents proved that to his satisfaction. He liked…no, more than *liked*, the idea that he mattered to her. In fact, was keen to matter *more* to her soon. His head was beginning to ache. This introspective process was one he was never able to stick with for very long.

There were certainly plenty of other less perplexing subjects for him to mull over. After last night, Angelus was ready to restrict Willow less. He would be keeping a close eye on her and security was in place, though she would be allowed free reign of the house and, if that went well, soon he would include the grounds. They would be having a conversation first; he needed some assurances from her. So much was happening in her world presently that he felt confident she would be happy at the opportunity for more freedom and willingly to comply with his restrictions. She was completely infatuated with him right now and had just discovered sex…those two things would more than occupy her for the time being. He did have to start thinking about the near future, though. Willow was bright and talented, she would need to exercise those aspects of her nature or she would become bored and restless. He knew that trying to control her entirely would cost him in the long run. Ultimately, if he wanted to keep Willow, and he did, he would have to let her have a life and make choices. He hated the feeling that gave him, but not as much as he hated the thought of alienating or losing her.

Suddenly Angelus vibrated from the groan that seemed to emanate from Willow's whole body and grinned. His voice was muffled by her neck as he asked, “Sleep well, a chailín mo chroí?”

Groggily, Willow extricated herself enough to look at his face. She studied him for a long moment then smiled shyly, “Good morning.”

She looked just as she should after such a night he thought; her hair was a glorious tangle, her features soft and languidly sensuous, her lovely skin had a rosy glow. “Good morning yourself,” he said with a smile as he brushed a lock of hair from her cheek, “but I suspect it's afternoon.”

“Oh,” she said with mild surprise, but was too relaxed to overly concern herself over the time. Her eyes were beginning to look more awake and less dreamy as her brow furrowed slightly. “Angelus, what did you say before? Before 'good morning' I mean.”

Reaching around her to grab a couple of pillows, he fluffed them up as he answered, “I called you 'my darling girl'…in Gaelic.” Once the pillows were in place, he lifted her and arranged her so she could rest on them comfortably. Lying on his side, propped on his elbow he said, “You can take the boy out of Ireland, but you can't take Ireland out of the boy, I guess.”

Snuggling into her new spot, she absently stroked his shoulder and smiled up at him, “I like it. It sounds pretty.”

He was enjoying the feel of her unsolicited touch when she got a pained look on her face and began to look peaked. “Willow?”

She sat up abruptly, immediately putting her palm to her forehead, “Oooh, head-rush.” Glancing at him, she asked with urgency, “Bathroom?”

He was startled by the sudden change in her and just pointed. Willow wasted no time and dashed in that direction. A couple of seconds later he heard the distinct sound of retching. “Ugh,” he said with distaste and rolled his eyes. God knew he had been there a time or two in his human days, so at least he could relate to her misery. Well, the least he could do was help, he thought as he grabbed the phone and dialed the kitchen. “James, Miss Rosenberg is unwell from the wine, could you bring her something to ease her stomach and whatever other symptoms she might be having?”

“Yes sir, right away. I anticipated the possibility and have just the thing for the poor lamb.”

“Thank you, James, you're a godsend,” Angelus replied and hung up the phone. Climbing out of bed and donning a pair of blood-red silk pajama pants, he took the matching top with him as he joined Willow in the bathroom. The room and just about everything in it was marble, which caused Willow's miserable sounds to echo. Between the unpleasant noise and smell, he felt quite noble to be offering aid. Hanging the pajama top on a hook, he went to fill the large bathtub with warm water. While the water ran, he laid out some items she would be needing when the horrid retching stopped; toothbrush, toothpaste, mouthwash.

Angelus was out of his element when it came to comforting ailing humans and was at a loss at what to do next when the tub was done filling. James saved him by knocking softly at the door. “There, there Willow, I'll be right back with something that should make you feel better. I've run you a bath,” he said as he turned off the tub water and exited the bathroom, softly closing the door behind him.

James was fussing with items on a cart, discreetly ignoring the unpleasant sounds coming from the bathroom. “Sir, if you have Miss Rosenberg drink this,” James indicated a tall glass of red liquid, “and take these,” he said pointing to two white tablets, “she'll be just the thing in no time. If her head still aches, a cool wash cloth on her brow should help, but I think these things will do the trick nicely.”

Angelus smiled with obvious relief, “Thank you.”

“You're welcome, sir. I didn't bring any food in case the sight or smell of it would worsen Miss Rosenberg's condition. Let me know the moment she feels up to eating and I'll bring her a meal straightaway. Will there be anything else?”

“No, that will be all for now, thanks.” Once James left, Angelus listened at the door and heard Willow brushing her teeth. Surely that was a good sign. When she was finished and had settled into the bathtub, he re-entered the bathroom with the items James had brought. Willow looked up at him pitifully and he smiled sympathetically. “I'm sorry you're ill sweetheart, but these should help,” he said as he put the tablets and glass on the side of the tub. She looked at him skeptically, but took the tablets and drank down the red concoction…wrinkling her nose and making a face the entire time. “Ick! Toothpaste and that,” she said pointing at the empty glass, “don't make a tasty combo.”

Angelus raised an eyebrow and tried to hide his amusement. “I'll just leave you alone now and hopefully the bath and James' remedies will work their magic.”

Settling on the bed with the newspaper James had provided, Angelus resigned himself to patiently wait. Concentrating on the articles was difficult and he had no idea how much time had passed. Him. Willow. Him and Willow. The permanence and certainty of this thing between them settled firmly somewhere deep within him. It actually had from the beginning…to a certain degree. Consummating the relationship changed things, though. Having been completely absorbed in these thoughts, Angelus was surprised when Willow emerged from the bathroom at last.

As she walked towards him, ethereal and lovely, he saw the woman he'd deflowered and devoured last night, would make love to today and all days after. She was his bedmate, and partner, and who knew what else as their reality unfolded. Thinking about what they had done and were yet to do filled him with contentment.

Willow stopped by the side of the bed, engulfed in his pajama shirt and smiled softly. She looked shy and sweet and much healthier.

Returning her smile he patted the covers in invitation for her to join him and asked, “Feeling better, darling girl?”

Climbing into the bed, she nodded and snuggled into his waiting arms. With a sigh, she said, “Wine is very bad.”

Angelus chuckled, stroking her hair, “No it's not, sweetheart, you're just not used to it. I think you'll find if you drink in moderation you can enjoy it very much.” Her look of skepticism made him laugh.

“Now that you're feeling better we need to make some decisions, talk about some things.”

Willow rolled to her side so she was lying across his stomach and looked at him inquiringly. “For instance?”

Having thought she would jump right on the 'let's talk' offer, Angelus was caught off-guard. Quirking an eyebrow at her, he raised his knee so it was supporting her back and stroked her hand. “Last night was a big step for you--for us. How do you feel about that? What is the next step? You seem to be taking this all in stride and that baffles me. What gives?”

Willow gave him a look he couldn't decipher. He thought it strongly resembled irritation. “Angelus, I…” Twin vertical wrinkles appeared between her eyes and she thought for a second then continued, “Right now I just want to enjoy what's happening. I can only do that if I ignore the whole picture. Can't we just…you know, for a little while, be like this,” and she gestured to herself, him and the room.

He understood completely and was happy to comply. The entire time he'd had Willow here he'd let that very philosophy be his guide. He would wait until she was ready to acknowledge the bigger repercussions of their relationship. Until then he'd do his best to get their relationship off on the right foot and make himself irresistible to her and something that she couldn't possibly live without. “Oh yeah. We can do that,” He said with a smirk as he slid his hands underneath her nightshirt and proceeded to remind her body that he could make it feel wondrous things it had never even dreamed of before him.

~Part: 17~

The house was unusually quiet as Angelus went in search of Willow. He enjoyed waking up to a silent house, but found that he missed her warm presence at his side. It hadn't taken long to become accustomed to it. It had been almost a week since the night of the picnic and they had established a routine that he found soothing. Normally they would wake up at the same time since Willow chose to keep the same hours as him.

After recovering from the initial discomfort caused by sex, Willow had shown herself to be an eager partner and anxious to familiarize herself with what pleased him. In the process, she was learning what pleased her…as was he. Lovely Willow was a quick study.

It was their habit to make love when they first got up and chitchat before ordering her breakfast, then he would read the paper while she ate. Angelus was also finding Willow to be a good teacher. She seemed to enjoy improving his skills with the computer, which appeared to be second nature to her. For the most part they had indulged in lazy days and been content to get to know each other and spend long hours reading in companionable silence.

The library seemed the most likely place to find her now and that's where he was headed. Once he reached the doorway and saw that that was indeed where she was, he paused to watch her. She looked radiant these days, an active sex life and the clothes he chose for her made the most of her figure and coloring. Today she was dressed in a simple navy a-line skirt and pink sleeveless turtleneck sweater. She wore no shoes, which was the case most of the time he had noticed and found endearing. Evidently the books they had ordered on-line had arrived and Willow was absorbed in unloading the box and examining the new arrivals. It was a treat to observe her take the same joy in new books as he did.

The telephone rang, startling them both, and Willow's hand automatically reached for the receiver to answer the call. Angelus was on her in no time and knocked the phone out of her hand, inadvertently striking her from her perch on the desk onto the floor.

Shit. Hanging up the offending telephone, not remotely interested in who the caller was, Angelus went into damage control. Willow was splayed on the floor looking shocked that he had hit her, and there was blood on the corner of her mouth. Squatting down in front of her, Angelus said, "Sweetheart, I'm very sorry, I didn't mean to strike you like that. You know you're not allowed to answer the telephone. What were you thinking?" He was chagrined at how he had handled the situation and wished that he could do it over again. Well, he thought sarcastically, I could shit in one hand and wish in the other and see which fills up faster. Damnit, he'd just have to see how it played out.

Nothing beyond shock was showing yet on Willow's face, and it took her a moment to respond, "I, I don't know." She cringed, "I mean, I don't know what I was thinking, it was just habit…I'm sorry. It was an accident." Clearly, having displeased him made her feel miserable.

Angelus smiled fondly and reached for her hand to help her up. "You're a good girl, I know it's against your nature to break the rules." As Willow took his offered hand he wondered if the slight smell of arousal emanating from her had been there before this incident or not. Food for thought. He led her to the sofa and sat down, pulling her close to snuggle next to him. Willow returned his smile, looking relieved that he wasn`t angry with her, and relaxed into his body.

They sat there for a few moments, neither of them saying anything, until Angelus broke the silence, "Did all of the books we ordered come in that shipment?"

Willow shook her head no and leaned back to look at him, "Nope, one is back-ordered and one isn't going to be released for a few more days."

"Hmm. I guess we have enough to keep us entertained in the meantime." Her attention had wandered and she was doing the fidget that Angelus had learned meant she had something on her mind. "What is it, Willow?"

Scooting around to face him, Willow leaned into the cushions and put her legs across his lap. He loved that she felt comfortable enough to do that, especially after their little incident. Two little frown lines appeared between her eyes and she said, "I've been thinking."

Angelus chuckled, "As you are known to do a great deal. What's on your mind?"

Placing her hand on his forearm, she looked at him in earnest as she replied, "I'm happy. You make me happy." Encouraged by his pleased look, she continued, "I'd like my life here to be more…normal. I mean, what is…" Looking flustered, she sighed and continued. "I want to be with you. That means staying here and living like we do. But I miss my friends." Observing his frown, she hurried on, "I don't mean I want to go home and see them. They totally won't get this. Knowing about us would be bad. Buffy's the Slayer, and…oh, man, I don't even want to think about what she'd say. I'm thinking I'd like to take over the e-mail correspondence that you've been sending to them from me. I'd like to know what's going on with them. I promise, I won't say anything wrong. You can read it all before I send it."

Angelus looked at her intently. Certainly things were going well and it was time to step up her freedom. He wasn't quite ready to answer her question, though. He had to mull over some things first, and he was more than a little turned on from her apparent excitement from his loss of temper and control. Lifting an eyebrow, he slid his hand beneath her skirt and caressed her thigh. "Sweetheart, I'm more than happy to discuss that with you. But right now I have something else on my mind and I'm afraid I won't be able to concentrate fully on your proposal until it's settled."

Willow was responding to the simple action of his hand on her thigh and her breathing was hitching a bit as her heart rate increased. "Oh?"

Leaning over to kiss her, he slid his hand between her thighs and ran his fingers back and forth over the silky soft skin. Between soft, sweet kisses, he asked, "Was it my imagination or did you get wet panties when I rebuked you and knocked you off of the desk?" He could feel the heat of her blush and was amused that instead of answering immediately, she swallowed convulsively. "Never mind, that's answer enough," he purred, as he moved his hand so he could rub his knuckles along the wetness of her panties. He nuzzled his way to her neck and softly sucked her delicate skin into his mouth, as one finger worked its way under the elastic and into the hot, wet area that was giving away Willow's physical urges. She moaned and pressed into his hand in an effort to get more contact than the light stroking of his finger. Angelus kissed her deeply and purred with satisfaction when she hungrily pulled his tongue into her mouth and returned the kiss passionately. He let her control the kiss and slid the rest of his hand into her panties, resting the heel against her clitoris, but letting her do the work…and she did, grinding into it enthusiastically.

She was so hot right now, he thought he could get her to do just about anything, and thought it would be a good time to try new things. Nibbling a path up to her ear, Angelus whispered, "Want to play a game with me, naughty Willow?"

Breathlessly she replied, "Angelus, please, I need…"

Pulling back slightly so he could look into her eyes, which were dilated with lust, he said, "Oh baby, I know what you need. Do you trust me?"

She looked uncertain, but nodded anyway. "Good girl." Angelus removed his hand from her panties and skirt, receiving a pout and whimper in response. "Now, get up and stand in front of me." Willow obeyed and smoothed down her sweater and skirt as she stood looking down at him. Her expression was expectant and uncomfortable. His scrutiny always made her nervous and he hoped that his game would also work as an exercise in fixing that.

Angelus slumped down on the couch and continued his instructions. "I want you to take your clothes off. Slowly. Look me in the eye the whole time. While you're doing it I want you to remember that I love your body. It's beautiful and sexy and makes me want to fuck you senseless every time I lay eyes on it. Okay?"

He could see and smell that she had mixed feelings about the idea, but had every intention of following his instructions. Nervously she glanced at the door.

With a bark of laughter, he said, "And to answer your unasked question, yes, you may lock the door first. God, you're so adorable."

A relieved Willow sprinted to the door and engaged the lock. She returned to him more slowly, gathering her nerve. Every fiber of her being communicated that she was anxious to please. Arriving in front of him, she took a deep breath and began to lift her sweater, looking deeply into his eyes. Smiling seductively Angelus said, "That's it, darling, now as you do that, think of how you feel when I'm doing something to you that you especially like. Think of the places that you like to feel my mouth and hands." Her breath was coming quickly and she looked entranced as her sweater reached her head. Angelus watched her beautiful hair as it slid through the sweater, and thought he’d never seen anything more lovely. Once the sweater was removed and she re-established eye contact, Angelus admired her creamy skin and how beautifully it contrasted with her pink lace bra. He stroked his erection through his pants as the discarded sweater landed on the coffee table and smirked as she strained to reach around to release the clasp of her bra and still present an alluring picture. Once it was unhooked, she let the straps slide down her arms and leaned slightly forward to let the bra drop to the floor.

Angelus moaned in appreciation, "Baby, just looking at you makes me so hot. Now pinch your nipples, soft or hard, however you like it best. Let me see what makes your pretty tits happy." It was his turn to swallow hard when Willow shyly cupped her breasts in her hands and flicked her nipples with her thumbs. Her forefingers moved to join her thumbs in pinching her now hardened nipples, and her eyes closed briefly in enjoyment of the sensation. Angelus was so hard he was beginning to ache. Still fondling himself, he continued his instructions huskily, "Let your hands slide across your skin as you remove your skirt and panties. Feel yourself."

Willow gave her breasts a firm squeeze as her head fell back for a moment, then slowly let her hands run over ribs and belly before reaching behind her to unfasten her skirt. The skirt dropped at her feet and she stared hard at Angelus. Her face expressed desire and the shyness was barely discernable. "Do you see how hard you make me Willow? Do like knowing the power watching you get naked has over me?"

"Yes," she whispered so softly that he wouldn't have heard her had he been human. Her eyes remained trained on him and the fingertips of one hand circled her belly button as the other ran along the top of her pink lace panties.

"Don't ever be bashful about showing me your body, baby, it's pink and white perfection and drives me to distraction."

His words gave her the confidence to finish; she began to push her panties down her legs, turning around as she did so, so that Angelus got a marvelous view when she reached her feet. She took her time removing them from her feet, keeping her legs apart enough to make sure the view was worthy. With a mischievous look she turned back around and smiled shyly.

Angelus took her hips and pulled her closer. Sliding his right hand through her pubic hair, he lightly ran his fingers across her wetness until she moaned.

Willow was lust addled and to get her attention Angelus removed his hand, causing her to sigh in disappointment.

He sucked his fingers into his mouth to taste her. "Willow, your pussy is so wet. You didn't follow orders to the letter, though, do you think you deserve to be rewarded?"

For a moment she looked confused, then she obviously remembered where she had gone wrong. "Oh! I, I improvised. Please, don't, I mean, I was trying to be sexy by turning around and making the view nice for you…I didn't mean to not maintain eye contact. I'm sorry."

She looked so miserable at her gaffe that he almost felt sorry for her, but it worked well for the game he was playing. He smiled compassionately, "That's all right, baby, you can make it up to me."

Willow nodded, "Yes, I'll make it up to you. Tell me what to do. Please."

God, just her eagerness to please alone was enough to make a vamp come in his pants. "Okay, Willow, I want you to make us both come, without any help from me. I get to come first, of course, since I'm the injured party."

"Okay. But, I don't know what to do. Can you tell me what to do? Is that allowed?"

"Of course." The smell of her fear of failure was invigorating, making the whole situation all the sweeter. She wasn't going to have to work very hard to get him off. "Now, on your knees. Right here in front of me."

She complied immediately, looking up at him expectantly for the next command.

"You're going to give me a blow job." He had to hide a smile; the combination of fear and eager anticipation on her wonderfully expressive face amused him. "Don't worry, I'll tell you what to do. First, open my pants and pull them down enough to get to my dick."

Willow was someone who always endeavored to do a job well and Angelus enjoyed watching her concentrate on the task at hand. Her hands shook a bit, but she deftly unbuttoned, unzipped and started to pull his pants down. He lifted his hips to assist. She looked at his cock as if she had never seen it before; this time he had to chuckle out loud. At her hurt look, he said, "No, sweet, don't feel bad, you're doing fine. Now, wrap your hand around the base. That's it. You're going to suck it into your mouth as far as you can, using the hand to reach what your mouth can't. With your other hand you'll gently fondle my balls. Be very careful not to hurt me with your teeth. When I come, you'll swallow it. You may or may not like the taste and swallowing, but we won't know until you try. If you don't like it, I won't come in your mouth in the future. Got it?"

Her eyes were full of trepidation, but she nodded, determination apparent in the set of her jaw.

"Don't worry, sweet girl, it's easy, you'll see. I've done it hundreds of times, and it's not hard, just something that you have to get a feel for." He smiled at her look of astonishment, "Yes, love, I've given blow jobs, but that's other stories for other times. In the meantime, relax, it'll make it easier for you, and don't feel pressured to be perfect the first time. Ready?"

Willow suddenly looked like she didn't know which way was up, but smiled softly and said, "Yes."

As her head bent over his lap and she took him in her mouth, Angelus involuntarily sucked in his breath. "Ahhhh, yesss," he hissed. She was using her tongue for leverage since she was being careful about not hurting him with her teeth, and it felt so good that he had to make a major effort not to shoot into her mouth immediately. He rested his hand on the back of her head to aid in setting the pace, and his chest rumbled in pleasure as his own head fell back. "Oh, yeah baby, you're doing so good."

When she started to play with his balls he realized this lesson was coming to an end; he couldn't hold back. "I'm gonna…ungh…," he grunted and jerked as he came. He had meant to give her more warning, but an inexperienced mouth had charms of its own and he hadn't been as controlled as he would've liked.

Willow's head bobbed along trying to keep up with his movements, doing her best to catch all of his semen in her mouth. She gagged a bit as she tried to swallow and suck at the same time. When he was finished coming, she looked up at him uncertainly, cum smeared at the side of her mouth.

Lightly touching the side of her face, he sighed contentedly, "That was amazing, Willow, you did good."

"But, I gagged and…are you sure you're not just saying that?"

Angelus pulled his pants up without fastening them and pulled her onto his lap. "I'm sure. Most people gag a lot sooner than you did. You did a great job and it will get easier the more you do it. You'll see. Different angles make it easier to take more in, too." He kissed the top of her head, "You're a remarkable little over-achiever, Miss Rosenberg."

Willow smiled up at him gratefully. Praise went a long way with this girl. It always surprised and disgusted him that she had had so little up to this point in her life. It wasn't just him that she tried to please…it was everyone who crossed her path. How could more people not have responded to that?

Angelus sat her back towards his knees so he could look at her face and said with a roguish grin, "Now it's time to get yourself off. What's your plan?"

Willow looked at him in shock and stuttered, "I…I…I. No plan."

Sighing in mock disappointment, he said, "Tell you what, I'll get you started, then just sit back and give instructions. Sound good?"

"Um. You'll tell me what to do?"


Willow continued to look anxious and skeptical, "And you're okay with not…it'll just be me?"

Angelus laughed, "Believe me, darlin', watching you get yourself off will be satisfying for me. It's a guy thing. Trust me on this." Pushing her off of his lap gently, he got up and went over to the liquor cabinet and poured Willow a shot of whiskey. Returning to the sofa, he handed her the glass, "Drink this, it'll help."

Tentatively, she took the glass from him and peered into it.

"Just knock it back in one gulp. It'll burn going down, but it'll relax you."

Willow did as he instructed, but coughed and glared as she felt its affects. "Hhhhhrrrrr, ack!" Fanning herself frantically, she said, "That's bad!"

"Everybody thinks that the first time. Even I did and I'm an Irishman. It grows on you." Angelus got on his knees in front of Willow and put his hands on her thighs, insinuating himself between them. Massaging gently, he asked, "Better yet? Does it feel nice and warm in your stomach?"

Willow smiled at him, "Yeah," she paused to take inventory. "Definitely yeah. I feel kind of nice and mellow."

"Good. Now we can get this show on the road." Angelus increased the pressure of his massaging on her thighs, pulling them further apart as he did so, and worked his way up. Once his thumbs made contact with her delicate folds, he leaned his head in to take a nipple in his mouth. His thumbs played along the ultra-sensitive skin, but just enough to tease her mercilessly. Deftly running his tongue around her nipple until it was as hard as it could get, he switched to the other one when she moaned in frustration. Willow's body was undulating in time to his touch. Such a sexually responsive girl, he thought smugly. His hands moved to her head and pulled it to him, he kissed her the way he knew she liked, driving her passion on.

She was ready, in Angelus' expert opinion. He pulled away from her, smirking at her pitiful whimper, and tugged a throw blanket over, spreading it across the end of the couch. Picking Willow up, Angelus adjusted the blanket and laid her on it. Her back was on the arm of the couch and she was reclining. As she looked up at him, eyes full of unfulfilled desire and curiosity, he moved her left foot to the back of the couch and sat the right on the floor. Standing back to check the pose, he decided it was just right. "Such a lovely sight ya are, lovely Willow. I want you to touch yourself now. Your pussy is feeling all horny and neglected, so trace it with your fingers. With the other hand I want you to play with a nipple. And shut your eyes while you do it. You can make yourself feel good."

Willow was blushing, her heart was pounding and she looked mortified. Once again she was gathering her nerve and Angelus waited patiently. She got scared, but she always came around. Being patient wasn't much of a hardship considering the view he had to entertain him. Taking a deep breath and letting it out slowly, Willow closed her eyes and did exactly what he had told her to. She was going about it hesitantly and Angelus helped her along with some coaching.

Putting his mouth right next to her ear, he said in a seductive voice, "Sweetheart, nobody can know your body like you do. Squeeze your breast, tweak your nipple, test out what amount of pressure feels best." As she did, he continued, "That's it baby, now alternate between a harsh touch and something feather light to see if that adds to the effect. While you're doing that, try putting one or more fingers into your vagina and then try taking them out and rubbing your clit. Experiment. Know which things or combination of things feel best." She was listening and following directions still, but she was getting into it and Angelus was hard again watching her learn about pleasing herself.

Willow was lightly strumming her fingertips across an erect nipple and using the heel of her hand to rub her clit which she had lubricated with her own juices. Her hips were thrusting into her hand and she was making humming sounds in her throat. Angelus wasn't surprised that she was so successful her first time masturbating; she was smart as a whip. She was going to come soon, and as much as he was loving watching this, there was a device he wanted her to add to the mix.

Fetching a box out of the desk drawer, he returned to the couch where Willow's humming was increasing in pitch. He took out a vibrator that was about the same size as his cock and turned it on. As he pressed the tip to Willow's fingers, she opened her eyes to see what he was doing. Angelus handed her the vibrator, "Baby, try this." Willow was much less inhibited now that she was so turned on and took the vibrator in both hands to examine. Angelus sat on the coffee table so he could have a front row seat.

Willow moved her feet so that they were flat on the seat of the sofa and her knees bent. The _expression on her face was unreadable and her mouth was open slightly. The look was alluring, but Angelus was used to reading Willow like a book…this was unusual. Grasping the base of the vibrator Willow ran the tip lightly across her clit and her hips jerked in response, "Ohh," she gasped, but didn't take her eyes off of her task.

Angelus unfastened his pants and took his cock in his hand, roughly pumping it as he watched Willow discover her body. It was incredibly erotic watching his innocent lover hover over her pussy with the vibrator. He moaned out loud when she plunged it in and began a fairly rapid pace, hitting her g-spot with every thrust. Willow threw her head back and began to keen as she sped up her tempo with the vibrator. Her bottom was coming off the couch in her fervor. When she sounded like she couldn't take anymore, Angelus was surprised to see her remove the vibrator and press it to her clitoris. She came so hard she banged her head on the arm of the sofa. As her body was seized with tremors, Angelus was overcome. He had just intended to watch and jack off, but he had to have her now.

He took the vibrator, turned it off and laid it on the coffee table. Without even removing his pants, he climbed between Willow's legs and took a hold of her knees. Closing his eyes, he remembered Willow pumping herself with the vibrator, looking so wanton and amazing. As he emulated her actions with the device, her vaginal walls were quivering against him still and she ground her pelvis into his.

Angelus opened his eyes and watched her as he fucked her into the couch. Her eyes were glazed and hungry and both hands were fondling her breasts, flicking her nipples with her fingernails. He roughly pressed his thumb to her clit and let his head fall forward as he came in a rush, his balls tender from the force. He was vaguely aware that Willow had had an orgasm, too. He had meant for her to come again before he did, but he was too engulfed in his own response to the sexual images to think straight. Collapsing on top of her, he said to her in a voice husky with exhaustion, "Jesus, baby, you never disappoint."

~Part: 18~

Spike looked away in disgust, he was pissed. Angelus couldn’t care less. The ungrateful crip should be thankful for fucksake. He, Angelus, generous sire that he was, had procured this wonderful mansion for them. This was an ideal place for Spike to recover undetected by the Slayer. It was perfect for Dru, too; it seemed to fire her…whatever…the altered reality she lived in. She acted like the garden was the greatest place she had ever encountered in her life. Conveniently located here on Crawford Street, it was exactly what those two needed. Well, he had done his part in seeing to their needs, that’s all that mattered. They had been here a few days, long enough to get settled in, and he had dropped by to check on them and relieve some of the pressure that was building up.

Since his relationship with Willow had started showing signs of moving into a… kinkier direction, he’d been increasingly feeling the need to express that side of himself. Things needed to move at a natural pace with her, he didn’t want to ruin the progress that he had made by pushing too fast, too soon. Hence, he was here, fucking Drusilla into oblivion, exercising his baser needs. In turn, this was antagonizing the hell out of Spike, which was always a pleasure. It was all good.

Drusilla was presently naked with her wrists manacled to chains hanging from a rafter, his cum running down her leg. She was bleeding in multiple places from a crop he had used on her and bites he had inflicted during the course of his fun. Her toes barely reached the floor, causing stress on her shoulders and she was happy as a clam. They were in the master bedroom and Spike was sitting in his wheelchair, glowering for all he was worth. Just for shits and grins, Angelus had decided to make him watch.

Standing behind her, Angelus wrapped an arm around her waist, pressing his lips to her ear, “Drusilla honey, would you like it in the ass now?”

She moaned in response and pressed back into him and his erection, “Oh yes, Daddy! Please, please, please!”

Angelus took his cock in his hand, rubbing it along her crack. “Such a good girl,” he said silkily. Spike was growling and it was getting too loud to ignore. “Listen Spike, if you can’t just sit there and enjoy the show, I’m going to take you downstairs, throw you over the back of the couch, strip you of your pants and order the minions to fuck you in the ass until dawn. What do you think *that* will do for your standing around here? Oops, ‘standing’, no pun intended,” he said with a malignant grin.

Spike scowled, but stopped growling, “All right. I get it. I bloody fucking get it, Angelus.”

“Good.” Angelus lifted Drusilla’s thighs slightly and entered her hard, without a lubricant, and grunted. He established a harsh tempo and said, “Keep up the good behavior Roller-boy and I’ll let you suck me off when I’m finished.”

Drusilla was moaning rapturously, shoving her ass into Angelus as much as her precarious position would allow. “Harder, Daddy! Punish me!”

Angelus held Drusilla’s hips in a bruising grip and pounded into her glorious tightness as hard as he could. Through gritted teeth he asked, “Like that, Baby?”

“Yes! Yes, my Angel!”

“Tell me why you need to be punished, have you been bad?” Angelus loved the feeling of not having to hold back and relished the smell of blood and the sound of skin slapping against skin. He was only slightly taken aback at his insane childe’s response to his question.

“Mummy is fragile for now. So make Princess’ bottom bleed instead. Ohhhhhh, yesss. Make me hurt.”

Angelus threw his head back with an animalistic howl, lifting Drusilla higher and thrust at a brutal pace until he came. Grunting and jerking until his orgasm spent itself, he reached around and harshly twisted her distended clitoris. Screaming and bucking, Drusilla found her release. Her satisfaction wasn’t his objective, but Spike’s agitation always increased as a result. Dru reveled in any attention from her Daddy and it made Spike crazy. Angelus never tired of the ‘mind fuck’, it was, after all, one of his specialties.

Wrapping Drusilla in his arms, Angelus buried his face in her hair, giving himself a moment to recover. She was cooing like a dove. Amazing, he thought, even a vampire should be in a great deal of pain after so much abuse.

Releasing her wrists, he massaged her hands and arms up to what must be pretty achy shoulders while she mumbled about Daddy, Mummy, Spikey and what a lovely family she had.

Ignoring her ramblings, fairly certain she’d regained feeling in her arms, he patted her ass fondly and said, “Off with you now, Dru, go clean up, then join Spike and me in bed.

Drusilla glided off obediently to do as she was told, humming cheerfully. Angelus turned to Spike with a smirk, “She’s a lunatic all right, but she’s *our* lunatic. Come here, boy.”

Spike looked suspicious, but had no alternative but to obey.

Angelus felt a wave of affection as he gazed down at his ornery favorite. Stroking the side of Spike’s face, he said, “What am I going to do with you, lad? You’re such a trial.”

Spike just eyed him belligerently, but Angelus knew him well enough to know the attention was softening him up. Hoisting him out of the wheelchair, Angelus tossed him over his shoulder and carried him to the bed where he unceremoniously dumped him.

Angelus laughed at Spike’s continuing glare.  With his hands on his hips, he said, “Spikey, I’m no fool. I know you’re holding out on me.”

With a haughty look, Spike replied, “I have no idea what you’re going on about, mate. While we’re talking about ‘holding out’, why don’t you enlighten me about all this ‘Mummy’ talk Dru’s been spouting lately.”

“All in good time, boyo,” Angelus said as he began to remove Spike’s boots. “Right now we’re going to talk about how you’re pretending to be in worse shape than you are.” Having removed Spike’s socks and boots, Angelus leaned over and slowly began to unbutton his Levis while maintaining eye contact. “*I* know your recovery is more advanced than you‘re letting on,” he said while unhurriedly removing the boys cock from his pants and teasingly running his hand up and down it as it hardened, “and *you* certainly know it, so let’s dispense with the bullshit, shall we?”

Spike closed his eyes and moaned. Angelus smirked and abruptly stopped stroking Spike’s cock and threw himself down on the bed, arranging pillows so he could lounge comfortably. “Take off your shirts, Spike, make yourself comfortable.”

Doing as he was told, Spike looked up at Angelus with distrust; he didn’t like all the mixed signals he was getting. “What’s it to you, anyway? You don’t give a rats ass what goes on around here.”

Raising an eyebrow, deciding not to rise to the bait, he replied, “I care a great deal; we’re family.” With a stern, but warm look, he continued, “Don’t ever forget that.” He continued to look at Spike, letting his words sink in.

Spike carefully studied Angelus’ expression, looking for the truth in his eyes. Evidently he found it, because he nodded, conveying truce.

Angelus smiled, “Good then,” and patted the spot next to him. “Now come over here and take some of my blood. Whatever your recovery status is, you’re still not one hundred percent.”

Eagerly, Spike slid to Angelus’ side and let out a sensual growl as he sunk his fangs in for the peerless taste of his elder’s blood.

Angelus closed his eyes and purred; nothing felt like this, it was as erotic and sensuous as it was animalistic. While Spike drank, he began to stroke Angelus’ erection as he ground his own into his sire’s thigh.

As Angelus began to thrust into Spike’s hand, he considered how long it had been since they’d been together like this. Too long. For a century it had been the soul’s fault. Since his return it had been his own, mostly as a result of his relationship with Willow. The bond he had with Spike had always been strong. Technically, Drusilla had made him, but in all the ways that counted, Spike was his. Angelus groaned as Spike stopped feeding and licked at the residual blood.

Spike lifted his head and they looked into each other’s eyes, sharing a moment of silent communication. Angelus pulled Spike’s head down and kissed him with brutal passion. Pushing Spike onto his back, Angelus licked and sucked a trail down his jaw and neck, taking a moment to savor the taste he’d missed for so long. He fondled Spike’s balls as he continued a path down his torso. This was out of character, but he intended to show Spike he meant everything he had said and conveyed wordlessly.

“Oh, god,” Spike cried out as Angelus’ lips took in the tip of his cock and sucked hard all the way down, until he had taken in his entire length. Angelus hadn’t given head for a long time, but he knew nobody could do it better…well, actually, Spike was the one exception, but since he couldn’t give it to himself…. As Spike mindlessly writhed and moaned his pleasure, Angelus relentlessly worked his tongue and lips from base to tip, continuing to fondle his sac. No way could Spike last much longer. As if on cue, he came in a rush and Angelus swallowed every drop, working him until the orgasm had run its course.

“Oh, bloody fucking hell, Angelus,” Spike said huskily as his entire body relaxed bonelessly into the mattress.

Angelus chuckled and crawled back up the bed, gathering a languid Spike in is arms. They were both lost in their own thoughts, enjoying each other’s company in an intimate silence they hadn’t shared since before the Gypsy curse.

Drusilla returned from her bath clean and fairly well healed from her sire’s earlier attentions. Clasping her hands under her chin she swung back and forth gleefully, “Oh, goody, everybody is getting along! Miss Edith told me it would be soon. The stars are singing with happiness because their plans are coming together!”

As she danced around the room to music only she could hear, Angelus smiled at her antics and beckoned her to him. “Dru, honey, come here, I have things to discuss with you two.”

Spinning her way to the bed, Drusilla threw herself across their legs, smiling beatifically, “Yes, please. Do tell. Princess wants to hear how we’ll all play and be happy like before. Mummy will be ever so pleased.” A faraway look of consternation came over her face and she said, “In time.”

Spike pulled himself into a sitting position and scrubbed his face with his hands in frustration. “Angelus,” he said turning to face his sire, “I know you get off on being a secretive bastard, but what gives?”

Vampires really are pack animals, Angelus reckoned. These two were a part of him and he was renewed by spending time with them like this. Even his relationship with Willow would benefit from him taking the time to feed his true nature. Spike and Drusilla were his progeny and it was time to take a step in combining what had become his two worlds.

Angelus looked at Spike and smiled, “Very well. I’ve got a story to tell you.”

Spike raised his eyebrow, “I’m listening.”

“This hard-on isn’t going away by itself, though.” Glancing down at Drusilla, Angelus said, “Dru, be a good girl and suck my dick. Spike went and got me all excited.”

Drusilla giggled and did her sire’s bidding.

Angelus groaned as she greedily went about her task. Not an iota of irritation from Spike this time. He’d done a good job of restoring balance in his family, he congratulated himself smugly.

“I’ve abducted the Slayer’s friend, Willow. She now belongs to me,” Angelus said with a grunt as Drusilla applied delicious suction to his cock.

Spike looked thoughtful. “The little redhead with the brains?”

Angelus chuckled, “Yep, that’s my girl.” Glancing down, he said, “Oh, yeah, Dru, suck me hard, that’s so good.”

Spike was trying to assimilate the situation, “You mean she’s your pet? Why all the distance, then? She should be here.”

Angelus grabbed a handful of Drusilla’s hair and began to fuck her mouth hard. “Oh yeah, baby, that’s it, Daddy’s close,” and with a fierce growl he spilled his seed in her cool, welcoming mouth. Angelus sighed and regrouped while Drusilla licked him clean.

Angelus smiled at Drusilla, “You did good, Dru. I’m all better now.”

Drusilla simpered with delight.

“Yeah, yeah,” Spike said with impatience, “You’re all sucked off of your man juice, now get on with story time.”

“Yes, Daddy,” Drusilla said with a bounce, “Do tell us the story. I love stories.”

“Spike, my boy, some things never change. You’re so impatient.”

Spike raised his hand, palm up and grinned, “I know, I know, don’t tell me,” and he did his best imitation of Angelus’ brogue of old, “An Irishman likes to tell his tales well and in his own good time.”

“Aye, laddie,” Angelus said with a bark of laughter, “exactly.” God, he thought, it was good to be back. “And to answer your question, Willow’s not a pet.” Angelus thought for a moment. “Remember Nicholai and Genevieve?”

“Oh, yes, Daddy, “ Drusilla said with a clap. “Lovely Genevieve told wonderful stories too!”

Angelus chuckled, “Yes, Genevieve could spin a yarn with the best of ‘em.”

Spike nodded slowly, “I remember them. She was a witch and he was a vampire, a Russian bloke. They were mated. Bonded somehow,” he said as he searched his memory. “They had been together five hundred years and some change when that bastard Holtz did away with Nicholai.”

“Right,” Angelus replied with a growl. God, he’d hated the vampire hunter and killer Holtz with a deep and abiding passion. “Tried to do away with us a time or two as well as you’ll recall.”

“Yeah, mate,” Spike said with a snort, “right arsehole that one was.”

“Indeed,” Angelus agreed with a sneer.

Drusilla drew her knees up to her chin and whimpered at the memory. “Bad, bad man.”

Spike patted her head and ran his fingers lovingly through her hair, “Don’t worry luv, this is a different story.” Looking back at Angelus with intense interest, Spike asked, “So their bond, or whatever it was, made her immortal as well, that’s how they were able to be together so long, right?”

Angelus nodded.

“This is a lot to take in Angelus. First of all, I’m thinking a deal like that was a combination of a spell and vampire blood bond. Besides, doesn’t it require a vampire and pretty potent witch? And I’m thinking something magical…or pre-ordained or the like?”

Angelus nodded slowly as the seriousness of his relationship sunk in with Spike.

“That’s just as the stars said as they sang their beautiful song about Mummy,” Drusilla said in a dreamy sing song voice.

Angelus and Spike both glanced at Drusilla with contemplative expressions.

“The stars are right, Dru honey,” Angelus said fondly.

Spike scratched his head, still a little taken aback by this information. “Angelus, are you sure? This little girl is…. This is a forever kind of thing? That’s a big commitment.”

Angelus sank back comfortably into a bank of pillows and stretched. “I know it, Spike, but it just is. There is no doubt, Willow and I are destined to be mated.”

“Well, okay then. When do you bring the ball and chain home?”

Angelus was glad that Spike accepted the situation fairly easily, it simplified matters. “I don’t. Willow is human. It will be some time before she’s ready to accept the big picture. Hell, for all I know it will be years before she’s ready to cohabitate with a houseful of vampires…maybe never.”

Spike nodded, he could see how that might be the case.

“She doesn’t even know a bond like the one Nick and Genevieve shared exists. I’m taking it slow, making sure she has time to adjust to things as we go. So far that philosophy is working out. Besides,” Angelus continued with a sigh, “I have to locate Genevieve. I have to find out the elements necessary to make this happen…”

Drusilla interrupted, “Don’t worry my Angel, fate and the stars make sure everything comes together as it should.”

Angelus quirked an eyebrow at her, “Thank you, Dru, that’s good to know.”

She just smiled softly and hummed, raising her arms as if to hug the sky.

“In the meantime, I’m scouring the world in search of that elusive little witch and keep just missing her. She travels a lot.” Angelus sighed, “I’ve got to be close, though, and I’m not sure if Willow is ready yet or not anyway. Not rushing her is important. I absolutely don’t want to frighten her.”

“Right,” Spike agreed. “Not everyone is real hot on immortality.”

Angelus rose from the bed and began to gather his clothes. “So that’s the story for now kiddies. I’m going to continue living separately with Willow. We’ll just have to wait and see what the future holds and how things unfold.” With that, he headed towards the bathroom. “I’m going to go take a shower and head home to her right now and fuck her into the mattress…maybe twice,” he said with a smirk.

Spike called out from his place from the bed, “Hey, Angelus!”

Angelus paused and turned to look at him.

“Welcome back,” Spike said with a grin. “And don’t be a stranger.”

Angelus returned his grin and replied, “Count on it, boy.”

~Part: 19~

He was a lucky bastard and he knew it. His woman was so beautiful, spread out beneath him on their bed. Her long titian hair covered the pillow and flowed onto the mattress, setting off her flawless skin and vibrant green eyes. He was slowly thrusting in and out of her, gazing in awe at the hunger and need for him blatant in her expression.

Sometimes he was overwhelmed by the feelings she had for him. To be loved and desired like that was heady for an undeserving bloke like him. Making love to her like this was beyond anything he could’ve imagined in his debauched past. Drinking and whoring had been all that mattered to him then. Before her. Before his Willow. Now he was a changed man and strove constantly to be the man that she deserved. She had been his salvation.

“Liam! Liam love, don’t be distracted,” she panted. “I need, I need…”

Liam chuckled knowingly and sped up his hips, his lovely bride was a lusty wench and he knew just how to best please her. He loved her with all that he was and what made her happy was what mattered most in his world.

“Oh, yes, darlin’ that’s it! Oh, oh!”

She was raising her hips in perfect rhythm to his thrusts and he didn’t know how much longer he could last. He put pressure on her clitoris with his fingers and shifted his angle to give her maximum satisfaction. Before her inevitable mews of pleasure, he felt her walls spasm and knew that her climax was upon her. What a relief! He spilled his seed into her with a series of grunts and thrusts just as the baby in the bassinet next to their bed began to cry.

Angelus woke with a start and bolted upright in the bed looking around frantically. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, he said to himself, that was one hell of a dream. More than a dream. He’d *felt* it; like he was there. Rising quietly from the bed, careful not to disturb Willow, Angelus donned his robe and went to sit in one of the armchairs by the fireplace.

He was shaken. In the dream he’d been himself, but not really. He’d been his human self. He scrubbed his hands over his face and hair, trying to clear his head. With unsteady hands he reached for his cigarettes on the table next to him and lit one. Inhaling deeply, he tried to calm himself.

It was as if his dream self had been him when he was human, but after what would’ve been the time he was changed. Taking a deep drag of his cigarette, he remembered how he had felt in that place between the dream and waking when ‘dream Willow’ had said in a soft, regretful voice, “What would’ve been.” The powerful emotions he’d felt for her, their life together and their child were so wondrous and intense that he’d felt regret, too. Regret in leaving behind that blissful world. Now it felt like memories. Hell, he even knew the name of their child. Siobhan. She was the product of the love they shared and the light of their lives.

Angelus shuddered. This was beyond peculiar. In spite of all his years as a vampire, he felt very in touch with his Irish roots. He still believed in the mysticism that was so ingrained in his people. In his mind it was a part of everything that was Irish: the people, the rich, verdant land, the very buildings that populated Ireland. He felt certain in his cold, dead, superstitious Irish heart that the dream was a sign.

What the fucking hell was it a sign of, he wondered with frustration. He’d already accepted that he and Willow were fated. He needed to find that goddamned gadabout witch Genevieve. He knew she would have the answers. She was a traveler, and always had been. But her unintentional elusiveness was proving maddening now that he was actively trying to track her down.

Ah, well, he thought with resignation, the investigator he’d procured assured him that locating Genevieve was near at hand. In the meantime, things were going swimmingly with Willow and he’d been extremely successful in dealing with Spike and Dru. In fact, it had been a piece of cake. With a wry chuckle he wondered what Willow would say down the road when she discovered that in Dru’s rather skewed way of thinking, she was ‘Mummy’. Drusilla was notoriously intractable when she got something in her head, so doubtless ‘Mummy’ it would be. Indefinitely. He grinned and thought, well, that would be Willow’s problem.

There were a number of ways his childer could’ve received his news. He was glad it was positive. He’d thought that perhaps her status as not only a human, but a cohort of the Slayer would be an issue. But, no, they’d accepted his announcement just fine. They were probably just happy to have him back. Well, he thought with a snicker, that and the fact that he hadn’t punished them for trying to kill him when he’d had his soul. He’d decided to forgive those transgressions since they’d probably long since given up hope that he’d return and reclaim his body.

Every single thing had fallen into place since this…‘thing’ with Willow had begun. He’d just take Spike and Dru’s reactions like he did the rest; as a sign. A sign that he was following the correct path, fulfilling his intended destiny.

Even though the room was dark, he could see Willow clearly with his preternatural sight. She looked very at peace sleeping soundly, with a small smile on her lips. It was a shame to disturb her, but that’s just what he was about to do. He would fuck her silly and put all of the thoughts racing through his head to rest.

Flicking his cigarette into the fireplace, he rose and went to the bed. Willow was on her side and he slid under the covers behind her, wrapping his arms around her satin covered waist. She smelled nice, but different, he thought, burrowing his face into her soft neck. Then she shocked the hell out of him.

In the heavy brogue of his homeland, she murmured, “Liam, you randy lad, you *just* had me and the baby needs fed. She’s as greedy and insatiable as her da. You can have me again when she’s finished, I promise.”

Angelus couldn’t believe his ears and didn’t move a muscle. I’ll be a sonofabitch, Willow’s having the same damned dream, he thought incredulously. He didn’t know what to make of this development. The smell he couldn’t place before came back to him and he tentatively ran his fingers across her breasts. The nightgown was damp. He smelled his fingers; mother’s milk.

So much for fucking away the thoughts and memories of the dream. He’d let Willow sleep and continue the dream. If it seemed real enough to her that her breasts were leaking, it would be mean to take her away from that blissful state. He snuggled against her, laying his head on her pillow next to hers. As he continued to contemplate the strangeness of the circumstances, he decided that maybe it wasn’t so odd after all. It was a shared fate, why wouldn’t it be a shared dream? He supposed it made more sense this way than it did when he thought it was just his dream. It also made it feel all the more real…or validated.

He also felt closer to Willow. The inevitability of their relationship felt…good. It made him feel more sure of her and that was a relief. Certainly she hadn’t been with him long, but already he’d felt concern that his vampire nature would drive her away. They seemed to have an unspoken agreement, though, since she never once questioned his forays into the night. She knew what he was, so there could be no doubt in her mind of his eating habits. His impression was that she chose to overlook it…or pretend it wasn’t there. He couldn’t very well come right out and ask her thoughts on the subject…that would defeat the purpose of an ‘unspoken agreement’, after all.

Jesus, he wished he could go to sleep. His mind wouldn’t quit working and the one sure distraction, fucking Willow, wasn’t an option.

The sex in the dream had him horny and Willow’s warm, pliant body snuggled next to his exacerbated the problem. It was damned unfair that the dream that had caused Willow to produce milk hadn’t caused him to have an orgasm when his dream counterpart had. With a smirk, he thought, well, I can smell that while Willow had gotten excited, she hadn’t come in real life either.

Rolling away from the temptation of his lover’s body, he grabbed his own pillow in frustration, beating it into submission and settling down on it. Besides his hating to disturb the dream, Willow needed her rest. Angelus smiled when he thought about how delighted she’d be tomorrow when she discovered what he had planned for her: a day of beauty. Service, Inc., was sending people to pamper her. They’d tend to her hair, skin and nails, making her feel like a princess.

Smugly, he thought that Service, Inc. was one of the smartest ideas he’d had since he’d become a vampire. He’d established it 127 years ago. He had had several investors, but it was his brainchild. The concept was simple yet ingenious. He couldn’t believe no one else had ever thought of it. Vampires and demons had many needs and it was complicated to see to them in the human way. Service, Inc. provided a myriad of services to all preternatural beings who could afford them…and agreed to the terms. The idea originally came to him when for the umpteenth time, Darla, lacking a proper ladies maid, had made him fix her hair. He’d had the knack, but felt that it was beneath his dignity.

Lots of demons and half breeds had trouble making a living. His idea was to hire and train them to provide services. Hairdressers, butlers, maids, private investigators, solicitors…the list went on and on. Many humans, for one reason or another, were aware of the demon element and were hired as well. The screening process was onerous, as nobody worked for Service, Inc. that wasn’t absolutely trustworthy and discreet. Employees were paid extremely well and their safety was guaranteed. Clients signed contracts that stated they would in no way harm employees. The patrons were so happy to have the services provided without the hassles of dealing with the human world that they readily complied with the terms.

In this day and age, the company was as useful as ever. The biggest demand remained hairdressers. Vampires were notoriously vain, but without a reflection, haircuts and styling were a problem. One couldn’t very well walk into the neighborhood salon for a trim…panic would ensue the moment lack of reflection was noticed.

Business was booming, and profits had reached an all time high last year. Just the convenience of owning such an enterprise was wonderful for Angelus. The income helped keep his coffers full, and his entire staff at the house had come readily trained and understood the unusual nature of his household. In fact, everybody that currently was in Angelus’ employ worked for Service, Inc. For over a hundred years it had managed itself, he rarely had to involve himself. Luckily, not long after the enterprise was established, Angelus had found an Andelphin demon to run things. Andelphins were immortal. That was one way to keep good help, Angelus thought with a smirk. Well, that and paying top dollar.

Less preoccupied with the dream now that he had let his mind wander into business matters, Angelus thought maybe now he could get to sleep. Closing his eyes, he forced himself to stick to mundane thoughts.

~Part: 20~

Waking up with one thing on his mind, Angelus began to seduce Willow’s sleeping body. As she lay on her back, he carefully slid her nightgown up and over her head. She made pleased little sounds, but didn’t stir. Gently spreading her legs, he lightly ran his tongue up and down her clitoris and folds. When he stopped, she moaned in protest and lifted her hips slightly, urging him to continue. She wasn’t even fully awake and her body craved him; he smiled with masculine pride. Admiring the evidence of his handiwork on her glistening outer lips, he thought she was as pretty and ladylike there as she was everywhere else. There was a gentility to every aspect of Willow that he enjoyed very much.

Drowsily, she looked down at him with a soft smile and raised her hips towards his face. “Good morning, Angelus. That felt sooo good.”

“Good morning yourself, sweetheart. Feeling good is the whole point,” he said, grinning wickedly. Taking her thighs in his hands he began to pleasure her in earnest with his tongue and mouth. Soon Willow was in a frenzy of lust, the relaxed mood forgotten. Having started out horny as hell, Angelus was impatient and didn’t let her come before he entered her. Instead he raised up and impaled her when he judged her to be desperate with need.

Plunging into her hard and deep, Angelus gasped, “God, baby you feel so…oh, I’m going to fuck you so good.” The tingling in his lower belly was amazing and he could hardly think as he felt her wet tightness engulf and welcome him. Fucking Willow was unique. His body far surpassed the usual erotic feelings he associated with sex. The instant he entered her, he always felt mindless with the rush that went to every nerve ending. It took restraint to not just pound into her, letting the mad desire overtake him. If he weren’t such a seasoned lover, he wouldn’t stand a chance of resisting the lure. She deserved to be rewarded for being such a treat, however, so he persevered.

Willow was thrusting up to meet his down strokes so hard, he wouldn’t be surprised if her pelvic bone was bruised later. They were both so caught up in the heated coupling that they were muttering nonsense. Pulling his lips to meet hers in a brutal kiss, Willow came. Angelus didn’t even try to hold back his response to her grasping, spasming muscles. He collapsed on her and they lay there in a heap of satisfied exhaustion.

Angelus was roused out of his stupor by Willow wriggling and saying in a strangled voice, “Vampire heavy.”

Chuckling, he rolled off of her and pulled her onto his chest. “Sorry.”

Snuggling contentedly, she smiled, “Don’t apologize. It was worth near suffocation.”

Lying there in the aftermath felt so good, but, “Willow me darlin,’ don’t get too comfortable, you have a busy day ahead.”

She raised her head to look at him in surprised bewilderment, “I do?”

Well, that certainly had gotten her attention, he thought with smug satisfaction. “Yes, you do,” he said enigmatically. “So you’d better get yourself into the shower.”

Willow sat up, curious and exasperated, “Well?”

She looked charming sitting there naked and annoyed, all mussed from sex. Angelus enjoyed her squirming as he took his time studying all of her before he answered. “People are coming to pamper and dote on you. Like a day at the spa, but in the comfort of your own home.”

“Oh.” Willow looked and sounded disappointed, but Angelus was confident she’d enjoy herself.

“You’ll like it very much. I promise. You’ll feel like a million bucks and wonder how you ever got along without indulging yourself like that.” He chuckled at the roll of her eyes and took her hand, kissing her fingertips. “Just go with it, sweetheart. Try something new.”

“What about you? Will you be there?”

Angelus raised an inquisitive eyebrow, “Would you like me to be?”

“Yes! It’ll be more fun with someone to talk to. I’ll feel all…uncomfortable. Those girly-girl types make me feel…well, it’s just not my thing.”

Angelus didn’t like the insecurity that made her feel that way. Today’s activities would help combat that, though. The woman at Service, Inc. he’d spoken to when he called with his request understood that Willow was to be made to feel special and catered to. Nobody at Service, Inc. wanted to disappoint him and he was confident in the treatment his lover would receive. Besides being an enjoyable day for her, it was meant to aid in establishing a sense of entitlement: that feeling thus was her due. He gave her a winning smile, “Fine then, I’ll hang around and keep you company. All I ask is that you keep an open mind. Try it, and if you decide you don’t like it, then don’t do it again.” He was certain she’d enjoy herself, but he couldn’t very well imbue her with a sense of entitlement without giving her free choice in the matter.

Willow nodded. “Okay. I’ll let them do…whatever it is they do, and you know, not have preconceived notions.”

“Good girl.” Angelus had another card up his sleeve, “I have an additional surprise for you today, as well,” he said looking pleased with himself.

Willow hadn’t exactly been bowled over by his other big plan, so with a decided lack of enthusiasm, she asked, “What?”

Angelus pulled himself into a sitting position, “E-mail!”

She tilted her head, two lines forming between her brows, “E-mail?”

Taking his time to shove and fluff pillows behind him, he let her interest build. Once he was settled comfortably against the pillows and massive headboard, he replied, “Yes. I have a whole pile of printed out e-mails for you.” Smiling smugly, knowing she’d be delighted, he continued, “from your friends…and ‘your’ responses, naturally.”

Willow bounced in excitement and lunged at him. She gave him a smacking kiss on the lips and peppered his face with more. “Oh, I can’t wait!”

Angelus chuckled and looked at her lasciviously, “Make your tits bounce around like that some more and I’ll consider that incentive to come up with more happy surprises.”

Willow blushed, as he knew she would. “Oh you!” she said, pulling the sheet up self-consciously.

Grinning unrepentantly, he motioned towards the bathroom and said, “Now go and get ready. I’ll order your breakfast.”


Willow was alive with childlike excitement as she sat in her fluffy white terry cloth robe, invigorated from her shower, and nibbled fresh strawberries.

Angelus was studying the stock pages in the newspaper, letting her eat her breakfast in peace. He looked up to see her smiling widely when he felt her staring at him. “Yes, dear? Is there something you’d like to say?”

“I was just thinking that this is such a great day! First I had the most amazing dream and didn’t want to wake up, then we…you know…and it was *really* good.” Her eyes widened, “I mean, it’s *always* good, it was just…you know, extra great. And now I’ll get to see what the gang’s been up to since I left.” Her face became serious. “Thank you, Angelus.”

Angelus folded the paper, laid it on the table and smiled, gazing at her intently. “You’re welcome, Willow.” For some reason, he wasn’t quite sure what, he didn’t want to tell her that they’d shared the dream. “Care to tell me about your dream?”

She frowned and thought about it, pushing food around her nearly empty plate with her fork. When she looked up at him her expression was shy. “Well, it was very…um.” Smiling softly, she continued, “You’ll think I’m sappy. Do you mind if we don’t talk about it right now?”

Angelus thought it interesting that neither of them cared to discuss their shared dream with the other. Willow’s hesitancy was fortuitous, though, because it relieved him of any need to reciprocate. “That’s fine. I’m just glad you’re having pleasant dreams.” He could see that she was pleased that he wasn’t going to press the matter.

Willow put her fork on her plate, pushing it away from her, and tucked her linen napkin beneath it. Placing her arms on the table, she leaned forward, “Besides, there’s something else I wanted to say.”

Her expression was very serious and he was curious as to what else was on her mind. Raising an eyebrow, he asked, “Yes?”

She squirmed in her chair a bit and her eyes darted around, returning to him periodically before they settled on his face. “You…you, um.”

He smiled at her reassuringly, “Sweetheart, you can tell me anything. Just relax and tell me what’s on your mind.”

Willow looked slightly comforted and nodded. “Okay.” She took a deep breath, “This is the thing. I feel really good that you’re going to let me see the e-mails everyone’s been sending me. Thank you, again.” She paused to smile gratefully. “But, it’s more than that. I feel like it means that you trust me more. That you are ready to let life here feel more normal for me. That’s great because I miss my friends, of course, but mostly because it makes me feel like…um, like you want me.”

Angelus digested what she had said. He’d thought he’d been making it abundantly clear that he wanted her very much. He stood without speaking and went around the table to lean over her and kiss her lips very softly. He picked her up in his arms and carried her to the wingchair by the fireplace and settled her on his lap, turning her to face him. Looking into her eyes very seriously, he said, “Willow, if I’ve been giving you the impression that I don’t want you, then I’ve been inadvertently sending the wrong signals. I’m sorry for that.” He placed his fingertips on her cheek, “I want you very much.”

Tears filled her eyes and she appeared to be vastly relieved.

He wanted to ease her mind, but was on unfamiliar ground. Assurances weren’t his forte. Considering his next move, he watched one of the tears slide down her cheek. She certainly provoked tender emotions within him. He wiped the tear away with his thumb, running the fingers of the other hand through her silky hair. “Willow,” he kissed her lips, then sought eye contact, “You are not just a plaything to me. Not someone to be used and then discarded. I want us to be together for a very long time.”

A look of longing suffused her features. It was clear to him that she was afraid to put stock in his words. He respected that; this was a smart girl and he was a demon. She stared at him in silent contemplation.

“Trust isn’t built with words, Willow. Just as I’ve come to trust that you won’t run off the first chance you get, you’ll come to trust my intentions. Time, not words, will accomplish this.”

She nodded and straightened her shoulders.

Angelus smiled softly. He recognized the signs; Willow was gearing up to say something. He helped her get started, “Go on, then, Sweetheart. Speak your mind.”

She took a deep breath, gathering her nerve. “Here’s the thing.” She looked deeply into his eyes, “I love you.”

He knew she loved him. He just hadn’t been prepared for such a blatant verbalization. Before he could get his thoughts in order, she placed her fingers on his lips.

“Angelus, please don’t speak. It would be hard enough to say this to any guy…with a demon it…it’s, well, harder even. I just want….” Her heart was pounding a mile a minute and she swallowed hard. “I don’t want you to say it back. I wouldn’t believe you if you did. I just need it to be out there. I don’t just love you, I’m head-over-heels, madly in love with you. I think the reason I need to say it is…well, I don’t know for sure why. I guess I need to know if it’s going to make you dump me as fast as you can. I need to know if it changes anything. You know…better to be hurt bad now, than worse later. I just need you to know where my head’s at.”

Abruptly, she hopped off of his lap as he sat there speechless. “Now go get dressed so you’ll be ready for my appointment. And don’t say anything! I don’t want you to make one peep about what I said just now.” With that, she flounced off to brush her hair.

With a thoughtful expression, Angelus obediently rose from his chair to do as he was told.
