TITLE: In Another's Being (Beast Within part 16)
AUTHOR: Samantha McCullah
EMAIL: saint.angelus@usa.net
DISTRIBUTION: Anyone who has previous permission can post it. Any one who
wants it, ask first!
SPOILERS: Beauty and the Beasts, then it veers off into it's own little
CONTENT: Willow/Angel, PWP, some sweet stuff with the smut.
SUMMARY: With a rating like that, you need a summary?
DISCLAIMER: Not mine. Joss owns them; I'm just playing with his toys and
will return them when I finish.
NOTE: The rest of the series can be found at

The fountains mingle with the river,
And the rivers with the ocean;
The winds of heaven mix forever
With a sweet emotion;
Nothing in the world is single;
All things by a law divine
In another's being mingle--
Why not I with thine?
-- Percy Bysshe Shelley, Love's Philosophy

"This isn't happening," Willow denied, looking from Alan to Angel and back
again. "He can't do this."

"The Mayor wants to throw the Slayer--" Faith cleared her throat
interrupting Alan. "The, uh, other Slayer," he clarified with an apologetic
glance at the brunette; she nodded and motioned for him to continue. "He
wants Buffy off her guard, and he seems to think Angelus is the best way to
do that."

"But his soul is permanent," Willow explained, walking over to stand next
to the vampire; she touched his shoulder gently. Angel looked up from his
hands and touched her wrist; he brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it

"The Mayor has found a source of magickal...power that could remove Angel's
soul," Alan replied.

"No," Willow shook her head. Angel looked up at her and narrowed his eyes
as he noticed the tears sliding down her cheeks; he reached up and brushed
one away. Willow breath caught as she looked down at him. Faith stood up
suddenly and grabbed Alan's arm.

"C'mon, Civic Servant," she ordered, dragging the man out of his chair.
"Let's go walk the dog." She opened the door to the garden just as Oz-wolf
let out an ear-splitting howl. "If you need anything, Red...." Faith left
the offer hanging, shutting the door behind her.

"I don't want to lose you," Willow whispered, meeting Angel's eyes.

"You won't," he replied, reaching up and pulling her down into his lap.

"Angel, I-I want you," she muttered, kissing him lightly. "Now. Before
anything else goes wrong." He nodded, capturing her mouth; as his lips
brought hers open, his hands slipped under her t-shirt, causing her to jump
slightly at the feel of his cold flesh against hers. Angel groan softly as
her hips bucked against his growing erection.

"Tease," he growled into her mouth, earning him a low chuckle. In response,
he grabbed the hem of her shirt and pulled it over her head. Her bra
followed shortly after; his thumbs brushed over her nipples, causing Willow
to moan as they hardened under his fingers.

"Clothing," she panted. "In the way." Angel smirked slightly before
lowering his head to her breasts; he licked her nipple, before pulling it
into his mouth and gently rolling it between his teeth. Willow moaned, and
her hips bucked against him as her hands intertwined with his hair, holding
him to her chest. Angel's hands reached down to the fasten of her jeans and
pulled them open. One hand reached into them and cupped her gently; she
ground against his hand as he stroked her softly. With a growl he removed
his head from her nipple, and his hands met hers as they both reached for
the buttons of his pants. With much fumbling they managed to get his pants
open, and his erection sprang free.

"Don't you ever wear underwear?" she whispered smiling slightly.

"As a rule, no," he grinned, kissing her as Willow toed her shoes off and
Angel pushed her jeans off her body. "But you're not either," he smirked,
as she positioned herself over him, guiding his cock to her slit. She sunk
down on him with a guttural moan. Neither moved for several seconds as they
stared into each others eyes. With a moan, Willow rocked her hips against
his, and Angel's hands fastened onto her hips and began moving her up and
down. One of her hands clutched the back of the chair while the other one
slipped between her legs and began rubbing against her clit.

"Willow," he groaned as he watched the movement of her hands. He sped up
his thrusts to match the rhythm of her hands. Willow leaned forward as she
felt the familiar tightening as she neared her peak. Angel's hand joined
hers as Willow's world exploded; she screamed his name, burying her face in
his neck. Without a conscious thought she open her mouth, sucking in a tiny
amount of his flesh, and bit down hard, drawing blood. "Willow!" Angel
shouted as he spilled his seed into her womb; Willow rocked her hips
against him, enjoying the coppery taste of his blood on her tongue. Angel's
arms circled her waist and cradled her against him, rubbing slow circles on
her back. He kissed her forehead, and she smiled lazily at him.

"My mate," she whispered, pillowing her head against his chest. "I love
you, Angel," she murmured, closing her eyes and enjoying the feel of him
surrounding her.

"I love you, Witch," he replied, resting his chin on the top of her head.
They stayed in that position for several seconds before Willow suddenly
tensed and jumped to her feet. Angel growled in disappointment.

"I've got an idea," Willow stated, turning away from him and heading over
to the bookcase. Angel didn't know
whether to be concerned about her behavior or excited by the image of her
running around the living room still naked. "No, no, now I've got a plan!"
she exclaimed, pulling a book off the shelf and flipping through the pages.
"Aha!" Angel joined her by the bookcase and looked down at the spell she'd

"You are not doing this," he demanded, reading over the spell and what it

"Oh, yes, I am," she replied, grinning.

