TITLE: Fearful Symmetry
AUTHOR: Samantha McCullah
EMAIL: ankhet@cswnet.com
DISTRIBUTION: Fever of Fate, The New Place, anyone else, please ask
SPOILERS: Beauty and the Beasts
CONTENT: Willow/Angel PWP
SUMMARY: Willow has an encounter with animalistic Angel.
DISCLAIMER: If we fans just suddenly told Joss, "Hey! Why would
we want characters as lame as these?", do you think he'd give
'em to us? Joss owns them; I'm just playing in his sandbox.

Tyger! Tyger! burning bright
In the forests of the night,
What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
-- William Blake, The Tyger

< The Heruli sacked Rome in 476, causing the fall of the Western
Roman Empire, but the Byzantine, or Eastern Empire, continued
until-- > Willow cut off her reading as a low growl came from a
pair of bushes behind her. She stopped walking and glanced up at
the street in front of her. The night was clear and bright, and
Willow could see her porch light glowing safely in the distance.
She steeled herself to run, but an icy dart of fear laced through
her body as another growl came this time from just to her right.
She knew that growl; it had haunted her dreams for nine months.
< It can’t be. He’s dead. Buffy killed him, >she tried to rationalize,
walking forward. She hadn't moved two steps when a hand shot out
of the bushes, closed around her mouth, cutting off her scream,
and pulled her into the park.

The man holding her smelled of the woods, but there was an underlying
scent of something else. < Brimstone, > she realized, her eyes widening.
< Oh, Goddess, it can’t-- > Her thoughts were cut off as her captor turned
her roughly to face him.

"A-Angel?" she gulped. The vampire growled in reply and grabbed her
shoulders; he pulled her against him roughly and kissed her hard.
His fangs slid out of their compartments and cut her lip. She jumped
back and gingerly touched the bleeding cut. "Angel, what are you
doing?" she asked in a shaky voice, stepping back as he growled and
advanced again. Her back touched the bushes, and she glanced over
her shoulder. < I can make it, > she thought, seeing the light from her
porch. She turned from Angel and started to run down the row of bushes
towards the opening of the park and her house.

Angel growled again and grabbed a handful of flashing red hair as she
passed. Willow let out a yelp of pain as her back impacted with
Angel's bare chest. < Oh, God. > She gulped slightly at the feel of
Angel as he pressed his body against hers; she felt wetness pool
between her legs as Angel rubbed his erection against the small of
her back. < Oh, God. > Her mind was reeling. < No, Willow, bad Willow.
This is Angel and he's obviously not in his right mind. Scream for
help. C'mon, girl, just scream, > her mind urged. She opened her mouth
ready to let anyone in the vicinity know she was in trouble, but all
that came out was a strangled moan as Angel's cold hands found their
way under her sweater.

His hands massaged her breasts through the thin fabric of her bra,
teasing her nipples into hard peaks. His mouth gently kissed her
ear and moved down the line of her jaw. She arched into him as his
fingers pinched hr nipples. One hand left her breasts and found the
clasp of her jeans. Her hands joined his as they pulled the button
open and his hand slid under the waistband and cupped her sex
through the cotton of her panties.

"Angel," she panted as he removed his hands from her jeans and sweater.
Common sense suddenly returned to Willow as she realized what she was
doing. < This isn’t happening, > she thought as Angel quickly removed
her shirt. His hands left her body and Willow briefly entertained a
thought of running, but Angel growled in warning. She shuddered with
pleasure as she heard his pants hit the ground. Angel wrapped his
hands around her waist and turned her to face him. He studied her
face with neutral animal eyes then with a growl, flung Willow to the

Willow managed to land on her stomach with a muffled 'oof' just as Angel
covered her body with his. Rushed hands grabbed the waistband of her
jeans and pulled them down to her ankles roughly. Her panties soon followed
as she was pulled to her hands and knees. Angel crawled off her body, and
Willow wondered what was going on just as she felt a cold breath against
her buttocks. <He's not going to-- > Then coherent thought left her mind
as Angel pressed his mouth against her slit. He swirled his tongue
around her clit, and Willow's hips bucked at the touch.

"Angel," she growled as his face left her cunt. He stood on his knees
behind her and positioned his cock at her entrance. He pushed himself
against her, entering her slowly, and Willow moaned as her body grew
accustomed to him. He pressed his face against her neck and growled
as his cock met the barrier of her virginity. His hands moved slowing
up her body and, pushing her bra out of the way, cupped her breasts.
Willow groaned as his fingers played with her nipples, and, with a
moan, she bucked her hips back, taking him completely.

"Goddess," Willow muttered as pain flared through her as her maidenhead
broke. She buried her face in her arms to keep from screaming. Angel
was still behind her and in her until, in the back of his animal mind,
he was certain her pain had passed. His hands moved from her breasts to
hold her hips as he began pumping into her. His pace was slow at
first until, urged on by Willow's moans, he pumped faster. He let one
hand leave her hip and wind under their bodies, seeking her clit. His
cold fingers traced circles around the nub as Willow met his thrusts
with her hips.

"Angel!" she keened as his fingers pulled on her clit He growled his
response and buried his face back into her neck. His fangs returned as
Willow shouted his name and her orgasm began. He sank his fangs into
her neck as she arched her backs as best she could and he pumped into
her faster until the clenching over her vaginal muscles sent him
spilling inside of her. They both collapsed forward with Angel still
on top of her. He removed his fangs from her neck and licked the
pooling blood there.

"Mine," he half-growled, half-panted.

